My Neighbor's Man Cave

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jun 17, 2024


My Neighbors Man Cave

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

My Neighbors Man Cave -- Chapter 5

"The sun is up, so we should get ready and head back soon. You can go first to shower," Jamie said, running a hand over my chest. I didn't want to get out of bed, but I knew it was getting late, and we would need to get back on the road soon. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Once the water was warm, I slid the glass door back, stepped in, under the flow, and let the water cascade over my body.

I dipped my head under the warm water as it flowed over my shoulders and down my body. I picked up the soap and began to run it down my abs, over my pubes, and around my cock and balls. I felt my dick jerk as I recalled the feeling of being inside of Jamie. I closed my eyes, thinking about how it felt, remembering how warm and tight it was. A flash of guilt hit me. It was strange, but I had to face the unfortunate truth that I enjoyed it more with Jamie than with Claire.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear Jamie enter the bathroom. The glass shower door slid open, and I felt a wave of cold air washed over me. "Mind if I join you?" Jamie asked, but it was too late as he was already in the shower. Jamie came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to him. He bowed his head under the water for a moment, then began to run his lips over my neck, sending waves of chills through me.

Jamie reached for the soap bar and ran it over my chest, making small, gentle circles. Each pass moved lower and closer to my groin. I felt myself react, waiting for Jamie's hands to touch my already hardening dick, but to my frustration, Jamie stopped and moved around to my back. As he did with my front, Jamie began to run the soap over my back, making small circles that moved in a pattern across my shoulders and then down to my lower back.

Jamie continued even lower, and I felt the soap being dragged over my ass cheek; then he ran his hand under it and came up the center of my ass. I wasn't sure what he was doing, and I instinctively clenched my ass out of fear. "Relax," Jamie said, and I cautiously released the clenching.

Jamie ran his soapy fingers down the crack of my ass. It felt wrong for someone to touch me there. Claire certainly never did, but it felt amazingly good, too. Jamie continued running his fingers down the center of my ass, making gentle, featherlike passes that barely touched my hole. I began to feel a sense of concern that he would try to enter me, and I felt myself panic and start to clench again.

Jamie stopped what he was doing and reached beyond me to remove the shower head from the wall. He sprayed the warm water over my body, washing away the soapy residue. I watched as the foam slid off my body and down the drain. Jamie moved the spray to my ass, and I felt the warm water trickle over my ass cheeks. Jamie pulled back a cheek and sprayed water directly into the crack, causing my dick to jump and grow hard. When all the soap was properly washed away, Jamie reached across my body and placed the showerhead back onto its hook.

Jamie wrapped an arm around my body, placing his hand on my abs, and pulled my body into his. I could feel his hard dick pressing against my ass, and panic once again began to sink in. There was no way I could do that. There was no way I wanted to do that. Jamie's hand trailed down my abs, and he took hold of my cock. Fear had caused it to go a bit flaccid.

I felt Jamie's beard rake over my shoulder as his lips moved softly up my neck to my ear. His larger frame engulfing me, meshing his hairy body into mine. Jamie began to stroke my cock, slowly, gently moving his hand. It felt so gentle and soft, but it had an amazing effect. My dick began to once again fill with blood and grow hard in his hand. "Does that feel good?" Jamie asked, his voice soft, masculine, and deep, close to my ear. "Yeah," was all I could say as waves of excitement washed over me.

Jamie's hand moved so softly, barely touching me, yet I felt my orgasm starting to come close. I felt my body become rigid, waiting for him to let me release. I took a breath, waiting for it to happen, but Jamie let his hand drop, depriving me of the release his hand promised. I let a frustrated breath out and let my body relax.

Jamie got down on his knees on the shower floor, and I felt his hands on my cheeks. "No. Don't," I said sharply, tightening and protecting myself. "Just relax; I want you to feel something," Jamie said. I wasn't convinced, but I allowed myself to try at least to relax.

I felt Jamie's hands on my ass, pulling the cheeks apart, then I felt something touch my hole, but it wasn't a finger. It was warm and soft. "Bend forward," Jamie ordered, and I moved without question, placing my hands on the shower wall. Again, I felt it tickle my hole and realized it was Jamie's tongue. The feeling was incredible; it was weird and warm and just fucking incredible.

Jamie continued licking my hole and driving his tongue deeper into me. Each lick and each probe made my dick jerk. I began to pant, and my body tensed from the pure pleasure that Jamie was giving me. Then he stopped once again. Once again, depriving me of the release I wanted.

Jamie placed his hands on my hips. "Turn around and face me," Jamie said, guiding me in the shower. I pulled my hands from the shower wall and turned. My hard dick leading the way, almost hitting Jamie in the face. Jamie looked up and smiled at me. "Is this better than a wet dream?" He asked playfully.

I reached forward and ran my hand through his wet hair. "Yeah, it is," I said, pulling his head closer. I felt a surge of sexual aggression run through me as I watched him on his knees in front of my hard dick. Jamie took my shaft in his hand. "Is this what you want?" He asked, looking up at me. With my hand on his head, I pulled him closer. I was beyond the point of being teased.

Jamie took my cock into his mouth, drew it in, and began to make slow sucking motions. This was too slow, too gentle. I grabbed him by the shoulders and began to thrust my dick into his mouth. Jamie grabbed my hips, holding me tight while I fucked his mouth.

Jamie's mouth felt incredible, and I could feel myself using his mouth to satisfy my sexual frustrations. I was close. I was so close, I needed to cum so badly. I wanted to cum so badly, but the feeling was so amazing that I wanted to feel it as long as I could. I began to grunt, and my fucking motion became wilder and more intense.

I pulled my dick out of Jamie's mouth seconds before I lost all control. I held my dick waiting for that moment to pass. Jamie looked up at me like a hungry animal waiting to get fed. Waiting for me to give him what he was trying to suck out of me.

As the impending moment passed, I took the tip of my dick and began to run it over Jamie's lips. Jamie tried to take it into his mouth, but I pulled back. "Is this what you want?" I asked--a sadistic control sound to my voice. Jamie nodded and opened his mouth, waiting for me to reinsert my hard dick. I began to push forward but pulled immediately out, teasing his mouth.

Jamie placed his hands on my ass and pulled me forward, forcing my dick once again back into his mouth. "Fuck," I moaned, allowing him to suck my dick back into his mouth. I started to slide my dick back and forth, feeling his tongue on the underside of my cock and the warmth of his mouth.

I ran my fingers through Jamie's hair as he moved back and forth, sucking my dick, bringing me closer to my overdue release. I was so lost in what Jamie's mouth was doing I hadn't realized that Jamie moved his hand closer, and then I felt his finger begin to probe my hole. A weird sensation moved through my body; it felt strange and caused me to suck in and hold my breath.

Jamie continued sucking me as he moved his finger slowly around in my hole. I felt a bit of pain that passed fairly quickly. He never stopped sucking while he continued to drive his finger deeper inside me. Then Jamie's finger did something to me. It was like he hit some button that changed the feeling completely. "Fuck," I said out loud in response to whatever his finger was doing. My dick swelled, and I began to lose control of my body. I placed a hand on the shower wall to prevent myself from falling over.

My dick swelled, and I began to press back onto Jamie's finger as I felt the orgasm fill my body. I looked down, watching Jamie, then grabbed him roughly by the hair and pulled him deeper onto my dick just as cum began to shoot with intensity from my dick. Jamie swallowed as much as he could, but the load was so heavy, so intense, that some of it began to ooze from his mouth and drip down over his dark beard. Jamie never stopped; he didn't pull his mouth away, no matter how hard I fucked it. He continued slurping even after the last drops of cum left my dick.

Spent and exhausted, I began to slump down in the shower. Jamie pulled his mouth from my dick and his finger from my ass as I ended up on the shower floor in front of him. Jamie's beard was coated with cum, and he had a wide, proud grin on his face. "That was incredible," I said, finally catching my breath.

Jamie bent forward and placed his mouth on mine, sharing my cum with me as his tongue probed my mouth. "We need to get out of here," Jamie said, breaking off the kiss. The once-warm water started to cool, not that I had really noticed. Jamie stood up, helped me to my feet, and then waited as I stepped out of the shower. I grabbed a towel and began to dry off while Jamie stayed in the shower to quickly rinse the cum from his face.

We got dressed and packed our overnight bags. While I put the bags in the car, Jamie moved about the cabin, putting everything back where it belonged. Jamie was waiting for me in the kitchen, wearing his nylon army green bomber jacket. "I know a place we can stop on the way home for some breakfast," Jamie said as we began to head out of the cabin.

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Next: Chapter 6

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