My Neighbor's Man Cave

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jun 23, 2024


My Neighbors Man Cave

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

My Neighbors Man Cave -- Chapter 6

Jamie drove for about 30 minutes and stopped at a small roadside place for breakfast before returning to the road. Our conversation was relaxed but sparse. I still felt strange about what we had done, the new experiences, and how everything seemed different. I kept going over everything that had happened in my head and thinking about what life with Claire would be like.

We drove for a while, then Jamie pulled off the road and stopped the vehicle. "I really need to piss," He said, getting out. I watched Jamie walk past me and into the brush. I decided it was probably a good idea for me to go while we were already stopped. I got out and followed Jamie along the path. Jamie turned and smiled at me as I approached.

Jamie opened his pants and pulled out his cock. It was semi-hard as he held it and pointed it at the ground. I watched out of the corner of my eye. "You can watch if you want," Jamie suggested, and I blushed. Jamie stepped closer to me and took my hand, and wrapped it around his cock. "Yeah, that's it," he said, holding his hand over mine. I watched as a strong yellow stream shot from his dickhead, splashing the ground in front of us.

Jamie released my hand and watched as I unzipped and pulled out my cock. I felt a sense of embarrassment as I had never pissed in front of anyone, not even Claire. I stood there, holding my dick, trying to make piss come, but I just couldn't, not with Jamie watching.

Jamie came up behind me and wrapped his arm around me. Then he wrapped one hand around my cock; his fingers cold against my warm dick. "Relax," he said softly near my ear as he aimed my cock at the ground. Instead of relaxing me to piss, I felt my dick start to harden in his hand. Jamie pulled me closer and placed his free hand on my chest, pulling me back against him. "Damn. Your dick feels good," he remarked.

I tried to relax and enjoy Jamie's hand, but I felt uneasy about where we were. "It's ok, no one can see us," Jamie said, still gently running his hand on my hard dick. I closed my eyes and allowed the sensations to flow over me. Jamie began to stroke a bit faster, and I felt like I was getting close; then, I heard a crack, and my eyes popped open. "What was that?" I asked, looking around. "Probably a squirrel or a deer," Jamie said, unconcerned.

We stood still for a moment listening; then I heard another crack and another. I pulled away from Jamie and stuffed my softening dick back into my pants as the sounds got closer. "Hey, how's it going?" I heard the person's voice before I turned to see him. I felt my face turn beet red with embarrassment. Had he seen us? Was he watching? "Hey," Jamie said calmly, showing no sign of concern or embarrassment. His dick was still out of his pants.

The guy looked like he was in his early 20s; he was a bit shorter than me with a trim build. He wore a black leather motorcycle jacket with a grey T-shirt under it. His jeans were well-worn and threadbare in several places, especially around his crotch. "I didn't mean to disturb you; I just needed to find a place to piss," he said with a grin.

"Ok," Jamie said, not turning away. The boy lowered the zipper of his jeans and began pulling his dick out. He didn't seem to mind at all that we watched. As his dick was released from his pants, I noticed that it was uncut. The boy pulled the foreskin back, exposing the head of his cock, and began to let a stream of piss hit the ground. The warm piss caused steam to rise from the cold ground.

The boy gave his dick a few last shakes, releasing every drop of piss, but didn't stuff it back into his pants. He looked up and gave Jamie and me a cocky smile. "Looks like this boy wants to have some fun," Jamie said, turning to me. I looked back to the boy and watched as his dick began to get hard in his hand.

"Come here, boy," Jamie said in a commanding voice. The boy walked forward, his dick bobbing as he moved. Jamie reached out roughly, taking the boy's dick in his big hand. The boy reached forward towards Jamie's dick, but Jamie stopped him. "Did I say you can touch that?" Jamie asked. There was a sadistic tone to his voice. "No, sir!" The boy responded sharply.

"Come over here and help me teach this boy," Jamie said. I watched the whole thing happen as if I were just a spectator. I had never witnessed anything like this, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to be part of it. I walked slowly toward the boy and stood next to Jamie. Jamie placed his hands on the boy's shoulders and began to push the boy to his knees. The leather jacket crackled as he moved.

The boy sank to the hard ground without much resistance. Jamie moved forward and grabbed the boy roughly by the hair and began to drag his hard cock across the boy's face. "Can I have it, sir?" The boy asked, displaying a submissive nature. Jamie jabbed his dick at the boy's mouth, shoving it in quickly and pulling it away. The boy became frustrated and tried to get it into his mouth.

"Pull your dick out," Jamie said, turning to me. I hesitated, but something about him excited me as I looked down at the boy. With shaky fingers, I opened my pants and pulled out my cock. The boy turned to me and opened his mouth, waiting for me to insert my dick. Still holding the boy's hair, he pulled the boy closer so that his mouth slid onto my hard dick.

The boy wasted no time, starting to suck my dick. His mouth was warm, and he seemed to know what he was doing. Jamie stood next to me and draped an arm over my shoulder. "Is he doing a good job?" He asked. I nodded, enjoying the feeling of his warm mouth. "Don't cum yet. We need to have some fun," Jamie instructed.

I was getting close, and I could feel an impending orgasm start to flow through my body. I pulled my dick free and watched as the boy tried to stop me. "We have a hungry cock sucker here," Jamie said. The boy looked up and smiled, acknowledging the comment. Jamie reached his hands under the boy's arms and pulled him up to his feet. Then he reached for and began to pull open the boy's pants. Once they were open, Jamie pushed them down, exposing most of the boy's lower body.

"My turn," Jamie said, bending the boy forward and rubbing his dick in the boy's face. "You want this boy?" Jamie asked, his voice deep and husky. "Yeah. Yeah, I do," the boy said excitedly, waiting for Jamie to put it in his mouth. I watched as Jamie started to feed his dick into the boy's mouth.

"Come here, buddy," Jamie said, pulling me to his side. I watched as the boy began sucking on Jamie's cock, taking it as deep as he could get it. A part of me found this exciting, but another feeling washed over me: I felt jealous. Jamie pulled me close and ran his hand across my cheek. He smiled at me and then began to kiss me. His mouth was warm, and his tongue quickly probed my mouth.

We kissed for a while, and then Jamie pulled away abruptly. "I'm not ready yet," he said, pulling his dick from the boy's mouth with a plop. Saliva coated Jamie's cock. The boy stood up straight and looked at both of us, waiting for whatever was coming next. Jamie moved behind him and wrapped his arms around the boy. "Come here, buddy," Jamie said, pulling me close. We sandwiched the boy between us.

"Kiss him," Jamie said to me. I looked at the boy, uncertain if I wanted to. The boy gave me a shy smile. I placed my hand behind his head and moved closer, staring into his eyes. As I got closer, I could smell his leather jacket and feel the heat coming off his body. Our lips touched, and the boy opened his mouth, allowing me to reach inside with my tongue.

I wrapped my arms around the boy, pulling me into me, meshing our hard cocks together. Jamie let the boy go and stood behind the boy, and began to rub his dick against the boy's ass. "Yeah, buddy," Jamie said, watching us kiss. The boy took a deep breath as Jamie's dick entered him. The boy pulled away for a brief moment as a look of sharp pain washed over his face. The look passed quickly, and he bent forward, returning his mouth to mine.

Jamie began to push his dick deeper into the boy. The boy pulled his mouth from mine and let out a loud moan; I felt his dick ooze precum as it pressed against mine. Jamie pushed the boy, bending him forward, allowing him to have better access to the boy's ass. The boy pulled me closer and began sucking my dick into his mouth.

I looked over the boy. His black leather jacket covering his back. Jamie's hands were strongly planted on the boy's hips, and his dick was deeply buried inside the boy. Jamie had a look of pure raw sex on his face as he drove his dick in and out of the boy, using his ass for his pleasure. "Fuck boy, your ass is so nice," I heard Jamie grunt; his words made the strange jealous feeling rise in me again.

"Fuck. Fuck." Jamie repeated it over and over. I could tell he was close and wanted to see him when he came. "Oh fuck," Jamie said with a deep grunt. He pulled his dick from the boy's ass, held it in his hand, and I watched as he began to shoot cum all over the boy's black leather jacket. Thick ropes of cum, streaked the boy's black leather.

Jamie gave his spent dick a bit of a shake watching the last drops of cum drip from his piss slit. He gave me a quick smile. "Change places with me," Jamie said and came around in front of the boy. I pulled my dick from the boy's mouth, and Jamie took my spot, pushing his cum coated cock into the boy's mouth. "Suck it clean, boy," Jamie said. The boy began to clean Jamie's dick.

"Your turn," Jamie said, watching me. I looked at the boy's ass, not sure if I wanted to. Until recently, I had only had sex with Claire, then this new thing with Jamie that I still wasn't completely sure about. "Go ahead, it's nice," Jamie said, waiting for me to fuck the boy. I placed my hands on the boy's ass and slid my wet, hard cock into his hole. It felt good, different than Jamie, but good.

I began to fuck the boy's ass, pushing my dick inside him. I stopped holding back and began to drive my dick into the boy enjoying the raw feeling of it. I bent forward, and the combined smell of Jamie's cum and the boy's leather jacket filled my nose. My dick swelled from the sensation. I licked some of the cum off the jacket, then moved forward for Jamie to suck it off my tongue. Jamie smiled and closed his mouth on mine, sucking the cum off my tongue.

I bent down and licked up more cum and let Jamie lick it off my tongue. All my inhibitions faded away as the raw sexual act took over. I stopped worrying about what I was doing. I didn't seem to care if it was right or wrong. I was enjoying the rawness of it. The sexual energy of it.

Jamie watched me intently as my body tightened, broadcasting the forthcoming orgasm. I could feel it in my legs; I could feel it in my balls. I grasped the boy's hips tightly as I rammed my dick into him. The muscles in his ass, wrapped around my hard dick, intensify the feeling. "Oh shit," I grunted as I felt that sensation when everything seemingly moves in slow motion, that moment when your body is enveloped in pure sexual energy. That moment that you wish could last as long as possible. I let out a slow breath as I felt cum shoot deep inside the boy's ass. My body trembled from my intense orgasm inside the boy.

I stayed still for another moment, then slowly drew my spent dick from the boy's ass. The boy stood up and turned to me, and smiled. His dick was still rock hard. Jamie reached for the boy's cock and began to stroke it. As Jamie stroked the boy's uncut cock, I reached over and began to finger his spent hole. I felt my cum, begin to ooze from his ass.

The boy moaned and laid his head on my shoulder. I placed my fingers under his chin and brought his face to mine so that I could kiss him. Jamie leaned in, and the three of us took turns making out. Jamie and me, the boy and Jamie and the boy and me. "I'm going to cum," the boy moaned, and Jamie and I stood back to watch. The boy arched his back, and as Jamie gave him a couple more strokes, his young dick swelled, and an arc of cum, shot out, hitting the ground. I held the boy up as his knees started to buckle from the intensity, and another arc of cum, shot forth. Jamie continued stroking until the last of his sperm was expelled from the boy's uncut cock.

The 3 of us stood quietly, spent from intense sex. "That was hot," the boy said as he began to pull his jeans up, stuffing his semi-hard cock into his pants. Jamie and I also put our spent cocks away. The boy kissed us each, and then we watched as he headed back along the path he came down. "Fuck, I am beat," Jamie said, and we both began to laugh as we headed back to the SUV.

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Next: Chapter 7

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