My Nerd Kevin

By Fred Stanford

Published on Dec 2, 2024


Finally following a long day of naked hiking Kevin and I were alone in our tent wrapped around each other in my sleeping bag, Kev's big dick pressed against mine me looking into his beautiful eyes I felt like the luckiest man in the world - I wanted inside my lover so bad but I knew it would have to wait cause I don't want to fuck his sweet tight hole with his dad only probably feet away, he knows Kev and I are a thing but I don't want to rock any boat, but I am here for Kevin whatever he needs, someone to hold on to or to make love, being inside him is the best feeling in the world my dick is constantly hard thinking about satisfying Kevin.

When his huge dick is inside me it hurts physically sometimes real bad imagine a baseball bat inside you it hurts but I have learned to channel the pain into pleasure when Kev is fucking me he's like a whole other guy- a man with force who is boss, fucking me hard over and over in and out with that big dick of his -I feel all of it inside me it's really almost indescribable

As we kissed deeply I wrapped my hand around his huge pipe just fleshy enough to be soft but steely hard and long and extremely thick. He softly moaned as I caressed his dick-his precum allowed for a nice bit of lubricant to help my hand slide up and down his entire length

"I want to make love to you forever and ever and I never want to let go," I whispered. "I'm leaving in a few weeks for early football camp and I'm leaving the two most important people in my life, you and my little brother who will be headed for high school next year -I'd love it if you could help him out -he's a sweet beautiful boy I can't think of anyone I'd want around him more than you," I asked of Kevin.

"Of course, he's already like a little brother to me just in the few times we have been around each other," answered Kev, happy to help my baby brother to become a man. We kissed deeply as I slowly stroked his big dick. He softly moaned as he came all over the two of us, I cleaned us up best I could at the moment, we curled up with each other and Kevin was out like a light.

I however, the over-thinker, laid there awake, my hand cupping Kevin's soft beautiful dick, resting on my warm hand, considered what it was gonna be like not to see Kevin every day, not to hold him in my arms every day, to be a hero in the eyes of his family which I totally feel like I don't fully deserve but to see the young boy blossom into the -maybe now 6-foot young handsome man, to think he was bullied in the showers as a gangly nerd with a goofy smile and humongous dick, what was I gonna do?

I couldn't help but get a sad feeling that I was gonna miss my little brother Bradley, who has missed my attention and affection for most of this past year as I have spent probably most of my time away from the family and in the arms of Kevin -Bradley had been literally clinging to me the last few nights I've been at home.

Bradley is growing up fast and ready to hit high school - I'm a bad brother coming home like I have when I have- after my dick has been serviced by everyone from Brittany who wants me to fuck her-something I have never done because I didn't want to get her pregnant and lately it's been getting action from AJ, Clark, Billy Chris and Kevin.

Bradley has picked up on this -when I change or head to the shower or am laying there underwear on or not -when he is in my room and wants to go to sleep with me -he sees my either hard or semi hard dick and asks questions. He assumes I'm having sex with Brittany and even though she has sucked me and even swallowed my load, my sex right now is with Kevin, of course this is nothing I go into detail with Bradley.

More than once Bradley has noticed my hard dick, we aren't shy about hiding our nakedness, we have bathed before more than once, his body is developing like mine-early at a young age and he is turning into quite an athlete. His soft penis is already a few inches long, I've never seen it hard and I don't want to- he asks me if he is gonna be as big as me, he's probably gonna be bigger from what I can see. More than once he has felt mine, hard and soft, it's really not a sexual thing more than it is curiosity. He asks questions about how big does it get when it's hard, 7 3/4 inches long -I'm honest with him.

I want him so bad to know the truth about Kev and me I am gonna wait -he's a very young teen I don't want to put that on him right now -he will find out one day, since I asked Kevin to be Bradley's mentor heading into high school...the two true loves of my life Kevin and Bradley -I think my little bro is in good hands.

Just about before dawn I heard some rustling outside, I snuck away from Kev as he was sleeping fairly heavily, some fire from the camp site lit up AJ, awake, naked with a hard dick in hand, I slid in next to him happy to see maybe my most life long friend, break out on a smile upon seeing me.

Quietly as not to wake anyone, I took his thick shaft into my hand and wrapped my lips around the head of his dick, hungry at the taste of his precum, his dick was hard and tasty I could tell he was going to cum, he tried to pull out, I kept my best friends hard dick in my mouth cause I wanted to swallow his load, his cum spewed out of his dick and down my throat, I took my time coming back up his big dick, to the head licking the last of his jizz thankfully we were quiet about it, he whispered in my ear that he had been with Kev's dad -sucking his dick all night.

"We were out here all alone," said AJ, "he insisted I go back with my friends -I mean we were all out here his dick was practically in front of my face, when everyone went to sleep it was just him and me, he said no but I begged him," said AJ.

"He didn't want to but his dick hardened, and he fucked my mouth and fucked it hard. Damn, Kevin's dad, he came in my mouth and now I can't get him out of my mind," poor AJ went on.

Ugh, this was not good, Kevin has a family and Ken has a wife, yes they have had problems but I can't have any of us interfering in their lives. I'm already inside their going on 17 year old, Kevin's dad's huge dick is getting serviced by two of us outside of the family, this threatens my relationship with Kevin if word of all this gets to Kevin's mother or other family members.

I have to somehow un-hypnotize AJ from being obsessed with Ken's giant dick, it is beautiful and it tastes good and he is an amazing sexual being -it's shocking but I can relate to how AJ is feeling. AJ has a devoted girlfriend, and can't be chasing around a married man. As it was still dark and no one was around, I wrapped my arms around my best friend, as horny as he is, he will do as I say and leave Ken alone because I asked him to. Thank God we are both going to the same school to play college ball, I need this guy in my life if I'm not gonna see Kevin and my little brother Bradley every day.

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