My Neighbor's Man Cave

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jul 2, 2024


My Neighbor's Man Cave

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

My Neighbor's Man Cave -- Chapter 8

Jamie cleaned up the mess he had caused me to make and put the SUV back on the road. We had about another 90 minutes before we got home, and each mile closer made the nervous pit in my stomach hurt more. Jamie's hand touched mine. "Are you okay?" he asked. His hand seemed to snap me out of my thoughts. "Yeah," I said, but I wasn't convincing anyone.

Jamie laced his fingers with mine. "You can talk to me, you know," he said. I wanted to talk, but I wasn't sure where to begin. "Listen, anything you want to say is ok," Jamie said, his voice very gentle. His hand felt good and gave me the confidence to talk to him. "What happens when we get home? How do I face Claire? What happens with you and me? What am I supposed to do?" All my bottled-up questions just began to flow directly from my head and out of my mouth.

Jamie sat still for a moment, listening, contemplating my concerns. "What do you want to happen when we get back?" Jamie asked but didn't wait for my response. "I don't know what you do with Claire; that's hard. I had to face similar things with Bobbie. I love Bobbie, but I know I am not in love with her, and she does not satisfy me. I know she does not make my heart feel the same as when I am with..." Jamie stopped the sentence abruptly.

"What do you want? We can go back to how things were before this weekend or see what could happen between us. I won't pressure you," Jamie said, and something in his voice clearly said he hoped there would be more. I sat and thought about what he was saying. I thought about this weekend, what happened, and what changed for me--realizing what I wasn't getting, what I needed, and the realization of where it might come from.

Jamie's hand still held mine. His touch was firm, but I felt a sense of compassion. I felt that he cared about me. I couldn't remember the last time Claire and I held hands or touched. We had become friends, companions, and roommates but weren't lovers. Were we ever lovers? I tried to remember the early days. The excitement of the first kiss, the first time we had sex. I couldn't recall it. The memory wasn't there. Maybe it was never exciting.

"I'm unsure what I want or need, but this weekend changed everything. You changed everything for me. I don't think this would have happened if we hadn't met. I don't know how to do this, but I think I have to find out," I said, the words flowing from me unaltered.

Jamie squeezed my hand, and I could tell he was glad I wanted to try it. "We can go as slowly as you want to go; I won't pressure you," he said, but I could hear the excitement in his voice. "I think it may be too late to go slowly," I said with a chuckle. Jamie laughed, too.

Jamie brought our hands toward him and kissed my hand before laying it on his lap. He rubbed my hand over his hard cock. "See what you do to me," He said. I pulled my hand free and continued rubbing the large mound in his pants. "Take it out," I said firmly. Jamie let go of the steering wheel with one hand and began to work his dick out of his pants.

"Suck it," Jamie said, and it sounded more like an order. I loosened my seatbelt and leaned over, taking his dick in my hand. "I want to take your load," I said, and the words sounded so raw. Jamie sat back, giving me plenty of room between his body and the steering wheel. I began to lick the head of his cock, getting it very wet. A musky man scent filled my nose as I licked around each side, taking my time.

"Suck it," Jamie hissed, and I dropped my mouth over his thick cock, taking it slowly into my mouth. "Oh yeah, baby," Jamie said, gently running his hand through my hair. I could feel the mushroom head of his dick running along the roof of my mouth--the soft, silky skin of the stiff shaft sliding between my lips.

Every so often, Jamie would pulse his dick, and I could feel it grow in my mouth. I drew my head up and pushed down, creating a rhythm. I tried to gauge Jamie's reaction on how I was doing, what did he seem to respond to, when did his dick seem to throb. As he reacted to different things, I began to get a sense of what felt good to him, and I focused on trying to hit those same spots.

"Fuck, Brady, that feels so good," Jamie moaned, and his body began to move. I pulled my mouth free, leaving his saliva-soaked dick in the open. "Don't stop," Jamie hissed. "What do I get if I continue?" I asked playfully. "I don't know, what do you want?" Jamie asked, sounding desperate. I felt a sense of control come over me. "I guess you will just owe me," I said playfully. "Deal!" Jamie said quickly and guided my head back to his cock.

I pushed his dick back past my lips and as deep as I dared go without gagging. "Fucking tease," Jamie said, holding my head. Not so tightly that I couldn't move, but enough to keep me from stopping again if I tried. I wrapped my fingers around his shaft and began to slide up and down in a coordinated effort. Jamie moaned, and his fingers slid over my head and down my back. "I am so close, buddy. Please take it. Take every drop," Jamie hissed.

"Oh fuck," he moaned, and I felt something warm in the back of my throat. Jamie's body convulsed, and more cum shot into my mouth, then more. It felt like it would never stop, but I took every drop, not letting it slip from my mouth. When Jamie's cock stopped unloading, I let his cock slide from my mouth and licked him clean. Jamie gave me a quick kiss before I moved back to my side of the SUV.

We drove on a while longer and finally pulled into the driveway. Jamie adjusted himself, stuffing his dick back into his pants, then we began to unload the vehicle. I looked at my house and saw the bedroom light on, and a feeling of dread came over me. I missed her, but I didn't want to face her. "Hey, it will be ok. We can do this," Jamie said quietly so that Claire and Bobbie couldn't hear him. "Come over tomorrow night so we can start our workout sessions," Jamie added with a wink.

I took my time walking back to the house, the pit in my stomach growing with each step. I took a deep breath and slowly let it out to help still my anxiousness as I made my way through the house to our bedroom. "Hi honey," Claire said brightly, looking up from the book she was reading. I gave her a quick kiss that felt obligatory, then dropped my stuff and went to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

"Did you have a good time with Jamie?" Claire asked, and a shiver crawled up my spine. "Yeah, it wasn't too bad. We weren't able to do much fishing because of the storm. Oh, and Jamie offered to help me work out, and I think I will take him up on his offer," I explained, trying not to overcomplicate or embellish anything. Claire smiled and returned her book.

Claire was already downstairs in the kitchen when I finally dragged myself out of bed. Groggily, I reached for the coffee pot and waited for Claire, who was on the phone. "It's Bobbie," Claire said, holding her hand over the phone. I watched as Claire and Bobbie talked, a panic surging through me. What if Jamie had said something or Bobbie figured something out? A few minutes later, Claire hung up the phone.

"What's up?" I asked. "Bobbie's dad has taken ill, and they're going out of town to care for him. They are leaving this morning as soon as they pack up the car. She asked if we could get the mail and watch the house while they were gone. Oh, and Jamie said that you can use the gym whenever you want to," Claire said.

Hearing that Jamie and Bobbie were gone initially felt like a relief. Everything had happened so quickly that I didn't have time to process it. Claire was her normal self; we shared a bed, a meal, and a conversation, but there was nothing more. As I lay next to her in bed or sat across from her at the table, I realized that I didn't feel any desire; I didn't get aroused or excited by her. As I thought more about it, I couldn't recall when I did, not even when we first met or married.

I sat at my desk, unable to focus on work. I reflected on my life, the events of the past weeks, and the lack of anything for years. I thought about the cabin and how I felt being with Jamie, what passion and being fully satisfied felt like. Was I being selfish? Was I just caught up in something new, or was it more?

After finishing the day's work, I told Claire, "I can check on Jamie and Bobbie's mail; I was thinking I would use the gym while I was there." Claire gave me a quick nod and returned to whatever she was doing on her computer. I entered the side yard and into the detached garage. I moved past the gym and the office and found the cabinet that was the entrance to the man cave.

The man cave was very quiet as I moved around. I walked over to the bar, where Jamie had poured me a drink. His army green bomber jacket sat on a barstool, and I ran my hand over the satin material. I walked to the end of the bar to the spot where Jamie first approached me. I thought about how he had pinned me to the wall. The feeling of his muscled frame against mine. The warmth of his breath on my cheek and the smell of the alcohol.

As I recalled what happened, I felt a heightened sense of something I couldn't describe--a combination of excitement and resentment. I began to wonder what would have happened if Jamie never touched me. Would my life continue in the same basic, uneventful, passionless way? Would that be a bad thing?

I picked up the jacket and brought it to my face. Jamie's scent filled my nose and made my dick jerk in my pants. I slipped the jacket on; it was a bit large, but being wrapped in it felt warm and comforting. I remember seeing Jamie in it, how the shiny material stretched across his muscled body.

I felt my dick getting hard and straining against my pants. I took a seat on the leather sofa, sinking into it. I pulled open my pants and released my hard cock, and closed my eyes, recalling what Jamie felt like. I buried my nose into the jacket to feel like I was with him. I closed my eyes and imagined him bringing his lips to mine and kissing me. Kissing me in a way I had never felt a kiss before.

Then, feeling an odd comfort as his hands and lips traversed my body, touching, licking, and kissing every part of me. Parts of me, Claire, never even came close to touching. I felt things that I had never experienced with Claire. Precum oozed from the tip of my cock as I thought about all that Jamie did, how he made me feel.

I ran my hand around the head, smearing precum down and over my dick, imagining Jamie's mouth sucking on my dick or how incredible it felt to slide my dick deep inside him, how raw and intense it was but simultaneously exciting and passionate. How connected I felt to someone for the first time.

As I slowly stroked myself, my mind went to the encounter with the boy in the woods. A feeling of resentment washed over me. The images of Jamie fucking him excited me, but I felt a sense of anger too. Until Jamie, I had always been monogamous. Was that mindset driving some jealousy, or did I have feelings for Jamie and didn't like the idea of sharing him with someone? I stopped stroking my dick as thoughts began to blend in my head. Was it wrong for me to feel jealous?

I couldn't deny that I enjoyed the encounter with the boy in the woods. Jamie telling me to kiss the boy, the smell of his leather jacket while we made out, and watching Jamie slide his hard dick into the boy's mouth. I liked the look of the boy bent over, his pants around his ankles, and the feeling of sliding my dick inside him while Jamie watched. And how intense my orgasm was watching Jamie fuck the boy, shooting his load all over the boy's leather jacket.

I continued stroking my dick, smearing the precum all over my hand and over my dick. With my other hand, I reached between my legs and played with my hole, wondering what it would feel like to have Jamie inside me. I couldn't hold back any longer. My ass clenched down on my finger as my dick swelled and began to spew cum all over my hand, cock, and balls.

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