My Nephews Team Mate

By John Ropetop

Published on Jan 8, 2022


My nephew's kinky team mate Pt5

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Characters so far in this story include me, John, a man in my early forties, 188cm tall with a regular build. Ian, my nephew's best friend and soccer- team mate, just turned eightteen, drop-dead gorgsous face, 175cm tall, and a lean and toned body, great tan and sandy blonde hair. And his friend Tony, a slim 16-year old boy, dark haired , 180cm tall with an angelic face.

I suddenly awoke to being stripped naked by the two boys. Dumbfounded and a little groggy from our rather lenghty nap I struggled to figure out what was happening. The two boy however were fully alert and had prepared a lot of gear for me when I was completely naked. And not before long I was cuffed and had a harness on my upper body, with ropes attached to it. The boys started to pull at the ropes, effectivly hauling me towards the dungeon as if I was their dog. Having my hands cuffed behind my back, and still a bit hazed from just being woken up, I had no choice but to follow them, to avoid stumbling in my own feet and land face down on the hardwood floor. Ian and Tony were laughing and certainly enjoying having captured me, and I could see their facial expressions were of the mischievous kind. Though I had never been of the submissive type, nor ever fantasized about being kidnapped, I noticed that I was fully hard, and didn't really worry of what the boys had comming for me.

In the dungeon the boys lubed my entire body with silicone lube, and found a latex cat-suit that would fit me and proceeded to put it on me, as both feet were in, and the suit slid up to be above my hips, Ian fastened my ankles in a spreadbar, before they removed the cuffs and chest-harness. With the spreadbar on and the fact that they were two against one (and the fact I was fully hard and enoying it), I didn't put up a fight when they encased the rest of my body into the catsuit. I was told by Tony, who certainly had warmed up to this kink thing rather rapidly, to get on my back in the sling, and had my hands fastened in cuffs to the chains. The spreadbar was removed, my feet draped in black soccer socks and a pair of black Nike Mercurial Superfly, before lifted into the foot straps of the sling.

They went over to the shower, and stripped down to their bare asses, and I had to turn my head and stretch my neck to have a good look at what they where doing, as the showers were to the right of me, almost behind me. They were speaking in a very soft voice, almost whispering, so I could not make out what they were talking about, but after a little talking they got into the shower, washed each othres bodies, and to my great surprise they both douched and Ian left for a little while and returned with a razor and shaving foam. My rock hard cock was now pressing against the latex suit and I was almost aching out of pure horniness, as Tony was getting shaved in his armpits, asscrack and crotch. The boys must also have been liking it, as they both now were fully erect, and even though Tonys cock was some four centimeters shorter than Ian's it was beautiful as it stood out from his body, with a slight curve to it, and quite alot of foreskin, and for a 15 centimeter long cock it was really rather thick. They were clearly not interested in playing with each other, as the shaving was efficient, almost mechanical in nature. After rinsing off and drying their individual bodies, they moved over to the cabintes of sports- and fetish gear. Chatting among themselves they were contemplating on what to wear, and I'm sure i heard Tony ask Ian -"What will turn him on the most?"

Not wanting to spoil the surprise, and also because my neck was starting to hurt, I turned my head back, and just laid it back on the little cushion on the sling, hearing the boys rummage around the cabintes, and talking among themselvs merrily. It took some time, but all of a sudden i felt the head end of the sling being hoisted towards the ceilign, and Ian shoved one of the big pillows from the bed in underneath my head and neck, clearly for me to see better what was in front of me. I was not the least bit disappointed! Tony stood wearing white socccer socks, white Nike Air Force 1's mid-tops and on hist upper body he had put on a black latex-harness with integrated cock ring and straps lifting his buttocks, like the ones on a jockstrap. On his head he was wearing a black baseball hat with the bill down and back into his neck. Boy, was he a sight to remember! If only I had had my camera and free hands to take some pictures! -"You like what I'm wearing, John?" Tony asked me teasingly, probably knowing the answer, as I again was rock hard causing the catsuit to bulge up massively in the crotch. -"I do! alot! You look sooo hot in that!" I said as Ian came around the sling and into my field of view. My cock made a jump as he was wearing exactly the same outfit as Tony, like they had decided to make a uniform out if it, and I could not help to let out a deep sigh of pleasure as my mouth flew open. -"We agreed to thank you properly for yesterday." Tony let me know with his gorgeous smile on display -"Yeah, we got to talking while you were still asleep on the sofa, and decided that this was the right way to do it." Ian chimed in, and blew me a kiss.

What happened next was amazing to say the least, as Ian was lowering the head end of the sling again, Tony opened the zippers on the catsuit to let my cock out, and expose my ass crack, and he didn't waste any time as he went straight for licking my crack, at first with some hestiance, but quickly he increased the inencity and before long he was rimming me with full vigor. Ian on his end lowered the sling so low on his end that my head was now tilted backwards and placed his ass on my mouth, and told -"Lick me, John!" in a way more authoritative voice than I expected. I really didn't need to be told, as my tongue hit his pucker before he could finish the sentence. The sensation of having my own ass eaten out by Tony at the same time as Ian was riding my mouth was almost too much to handle but also heavenly. Suddenly I could feel Tonys hand wrap around my cock, and with a firm grip he started jerking me off in long slow strokes. -"You have to take it easy, both of you!" I cried into Ian's ass, oh the comedy! Tony immediatly forze in place, stepped back and asked Ian -"What can I do now?" As I was still eating out Ian, and loving every second of it, he stammered -"Whatever you like, have you ever wanted to fuck?"

Tony admitted that he had, and before long he was lubing up both his cock and my hole. I could feel his cock head press against my hole, and although I was rather tight, he slid into me in one long swoop, probably since he was rather clueless of how to go about, and partly because he was horned up and super eager to accuire this new experience. I jumped back in the sling, causing me to let out a small yelp. Again Tony froze in place, so I felt I had to let him know that he could just fuck me, as his dick was in the perfect position to hit my prostate with every thrust. The sexual energy in the room room was heavy, and the air was thick with pheromones. I was loving being threated by the boys, and I could feel that Ian was jerking off as I lapped at his ass crack. Tony then started fucking me, and as assumed, his dick hit my prostate each time he pushed it all the way in. Ian got off my face only to turn himself around, and repositioned him self to have a better view of the me and Tony, so now the two boys were facing each other as Tony was fucking me, and Ian enjoying a rim job while jerking off. The three of us were moaning over our erratic breaths and surprisingly it was Ian who declared it first; he was about to shoot. An oh boy did he shoot! Thick ropes of cum were flying everywhere, and hit my cock, stomach and after almost coating Tony's entire torso. Needless to say, that, combined with the feeling of fucking me shoved Tony right over his edge and without being able to utter any words he started screaming some guttural animalistic grunts, as he picked up the pace and flooded my guts with his hot boy juices. I followed swiftly and erupted in what I believe to be my strongest orgasm to date.

We justed stayed like that for some thirty seconds or so, before both boys got on each side of me and started to lick my body clean of mine and Ian's cum. They took their time, and from the sounds they were making, clearly enjoyed it. As they had had their dose of cum, they helped me out of the sling, and we all headed to the showers. Being completely spent, none of us could be bothered with getting out of our gear, so we just turned on the water and stepped under the comfortable streams of warm water and stayed there for some moments before Tony announced that he had to piss, almost as a question since there was no toilet or urinal in the dungeon, and he left it hanging there waiting for instruction on where to go. I simply nodded towards Ian, who surprisingly just got down on his knees and opened his mouth. -"What is he doing, John?" Tony asked me -"He going to be your urinal, just aim for his mouth and releasea yourself." I let Tony know with a sly grin. Had I not just had my orgasm I would have gotten hard from this sight, Ian and Tony dressed up in harnesses, white mid-tops and soccer socks, Ian kneeling infront of Tony, and Tony about to have his first ever wet play was so damn hot to look at! Tony let it rip and Ian adjusted his head to be able to catch the stream, and let Tony's piss flood via his mouth, flowing all over his body and rubbed himself with it. I was loving the little show, and very glad that Ian did indeed like wet play, so when Tony was done pissing and Ian rose to his feet again, I leaned in for a kiss to savour those beautiful flavours and sents!

Tony helped me out of my suit at this point, and after I was buck naked, which I felt a bit embarrassed about with these two gourgeous young men, we headed to the steam room for cuddling and a little chat. After our steam bath and another shower, where the boys gave me a wonderful show as they took off each others gear, we headed to the kitchen and drank water like the parched dogs we were. Tony told us that he had to go home at this time, and although it mad me a bit sad to see him leave, I knew that it meant I got to spend the night alone cuddling with Ian in bed. So we went into the living room and found Tonys clothes, and as a farewell gift, Ian and I dressed him and sent him on his way.

-"Time to hit the sack, young man!" I told Ian, and we got into bed, me as the big, and him as the little spoon. We quickly fell asleep.

After we awoke the next morning we spent some time in bed and made out, feeling each others bodies and just savouring the moment. It took some real strenght to break off the kiss, but I was in desperate need for a piss and eventually coffee and breakfast. As I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom Ian followed me, and soon we were both pissing into the large urinal I had had custom made for the house. We grabbed some underwear and went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast as we both had large cups of wake-up-juice.

Over breakfast I asked Ian, geuninly curious, how he as a young greek god liked me, as I considered myself to be naught but a reagular old fart, with no visible muscles above my hips and even a slightly protruding 'dad-belly'. -"I like mature, caring and experienced men. And I really don't care much about how your body looks. I have never liked anything else but mature men, ever since I noticed I liked men when I was twelve or so." He let me know, with a sincere expression to his face. I could from my own preferences, that had always been towards younger guys, not quite wrap my head around this, but decided to trust that he meant it. I leand in for a kiss, and as my lips met his he gently took my hand into his and led it to his hardening cock, as to prove a point. I smiled and told him that even though I could not phatom it, I saw that I had some effect on him, and he grinned slyly. -"I will prove it to you after breakfast!" He retorted.

After breakfast I hauled Ian to the bathroom and turned on the water in the spaceous walk-in shower and we got in. The water was flooding over us from the multiple showerheads and we were thouroughly washing each others bodies, giving extra care and attention to each othes butts and dicks. To no wonder we were soon fully erect, and I could not resist the urge to give my boy a blowjob. I started kissing and caressing his body, as I slowly sank down on my knees infront of him. I licked and lapped at his body, careful to avoid his rock hard mast on my way. I licked the inside of his thighs before slipping his one ball into my mouth, lightly sucking on it. He let out a moan and his cock jumped a bit from the sensation. My lips let go of his ball, and I licked his shaft from ballsack to the tip, over and over again, before i slid his pole into my mouth and started sucking him with full vigor. -"This is not quite what I had in mind when I told you I wanted to prove to you how much I like you!" He panted over a shallow and erratic breath, before he took hold of my hair and pulled me to my feet, and leaned in for a kiss. We stood kissing for a little while, our tongues fighting and both of us groping each others ass cheeks. -"Yeah, what DID you have in mind then?" I asked him with a lovingly smile on my mouth.-"I need you to make love to me, on the bed!" He almost commanded. I did not mind that tought at all, so after we had rinsed ourselves off and dried our bodies we shot off to the bedroom as love-drunk teenagers on a raid for loosing their virginity.

He dived into bed, and got on his side signaling for me to get in behind him. I lifted his left leg into the air and slid my cock into his hungry hole as I lifted my head to continue our make-out session from earlier. I started fucking him in long passionate thrusts while maintaining the kissing throughout the entire duration of our love-making, because this was truly not a quick and dirty fuck. Before long we were both grunting and moaning like beasts in lust, frantically trying to maintain kissing each other, and I can tell you that is no easy feat being so lost in passionate love-making as we were. I could sense my need for increasing the pace, as we both were climbing towards the peak of Mount Climax, and as I felt his ass muscles start to contract, and from the corner of my eye saw him starting to shoot his boy juices all over the sheets, I growled into his now open and panting mouth -"I'm cumming!". My cock was swelling up another level as thick ropes of cum was flooding his guts and we were both in a trance like state as the waves of our simultaneous orgasms shot through our bodies. None of us were able to utter a single word as out mouths were desperatly trying to keep up with the kissing and tongue- fighting, and after some thirty seconds the pleasure waves were receding. -"Was that proof enough, for you?" He asked me with a devilish grin on his face. -"It indeed was!" was all I mustered to whisper as I planted a kiss on his beautiful lips.

Soon we found ourselves in the shower for a quick rinse off, got out and dried our bodies, and headed off to the walk-in wardrobe to pick out todays attire. I just got into a pair of skinny jeans over my CK briefs, a loose-fitting t-shirt, white Nike crew-socks and Vapormax and pulled a black baseball cap on, and sat down in the comfy chair in the corner to drink in the sight of Ian. He had already pulled on a jockstrap accentuating his bubble butt and outline the curve of his long and plump dick, a pair of Nike TN socks and was now getting into a pair of slim-fitting jeans, on the verge of being one size to small. He pulled on a burgundy coloured v-neck t-shirt, hugging his every muscle, stuck his feet into a pair of white Nike TNs and on his head he put a White Callaway sun visor, only for his messy, curly hair to stick out from around the head band. He looked like a slutty twunk had merged with an angle!

I looked up at him and whispered -"Thank you!" to him, and him well knowing what he had just put on, just giggled and blew me a kiss. -"Do you like cars?" I asked him, already knowin the answer, from one of our encounters throughout the years. -"Of course I do, how so?" he shot back at me with enthusiasm. I just simply smiled and led him down to the garage under the house, and told him to choose one for out little ride. It must have been a though choice to make between the E63 AMG wagon, and the C63 AMG black edition, but to my relief he landed on the wagon, as I'm sure the Black Edition would be way more than an unexperienced driver could handle. I went over to the key safe and handed him the key and signaled for him to get into the drivers seat. He was grinning like an idiot as we pulled out of the garage into a beautiful sunny sunday.

He was very much enjoying the drive as he aminlessly cruised around, testing the acceleration and agility of the car, and as we were passing a rather large house with a well kept garden he announced that it was where Tony lived. I told Ian to go a couple of more blocks and turn around to go back past it again, hoping we would see Tony again. Soon enough we saw him, on his bike, wearing his tank top and short shorts from Gymshark, and pulled over to stop him. -"Hi Tony!" Ian yelled over the engines deep gurgling sounds as he rolled down the window. -"Wow, Ian, when did you get a family car like that?" Tony said, with some confusion and clearly not knowing what car he was looking at. I leaned in over Ian's lap and smiled before I let him know it was my car. -"Want to come for a ride with us?" I asked. -"I have to get rid of my bike, and also need to eat after gym" he announced, looking almost disappointed.

I got out of the car and showed him the spacious booth of the car and told him there was plenty of room for his bike, and we could get food downtown if he wanted to tag along. He agreed and we put his bike in the booth and drove the few blocks to his house. He ditched the bike and was back to the car in no time, but when he tried to get back in the back seat, I stopped him, and asked -"Do you have a learner's permit?" -"I do, and I have even gotten in quite a few hours of practice with my parents." He told with a hope in his voice to get some more experience today. With Ian in the backseat and me in the front passenger seat I told Tony to be careful, and he probably just thought I didn't want him to crash or something. -"Blimmin' heck!" He shouted as the car shot forward like a spaceship as he merely grazed the accelerator with his right foot. -"He told you to be careful" Ian almost shouted over the engine roar -"This is a E63 AMG, THE most powerfull station wagon in production, with 603 horsepower and more torque than your average lorry." I'm not sure if Tony understood too much of what he had just been told, but now he was taking it a lot more careful and concentrated on the road ahead. I on my hand had a great view from the passenger seat, looking at his lean, almost hairless thigs, and his shorts that had slid up into his crotch as he sat in the car seat. And although I don't think he was boning up, i could definetly see a good bulge on him, guessing that he was almost the same size soft as hard.

I gave Tony the general direction for downtown, and when we got closer I guided him to "The Burger Place" where I taught him how to parallel park. As we stood outside the restaurant Ian suddenly realised what he and Tony were wearing, and uttered -"Can we go in there dressed as this?" -"I know the owner, and as a bachelor eating here all the time I'm sure they want my money more than they would not want you to be wearing sexy clothes in their restaurant. So if you two boys don't have a problem going in there like that, I'm sure they won't either!" As the waiter showed us to a booth in the back of the restaurant we got quite a few glances from the other guests, and I'm sure I even heard a faint wolf whistle. The three of us just laughed at it, and Ian even got an extra pep in his step.

We chatted a bit about everything and nothing in particular as we waited for burgers, fries and shakes. The boys beeing teenagers, and I, well look at my stomach, we devoured our food and I settled the bill before we went back out to the car.

This time I took the drivers seat, and Tony jumped in the back. With Ian sitting next to me, and us going a little bit out of town I placed my hand on Ian's left thigh, and after some kilometers he damn near caused an accident as he started to cup and fondle my bulge. I managed to pull myself together and avoided making a pile-up on the motorway, and soon I was able to both enjoy the little inpromptu cock massage, and drive the car at the same time. Before too long we arrived at our desitnation. It was a racetrack, mostly used by up-and-coming racedrivers, and young car enthusiasts. On that particular day it was not to crowded, only a handfull of young guys in their 90's heavily modded japanese cars doing laps, and the three of us in what appeard to be a mundane family wagon.

I started with a few laps, to show the boys the track, and to warm the tires, and on one of the long straights a young herbert in a Civic passed us while making jerk-off motions in the air with one hand. I just smiled and put my foot down, and almost instantly flew past him again, leaving him as just a small spec in the rear view mirror. The boys were cheering me on, and Tony said somethings along the lines of 'You showed him, John!' As we pulled into the pit area to change drivers, the Civic pulled up beside the Merc, and the young herbert jumped out and shouted -"Cor blimey, that's the real deal, now, isn't it?!" -"Indeed it is! Nice ricer though!" I let him know. -"Most people in cars like that only have the 350 with some fake exhaust and AMG-rims, so when I saw you earlier I was sure I could beat you..." he continued, and we stayed there talking for some time, about cars and the track. He was however not fully invested in the conversation, so I assumed for a moment that he was checking out the car, but soon realised he was looking at Ian and Tony. I learned that the young herbert's name was Peter, and he was nineteen and was working at as a car mechanic, and introduced Tony and Ian as my friends. We decided to do some racing, and I let the boys take turns in competing against Peter. The boys were having a blast, though none of them ever managed to beat Peter, and soon we said out goodbyes and headed homewards.

As we pulled up outside Tony's house, he looked at me through the rear mirror, and I could tell that he didn't want to go home. -"Don't you want to go home?" I asked him, and he told us that the house was empty, as his parents had decided to go on a snooze-fest of a vacation, and he had simply refused to go with them. They would be gone for the rest of the summer. So when I asked if he would rather come back home with me and Ian, he lit up with and almost cheered a -"Yes!"

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