My Nephews Team Mate

By John Ropetop

Published on Jan 2, 2022


My nephew's kinky team mate! Pt 1

I, a man in my early forties, 188cm tall, regular build and a youthfull face.

Him, a boy just turned eighteen, lean and athletic, 175cm tall with an angelic face and dark blonde, curly hair.

I was taken aback a bit when i received the text from my nephew inviting himself and his best friend to my house. Not that my nephew and i were strangers, we met at least once a month at my sisters for dinner and on all the public holidyas. But he had never him self sought my company like this, out of the blue.

My house wasnt that big, but fuly equiped with all a kinky fetish man as myself would want, including a state of the art dungeon.

As I was standing in the kitchen preparing a lunch for my young visitors, bread crusted veal with ham and cheese, double fired fries and sauce bernaise, I was wondering why the suddenly had decided to visit me right after soccer practice this friday. I loved my nephew to bits and as he was an intelligent young man with whom I had had many a good conversation with, we never talked about the deeper things in life, and as earlier explained, he had never invited himself over without his parents precens.

To my family I was openly gay, and altough i never told my nephews to their faces I suspected my sister could have. As I was pondering why he was coming to me this beautiful sunny afternoon I got to think of his communion where I in my little impromtu speech had told him that if he ever needed a talk with a non-judging, non-parental person, my door would always be open for him. So i was kind of guessing and hoping that was the reason.

When the food preperations came to an end, leaving it for only needing a quick finish before serving, I got a text that they were outside. I had seen my nephews friend many a time throughout the years, and boy was he gorgeous. Not only was he gourgeous, but for some reason we had always seemed to bond on some level, him sneaking peeks at me, and been rather talkative compared to his peers. I opened the the door to greet them and was met with a sight for the gods! They where there in their complete soccer gear, slightly sweaty and both smiling as they saw me. They had there team jerseys on, and loose fitting soccer-shorst, socks up to their knees and had changed their cleats for sneakers. On their backs they had those backpacks that in essens were only fabric-bags with nylon strings for shoulder straps. My nephews friend was wearing white Nike VaporMax over his yellow Nike Soccer-socks. To keep his unruly, curly blond hair from his face, he was wearing a white Nike sweatband around his head. >From this sight my cock jumped in my jockstrap, and luckily I had had the foresight to wear my loosefitting shorts that day. As they entered the hallway they both bent over to start removing their sneakers, revealing their perfectly sculpted butts to me. I spoke out saying there was no need to remove the shoes, telling them that those shoes were way to cool to not be worn. And as the door closed behind them I could smell them. Both clearly having showered before soccer practice, but not after, I could smell their sweat and hormones over their deodorant. My dick did another jump in my now stretched out jockstrap.

-"You boys must be hungry after that practice" I said, -"Would you like something to drink before lunch?" -"Some soda would be great" they almost said in unison. I showed them to the sofa in my livingroom and went into the kitchen to grab them to large glasses of some 'exotic'-flavoured Fanta, that i knew was their favourite a few years back. As i served them their drinks, Ian exclaimed "Aw, you remembered!" with a childish grin on his face. "Of course I do" i replied with a grin.

-"Now, this visit of yours was quite a surprise" I continued and gave them a lovingly smile. "Yeah, there is someting Liam would like to tell you" Ian said as he nodded towards my nephew. This really tickled my interest, as it had been more than three years since his communion, and he hadn't talked to me about anything slightly substancial since, or before for that matter. -"Well, I told you at your communion that you can tell me anything, so I'm all ears" as i smiled at him. After talking a big gulp om the soda he looked at me and almost started stammering as he began; -"Ok.... here goes. I, as you uncle, am gay" I was slightly set back by his directness and not tiptoeing around it, but I had always had a suspicion that he was. I leaned in to give him a hug and could smell him even better as I told him -"Good for you! Although I have always kind of known..." as I did I gave his best friend a wink, who started to chuckle.

-"Hey, you guys!" he bursted out, pretending to be insulted. -"Its okay, Liam, don't you forget that 'it takes one to know one' !" -"Yeah, mother told me a few years ago, and after that speech you gave at my communion i have always wanted to tell you, but it wasn't untill i told Ian few weeks ago, and he convinced me that you should be en the loop, that I decieded to tell you" He paused for a moment and shot his friend a glare, smiled enticingly, and continued -"...He actually encouraged my telling you!" Ian, who was sitting like teens do, laidback on my couch, legs spread, in his slightly sweaty soccergear, with his one ankle atop of one knee, looked at me and confessed that he too was gay.

Very intrigued by their sudden coming out I started to ponder why Ian was the proponent of this and asked them if they were, as I had suspected many a time, boyfriends. Liam started to chuckle and Ian looked down which indeed made me more pussled. -"Liam is my best friend, and we have known each other for way to long for this to be anything more than a friendship" Ian started looking at me, before returning his gaze to the carpet. He took a small pause, fixed he gorgeous eyes to mine and continued with a devilish grin on his face; -"...and I like older men..." letting that hang there. I was now fully turned on, and hoping for the life of me that I was one of those "older men". But since this was first and foremost my nephew coming out to his gay uncle i returned back to him; -"Liam, I am so glad that you chose to tell me this, and i promise you it was the right decision. I told my parents when I was a year younger than you are now, and boy did it feel better after i let that particular cat out of the bag!" -"Yeah, uncle, it does indeed feel better having you know!" he smiled at me and shot his friend a glare.

-"Well, now that my age old theory has been confirmed, let's eat!" I told them, getting up to let the boys have some time for them selves while I put the finishing touches to the lunch. Ten minutes, or so later I yelled to the livingroom that the boys should migrate over to the dining table as I would be serving the lunch momentarily. Entering the dining room I was taken aback by the sight of two gorgeous boys in their soccer gear ready to have lunch with me. I of course was fully aware that they were there, and I knew that they didnt have any clothes to change into, but the sight was still a long dream of mine, to serve young beautiful boys in sports attire.

Lunch in itself was rather uneventful, as the boys where starving after practice, and therefor devouvered the meal in now time. Ian did underways keep glancing at me from time to time, and complemented my cooking and the food. After we finished eating, the boys were gracious enough to clear the table and I found my way over to the couch again to let the food sink and realax after the rather heavy meal. When the boys returned Liam told me he'd gotten a text from my sister asking where he was, so he had called and was reminded that his grandmother on his fathers side was visiting and that he should have been there. This was not unusual for Liam, as he was one forgetfull kid. Ian, realising Liam had to leave looked at me with what I believed to be disappointment, so I quickly proposed that he might very well stay, if he wished. Liam giggled a bit at the suggestion and said "Sure!" with a smirk on his lips, and Ian himself shyly accepted my rather strange proposal. -"Thanks for lunch uncle, and thanks for being a good uncle. I feel a bit ashamed not telling you this before, but i guess you of all people understand that it took me some time..." he said as he was about to head out the door -"Of course I do, thanks for telling me, it means alot that I am included" I smiled at him as i gave him another hug and sent him on his way.

Ian was standing next to me as the door shut and was clearly pondering on what to say, and I myself was very curious as of why he had wanted to stay. So i begun, -"Glad you chose to stay, Ian! Does not a handsome young man as yourself have any better places to be on a friday afternoon?" Still a bit shy, although clearly warming to the situation he told -"No, not after i found your instagram, John!"

This made me wary, and a bit pussled, as my instagram was a meagre selection of selfies not particular in any manner. Ian saw my confused look, and contiuned -"Not 'THAT' instagram, John! The other and fun instagram!" sending shivers down my spine as I realised he had found my fetish-account. I blushed a little and inquired how he had gotten over that, as it was a locked account and was filled to the brim with pictures of my dungeon and boys I had played with. -"You are not the only one with a fetish-account" he grinned as he was clearly getting bolder. -"Dont you remember accepting the request from 'SoccerTwink03'?" he said, and I almost my balance for a second, as that was one of my favourite accounts on Instagram. His account had not had any face pics, nor any geo-tags, so I was oblivious that it could be him, altough I had at occation hoped deeply it to be.

-"Why dont you show me your dungeon!?" he asked after a little mustering up of courage -"Assuming it is yours and in this house" he said teasingly as if he doubted that it was mine. I had a few years earlier won the lottery, and had the dungeon built together with som kinky friends of mine, filled to the brim with all the cool stuff one could imagine, including a revolving wheel, gynecologists chair and st. Andrews-cross. Of course I also had ropes, a complete wardrobe of sports gear and neoprene, all kinds of sports shoes and a selection of toys. -"Well, if you really want to see my dungeon there are a few things you should know..." I told him while adjusting my now growing boner, which of course caught his attention. He immediately started to sweat a little, but his eyes were fixed on mine and he nodded and prodused a -"What?" beforing looking down on his sneakers, which I could only imagine had a heavenly smell to them. -"Ian, you need to know that I have for many years admired your looks, and dreamt of such a moment as this to arise between us. I cannot simply show you my dungeon without becoming enormously aroused!" and gave him a stern look. -"John, that is exactly what I was hoping to happen, and I must admit I have had my fantasies about you for some years too. And when i found your instagram I just knew that one day I would have to ask you to see it!" he uttered as he looked bloder and he too reached down to adjust his junk.

-"In that case, I'll assign you a safeword: 'lemon' which you will only use if you want the playtime to cease entirely. I can not tell you upfront what I will do to and with you, but we will communicate throughout, so if something is too weird for you, or you have any wishes for me to do you can simply say it. However, if you want me to stop completely you use the safeword, and I will abandon the games, and let you out of the dungeon." I told him in a serious manner. He smiled with a grin stretching from one ear to another, eagerly nodded his head that he understood and told me -"I dont think i will have to use that word!"

I opened the door to the cloakroom in my hallway and told him to follow me, him looking sligtly baffled and disappointed. I proceded to open what appeard to be a 19" technical rack and pushed a button inside it for the "components" to disappear into the wall. Behind them was yet another door that when opened reveald my dungeon. -"Welcome to my inner sanctuary Ian!" He was clearly taken aback by the sight after mear moments ago being confused and thinking I was bluffing. -"Wow, its huge! So much more than you show on instagram!" he exclaimed as taking in the sight of it all: There were showers along one wall, and between them an opening into a turkish steam room. The showers themself were open to the rest of the room, but surrounded by a tiled floor that had a fifty centimetre tall wall around them, and in the corner of said enclosure there was a bathtub.

The floor of the play area was clad in thick rubber, and at the lowest point there was a drain. scattered throughout the room there were my gynecologists chair, dentists chair and og course some heavy duty rubber slings hanging from the ceiling. Against one of the walls was my revolving bondage-wheel, and in the adjacent corner a full size bed, complete with rubber sheets, and even a large down duvet and pillow covered in rubber encasings. On hooks on the wall there were jute ropes and harnesses, and standing next to said hooks, glass-cabintes filled with shoes, soccer, cycling, and hockey gear.

-"John, I want to try all of this" he exclaimed with a devilish frown on his face. -"Oh, you do, you little perv?" I shot back at him, smiling warmly for him to know I was teasing. -"If you do like what is about to happen, I'm sure you can get to enjoy any of these contrapments! But for now I need you to remember your safeword, and get on you knees!"

He nodded obediently and got down on his knees, and slowly just pulled down my shorts. He proceeded to stuff his face in my jockstrap and I immediately placed both hands on the back of his head and started to cuddle his ruffled, sandy hair feeling that it had not yet completely dried from his soccer practice. After only a short while I could feel his tongue licking the fabric of my jock, and my dick responded instantly and got hard as a rock, and just stood there for some moments cherishing the feeling of his heavy breathing and tongue on my groin.

-"You enjoying that, Ian?" I panted, and in a muffled tone he gruntede that he indeed did, before looking into my eyes and smiled like he just won the lottery himself. -"Climb into one of the slings" I told him in a friendly, yet stern manner. He slowly rose from his kneeling posture and walked over to a sling, sat his ass into it and leand back. I followed and helped him get his feet into the foot straps, and quickly walked behind him, grabbed one of his wrists and secured it to a rubber-cuff hanging from one of the chains. He shot me a nervous glare, but did not attempt to struggle as I swiftly took his other hand and fastened that one too. He was breathing heavy and smiling an adventerous smile and looking so perfect as he was lying there in his soccer gear and VaporMax. I started fondling his abdomen over his jersey, what a feeling! His rock hard abs felt amasing and he was clearly aroused by being fondled. My hands started meandering all over his torso whilst I devouered his face with my eyes, his green eyes, deep as the ocean, cute button nose, and full, luscious lips! A sigh of excitment escaped my lips as I took it all in, and when my hands reached his pecs I was astounded by how large and hard they were. I had never seen him without his loose fitting t-shirts, and in all his instagram pictures he always wore soccer jerseys. His nipples stood erect after som touching and I was dying to get them between my lips. My god this was exhilarating!

I had been dreaming about this moment for years, not knowing if it would ever happen. And when my hands rummaged towards his crotch to find his now rock hard cock, I guessed that he too indeed had dreamt about this for quite some time. -"Now, Ian, it is time to prepare you for playtime" I said, as I leaned in for a kiss, not quite sure how he would react. Much to my joy he eagerly spread his lips and returned the kiss, sticking his tongue into my mouth and we kissed for a lengthy while whilst I kept massaging his cock through the fabric of his soccer shorts. I removed the cuffs from his wrists, and undid his feet from the foot straps, and when he was standing between me and the sling I signaled to him to get undressed.

As he did so he constantly kept his eyes locked in mine and when he was buck naked he nodded proudly 'mission accomplised' awainting further instructions. I froze for a moment as he stood there, not a hair on his torso, so he must have removed at least some himself. His crotch was trimmed, and balls where cleanly shaven, his tighs had a light dusting of dark hairs and his calves were almost completely covered in hair. His hard cock was pointing towards the ceiling, and i could not deny myself av good squeez of it before instructing him to go over to the shower section of the room to sit on the edge of the bathtub. He of course obliged, and I got my shaving gear from a cabinet.

As I lathered him up he looked a bit shocked as I covered his groin, armpits and lower legs in addition to his tighs, butt and asscrack. -"What will my team mates say?" he uttered with a slightly nervous mine. -"Did you just say 'lemon'?" I asked with an evil grin. -"No, John, I will not back out!" he retorted whilst looking more confident again.

As the last hair was removed an considerable abount of precum had accumulated on his cock, that I imediatly had to get in my mouth, and hungrily lapped it up with my greedy mouth. He shivered from the feeling and I took him by the hand and led him over to the shower, where I washed his entire body taking extra good time on his cock and asscrack. I then found the douche-nossle for the shower, and handed it to him, who grew embarrased full knowing what it was for. -"Y-you really w-want me to use this in front of you?" he stammered. -"Yes, although it is not the most pleasant part of the game, it is indeed necessarey, and I dont mind one bit, knowing you are drop dead gorgeous no matter what you do!" I calmly explained. He looked a bit dumbfounded but proceeded to insert det nossle into his ass, and opened for the water to flood his ass. I let him do it on his own as I was to prepare the gynocologists chair, and gather his socks and sneakers as they where needed when he was clean and douched.

When the chair was prepped with straps and all the angles set correctly he anounced that he was finished douching, so I went over to him with a large towle and started to dry him off. I could sense him loving the attention, and he leaned in for a kiss while being carressed. His smells and taste was heavenly, and my arousal was reaching new highs in this lenghty preperation forplay. I instructed him to go sit on the gynocologists chair and proeceeded to put on his soccer socks, and before puting his shoes back on I just had to take a deep sniff at his feet and socks. My rock hard cock jumped in the jock and I let out a stifled moan in the sole of his foot, they smelled exactly as good as I had deared dream of!

I fixated him to the chair with the previous prepared Segu-Fix straps and got a good glimps of his slightly nervous look, but could tell his feeling of excitment and horiness were much stronger. I walked over to where his head was, and he pleadingly looked at my jockstrap, which i let slip to the floor and fed him my cock. The head was damp with precum and I had to lean over him to let him take my now fully erect cock in his mouth. He startet with taking the head between his lips, and used his tongue to play with the little string behind the head. He was so passionate and giving my cock great care and attention, but soon he started sucking and clearly wanted more, so I helped by showing it further down his troath. Not thinking he was too experienced I was baffled when he took all 18 cm down, and I could feel the tip of his nose burried at the root of my cock.

His breathing was erratic and he was moaning as his tongue was massaging the underside of my shaft, and as I looked from his beautiful face to his cock, I could see his own even larger dick bob up and down as he was producing copious amounts of precum. His dick was, as him absolutely beautiful, 19cm and thick as a can of Red Bull, had almost no curve to it, and slightly darker than the tan skin on his stomach, his balls were big without being enormous, and the ballsack holding them was just the right size to accomodate them.

As I wanted this play time to last for long, I pulled my cock out of his mouth, seeing a slight disaapointment on his face, I again kissed him, and he kissed me back, sharing his heavy beath and the tast of my precum. Breaking loose from the kiss I moved to the foot end of the chair, with his legs strapped securly to the footrests and caressed his lower legs before I went down on my knees and burried my face in his ass crack. I lapped and licked the lenght of his crack for quite some time, and could feel him wiggle in the chair as he was moaning and panting. -"Oh John! That feels sooooo amazing, you are turning me so damn horny!" He almost yelled, which led me to stick my tongue into his awaiting hole. I was so hard, and so horny that I knew i needed to fuck him soon, if there to be any fucking at all. My dick was leaking like mad, and bobing up and down as I was eating him out like a hungry cave man.

I stood to my feet, and looked at his angelic face -"Do you want me to fuck you now?" I said more like a statement than a question. -"I do!" he almost squealed as horniness was taking him over completely. I took the lube from the little table next to the chair, lubed up my throbbing cock, and started applying generous amounts to his crack and hole. Pushing my cockhead against his hole I could see that he was a bit anxious hidden behind his excitment and horniess. -"Don't worry" I told him -"I always go slow on my way in the first time." I pushed gradually harder before i felt that his sphinxter finally gave after and let me past into this perfectly sized greek god of a boy lying infront of me. The sight was magical, this beautiful well sculpted boy, clad in nothing but soccer socks, Nike VaporMax and the Segu-Fix straps. And soon to be impaled by my rock hard cock! His breath was erratic, and I could see on his face that he too was in heaven!

As I slid deeper and deeper into him i saw his face twist and he moaned in a combination of pleasure and slight pain. I stopped from time to time to let him get accustomed to the girth, and every time I stopped, I leaned over and kissed his heavenely mouth, tongue fighting and biting his lips, only to make him pant and moan more aggressivly. My hands were gliding up and down his immaculate torso, and I could see him trying to free his hands, which only made me hornier. -"You want your hands freed, Ian?" I teasingly asked -"Yeah! I want to touch you as well!" he let out between the heavy breathing. I just chuckled and kept pushing my way into him.

After a few more pushes I was all the way in, and we were both leaking like broken faucets. -"I love having your big dick all the way up inside me!" he exclaimed. -"And I love being all the way inside you, you gorgeouse god like creature!" I let him know before i started a slow fuck where I withdrew almost completely before again pushing all the way back in. His eyes were wide, his breath heavy as bricks and his dick pulsating like a metronome.

It didn't take many minutes of this before I realised I had to pull out if we were not to cum way to early, so I let my cock slide out of him slowly and he said in an almost displeased manner; -"John! I was almost about to cum, why did you pull out?" -"Because we are only just beginning this game!" I told him. He looked a bit baffled, but also anticipating to what would come next.

-"I will now free you from the chair, and you are NOT to touch yourself, as I know you will end up cumming by doing so. Is that understood, Ian?" -"Yes John!" he answered me back -"I too want this game to continue for hours on end." I removed the straps, and he got up from the chair, and I could see his hands twitching wanting to touch his cock and cum all over the floor. He however was a good boy and put his hands on back of his head and locked his fingers between one another. I let him stand like that for a little while, whilst I licked his entire body from his knees up, avoiding the most sensitve parts as that might have made him loose it. When I got to his nipples they were in for some serious treatment, both of them were bit lightly before sucked on and licked. He was now moaing and shivering like crazy, begging me for a blowjob. Something I of course just ignored.

I led him over to the St.Andrew cross, snagged some ropes from the wall and tied him securly to it, beginning with both his wrists. I had him faceing the cross, with his back towards me. When fastened to the cross with ropes around his wrists and ankles, upper tighs and one around his chest I began to again lick his ass crack and caress his back and buttocks with my hands. I then slid my cock back up into him, which this time went much smoother and faster than before. He was panting and anticipating me to start fucking him full force, but I let my cock lie there deep inside him, and took hold of his face, and turned it towards me and kissed him like we were madly in love teenagers! I kept it going for a long time, not moving my cock one bit during our make-out session. I could feel his desperation and me myself was getting seriously horned up by this. So time to change tactics.

When he was yet again warned no to touch his dick I let him off the cross, and while he was standing with his hands behind his head looking at me with his amazingly beautiful eyes I again had to admire his drop dead gorgeous body and impressive cock standing like a slow spewing fountain of precum. I deared to put it in my mouth, for the first time since we started playing, and boy was the tasted exhilarating! It almost pushed us both over the edge, so I had to abandon ship immediatly, and went over to the cabinet with the padded mittens. His hands well secured inside the mittens i begun to tie them together behind his back and signaled to him to move over to the bed.

Even though a bit disappointed he did as commanded and crept into the rubbersheets which I drissled with copious amounts of silicone lube for them to not stick together or cling to much to his skin. I leaned in for one more kiss, and he looked longingly at me as I stepped away from the bed to only press the button the wall that lowered the cage over it... -"I'll be back in an hour." I told him as I left the room...

Hope you enjoyed this first chapter. Please give me feedback on

Next: Chapter 2

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