My Neighbor My Slave

By moc.liamg@zanosnrobtsrif

Published on May 11, 2020


All characters and events in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real events or real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Though this work of fiction may contain sexual situations and/or sexual acts between adults and minors, neither the author nor FBS Media LLC condones such situations and/or acts.

©2019 FBS Media LLC. All rights reserved.

My Neighbor, My Slave Chapter 4

I woke up after a good night's sleep and went about my morning routine. My mom mentioned that she and my dad would be working double shifts all weekend and they were worried about leaving me alone.

"I could talk to Ben and see if he would have a problem with me staying with him this weekend," I offered.

"Oh, we couldn't trouble him like that," my mom replied.

"It can't hurt for me to ask."

"As long as it isn't an inconvenience for him."

With that, I got up, kissed my mom on the cheek and headed to Ben's apartment. I let myself in and found Ben in the kitchen, finishing up his breakfast.

"Good morning, boy. Good to see that you aren't still whining in bed."

"Good morning, Master."

"On your knees, boy. I don't have a lot of time before I need to be at school and I need to blow a load."

Ben quickly went to his knees and undid my shorts, pulled them down along with my boxers. He took my cock into his mouth and started sucking, swirling his tongue around as well. As much as I wanted a nice slow blow job, I just didn't have time. I grabbed him by the back of his head and started thrusting in and out of his mouth. All Ben could do was stay there while I fucked his mouth. After about five minutes, I finally felt the need to cum and shot my load down his throat.

"I know you only have two classes today, so I am going to give you an assignment."

Ben just looked at me puzzled.

"I don't like that you have body hair. So after your last class today, you are to go get waxed. That includes your pubic hair, ass hair, arm & leg hair and any other hair below your face. After you are finished getting waxed, you will get a haircut as well and wait for me downstairs."

Ben looked like he wanted to argue, but didn't. "Yes, Master," was all he replied. It was good that he was learning his place.

"I am off to school. See you later, boy." With that, I headed out of Ben's apartment and went to school.

I again met Patrick and Sarah at the entrance to the school grounds. I said "hi" to them both and then motioned Patrick to come closer. He did.

"I will have a nice surprise for you on Monday after school, if you are up for it," I said to Patrick.

Patrick replied, "Oh, really?"

"Yeah and I think you are going to be really surprised, but that's all I am going to say about it."

With that, we headed to our first class.

The day actually dragged on. I was really looking forward to seeing if Ben had completed his task of getting all of his body hair removed and to see how he looked hairless. Finally, the last bell of the day sounded and I said goodbye to Patrick and Sarah.

I walked into my apartment building and saw Ben standing there. I could see that he had cut his hair and that his legs were a bit red, but hairless. So far, so good.

"Hi Ben," I said.

"Hello, Master," he said in a hushed voice, I guess hoping no one would overhear him calling a teenager "master".

I handed Ben my backpack and started up the stairs to our floor, with Ben following behind. When we got to Ben's door, he looked around quickly and then began to undress. I pulled out the key to his apartment and opened the door, just as Ben finished getting naked. I walked in and motioned for Ben to follow.

"You were a very good boy for getting naked without me having to tell you," I said to Ben.

"Thank you, Master."

We walked into the living room and I had him put our backpacks and his clothes down on the coffee table.

"Now, let me get a look at you being hairless. Stand in the middle of the room and turn around slowly, with your arms raised above your head."

Ben followed the order. He looked perfectly smooth. Not a hair could be seen.

"Stop turning when your back is to me, bend over and spread your ass. I want to make sure you followed my instructions to the letter."

Ben obeyed, clearly embarrassed.

"Good, boy," I said. Again, not a hair to be seen. "So, how was your waxing?"

"It hurt, Master and it was embarrassing," he replied.

"Yes, but you look good and smooth, just like a slave should be."

"Yes, Master," was all that Ben replied.

"Turn around and get onto your knees."

Ben obeyed.

"Undo my shorts and pull them and my underwear down, boy, then start sucking."

Ben dropped to his knees, pulled down my shorts and underwear and then put his mouth around my dick. His mouth felt so good and he was getting better at sucking my cock. I decided I didn't want just a blow job, I wanted to face fuck him in that moment.

"Hold your head still, boy," I said as I put my hands on the back of his head and started to thrust my hips back and forth, moving my dick in and out of his mouth.

Ben was having a tough time of it, but I just didn't care. I pushed in and held his head there as I forced him to deep throat me. He started choking and tried to move his head, but I just kept it there.

"I told you to keep your head still and I meant it. You move your head again and the belt will wreak havoc on your ass."

Ben kept his head still as best he could. After about 10 minutes of face fucking him, I finally came, shooting my cum down his throat. Ben didn't have a choice but to swallow it all.

"Okay, you can remove your mouth from my cock," I told Ben. "Now get up and go get me a soda and then we will do our homework."

Ben followed my instructions and brought me a soda, then sat down on the floor and we both started doing our respective studying. After about a half hour, I ordered Ben to get me another soda and then to kneel in front of me.

"My parents are working double shifts at the hospital this weekend, so they are worried about me being home alone. I told them I would check with you about staying at your place this weekend. So, starting tomorrow, we will be together for the whole weekend. You will, of course, call my parents and let them know that it will be no problem for me to spend the weekend here."

"Yes, Master," was all that Ben replied.

"So, get your phone, call my mom and put it on speaker."

Ben got his phone and dialed my mom.

"Hello, this is Dr. McHall"

"Hi, Dr. McHall. This is Ben. William stated that you didn't want him to be alone this weekend because you and your husband are working doubles."

"That's right, Ben. Would it be any problem with him staying at your place this weekend? He won't be any trouble for you, now will he?"

Ben replied, "He's not trouble at all and it won't be a problem for him to stay here."

"That's good. Thanks, Ben and I will talk to you later. I need to get back to work."

With that, my mom hung up.

"That was very good, boy. Now back to studying. Don't want you flunking out."

We studied for another hour. I stood up, "I need to piss."

Ben just looked at me.

"Get over here and kneel."

Ben hesitated for moment.

"Did I stutter? Do I need to get the belt?"

"No, Master."

Ben came over and kneeled in front of me.

"Today, we continue your being a better slave for me. From this point forward, whenever we are together and I need to piss, you are going to take it in your mouth and swallow it all. Not one drop is to escape. Is that understood, boy?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good. Now take down my shorts and underwear."

Ben did as he was told and then waited.

"Open up your mouth put just the tip of my cock into it."

Ben put just the tip of my cock into his mouth and I started letting out a slow stream of piss. I could tell Ben wanted to take his mouth away, so I put my hand on the back of his head to remind him not to move. Ben gagged on the piss, but didn't remove his mouth from my cock as I continued the slow flow until I was done.

"That was a very good boy. Not a drop wasted and that is how it is to be from now on. Whenever I need to piss, you will go to your knees and drink it all. Also, from this point forward, you will drink your own piss as well. No exceptions."

Ben looked crestfallen.

"Remember, boy, you are my slave and I will use you as I see fit. Now, get up and make us some dinner."

To Be Continued ...

Thank you for reading Chapter 4 of My Neighbor, My Slave. Please feel free to email me with comments, suggestions and questions.

T McIntyre FBS Media LLC

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