My Nephews Team Mate

By John Ropetop

Published on Jan 5, 2022


Me nephews kinky team mate Pt 3

As we were kissing and he was cupping my bulge, his own cock too wanted to grow, and he broke the kiss and exclaimed a -"Fuck that kinda hurts!" I just grinned, and laughed a little as I said -"Thats chastity cages for you!" -"Is it going to hurt like this every time I get an erection?" He said looking rather defeated. -"In the beginning, yes it is, but over time you'll get accustomed to it, and your dick too will learn to not get hard as often. But don't you worry, I will release you as often as you wish. The point of the cage is for you to come here for you release insted of beating off at home" I let him know, in a caring and infromative manner.

-"So, if I want release now, you will give it to me?" he almost pleaded. -"You, young man are my Kryptonite!" I smiled at him, knowing full well I could not resist his pleas for play time and release at any time.

I was rather spent from the two fucks we'd had that day, so I told him to go to the dungeon on his own, find something he liked in the cabinets, get "dressed" and wait for me. When I walked into the dungeon ten minutes later I was nothing short of gobsmacked as he stood there wearing a latex-harness with bondage fixtures, latex-chaps and slalom boots, I could not have chosen anthing better myself! He had even lubed up his entire body with silicone lube and all his best features, which i would say was all of him, weare gleaming in the subtle lighting in the dungeon.

He must have gotten turned on by dressing up in all of this, 'cause I could see his pecker pushing on the chastity device and he was clearly experiencing some pain from it. Like the ever so slightly sadistic bastard I am, I walked over to him, got on my knees behind him and spread his ass cheeks, before planting my tongue in his ass crack and startet licking and rimming him. -"Ooooohh!" he shot out in a mixture of pleasure and pain. I didn't quite like the idea of causing him too much more discomfort, so I stopped the rimming and went on to find the special spreadbar I had made for the slalom boots. The bar was a long square steel beam, with slalom bindings mountet about one meter apart, and on each end of the bar there were two eyelet-bolts welded to it. I placed the bar on the floor in front of Ian and told him to clip in his boots, and went on to check that the boots themselves where securly fastened to his feet. I proceeded to lower two chains with Carabiners on the end from the ceilign with a remote, and hooked the Carabiners to the spread bar before winching up the chains towards the ceiling again. This caused Ian to fall towards me, litterarely into my arms, and I happily and greedily caught him ceasing the oppertunity to fondle his buttocks and steal a kiss. He kissed me back tenderly while still being hoisted by his feet towards the ceiling...

I stopped the hoist as his caged cock was on height with my chest, so I took out the little key to the cage, and rather gently removed it. The cage had caused him to ooze of precum, so this had to be adressed by licking and sucking his soon fully erect cock. I dont think I will ever get enough of his precum, and in this position it was also easier to look at his beautiful face as I was standing behind him and liftet his cock towards my mouth. All of these sights, tastes and impressions had again caused me to get hard, and horny as ever, so my plans of just giving Ian some release had now changed into those of a fully fledged play session. I also decided that this one was going to be all about pleasuring Ian. He had been through a lot in one day, and had also agreed to wear a chastity device whenever we were not playing, in many ways he had given himself to me and my control for the foreseeable future, so this session was all about his needs and enjoyment.

I went to get my work out bench from the corner of the dungeon, hauled it over to where Ian was now hanging upside-down suppoerting himself with his hands on the floor. Positioning the bench so that I could lower his upper body onto it and keep his feet up in the air I slowly lowered the chains with the remote, and when Ian was in a good and comfortable position I got the large latex-clad pillow from the bed he'd earlier been kept in. -"Are you lying in a good position, Ian?" I asked him, as i adjusted the pillow behind his back and head -"This feels so good, and I cant wait for you to play with me" he let me know with a huge smile on his face.

He was so goregous lying there, his toned body shining from the silicone lube, chest framed in that latex-harness, and his rock hard 19 centimeter cock standing up from his cleanly shaven crotch. I took a step back and started fondling my own dick as I was drinking in the sight of my angelic boy. -"Hey! don't you waste any of that great cock of yours, I want it!" he yelped at me, causing me to walk over to him, and leaning in for a kiss. We stay there kissing for minutes, exploring each others lips, tongues and slightly biting as our breaths increased in intesity. This prompted Ian to reach for his own cock, and he started slowly jerking off. I immediatly pulled away from the kiss, and shot him a stern glare that ment "none of that, young man", and quickly got over to the wall to snatch a rope.

I expertly tied his hands to the steel rings on his harness and was now ready to pleasure my boy. Taking one step back to yet again enjoy this heavenly tapestry laid out before me I decided to continue with the rimmining this session had started with. I was tired from todays adventures, and also rock hard from having him here on the bench, but I went at his ass crack and hole like there was no tomorrow, he deserved it! He moaned and was twitching on the bench. -"Mmmmmm! Ooooooh!" he moaned -"That feels sooooo good!" At a slow and steady pace I kept going, up and down his crack, in and out of his hole with my tongue. I had never been the most endurant of rimmers, but I was hellbent on giving Ian the tongue-ride of his life. After some minutes my jaw was however hurting too much, and I had to call it the quits.

I stood to my feet and looked down on my young Adonis lying on the bench, panting and sweaing like he'd endured a marathon. He looked up at me; -"That was amazing, I loved every second of it! My belly is a damn mess of precum, John." And needing no further invitation I swiftly moved to the side of the bench and started licking and lapping at the sweet, sweet juices that had pooled up between his abs and in his belly button. Althoug he did not find it as sexual and stimulating as the rimming itself, he was moaning and twitching from my tongue as it was hoovering up his precum. I was now in an animalistic mode, and after every drop of nectar was consumed I moved to his beautiful brown nipples, they where nothing but perfect, erect as they stood poking from his pecs, and about the size of bottle caps. I took the left one in my mouth and sucked it as it was the sweetest of candy, only to bite it from time to time. I could tell that Ian, my angelic twunk, was enjoying this very much, his head had now shot back and downwards at the backend of the pillow, and I could hear little grunts escaping his lips, as his breathing was heavy and almost beast-like.

I alternated between his nipples for what must have been ten minutes. I know it sounds like forever, but I am indeed a 'Nipple-man', like precum I can simply not get enough of it! He was now in an almost trance like state, lying on his back, hands tied to the harness around his chest, and head lying back and over the pillow, and I got a wicked thought that I knew he was not prepared for. I got up, straddled the bench and placed my ass crack directly over his throbbing cock and slowly sat down on it, not letting it enter my ass, but nestled it between my cheeks. He raised his head, and looked at me with his beautiful eyes and with slightly shocked voice asked me -"What are you doing, John?" -"I'm giving you pleasure, don't you like pleasure?" I asked him back. -"Yeah, I do, but I have never fucked anyone, and I thought you were only top!" He retorted. I didn't bother answering at first, as I wanted to tease him a bit, so I only clenched my buttocks on his hard, beautiful cock, and somehow massageded it for a bit. He almost lost it right there and then, and his head again fell down and back on the pillow, only for him to let out a long and hard sigh. -"This might be too much..." he started -"You are turning me on so hard!"

I leaned in and spread his lips with my tongue, and kissed him for a littel while before I looked him deeply in his eyes and asked -"Wold you like for me to ride your magnificent cock, Ian?" -"I don't know, what if I cum?" he replied, looking at me with an almost afraid gaze. -"If you cum, then my job here is done, and I'm sure you will enjoy that orgasm as much as any other, this play session is for your pleasure, and your pleasure only!" I let him know. And by that I reached over to the adjacent table and got the lube, carefully lubed up my hole and drizzled some lube onto his cock, not daring to touch it in fear of him cumming too soon.

As he realised what was about to happen, I could feel him tense up, so I looked him deep in the eyes and told him -"You can do this, my gorgeous angel!" I lifted his tense, rock hard cock from his belly and guided it towards my hole, and sat down on it. I could feel it twitch and throb, so after it was just inside me, I stopped and sat still for a moment, cherishing the feel of my greek god underneat me. He was almost petrified, and from the look on his face I could tell he was on cloud nine, but also afraid that the sensation would make him squirt there and then.

I waited, still as a tree trunk, not moving a millimeter either up nor down, as I let Ian get accustomed to the feeling of being inside another man. Looking into his eyes the whole time, I, after half a minute, asked him -"Can you bear me sitting all the way down on you gorgeous cock?" -"I think I can, and I'm certainly willing to try" He let me know, shooting me an enticing glare. With that I tossed all reason aside, and just sat down, engulfing all 19 centimeters of his heavenly cock. It did cause me some discomfort, as a top to do so, but this session was not about me or my wellbeing as much as it was about pleasuring my angelic twunk.

He did luckily not cum as I sat down, and I was cherishing the feeling of his dick inside me, as it belonged to the most gorgeous boy I had ever seen. After a little while he was getting a somewhat braver, and started trying to fuck me, but to no avail, as his feet where hoisted into the air by the spreadbar and the angle was all wrong for him to use his hips to thrust. I sensed his attempts at fucking me and gladly started to move up and down his magnificent pole, making him squirm underneat me. He was enjoying every motion I made, and before long I could sense that he would not last more of my riding him. So I slid of his cock, and got up and leaned into a kiss, which he gladly accepted and we spent a long time making out, lips and tongue in a hefty fight. -"What are you doing, John?" he asked. -"Giving you pleasure, as you did to me two times earlier today" I lovingly told him. He looked a bit baffled, but I guess he just accepted it, as he knew he'd given away the control to me.

I now wanted my young stud you have the orgasm of his life, so I asked -"How do you think I can give you an amazing orgasm, Ian?" -"I think I need you to fuck me, John!" he whispered, giving me a longingly glare. -"Nothing less for my boy!" I replied as I got of him and the bench, and went to position myself bewteen his latex-clad thighs, looking down on his leaking cock that kept itself at a perpetual state centimetres above his glistering eight-pack. I lubed up my own throbbing cock and his ass crack before sliding slowly into his awating hole. He gasped out of nothing but pleasure and let out a sigh of pure joy and excitement, he was indeed a greedy bottom after all.

After moments of embracing the feeling of being still inside Ian, I slowly started moving my cock back and forth. The spreadbar was slightly in the way, getting in my face from time to time, but the setting as a whole was to hot for me to do anything but fucking him. I was looking down at his stiff member and observing the precum ooze from the tip of his wonderous cock, shifting my gaze to his blissfully contorted face, and I instantly knew that he was in heaven. This was not only his place, but also his ticket to Nirvana, being fucked by me, restrained in sports gear and ropes.

I kept the pace slow and steady, not rushing it, as I wanted it to last as long as possible, and I could see my young buck damning the resrtaints placed on his hands. I too was eagre to cum, but again this session was not about my pleasure, only Ian's. I looked down on my Adonis, and asked him -"how is this for you?" -"Excruciating, but in a good way!" he said inbetween his moaning and panting. This encouraged me to give him what he had come for and picked up the pace of the fucking. The lack of ability to lean in for a kiss was killing me, but I felt I had one duty, and one duty alone, and that was to pleasure my boy to orgasm.

I kept pounding him, with long, deep thrusts, making sure that it wouldn't push him over his inevitable threshold of cumming and orgasm.

He was but speechless, his head again tilting backwards over the pillow under his back and neck. He was moaning and panting as he was pulling on the ropes holding his hands to his chest-harness. I too was getting nearing orgasmic bliss at this time, so I could not control myself, and started ramming him as a runnaway freight-train and fucked him rapidly 'til I could not hold back any more. He, however had been pushed beoynd his limit, and startet to thresh and buck about on the bench as he was spraying the floor behind his head with thick white cum and he screamed in pure ecstasy -"John! Im cumming!" The convutions of his innerds and his statement of ecstasy pushed me too over the edge, and I flooded his guts with copipus amounts of man semen as I screamed -"Ian, I'm cumming too!". We kept this going for some ten seconds, just praying cum everywhere, and when I collapsed with my head on the spreadbar, and he with his head resting on the pillow I announced -"You, young buck, are a great fuck, and the greatest gift I have ever received!"

As we were decending our orgasms I had a massive urge to cuddle with my angel-faced stud, so I opened the bindings of his slalom boots, and pulled his feet from them. I proeceeded to remove the latex-chaps, and finally loosened the rope holding his hands to the chest-harness and slid the harness itself from his body. The young man was now lying infront of me, fully spent and a mess of lube, sweat and cum. I took him by the hand, helped him to his weakened feet and led him into the steam room where i placed him on his back on the daybed. I licked every last bit of sweat and cum from his stunning torso, making sure to nibble ever so lightly on his nipples and I was making deep grunts and moans as his tastes hit my tongue. I got onto the daybed next to him, and he snuggled up to me as the little spoon. We stayed there for an hour or so, alternating between making out and dozing off.

When we finally managed to get ourselves up from the daybed we got into the shower, and washed each others bodies, dried off and headed to the bedroom. Inbetween my cool and soft sheets he mubled -"Thank you John, thank you for an spectacular day!" -"Thank you, you bundle of sheere joy and orgasmic bliss, for coming into my life!" I wispered in his ear -"As you are here in my bed, I will not lock your cock tonight." Not that that would have been possible at this point anyway, as he was rock hard. We both quickly dozed off, me with my one arme wrapped around him and my cock buried between his ass cheeks.

As we awoke the next day he had gotten a text from a friend wanting to hang out. I let him know that if he dared he could just invite him over for lunch. With a mischieveous grin he told me -"I'll text him back now and invite him for lunch." I didn't understand why he grinned so slyly about it, but was still to groggy to questioning it further.

Just before noon I heard the door bell, and as I opened the door for Tony I almost lost my breath from the sight of Ian's friend standing there in grey sweatpants, white 'Trasher' hoddie and white Nike TNs. The boy looked good, his face young and beautiful, and his slim frame accentuated his youthful looks. I dared only dream, but this could be one thrilling saturday!

Thank you for reading this far. If you would like more of Ian and John, please let me know at

Next: Chapter 4

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