My Neighbor My Slave

By moc.liamg@zanosnrobtsrif

Published on Feb 26, 2019


All characters and events in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real events or real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Though this work of fiction may contain sexual situations and/or sexual acts between adults and minors, neither the author nor FBS Media LLC condones such situations and/or acts.

(c)2019 FBS Media LLC. All rights reserved.

My Neighbor, My Slave Chapter 3

I woke up feeling great. I had just had one of my best sleeps. I honestly think having Ben as my slave was a huge factor. Mom was cooking breakfast as I walked out of my room in my boxers and into our family bathroom. I stepped out of my boxers, took my morning piss and then stepped into the shower. The hot water felt good streaming over my body. I quickly got done with my shower, dried off and wrapped the towel around me as I headed back to my room.

I selected my clothes for school and put them on then went out to the kitchen just as mom was putting breakfast on the table.

"All set for school today?"

"Yep. Got all my studying and homework done while I was at Ben's last night. I have a test today in algebra, but that should be easy. How was work?"

"Busy. For some reason, whenever there is a full moon, the crazies come out and the ER fills up. Your dad and I kept things humming right along though. Got any plans for tonight?"

"Not really. Just going to spend time at Ben's again."

"You had better not cause any problems for him. He seems nice and your dad and I really appreciate him letting you spend time there. Hate having you home alone."

"Speaking of Ben, I need to go over to his apartment before school. He needed to give me something before I left."

"What about your breakfast," my mom asked I got up from the table.

"I will grab an energy bar on the way to school. I promise."

With that, I had grabbed my backpack and was out the door. I walked down the hallway to Ben's apartment, took out the spare key and unlocked the door. It was quiet and it appeared that Ben wasn't out of bed yet. I walked to his bedroom and found him curled in a ball, looking like hell and with some nice bruising on his ass and his phone in his hand.

"Good morning, boy."

He didn't stir.

I said a bit louder, "Good morning, boy."

He finally turned his head my way trying to hold back tears.

"I don't want to be gay," he said.

"Who said that you were," I asked.

"Well, no one. But I sucked your dick and licked your ass, I just assumed that it meant I was gay."

"You think sucking my dick and licking my ass turned you gay? Is that your worry?"

"Yes, Master."

"Ben, what has happened and what will happen has nothing to do with you being gay or straight. You are my property now and it has nothing to do with your sexuality."

He just looked at me even more confused, but I could see him trying to wrap his head around it as apparently he had tried to do all night.

"All you need to figure out is how to serve me properly. And you can start doing that by sucking my dick."

Ben wiped his eyes, got down from his bed and kneeled before me. He undid my shorts and let them drop to the floor. Then he pulled down my boxers and placed his mouth over my dick. He started to swirl his tongue as his head bobbed up and down. It didn't take long before I felt the need to shoot my load. I let it flow into his mouth, shot after shot, feeling my knees go weak. Ben dutifully swallowed every bit of my cum.

"You did good, boy," I said as I patted his head, removed my dick from his mouth and then pulled up my boxers and shorts. "I have to get to school and if I remember right, you have three classes today."

"Yes, Master."

"If I also remember right, you should be able to get home at about the same time as me."

"Yes, Master."

"Good. If you get here before me, wait down in the lobby area for me. We will come up together. Also, before noon today, you are to send me a nude mirror selfie from one of the restrooms on campus."

With that, I headed out of Ben's bedroom and out of his apartment, leaving him there on his floor naked and one his knees. I took the steps down to the lobby and headed out of the apartment building. My school was about 10 blocks away, so I still had time to get there before my first class. I stopped at the corner grocer and picked up an energy bar, as I had promised my mom, and ate it along the way.

My friends Patrick and Sarah joined me as I was about to enter the school yard. I had known Patrick since kindergarten and Sarah since I was 10. Sarah was also the first person to give me a blowjob and I responded in kind by going down on her. Luckily it never got weird for us after that. We all headed to our first class to start our school day. I figured Ben was finishing up getting ready his first class as well.

My first two classes of the day went well. I would say they were easy as I love both history and English. As I was walking to my third class, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out to see that I had received a text from Ben. I opened it up and there was a selfie of Ben fully naked in a public restroom, which I presumed was on his college campus. I texted back, "Good job, boy. See you after school."

The rest of the school day went rather quickly and I am pretty sure I aced the math exam. I said my goodbyes to Patrick and Sarah and headed off home. I slowly walked the ten blocks back to my apartment building, knowing full well that Ben was most likely waiting for me in the lobby. I wanted him to wait a bit. To know that his time belonged to me.

I walked into the lobby of my building and there was Ben pacing. Good. He was a bit rattled.

"Hi, Ben," I called out.

He nervously replied, "Hi," back.

I walked up to him, handed him my backpack and said, "Follow me," and then headed toward the stairs. Once in the stairwell, I ordered, "Pull down your shorts".

"But, someone could see me," he whimpered.

"Do not make me repeat myself."

Ben quickly undid his shorts and pulled them down to his ankles.

"Good, boy. Good to see that you aren't wearing any underwear. Now pull up your shorts and let's get moving."

Ben pulled up his shorts, redid them and followed me as we made our way up five flights of stairs. We went through the door to the hallway and made our way to his apartment. Once at his door, Ben put down mine and his backpacks and quickly stripped. I could tell he was embarrassed as he stood their naked waiting for me to unlock the door. I took my time fishing the key out of my pocket making him agonize even more.

I finally unlocked Ben's door, opened it and motioned for Ben to go in. He did so quickly. I walked in, closed the door and locked it.

"Put your clothes and the backpacks down and go find me a belt."

"Please, not the belt. Please? I am sorry for whatever I did. Please, don't use the belt on me again."

"Though the begging is nice, I told you to go find me a belt and that is what I expect you to do."

Ben put down his clothes and the two backpacks and started to tear up as he headed to his bedroom to find me a belt. About two minutes later, with tears streaming down his face, Ben walked out of his bedroom with a leather belt.

"You are going to learn to do as you are told when you are told and without question, boy. Until you do, you will be punished. So, when I tell you to pull down your shorts in the stairway, that is what you should have done without hesitation. But you didn't and so I am going to give you 50 swats as punishment."

Blubbering, Ben replied, "Yes, Master."

"Now, follow me into the kitchen."

Ben followed, his head lowered.

"Put your hands on the counter and bend over it."

Ben did as ordered.

"Remember, you are to count out each swat and be sure not to miscount," I said.

"Yes, Master."

With Ben bent over the counter, I took my first swing at his ass.


I continued swinging, barely hearing him count through his sobbing. To be honest, I was enjoying his sobbing.

Before long, I reached the fiftieth swat. Ben's ass was a nice deep red, almost purple.

"Get on your knees."

Ben moved himself from the counter and went to his knees.

"Undo my shorts and suck my cock."

He did as ordered. It felt good to have his mouth on my dick. I had been looking forward to using his mouth all day. As good as it felt, I decided to grab his head and hold it in place while thrusting my dick in and out of his mouth. It only took a few moments and I was shooting my cum down his throat again. He kept his mouth on my cock.

"You may remove your mouth from my dick."

Ben did so and I pulled up my boxers and shorts.

"Make me a cheese sandwich and then meet me in the living room."

I went to his living room and sat down on the sofa.

"Be sure to bring our backpacks as well," I shouted.

A couple of minutes later, Ben brought me my sandwich on a plate along with our backpacks.

"Put my backpack on the sofa next to me, put yours on the floor and sit next to it."

Ben handed me my sandwich and then sat down on the floor after putting the backpacks where he was told to.

I ate my sandwich as Ben sat there naked.

I told Ben that he could open his backpack and start his coursework. I did the same, pulling out my laptop and books. We both sat there in relative silence as we both did our respective homework for about an hour.

"How are you doing with your homework," I asked Ben.

"I guess I am doing okay, Master. Just having a hard time concentrating," he replied.

"Still hung up on being my slave?"

"Yes, Master. I am still trying to wrap my head around it and what it means for my life."

I replied, "The sooner you just accept it and understand that you live only to serve me in any way I desire, the easier everything will be."

"Yes, Master."

"Time to take a break, boy. Go make us some dinner."

Ben got up from the floor and padded to the kitchen and started making something for both of us to eat while I decided to do a little shopping.

I opened up my laptop and started browsing a few different S & M supply sites, picked out a few items and had them shipped to Ben's address. Nothing too spectacular. Just what I think will be needed for Ben's training.

Soon, Ben brought in dinner. He had made spaghetti and garlic toast. Nothing fancy, but it looked good.

"This looks good, Ben".

"Thank you, Master."

"Before you eat, I want you to shoot a load of cum onto your spaghetti."

Ben looked totally dejected, but began to jack off. After a few minutes of tugging at his dick, he was able to shoot some cum onto his spaghetti.

"Eat up, boy."

"Yes, Master. Thank you, Master."

Ben began to eat his cum covered spaghetti while I at my regular spaghetti. When we were both finished, I had Ben take the plates into the kitchen and wash them while I worked a bit more on my homework.

When Ben returned to the living room, I asked him, "Do you have any more homework?"

"Yes, Master."

"Then you had better work on it. Just to let you know, if your grades suffer, you will not enjoy the punishment I will give you."

"Yes, Master".

We both worked on our homework until about 10:00 pm.

"Well, it is about time for me to head home and get some sleep. Come over here and give me a nice blow job, then you can go sleep as well."

Ben crawled over to the couch, undid my shorts and pulled them down along with my boxers. He placed his warm mouth over my soft cock and started sucking. Even after this short time, he was getting better as I didn't have to tell him to move around his tongue while sucking on my cock. It didn't take too long before I shot yet another load into his mouth, which he swallowed.

"You may remove your mouth from my cock, boy."

Ben removed his mouth and leaned back. I got up, pulled up my boxers and shorts. I reached down on the sofa for my backpack, laptop and books and loaded up my backpack.

"Get some sleep, boy and I will see you in the morning."

With that, I left Ben kneeling there while I left his apartment and headed to my own. After my first full day of having a slave, it sure felt good. Tomorrow would bring some new changes into Ben's life, all for the betterment of his slavery, whether he understood that or not.

To Be Continued ...

Thank you for reading Chapter 3 of My Neighbor, My Slave. Please feel free to email me with comments, suggestions and questions.

Be aware that these stories take time to write, so I probably won't be posting more than one chapter a month or so.

T McIntyre FBS Media LLC

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Next: Chapter 4

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