My Nephews Team Mate

By John Ropetop

Published on Jan 5, 2022


My nephew's kinky team mate Pt. 2

End of previous chapter:

Even though a bit disappointed, he did as commanded and crept into the rubbersheets which I drissled with copious amounts of silicone lube for them to not stick together or cling to much to his skin. I leaned in for one more kiss, and he looked longingly at me as I stepped away from the bed to only press the button the wall that lowered the cage over it... -"I'll be back in an hour." I told him as I left the room...

Beginning of this chapter:

-"Oh, you are back!" He said almost surprised sounding. -"Yeah, of course I am, I just needed us both to cool down a bit. Now, where were we?" While giving him a longing look of desire. -"I believe you were about to fuck the cum out of us both" He grinned. I went over to the pannel on the wall next to the cage and pressed the button to raise it. He too was longingly looking at me, and my plump cock that was hanging free between my legs. He got out of the bed and planted his lips on mine for us to kiss and make out for a long time.

Whilst kissing I freed his hands from the rope and mittens and his hands started fondling my back and buttocks and we now had a little swordfight going on in the nether regions, with our again fully erect cocks. I put my hands on his ass and started cupping his perfectly shaped buttocks and let out a sigh as they felt som incredibly good in my hands. I whispered in his ear that they now belonged to me, together with his orgasms. A bit confused he asked me -"What do you mean with my orgasms belonging to you?" I led him over to one of the cabinets and showed him my selection of chastity devices and he shockingly looked at me before he agreed to wear one after the play time was over. -"Good boy!" I sheepishly grinned at him before I told him to go sit the dentists chair.

I secured him to it with som ropes and went to get the milking machine, attatched the yellow sheath to his cock after lubing both parts up and turned it on on its lowest settings. He soon began moaning and panting, being taken right back to where he was when I left him more than an hour ago. Myself got some crates to stand on and placed one each side of the dentists chair and got on top of them, so that my cock was just in the right position for him to suck it. He was indeed good at sucking cock, not missing a beat with his tongue and lips. From time to time he slid of it to take a deep breath of air, only to moments later take it all the way down again, so I got to feel the wet warmth of his troath, and his tongue massaging the underside of my shaft. I have never been to easily aroused by blowjobs, but the fact that this was Ian, and that he undoubtetly had massive skills in this department I knew this could not go on for too long. And by the sounds he was making, the milking machine was driving him close to the edge as well.

I pulled out of his mouth, got off of the crates and turned the machine off. I loosened the rope securing him to the chair, removed his shoes that had been on his feet for more than three hours together with the soccers socks he had had his training session in. The smell was so pungent, and yet so heavenly I could feel my cock jolt and produce a large gob of precum that landed on the floor infront of the chair.

I took Ian over to the sling we had started this play session in and pushed him into it again fixing his wirst in the cuffs and mounting his feet in their straps. -"Do I get to get fucked for real this time?" Ian almost plead -"I do believe you do" I retorted wryly. I lubed up my cock and his awaiting hole before shoving it into him in one swift motion. He gasped and his face was contorted but he quickly stammered -"I love it, dont pull out!" I just let my dick sit in his ass like this for some time, as I was now feasting on his feet with hands, mouth and obviously my nose! The smells, tastes and feeling of his damp sock clad feet almost, yet again, pushed me over the hilt of my orgasm. I regained som composure and was now a wild animal, I had to have som release! I started fucking him, first slowly, but not before long I was pounding him. His angelic face was turning into the one of a madman, and he started yelling at me -"John, fuck us both to ecstasy, now!" And I had no problem complying. His stomach was wet from precum, a pool of the heavenly nectar had formed in his navel and he was panting as a dog when I started to pound him like there was no tomorrow. I could see his toes curl inside the yellow soccer socks, and his face started to take its orgasmic form.

-"I will fuck the cum out of you in mere moments! This is one of few ways you wil come from now on, as you'll be locked in chastity after this session" I told him with a stern voice. -"Yes John! I will like nothing more than that!" was all he could produce of a reply before I increased the pounding of him to that of a raging bull. After a minute or so of this he could not hold back any more, the little angel started shaking, his breathing was shallow and his dick pulsating in pace with the muscles in his ass and abdomen. This of course pushed me over the top, and almost at the exact same time we both started screaming our lungs out in sheere orgasmic bliss, as I flooded his guts with my sperm, and he erupted like a volcano. For every contraction of his ass muscles his sperm shot warm gooey cum hitting the floor half a meter behind his head at first, before it started landing on his chiseled body, gorgeous face and hair, and the last few drops just pooled up between his abs. We were both spent and in complete ecstasy when I too was finished spunking inside him. I pulled out and climbed atop of him to finish it of with a make-out session out of this world. Boy, could he kiss! I stuck my hand between our stomachs and got a good amount of cum on it and fed it to him, only to lick it out of his mouth again.

-"John" He said as i got out of the sling, getting ready to help him out "will you be locking my cock today?" -"Well, yes of course!" I told him in a friendly and comforting tone. He looked a bit frightened, but merely stated -"Good to know, I want you to have my orgasms from now on, all of them!" I smiled, kissed him and led him into the steam-room for us to cuddle and soothe our spent and aching bodies. As i sat down in the large latex-clad daybed he cuddled up to me and put his head on my shoulder and I ruffled his wet, curly hair, and we snuggled like that for half an hour before heading out to the shower and cleaned each others bodies. After drying him off, and he did the same to me, we went over to one of the glass cabinets and he was rather baffled that we walked right past the one containing the chastity devices, and instead to the one containing tracksuits. He went for Nike Tech fleece suit, and i opted for the more conventional loose fitting joggers and a large comfy hoddie.

I know it is a bit cheesy, but I would choose the footwear for him, and put his feet in some white Nike crew socks, and Jordan slippers, found him a baseball hat which he to my joy put on the correct way, with the visor in the neck. He looked so amazingly hot with his curly hair sticking out from underneat the cap and the track suit hugging his body in all the right places. In fact so much that I started chubbing up again. But no time for that now, we had been at it for three hours, and none of us had had anything to eat since lunch.

I whipped up some burgers, the lavish kind with bacon, cheese and fried eggs on. After devouring three each of those and copious amounts of water we went over to the couch where we cuddled for some time.-"What a day, I'm so glad of how it turned out!" I said -"Yeah, me too" Ian returned -"After you accepted my request on instagram, being played with in your dungeon has been on my mind!" -"How did you know it was me behind that account?" I had to ask him. -"You are rather careless and sloppy when it comes to what you like and who you follow on you vanilla account" he answered with a grin. -"What you call careless and sloppy, I regard as being open about. I don't mind people finding out I'm a kinkster, especially not if they find out on the internet. People who find out on the internet must have been searching for the same as me, ergo they are probably kinksteres too, and voila, here you are!" I chuckled.

-"And I am sooo happy that you are indeed 'SoccerTwink03', since I've fantasised about it being you many a late night!" I told Ian before he jumped on my face and starting kissing me like there was no tomorrow. This of course was a major turn on for the both of us and before I could suggest it myself, Ian was hauling me towards the dungeon again.

In there he stripped down to his birthday suit in no time, and looked pleadingly at me like a school boy asking -"What will I be wearing for our evning session?" I tought for at moment and decided that I would test his kinks, not knowing if he liked it or not. I found a yellow heavy duty latex-harness with built in cockring, black and yellow latex cuffs and found his used yellow soccer socks. -"You know what yellow means?" I asked him -"Didn't know it had any meaning, I just like the colour" he retorted -"You are about to find out" I told -"Now, get into the bathtub after you put this on".

He not willing to utter the word 'lemon' did as told, and soon a sight for sore eyes layed out in the bathtub. He was tan, chiseled and his green eyes were digging into mine, as if they were trying to eat me. His cock to looked perfect framed in the cockring, and the yellow latex-straps framing his chest sent shivers down my spine. I could not believe my luck as I stood there gobsmacked by his sheere beauty!

Lying in the bathtub he looked up at me wondering about what would happen next, and his face got an evil grin as I pulled down my grey sweatpants and took out my chubbing cock to start pissing on him. He however did not quite get the jist of it, so he took it as an invitation to suck it. The timing could not have been better, for the second his lips were mere centimetres away from my cock I let it rip and started pissing like a racehorse. He was taken by utter surpirse, but he did know what he agreed to when entering the dungeon, so kept his mouth open and let til stream of piss run via his mouth down onto his body and now rising cock... -"Now you know what yellow means, and it looks like you are enjoying it too!" I told him with a devilish grin on my face. -"Yeah John, appears I do" he answered, making little gargling noises as the stream of piss was still flowing into his mouth. His right hand was now stroking his cock, as the left was rubbing the piss all over his torso, and I was luckily done pissing, as my erection was useless to will down at this time, I was fully hard.

Looking down on Ian, the wicked angel in my pisstub, I realised he needed tying up ASAP, as wicked angels are not allowed to pleasure themself, as that is their ropetop's responsebility. -"On you feet, hands behind your head, Ian!" I told him in a firm voice. He got up and did as instructed. I had at this time become so arroused, almost intoxicated by his looks and actions, that i just wanted a quick and dirty fuck, so I commanded him to lie down in the gynecologists chair. I didnt bother with any straps as I could just secure his rubber cuffs to the headrest of the chair, and knew he to was arroused from the cuddling on the sofa and his first introduction to wet play.

My cock went into him in one swift swoop and he bored his eyes into me and pleaded me to fuck the cum out of him! -"Make me scream and erupt as you did earlier, John!" he said on top of his heavy breath. -"Dont you worry, I will plough you real good!" I let him know before I fucked him like a maniac, putting his ankles on my shoulders and just minutes later saw him coat his entire torso with thick white cum. His muscles contracting inside him as he came pushed me over the edge, for the second time that day, and I screamed in almost agony as I filled his innerds with cum. The second orgasm is always the best one, and I think for a moment I actually passed out from the overwhelming sensations, and by the looks of Ian, he too was having a harder orgasm than previously.

When we had descended our highs and regained som compulsion we almost limped over to the showers, cleaned our bodies caringly before I led him over to the cabinet with chastity devices. He knew the moment was comming, and didn't do other than pick out a model from HolyTrainer. I patted him on the head and told him -"Good boy!" and put it on him without much of a strugle as he had resently come for the secon time that day.

In the living room, as we were cudled up in the big sofa again, he looked at me and asked if he could stay the night. -"I guess that will be fun" I said -"but I cannot guarantee you will get to sleep all night" added with an evil grin. On that he started kissing me and would soon see the effects of a chastity device...

A little shorter chapter this time, to round of the rather lenghty first one. Let me know what you think on

Next: Chapter 3

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