My Neighbors New Roof

By J Russell

Published on Jul 2, 2015


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*When I got home from work today, the first thing I did was get undressed. It is the first thing I do every day when I get home from work; strip down to my boxers. I then open all of the blinds letting in the sun and light. As I open the blinds to the sliding doors in the back of my house, I see the house behind me is getting a new roof. Up on that roof are six Hispanic men, my favorite! I stand there in front of the sliding glass doors, in my boxers, watching them work and absent mindedly rubbing my cock. *

*I am an attractive 45 year old white gay man, in pretty good shape. I stand 5' 11" tall with short blonde hair and I have a nice body, not overly muscular, but tight and toned. As I stand there watching these hot guys work, my cock is getting hard in my boxers as my mind runs rampant with what I would like to do with any of them if not all of them! I'm standing there looking at the Spanish smorgasbord up above me when one of the guys notices me standing there. He stops what he is doing for a minute and just looks at me. *

I smile and wave at him and then without thinking I take my hand, close it like I'm holding a cock and move it to and from my mouth like I'm jerking a cock off into my mouth. The guy just stands there for a minute or so and then smiles and looks around. When he sees no one is watching he reaches down and grabs his cock and rubs it. He does this for a couple of minutes watching me until a coworker comes by. He stops and talks with the coworker and then continues his work, still looking over at me every so often.

I go into my kitchen and get a corona and then I go out to my yard and lie down on a yard chair facing the roof and my guys, spread my legs and slowly start to drink my beer. As I sit there some of the other guys notice me and each time someone looks down at me I take as p of my beer, nod, smile and wave the beer at them which gets me a smile in return. It is a hot day, mid 90's and I'm sure they think a nice cold beer would hit the spot, and from my experience with Spanish guys, I don't think they would turn down a blow job either!

*One by one they all look down at me and my beer and they are soon talking about the gringo sitting in the yard below practically nude with only boxers on drinking a cold corona. The more they look, the more aggressive I get. When I put the bottle in my mouth to take a sip of beer, I stick the stem deep down my throat and make like I'm sucking on it and wink at them. That gets smiles and laughs as they make their comments to each other and grab their cocks through their jeans. *

*Like I said earlier, there are six of them all are clean shaven or a bit of stubble and one has a beard. Four of the guys are younger, I'd say 20's – 30's and two of the guys look older maybe 40's – 50's. They all look to be about 5' 9" with slim but tight bodies, except for the two older guys. They are the same height but one has a belly and the other is stocky with big shoulders, arms and legs. I get up to get another beer and it is obvious in my boxers that my cock is hard and I do nothing to hide it. *

*When I come back to the yard two of the younger looking guys are on the roof right above my yard working and looking at me, the other guys had gone to the other side. Instead of sitting down I walk over to the fence between the houses and stand right below them. I put the bottle to my lips and I slide the long neck deep into my throat and push it in and out for a few minutes. They stand there almost mesmerized by what I am doing and start rubbing the front of their jeans and before long I can see the outline of their cocks. Both guys look to have nice sized cocks. I say to them "yo quiero chupa" I want to suck and they both smile and keep rubbing their now rock hard cocks. *

One of the guys, the one who has a beard, says something to his friend and turning to see if anyone is looking, pulls down his zipper and takes out his cock. His cock is circumcised, about 7 ½ inches long, on the slim side but with a big mushroom head and like his body is a nice brown color. He stands there pulling on his cock as I watch him licking my lips. He suddenly stuffs it back in his pants because someone comes over but winks at me.

It was one of the older guys, the stocky guy that comes over and he says something in Spanish to them and then notices me standing there and looks down t me. As he looks down he sees the guys zipper is open and then looks from me to them, I know he has to see the bulge in the front of their jeans and a smile forms on his lips. Before he could say anything, I motion to my beer and I ask him if his guys would like a nice cold beer or maybe need to use the bathroom and I look at the front of his jeans. His jeans are tighter than the younger guy's jeans and I can see the outline of his cock. He sees where I'm looking and says sure, my men are just about down a cold beer or two would definitely hit the spot and grabs the bulge in the front of his pants. At that point the guy with the beard says to the older guy that he really needs to piss and the guys tells him to go ahead and he jumps down from the roof into my yard.

*The older guy and the other younger guy walk back to the other side and I tell the guy in my yard to follow me and we go inside. I take him to my bathroom and I turn around and he already has his cock out. I drop to my knees and he steps in my front of me and rubs the head of his cock against my lips and asks "You want my cock?" and I answer him by swallowing his hot cock down my throat. I sucked his cock deep down my throat and squeezed my throat muscles on it and he moaned, grabbed my head and started to fuck my face! He fucked my mouth fast and hard, ramming his cock deep into my throat and all the way back out again, over and over. I reached up and pulled his jeans and underwear down and started to massage his muscular ass. I loved the way he took control and fucked my mouth like he was fucking a pussy moaning and mumbling things in Spanish. His thrusts got faster and faster until he pushed his cock deep down my throat and started to unload. I tried to pull off to taste his cum but he held my head tight and kept his cock deep down my throat and I felt his cock pulse as load after load shots straight into my stomach. *

As the cumming started to subside, he eased up on his hold of me and his cock pulled back until just the head was in my mouth, still shooting cum and I finally got to taste the sweet nectar from his balls. He was exhausted from that but kept his cock in my mouth still dribbling cum with me licking up every last drop. I kept sucking and licking his cock for a few minutes as the swelling of his cock went down and he got softer. He still didn't take his cock from my mouth so I kept licking and sucking when suddenly he started to piss. It was a small dribble at first, then a few more drops and then he grabbed my head, pushed his cock back into my mouth and let loose with a strong steady stream of piss. With him holding my head I had no choice but to swallow otherwise it would have came out all over. Now not that I minded mind you, I just didn't expect it! So I swallowed and swallowed as he pissed down my throat until that too started to subside and then finally stop. This time he did pull his cock from my mouth and placing the tip of his cock against my lips pissed the last few drops onto my lips and his piss running into my mouth. I licked his cock clean of piss and stood up. He put his cock away and we went back outside.

To be continued ...

Next: Chapter 2

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