My Nephews Team Mate

By John Ropetop

Published on Jan 5, 2022


My nephew's kinky team mate Pt. 4

As our morning had been rather uneventful besides the 69-session we had before breakfast and locking of Ian's cock, I was still puzzled of why Ian had grinned so mischieviously when he invited Tony over for lunch. I'd rather expected him to decline the offer as I couldn't understand how he would explain to his friend why he was at my house, his best freinds uncle. I did, however not ask him about it, as I had absolutely no obections to serve another boy some lunch, and my mind had wanderes off to fantasize what I could do with TWO boys in the dungeon.

After breakfast Ian had put on a jockstrap, perhaps one size too small, and some basket shorts he'd found in my walk in closet (which of course was filled to the brim with all kinds of comfy sportswear in both size small and medium.) When he reached for a t-shirt I quickly snagged it from his hands, and instead gave him a white baseball hat, and told him -"No way you are covering up that torso of yours, Ian!" He chuckled and smiled back at me while pulling the hat over his sandy blonde curls, making them poke out underneath the hat. The finishing touch of his attire was an pair of thick Nike ankle socks from their running collection, and a pair of black Nike slippers. I took a picture of him like that with my phone, knowing one day I would have it printed and hung in the dungeon.

Knowing he was locked, and not wanting to cause him any discomfort from springing a boner I kept the sexual innuendo and caressing of his body on the down low. He was still a young buck in his prime, and several times throughout the morning he was squirming and groping himself to adjust the cage on his chubing cock. So after an hour or so I calmly told him to get into the dungeon, get naked and put on a pair of soccer socks, neon-yellow Nike Mercurial Superfly and heavy duty latex cuffs. I pushed him into one of the slings, quickly fastened his wirsts to the chains, and lifted his feet into the foot straps. His caged cock was now bursting and pushing on the inside of the cage, stretching his balls and leaking like crazy. Since I am no sadist, I had to let the boy out of the device, so I got out the key, and removed it gently. His fully erect, beautiful cock was now laying flat on his stomach, hard, but not throbbing. I leaned in for a taste of his juices and licked them all up from his cock head and shaft, as it was comming out in oodles. He moaned and gasped for air as this sensation was undoubtedly strong for him, although it had not been more than two hours since his previous orgasm.

As I was satisfied with precum for now, I licked his calves clad i soccer socks and fondled his cleats. He shot me a puzzled, yet satisfied look, as he could not see how I was so turned on by his socks and shoes, but I guess it pleased him to see me take so much pleasure from it none the less. Standing there playing with his feet and calves I pondered what our little brunch-playtime consist of, and decided on the milking machine and a slow sensual fuck.

I wheeled over the milking machine, and attaced the sheath to his cock, and turned it on. I did keep it on a low level of suction and the movement at a random interval, knowing full well that high suction and a steady pace would make Ian cum way to quickly. He was shivering and panting erratically, but I told him to hold back as long as he possibly managed. -"I-I will... tryyyy" was all he could reply. I lubed up my cock and his hole and slid into my kinky little devil. When fully in him I kept my cock still and almost laid on top of him as we started making out, me with my hands rummaging around his gourgeous hair, and occationally nibling on his earlobes. As his cock was being stimulated by the milking machine it made his ass muscles contract and the slight movement of the sling made him effectivly fuck my cock and I was feeling jolts of bliss shoot throughout my body.

I tought about just staying like that and let the machine do the job for both of us, but was suddenly so horned up that I could no longer resist the urge to fuck my angelic boy, so I stood up from our kiss, and put my hands around his thighs and started plowing him real good. He had been on the verge of orgasm and cumming for some time now, and hoarsly yelped out -"You will have to remove the machine from my dick, John!" I stopped the fucking for a moment and pulled the machine from his cock, and looked him deep in the green pools of his eyes. I might have mentioned it before, but boy was he gorgeous!

As I took up the fucking again, I did so in full lenght, slow thrusts. I pulled my cock almost all the way out, and just sank back into him, 'til my balls hit his tail bone. Over and over again, in a steady pace I was driving him mad and he started pleading me to fuck him harder and faster -"I need some release soon!" he panted. -"Your wish is my command!" I said over my shallow breath, as I too could do with the days second orgasm. I leaned in and locked lips with him, and our tongues met merrily for their own little fight, as I picked up the pace, and started fucking my little greek god towards a mutual orgasm! He was the first to scream into my mouth that he was cumming, and at the exact same time I felt the strong contractions of his ass massaging my cock to cumming too. As I shot load after load inside him, he was drenching our stomaches and chests with his own heavenly boy-juices. The orgasm was so strong, I at one time could not stand on my feet, and landed on top of him in the sling. He too was in another dimension, so I don't think he even noticed, as we just kept making out and enjoyed the slow descend off of Mount Orgasmic.

-"Hey John" he started as we were showering -"Should we not start to prepare lunch soon?" -"Not before locking you in a chastity belt!" I told him back, emphasizing the belt-part. -"What do you mean "belt"? he asked me almost shocked like. I didn't answer, as I knew I had to act quickly before the little rascal got hard again. So I quickly got a measuring tape and measured his waist before rushing over to my collection of Carrara steel belts. I found one marked 72 centimeters with a medium tube for his dick and returned with an evil grin on my face. -"Wow, that looks scary!" he burst out as I started opening the belt and coating the inside of the tube with silicone lube. -"Even though it looks more imposing than a small plastic cage, it is both more secure, and more pleasant to wear for longer, as it doesn't pull on your balls, or squeeze the base of your cock when it starts to get hard." I let him know in a caring manner, and swiftly slid the tube onto his cock, placing his balls either side of the tube. I took the belt-part of the device, which looks like a thong with one steel band going up his ass crack joined to one that will go around his waist and be locked in place at the chastity device in front. After some adjustmenst, and making sure the cage was on him comfortably and the belt was on snug, I locked it in the front and hanged the key around my neck.

-"Now we can get dressed and start preparing lunch." I told him. He looked a little dumbfounded when he pulled up the basket shorts, finding that either they would show the steel bulge in the front, or if he tried to pull them down, the steel belt over his hips were visible. Much to my joy and amazement he went with having them right in the middle, high enough for the bulge to be visible, and also low enough for the steel belt to poke out over the top of the shorts. He then put on his socks and slippers, and pulled the baseball cap over his curls with the visor as far back and close to his neck as possible. -"You do remember that Tony is comming for lunch, don't you?" I asked him in a puzzled tone -"Yeah, I do, and I am not ashamed if he sees the Carrara. All my friends know I'm gay, and a few, including Tony and Liam knows about my kinky side and the fact I like older men." He let me know as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

I was slightly baffled by his openness to his friends, but I sure didn't mind! -"So let's get cooking then!" I told him. He was not much help in the kitchen, as he was more interested in groping me and grinding his chastitybelt on my ass, so there I stood, trying to cook while chubbing up inside my briefs and hoping the distracton would not make me cut one of my fingers. After a lot longer than nescessary the meal preprations were done, and we sat down in the large sofa in the living room and watched some series on the TV, me kissing his neck and earlobes, and him fondling my cock. -"You see, the Carrara is better, right?" I asked him, and he nodded before replying -"It is, and it isn't causing nearly as much discomfort when my dick tries to get hard, as the HolyTrainer. And it also honrs me up like a buck in heat knowing you have locked me, and the pleasure you are getting from my touching is somehow pleasurable for me as well." he told me before planting a wet kiss on my lips.

And that was the moment Tony rang the door bell, and when I had regained some composure after being taken aback by his stunning apperance I told him to enter. He must have seen my bulge, because he shot me a michievious glare as he went past me into the living room. During our conversation over the coffee-table learned that Tony too was gay, but not quite as open about it as Ian, in fact, only Ian and Liam knew. He also told that he had contacted Ian beacuse Liam had told him about yesterday, and that Ian chose to stay with me, so Tony was in fact hoping he was still there and he could come over. And here he was, with Ian and I. After focusing his look at me and the living room for most of the conversation, he suddenly noticed Ian's shorts revealing the steel bands and the conspiciously large bulge in front. -"What is that you are wearing under you shorts?" He asked Ian. I didn't let Ian answer, just tolf him to stand up and drop the shorts. A little more nervous than he'd previously claimed that he would be he slowly stood up, and let the shorts fall to the floor.

Tony's mouth flew open, and before he could speak i said -"It's his chastity belt, to keep him from having erections" Tony was completely flabbergasted that such devices even excisted, let alone his friend wearing one -"Why would you keep him from having erections?" And as I looked over at Tony to explain I could see he was tenting up in his sweatpants, however before I could answer Ian interjected -"So that he can own my orgasms, and I also feel more focused on John when I'm locked like this, I like it!" he let us both know. -"You two are having sex?" Tony asked, and was that some envy I could detect in is face and voice? Ian felt the need to explain, and went on to tell Tony about what had happened yesterday, leaving out some of the details. Tony was taken aback by all this newfound information about his friend, but rather than to look too shocked or disgusted, he smiply smiled and told us both -"Okay."

Both boys got quiet for a little while, so I sugested for Ian to put his shorts back on, and told them I would finish lunch and for them to go sit at the dining table. Shortly after we were eating lasagna and a tomoato salad, which Ian devouvered, he must have been starving from all the sex we had had that morning. Tony sat there and ate with good manners, back upright in the chair, and I was facinated that he did not get one spec of tomato sauce on his gleaming white hoodie. Not much was said during the meal, and afterwards over coffee Tony asked med about my fetishes and kinks, not in a prying manner, but rather polite and I could tell that he was genuinly interested, and very gentile with his questioning. I told him everything, that I was into twinks, sportsgear and bondage. I could of course not omit the fact that I had a fully equiped dungeon. -"Wow! Can I see it please?" he asked, and I looked at Ian saying -"Tell him what I told you yesterday." -"Tony, in short, John dosn't want any boys to come in there just to look at it. He gave me a safeword yesterday that I can use to stop all play immediatly, but if I use it I will have to leave the dungeon. However he is a gentle lover and it is not a one way street in there."

-"Very well summarised by Ian" I said -"If you want to see the dungeon you will have to be in on the game." -"I must confess, I have never had any kind of sex with anyone before, so I dont quite know if I dare" He told us both. I smiled at him, letting him know that in that case he could make a wishlist of things he wanted to experience his first time, that was of course that he at all wanted his first time to be today, and with me and Ian.

He looked down at his shoes, and I could see his pecker making an even larger tent in his sweatpants, he must be free balling I tought to myself, and shot him a mischievious grin. -"I think I want to be fondled, rimmed and jerked off." He said with some confidence -"But I am more sceptical to bondage..." He let that one hang there, as he tought it might be a deal-breaker. I smiled at him, and asked -"What if I where to tie you hands together, and not to anything? Would you consider that?" He simply nodded, and shyly looked down on his bulge and shoes again.

Not sure whether to include Ian in the playtime or not, I just told him to go into the dungeon and sit on the bed, for now at least. With him out of the room I told Tony to not be afraid, and since he was a curious newcomer that I would go easy on him, and that he didnt need a safeword, we would simply just talk throughout the play session, and if he didn't like anything happening to him he could just let me know. He smiled back at me and said he was sure it would be fun, and that I seemed like a nice guy, and not anymore too nervous.

He was clearly amazed by how elaborate and large the dungeon was, and when I asked him to strip and found him a pair of soccer socks and cleats he looked like he was about to reject and abandon ship. -"Are you sure that such a small detail should get in the way of experiencing my dungeon and your first playtime?" I asked boring my eyes into his beautiful eyes. He tought about it for a second, and all of a sudden his clothes were shed and he was bending over to pull on the soccer socks and started to tie the Adidas Predator shoes firmly. I signaled for him to go lie down in one of the slings, and he did as told. -"Ian, why dont you bring me one of the ropes?" I called over to the young greek god on the bed, who was clearly facinated by his friends eagerness to get some new and unusual experiences. He got up and brought me a rope, that I expertly tied around both og Tony's wrists, having him hold his hands above his head. I then told Ian to put Tony's feet into the foot straps and now he was almost trapped. He did look a little scared lying there, but his cock told me he was enjoying it as well. His cock was of a good size although it was smaller than mine and Ian's, but it was well shaped and I must admit I found it very pleasing both to look at, and to touch. I bent down to sniff the small patch of pubic hairs that were just about his cock and the feel of my breath had a very pleasing effect on the boy, he shook slightly in the sling, and let out a pleased sigh.

Ian's hands were now on his crotch, grabbing the Carrara trying to adjust it as he was clearly getting turned on by the sight of his friend in the sling. I was pretty sure both boys were not to intereseted in playing with each other, so I smiled to myself as I told Ian to climb into the other sling that was facing the one Tony was in directly from the side of it. I let my hands meander over Tony's beautiful smooth body, he was slim, but I could clearly see that he liked keeping in shape, probably in the gym, lifting weights. He had a gourgous navel and his nipples were just the right size, and looked delicious! I was standing inbetween his legs, and leaned in over him to get those gems in my mouth, circling them with my tongue and occationally biting them ever so lightly. Tony's cock was now producing its clear nectar, and as you know by now, I had to have it! So I simply just put my lips on the tip of his cock and sucked them into my mouth, cherising evry single drop. His breathing was getting heavier, and I had to remind myself that he was a complete virgin, and for the playtime come to an early end, I had to slow down. I moved my face towards his face, and planted a big wet kiss on his lips, not trying to force my tongue into his mouth, as I was not sure whether he would like it or not. I then took a few steps back and again admired the beautiful sexy boy in my sling, before moving over to Ian, who now was shivering in expectation and drunk on horniness. While I fondled Ian, I asked Tony if he wanted a little private sex-show. -"I do want that, quite alot acctually!" He had to admit.

I told Ian to get out of the sling, and I slid his shorts off him, before I got him the latex cuffs, the neon-yellow Nike Superflys and some soccer socks, and when he had changed to his sex uniform, I linked his cuffs together over his head, just to make it harder for him to try any self stimulation as the Carrera was to come off as well. After removing the chastity belt I gently pushed Ian into the sling, put his feet in the foot straps, and clipped his cuffs to the sling. His cock was a beautiful mess of precum, and now back to its usual position some centimeters above his eightpack, pointing directly at his chin. I went in with my mouth, and licked up every drop of his sweet, sweet nectar and his dick started to bounce up and down from the sensation. He was panting and moaning, longing for som release. -"John, I need you to fuck me!" He pleaded. -"And I need to fuck you!" i let him know with a devilish grin on my face.

I lubed us both up and slid my cock all the way in in one swift motion. I could hear from the other sling that Tony was enjoying the show, as he let out some stifled moans over his heavy breathing. I looked at him and grinned before starting to fuck Ian, deep thursts all the way in before pulling almost all the way out again. The chains holding the sling up were rattling and Ian was moaning heavily as I poundend his perfect ass. After some minutes of this treatment Ian let me know he could not take too much more, or we would cum there and then. So I stopped fucking him and went in for a good kiss, which he off course returned and we had a hefty make-out session while the little bugger massaged my cock with the muscles in his ass. When we both had had enough of the kissing, I gently pulled my cock from his warm and moist cave and let Ian to himself for some cool down. Now it was time to retun my attention to Tony, and give him his first ever rim job, but only after drinking up the small pool of precum that had accumulated in his navel.

Sitting on my knees between his ass cheeks I stuck out my tongue and started licking him from his tail bone all the way to his balls, over and over again befor shifting my focus to his tight little pink pucker. He was no doubt in his happy place as the moaning and panting hit new levels. -"This might be too much for me" he suddenly squealed, but I didn't stop, I simply put my hand on his cock, and started stroking him firmly as i kept rimming him. And not before long his body was convulsing in the sling, and he was yelping out some primal screams of bliss and ecstasy as his cock started shooting thick ropes of cum. I kept going 'til I was certain that there was no more to be pumped out of him, and got to my feet to have a look of the gorgous twink completely covered in his own cum. He had some on his face, and without much regard as to how he would react, I licked it off his face, and started to kiss his lips. To my pleasant surprise, the beautiful young boy parted his lips and started to kiss me back, resulting in him getting to taste his own load. -"Wow! That was intense" he panted after kissing and snowballing for some time. -"Thank you for the heavy orgasm, it must have been a hundred times better than jerking off!" he concluded. -"You are welcome, Tony! Now I must attend to poor Ian who surely must be ready to burst over there." I told Tony before kissing him one final time.

And boy was he ready! Seeing his friend shoot and have his first real orgasm was causing Ian to squirm in the sling, so I saw no point in delaying the inevetable orgasms for none of us. I too had become seriously arroused by giving Tony that orgasm, so when I slid into Ian again, I could not, nor wanted I to take it slow and easy. I fucked him rapidly and almost violently for some minutes, us both grunting like animales the entire time, and then I could feel my little greek gods insides starting to massage my cock as he was screaming his lungs out -"I'm cummmmming!" He shot rope after rope way over his head as I sprayed at lest ten burstes into him while howling like a wolf. Our orgasms lasted for at least thirty seconds, and when they subcided I collapsed on top of Ian and our mouths found each other and we made out while fondling each others bodies.

-"Hey guys, my hands are starting to ache a little over here!" Tony said to break us out of our trance. I went over to him and freed his hands from the rope, and helped his feet out of the straps holding them. Filled with curiousity and I guess som sort of instinct, Tony went straight over to Ian, and started to lick his cum from his stomach and chest, and swallowed it. Although shocked by this behaviour we just started laughing, causing Tony to blush and he exclaimed -"What? I'm new here, and I wanted to taste!" regaining some confidence. He helped me unclip Ian's hands from the chains, and lift his feet out of the straps before the three of us stripped to our birthday suits and went into the steam room.

The next hour we spent talking about nothing in particular, and from time to time one of the boys gave me a teasing handjob without ever finishing it. While we were showering I asked if Tony had enjoyed the experience and he said he had, and if permitted he was contemplating on coming back for seconds. As we had dried off and put some clothes on, none of the boys seemed to want to leave, so I ordered some pizzas and put on "Queer as Folk US" on the big screen in the living room. The boys were glued to the screen as the first episode took of with two of the main characters finding each other in the gay distric of Pittsburg, PA, a 16 year old high school student and a 29 year old marketing genius. So when the pizzas arrived I had to pause the show and turn the screen dark for the boys to be able to eat.

After devouering the food, and watchin some more of QaF all three of us dozed off on the large sofa...

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Next: Chapter 5

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