My Neighbor's Man Cave

By Greg Stevens

Published on May 23, 2024


The Neighbor Next Door

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

The Neighbor Next Door -- Chapter 3

Jamie propped himself up on one of his massive arms and wiped cum from his mouth with the back of his hand. He looked down at me coated in his cum and began to draw circles on my abs, running his finger through the cold seamen.

"Are you ok?" Jamie asked, still drawing small circles that began to feel ticklish. So many thoughts raced through my head. "Am I ok?" I thought. I wasn't really sure what I was feeling. I waited for the crushing weight of guilt to overwhelm me, but it didn't come. I thought about Claire. "Did I love her?" I think I did, but we, or maybe I, lost interest in sex somehow. We had little to no intimacy anymore.

"Was sex ever good?" I asked myself as I flashed back to Claire. The painful truth was, no! But it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't good either. I don't think I realized it before this happened with Jamie. I think I thought that it was supposed to feel like that with Claire. That it was as good as it would ever get.

"Yeah, I guess," I replied, finally coming out of my thoughts. I didn't really want to talk about it with Jamie, not right now anyway. "Why don't you shower off, and we can get some dinner started," Jamie suggested, pulling himself off the bed. I watched as his massive naked figure walked across the cabin to the kitchen.

I got up, careful not to drip any cum anywhere, and went to the bathroom. The rain continued to pour, and the wind howled as I flicked on the light. I grimaced at my appearance in the mirror as I saw my smooth body coated in cum in different states, some dry and already crusted and other patches still wet and sticky. I stepped into the shower allowing warm water to wash over me, allowing the cum to run down the drain, washing away the evidence of what I had done.

I wrapped the towel around my waist and exited the bathroom, looking for clothes to put on. I found my duffle and pulled out some sweatpants and a T-shirt. "Anything I can do to help?" I asked Jamie as he heated some food Bobbie had packed for us. Jamie was still naked, and a glance at his body showed cum clinging to the hair on his lower abs and pubes.

Jamie left me to watch the pot on the stove while he showered. He returned still naked but now cleaned of all traces of cum. Jamie placed bowls of beef stew, chunks of bread, and a couple of beers on the table. "I guess our little workout made you hungry," Jamie said with a chuckle, watching me devour the hot meal. I felt myself blush. "Yeah, I guess," I said, sheepishly.

Jamie went to the living room to stoke the fire and then sat on the couch while I washed the dishes. When I finished the dishes, Jamie pulled back the blanket, indicating that I should sit next to him on the couch. I froze, trying to decide what I wanted to do. I looked at the space he created for me next to his naked body under the blanket, then to the seat at the other end of the sofa.

Finally, I gave in and awkwardly took the seat next to him. Jamie wrapped the blanket around us, then looked ahead at the fire. The room got very quiet except for the wind outside and the occasional crackle of the fire. I felt a strange sense of comfort and awkwardness as we sat together, watching the fire.

"When did you start doing stuff with guys?" I asked tentatively. Jamie had said that "they helped each other out in the army." "Yeah, we did. Mostly, it was just a bunch of lonely grunts jerking off. Then I pulled a detail with this guy. He was the youngest of our platoon; he was only about 5'6, a skinny kid, but had a huge cock. "We started to call him Tripod because he looked like a tripod when he was naked. On a night shift one night, Tripod and I were in the middle of nowhere; it was cold and dark. Tripod said he had to piss and pulled his semi-hard cock out of the front of his camo and let his stream fly splashing against the grass.

When he was done pissing, he gave it a few strokes, and I watched as it got hard. "Wanna jerk off?" He asked. I pulled my cock out and gave it a few strokes. Then Tripod, without asking, drops to his knees and turns his head to me. "What?" I asked. "Can I suck it?" He asked. I couldn't believe he was asking but fuck if I cared. I was hard and horny."

"He sucked you in the middle of the woods?" I asked. "He just swallowed it right down," Jamie replied. "Was it good? Did you like it?" I asked. "It wasn't bad. Tripod was eager, but he wasn't very good. It turns out it was his first time doing it. After that, whenever it was just the 2 of us, he would suck my dick, and he eventually got good at it," Jamie said. "You did it often, then? Did you do anything to him?" I asked. "Whenever we pulled duty together, we would strip down like 2 horny kids. Over time, we became close, and we tried other things," Jamie said, his voice lowering slightly.

"What did you do?" I asked, feeling my pulse start to race and my cock begin to stir in my sweatpants. "It was a really cold night, and Tripod and I were on duty, as usual. The wind blew at our backs, and we only had a small shelter to protect us from the cold. Poor Tripod, so small and skinny, was having a really hard time with it. So, I opened up my coat and pulled him against my body.

I am unsure why, but I felt so close to him that I bent down and kissed him. I had no idea how he would react. I had never kissed another guy before, and at that moment, it seemed ok. Tripod kissed me back, and for a while, we just stood there wrapped in each other, trying to stay warm and making out.

When our shift was over, neither of us wanted to return to our bunk, so we headed to an empty office in the barracks. If we had gotten caught, we would have been court martialed. We began to make out again, and we both opened our camo and pulled out our cocks, but this time, I went to my knees to suck Tripod's dick," Jamie said.

"Did you ever suck a dick before?" I asked. "No. There were a lot of firsts for me and Tripod that night. I remember when I held his cock in front of my face, there was a muskiness to it. I took it into my mouth, and the first sensation was his hard dick which felt warm and salty in my mouth. I rolled my tongue on the underside as the head scraped along the roof of my mouth till it hit my throat. I felt like I was going to gag, but I recovered quickly. Then, holding Tripod by his hips, I began to move him back and forth, driving his cock in and out of my mouth.

Tripod ran his hands through my hair and moaned with each thrust. I remember tasting his precum as it slid down the back of my throat. I remember feeling his cock swell in my mouth. Then he let out a loud moan, he tried to pull his dick from my mouth, but it was too late, and I felt warm cum hit the back of my throat. His body shook, and I had to hold him still as he fully unloaded in my mouth. I felt so powerful sucking him off. Bringing him so much pleasure," Jamie said. "You liked it?" I asked. "Yeah," Jamie said softly. I wasn't sure if he was embarrassed by saying yeah or if he was thinking back on it.

"Tripod's dick slipped from my mouth, spent, and covered in cum and my spit. I got to my feet, and Tripod began to kiss me again as my hard dick rubbed against him. Then he asked me to sit in the chair, which I did. He stood before me, dropped his camo to the floor, and pulled off his boots. I waited for him to drop to his knees to suck me, but instead, he climbed up on my lap, and we started to kiss again.

Tripod took my hand and placed it on his firm ass, guiding my fingers along the crack. As my fingers ran over his hole, he let out a moan. I allowed a finger to prod his puckered hole. Tripod pushed back on my finger, driving it deeper inside him. After a while, he pulled my hand away, and I figured he didn't like it anymore, but then he slid up my body and positioned my dick behind him. He lowered himself, and I felt the tip of my cock pressing on his ass. Slowly he began to slide his body down my cock," Jamie said. My cock was rock hard hearing Jamie relay this story.

"Tripod began to slide up and down my cock, driving it deeper and deeper into his tight hole. I couldn't believe such a small guy could take my dick without tearing him apart. We began to move together, driving my dick up as he came down. Tripod wrapped his arms around me, and we kissed and fucked in a way I had never done before. I couldn't hold back any longer, and I began to shoot my seed deep inside his ass," Jamie said with a sigh.

"Did you and Tripod get together often?" I asked. "Yeah, for a little while. Whenever we were on duty together, but a few months later, we each got orders and ended up in different parts of the world. We tried to stay in touch, but over time, it became harder. I got out of the service and met Bobbie, and we got married, and I put that part of me away," Jamie said

"Bobby and I were good for a while, but then the old feelings came back, and I met this married guy. We took turns blowing each other, but it never really clicked. I had a few other encounters here and there, but they were mostly just one-time things," Jamie explained. "Why me?" I asked.

Jamie turned to look at me, his expression was serious. "There was something about you that I just liked. I know what I did to you in the man cave was wrong, but I just needed to feel you. To feel that excitement, the sexual energy I once felt," Jamie explained, and it sounded a bit like an apology, or was it a justification?

Jamie wrapped his arm around me and pulled me to him. Then, he placed his lips on my head and gently kissed me, and we became still. I wasn't sure what I was feeling, but my dick was still rock hard. I understood what he meant about the excitement and sexual energy. It was something that Claire and I didn't have. And now I wondered if we ever did.

I pulled away from Jamie abruptly, and he gave me a confused and hurt look. Without a word, I pulled off my shirt and sweatpants. My dick dripped precum as I returned to the blanket, taking a seat next to Jamie. Jamie wrapped his arm around me and pulled me to him.

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Next: Chapter 4

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