My Neighbor's Show

By Ted Davidson

Published on Nov 8, 2023



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I make bi-weekly content that will always contain gay, bisexual, trans, and sissy content. I also do requests at other tier levels, where you pick the characters and topic, and I made your fantasy a written reality! Also please check out my published book on Amazon. "Snowed In With My Best friend" by Ted Davidson. It's free on Kindle Unlimited!

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Remote Work

Who actually likes going to the office? When we were told that our jobs no longer had to be done in an office everyday I couldn't be happier! During the meeting when we were told that the office would be closing and that we would all be working from home, everybody could be seen jumping for joy! (except for the old ladies) I went home that day with a box full of my personal stuff, smiling from ear to ear.

I live in a modest house by myself in the suburbs on the outside of Detroit. It was a quiet neighborhood that mainly housed people that we either knocking on retirement's door, or, like myself, fifty years away from that door. I had only bought my house about a year ago. It was always a dream of mine to own my very own home, and my job as a Cybersecurity analyst allowed me to do just that. I was a single guy living in a house that was meant for a middle class family, and honestly, I couldn't be happier with the space. It allowed me to have my own office, video game room, guest room, and I even have a pool out back. My life felt like it was set, and now it was getting even better because now I had no reason to leave the house other than to get groceries once a week.

I guess you could say that I was like every other twenty year old guy nowadays. I really didn't like to socialize outside of my online gaming sessions with my friends. But not like every twenty year old, I was still a virgin. For such a long time I would see myself with the blonde bimbo in school, or some other "10", but in reality, I knew that was just never going to happen, so with the space that I had, I could also use my entire house as a "jerking" castle. I would crank my meat in every room that I had! My office was the main room that I would use, but I would also hit up the game room, just because the bean bag chairs felt amazing to sit in naked! Have you ever sat on tile floor and jerked it? I have! Right on my tile floor, easy clean up! You ever just sat on the top of the steps and shot a load, just to see how far it would go? I have! I even have a nice Jacuzzi tub that I could fill with steaming hot water, then jerk off in there! I loved living alone, being able to do what you want, whenever you want was liberating! If you haven't spent an entire day without clothes, I suggest you try.

One day during the week, I had decided that playing games in my game room was just a little more important than finishing up the meeting that they were making me sit through. I set my mouse so that I would keep my computer awake, then stepped away. I fired up my Xbox then walked over to the group of bean bag chairs towards the other end of the room. I heard some talking outside and noticed that Mr. Creek next door was hugging his wife, before she got in her car to no doubt leave for work. He stood there on the porch for a few minutes, watching as she drove down the street, then out of site. I watched the scene for what seemed like longer than necessary, then sat down to my game.

I only played a couple matches of Call of Duty, before I heard my name called on the meeting in my office across the hall from my game room. I shoved off my head phone, and ran to the next room. I picked up my other head phones, and unmuted myself.

"Jake, what do you think? Jake?"

"Yes, yes I'm here." I barely made it. "Well, from my personal...." my attention was diverted then as I looked out my widow that had a full view of my back yard, and Mr. Creek's. He had came from his back sliding door, completely nude, towel over his shoulder. He was an older man, definitely retired, but in amazing shape. His body was a nice tan, and covered in gray hair. His chest bulged with muscles, and his stomach was flat with little lines to where you could tell he had a six pack if he stood in the right light. My cheeks began to burn red with what I was seeing. My heart raced, and I could feel a nice tingle in my stomach region. I stared out with amazement as I watched him walk to where his own hot tub was situated, near the edge of his and my property line. As he walked, I also noticed his cock that saw laying on top of a large ball bag. His cock was uncircumcised which I could tell, even when being this far away. I felt my own cock start to grow and press against my pajama pants (another benefit of working from home).

"Jake, you were saying?" my boss had said over the Skype call, forcing me back into reality.

"Sorry, I uh. What was this meeting about again? I'm sorry, I was just caught looking at...uh I mean I was just reading some of the notes from last meeting." I said, almost spilling the beans about my neighbor.

"We were saying, with all of the most recent threats, how should we..." they saw me on my web cam, still dazing out the window, watching my neighbor step into his tub, completely nude, setting his head back on the folded towel, in complete relaxation. "Jake! Remember! We are still in a meeting her!" "Right" I shut my blinds, letting my mind focus on what was at hand. "Sorry, yes, with all of the new threats, we should definitely look into hiring more analysts." Nice recovery. "Then it's settled. Monday morning well will look into expanding the department." my boss concluded with. I then able to disconnect from the call. I set my headphones back on my keyboard, then decided to take a look outside one last time. I pulled the string to lift my blinds, and there he still was, arms stretched wide, head back, eyes closed, enjoying the hot water relax his nude, wet, dominating body. Wait, what was I thinking? I'm not gay. At least I don't think I am gay? But boy did I enjoy watching Mr. Creek walk along those.... Snap out of it Jake! I gave my head a shake, hoping that would bring me back. I thought that I wasn't gay at least. But the look of Mr. Creek's naked body made me feel like I had never felt before. I pulled my shades down so that I was just looking through a small crack. All he would have to do to see me would be to open his eyes, and see me, against the glass, mouth wide open. I continued to watch him bathe in the bubbling tub for nearly fifteen minutes until he sat forward, then climbed from the tub, toweling himself off, but not wrapping it around him, instead, he just threw it over his shoulder again, and walked towards the house. I was able to get just as good of a look at his fat, hairy ass as I did with his fat dick as he walked away. Mr Creek opened the glass door, then stepped into his house, and out of my daydream.

Once he was out of site, I leaned back from the window, and noticed that I had a small wet spot on the front of my blue pajama pants, I had been leaking pre-cum that entire time.

Almost a week has passed before I saw Mr. Creek again, but this time, it was not him walking to his hot tub, but at the local grocery store. I had been walking through the frozen aisle, picking out my assortment of frozen pizzas, and chicken nuggets, when I saw him round the corner, giving his wife a kiss as she went in the other direction. He was pushing the cart towards me, but he was also browsing. I was frozen in place as he walked towards me, not knowing what to say or do if he decided to talk to me. The last time I had seen him was when he was completely nude in his back yard. He made his way closer when he spotted me, just standing there like an asshole.

"Jake right?" Mr Creek said with a smile that was not intimidating at all, but more, relaxing, he made me feel instantly comfortable. My shoulders relaxed, but when I spoke, I was clearly still full of jitters.

"Yes...uh Jake, right I'm Jake. You are um....Mr Creek right?" I said in my best `not so anxious' tone.

"Yes I am, but you can call me Ben." he stuck out his had, which was a but awkward for me because I had to stick all of the boxes of pizza in my arm pit to which I dropped as I tried, making myself look like a complete ass. "Whoa whoa there, let me help you with that." Ben said, bending down in front of me, grabbing some of my bachelor meals.

"Thank you, uh Ben." I said, finding the right place for the pizza boxes, then extending an arm. He squeezed my had tight, then gave it two pumps, then let go. "It is nice to meet you." I said, still diverting eye contact, not knowing where to look.

"Likewise, Jake. Well, looks like you got your hands full. I will be seeing you." Ben said before starting off again but then stopping and leaning down to whisper something in my ear "Or, maybe you will be seeing me again." he said, then giving me a wide grin, then walking away.

My heart skipped a beat, and the lump that was in my throat grew to the size of a baseball. I nearly dropped my pizzas again, then watched as he walked the rest of the aisle, meeting his wife as she rounded the end, then they walked together, his arm around his wife's shoulders as he pushed the cart along, not looking back at me.

When I got home I was still in a panic. Had he seen me looking down at him while was in his hot tub? Of course he did! Why else would he have said that! My heart raced as I was pacing around my house, panicking. I decided to distract myself by playing some more Call of Duty. I walked up stairs and down the hallways towards my game room, but I then noticed that there were strange shadows being cast in my hallway from the window at the end. I walked over and look across and saw Mr. Creek, I mean, Ben in his bedroom completely nude once again. He was standing in front of the bed he shared with his wife, drying himself with a towel. He was watching something on the TV that was in the corner of the room, but I could not tell what it was. All I could do was watch this gorgeous nude man, towel himself, drying his naked body. He then swiveled his head quickly in my direction, making eye contact with me. I shot around the corner to my game room, heart racing, breathing heavy. Had he seen me again? He knew I was there! He set a trap for me! I glanced around the corner toward his window, and he was gone, window dark. I pivoted around the corner back to my game room. My heart was still racing, breath not showing any signs of slowing. I look down to where my hard on was pressing against my basketball shorts. The wet spot was back again.

The next morning was Saturday morning, and I nothing planned for the whole day, other than playing video games, and eating frozen pizza. My mind was still in a fog, and I had barely slept last night. The site of Ben standing there nude played through my mind on repeat. I decided that I would just avoid widows today, and focus on relaxing. When I got to the bottom of my staircase I noticed that the mail had already been delivered through the mail slot on my front door, but it was only one envelope. I picked it up and flipped it over. On the front in nice cursive letters was my name. My heart began to race again as I opened it. Inside was a neatly folded letter. I unfolded it and began to read.

Dear Jake,

You really don't have to be shy. Last night was the second night that you had the privilege of seeing everything that I have to offer. When is it going to be my turn? My wife is going to be out of town all weekend so you wont have to worry about her seeing anything. If you think you are going to get another show from me, you would be wrong. That is unless you want to let me see something? I will be in my bedroom tonight. I know you can see clearly through that hallway window. You let me see a little something, and I just may return the favor.



My heart was racing more than ever now. What was I supposed to do? Was I really willing to show off my body to my neighbor? My breathing started to pick up as I thought about the idea, but all of this could wait. I'm glad that I had until tonight to make my decision.

I did exactly what I had originally planned. I played way too much video games, and ate far too many pieces of pizza. Every time I walked by the window that faced towards Ben's room I would glance across, hoping but also fearing what might happen later on tonight. It was hard to concentrate on anything else that entire day. Even as I played video games, all I could think about was seeing Ben again, but also the horror that I will have to expose myself.

The time had finally came because I saw the strange shadows again being cast in my hallway. I started to get more and more anxious about what I was going to do. Do I just forget about any of this even happening, or do I play along with Ben. I looked down and to my amazement, I was rock hard, the familiar site of a little wet spot growing. I knew that was my answer, to take a chance and give Ben a show. I stood from my chair and began to strip, pulling my pants and underwear down with one yank, then stepping out of them. I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it onto the bean bag where I had been sitting. I was now completely nude, looking down over my body. I was a pretty thin guy, which had always surprised me, with all of the pizza and such. My cock was rock hard and stuck out a measly five inches at best, no where near what Ben had between his legs; and I guess that was my only insecurity, my cock was just average, or maybe a little below. But that was not going deter me at this point, I had already made my decision. I strutted toward the door leading to the hallway, displaying way too much artificial confidence. I made it to the doorway and took one last long breath, then stepped out, letting Ben see everything. When I rounded the corner though, the bedroom was empty. The light was on but no one was home. I stood there for a second, my confidence dwindling quickly, the stepped back into my game room. My heart was racing again like I had just finished a marathon. What was I thinking? I just willingly showed the entire neighborhood my birthday suit! I walked to my pile of clothes, and started to get dressed in shame. I don't know what I was thinking, I clearly let my horniness get in the way of my clear thinking. Plus, I still didn't think that I was even gay! I hung my head and decided that it was time for me to just go to bed, hoping that sleep will wash away my sorrow and shame.

The next morning I peeled myself from my bed. I was still thinking about last night and how I most certainly embarrassed myself in front of the entire neighborhood. Would I have to just move out? Would I ever be able to look at anybody walking down the side walk? I started to descend my steps when I noticed that there was another letter sitting there, my name now facing up. My anxiety started to pick up furiously now. Had he really sent me another letter after he forced me to expose myself to the entire neighborhood? I picked up the letter and walked towards the garbage can, seething with rage, but then my curiosity took over and I decided to at least see what he had to say before I tossed it. I ripped open the top and pulled the letter from the envelope. I unfolded it and began to read

Dear Jake,

I'm guessing you didn't see me down in the hot tub when you were putting on your little show huh? That's right, I was sure as hell not going to be wearing any clothes and I didn't want you to have a free show if you chickened out. I was just down in the hot water, stroking my cock. I love your thin body, and that perfect cock. I want to taste it so bad. I'll tell you what, instead of just us catching glimpses of each other, why don't you stop by tonight and you can check out my hot tub? I will have it warmed up by 9.

I hope to see you,



Did he just say that he loved my cock? Did he somehow read my mind of my insecurities? I felt my face start to flush, I knew my cheeks were now fire engine red. But he was crazy if he thought that I was going to go over there and see his hot tub. I'm not gay! At least I don't think I am. My anxiety was growing as the minutes marched by. I folded the piece of paper back up, and tossed it onto the counter. I started to pace again, thinking about what I was going to do. I figured at this moment it would probably be best if I just went somewhere that wasn't here to think. I locked my front door behind me and headed to the mall to walk around somewhere that I was unlikely to run into someone that had seen me last night.

As I walked through the mall I ran every scenario through my mind about what would happen tonight if I decided to go along with Ben's offer, but more importantly, I began to question if I was truly gay. I guess I have never asked this question to myself. I had always thought it was just the order of things to want to be with the hottest girl on the planet. But what was hot? I could never define a type of girl that I like. So I guess I never really thought that I might just have feelings for guys, but when I saw Mr. Creek that first day walking toward his hot tub, something changed. I have never felt that burn of desire, the tingle of passion, the feeling of a crushing want for another human being. Of all the women I had ever seen, I had never felt that way, and now, even just walking through the mall, I was checking out the crotch of guys, rather than checking out the asses of women. Maybe I had been gay this whole time and just didn't want to say it because maybe when you say it out loud, that makes it real. But then, I wanted to say it loud, heck, I wanted to scream it! I knew what I wanted to do. I made for the exit of the mall, and got in my car.

I pulled back into my driveway around 8:30 that night. All of my anxieties felt like they had melted away and were replaced with real confidence. For the first time in my life, I knew what I wanted romantically. Even if tonight was just a little fling, I knew that from here out I was gay. I caught myself lusting over ever man that I saw after coming to my realization in the mall. Every shape and size was gorgeous to me and I was luck enough to have this absolute hunk waiting for me next door.

I threw my keys onto the counter and decided that I would show off a little bit to Ben and just walk over to him, nude. I stripped in the kitchen, and right then I heard the rumble of the hot tub next door start up which brought my excitement to another level because this meant that it was now real, it was happening.

I opened my rear sliding door slowly, trying not to make any noise, then slowly slid it shut. The night air was brisk but the fresh air blowing across my exposed cock was a feeling that I never thought I would enjoy as much as I was. I took the steps down from my rear deck and walked to the gate that separated me from Ben's back yard. Once on the other side, I could see that Ben was already sitting in the tub, the back of his head was facing towards me. I walked to the steps of his deck and started up them, sneaking towards Ben who had his head back on the towel, eyes closed, just like before. I silently stepped towards the edge of the tub, he still did not move. I dipped one leg in, then the other.

"Wasn't sure if I would see you tonight." Ben said, opening his eyes, then tilting his head forward.

"I wasn't so sure I would be coming over either. Now though, I'm pretty sure I made the right decision." I said, sinking down to my waist in the hot bubbling water. I waded over to Ben who was still leaning back, relaxing.

"I think you made a good decision." Ben said, keeping his head tilted back.

Once I was over to him, I placed my hands on his rock hard chest and started kissing everything I could get to. I nipped at his neck, planted soft kissed along his chest, and tongued at his hard nipples, take each one in my mouth and playfully biting at them. He tilted his head forward at this, to which I pulled away, then climbed onto him, sitting down on his lap, his rock hard cock pinned between the both of us. I brought my face towards his where our lips met, locking together in a wet, tongue filled kiss that went on for what seemed like 5 mins. I broke the kiss and leaned back.

"Thank you." I said, placing a hand on his hairy chest.

"For what? I haven't even done anything...." I cut him off with another long, sucking kiss session. I pulled away again.

"For showing me who I truly am." I said. He just smiled, and lifted me from the water with his strong arms. He sat me on the edge of the hot tub. "Your cock is just perfect." he said before sinking his mouth onto it, clamping tightly around it. He started to pump up and down the length of my cock (which was not much, but I wasn't complaining). He would only stop his pumping to tickle the head of my dick, then sink back down onto it. My head sank backwards in bliss, the feeling of his wet hot mouth was intoxicating. Then I started to feel a sensation that was foreign to me. I felt pressure against my asshole, and before I knew it, a finger was sliding into me. My head swung up and looked down to Ben. He pulled my cock from his mouth and looked up at me. All I did was smile down at him, telling him everything was still good to go. To be honest, I never thought that something in my ass would feel so good. Sure, it was just a finger at the moment, but the sense of fullness was amazing. I started to feel a tingle and knew that I was close to cumming. I leaned my head forward again. "Fuck, I'm cumming, stop!" I screamed. Ben did not stop. He continued sucking harder now, pulling the cum from me. "Oh fuck, never mind, don't stop, it feels so good. Fuck." my cock started to pulse and I looked down at Ben who had stopped sucking and was now just letting my cum pool into his mouth. After my cock has softened, he released the grip of his mouth and my cock fell from his mouth. He stood up and brought me in for another kiss, sharing the seed I had just deposited in his mouth. The sweet but salty taste was not terrible like I had originally thought it might be but was incredible, I was soon sucking his tongue trying to get ever bit from his mouth, then gulping it down.

"Fuck that was hot." Ben said, rubbing his hands up and down my thighs. I leaned back onto my hands, trying to get back down to earth. Ben had sat back down where he was sitting, still smiling from ear to ear. I sat forward and looked over to him, returning his smile. I climbed back down into the water, and walked over to him. I climbed back to his lap, but this time I wanted to ride. I leaned forward to bring him in for another kiss and reached down between us to find his cock. I grabbed a hold of it and provided the aiming. Once it was pressing against my opening I began to sit down, forcing his cock past my resistance. After just a second of trying, I felt his head break the barrier, entering me. I flinched at the slight pain at first, but it quickly evolved into immense pleasure. I started to more weight back on his cock and it easily started to slide into me. Once I was all of my weight on his lap I knew that his cock was fully inside of me. The stretch of his huge meat was giving me waves of pleasure as I felt it swell inside of me. I broke our kiss.

"Your cock feels so fucking good." I said into his ear. He returned with a smile and a kiss to my neck which sent shivers down my spine. I started to lean forward, letting his cock pull from my ass, then I sat back down, forcing it back. I was soon sliding around on his lap like a mad man, working his cock around my insides, but I knew I wanted it to pump me. I took the weight completely off from his lap, his cock almost emerging from my ring, then slammed back down. I repeated the same motion, but picking up the pace and soon I was riding him wildly, his cock pumping in and out of my bowels, stretching me passed what I thought I was capable of.

"Your tight ass is going to make me cum baby, I'm cumming now! He yelled, grabbing my hips and slamming me down onto his rod.

"Oh fuck, cum inside me. Fill me." I was pinching my nipples hard, letting him fill me with his sticky, hot cum. His cock quickly started to deflate inside of me. He gave me one more kiss before pulling me off of his cock. I sat back onto his lap and rested my head onto his shoulder, catching my breath.

"You were so fucking good." I said into his ear.

"So were you." I leaned back and gave him one final kiss before I swam back to the edge of the hot tub.

Before I left that night, I was sure to give Ben my phone number, just in case he got lonely. He continued to give me a show now and again but we never had another experience like we had that night. We kept in touch over text and he actually set me up with my first actual date. He was so cute. Hopefully one day I can tell everybody about my relationship with Andrew Creek, Ben's son. I finally have someone to share this massive house with.

If you like this story, feel free to check out my Patreon at and also don't forget about my book that is on Amazon. It is titled "Snowed In With My Best Friend" by Ted Davidson.

Thank you for reading!

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