My Neighbor My Slave

By moc.liamg@zanosnrobtsrif

Published on Aug 19, 2016


All characters and events in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real events or real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Though this work of fiction may contain sexual situations and/or sexual acts between adults and minors, neither the author nor FBS Media LLC condones such situations and/or acts.

©2016 FBS Media LLC. All rights reserved.

My Neighbor, My Slave Chapter 2

Ben just kneeled there, waiting for me go over the rules and changes in his life that he would need to live by. I was loving the moment. I stood up, pulled up my underwear and shorts. I also pocketed my phone.

I walked around his living room and picked up his phone.

"First, the photos you took of me are never to be deleted from this phone. Second, you are going to break up with your girlfriend. She is a distraction you won't be needing as your attention will be focused on fulfilling my desires."

"I have to break up with Rachel," he asked.

"Yes, and you are going to do it now." I handed him his phone. "I don't care how you break up with her, but there can be no confusion that you did break up with her. You can even tell her that you sucked down the cum of a 15 year old for all I care. But you will break up with her. Do you understand?"

"Yes," he said meekly.

"Yes, what," I demanded.

"Yes, Master."

"Good boy. Now make the call."

Ben dialed his soon to be ex-girlfriend, "Hi, Rachel? Yeah, it's me. I am really nervous about this, but I need to break up with you. Yeah, I know it's a douche move to do it over the phone, but I really don't have a choice. I really need to focus on school and I really can't have the distraction of a girlfriend right now. Yes, I am asshole and I am sorry."

He hung up, "It's done, Master. Did I do okay?"

"You did very good, boy. As long as you do well and obey my every command, all will be well. Punishments will be swift and severe and I know you don't want the ultimate punishment."

Ben blanched at the thought of me sending out the photos, though I am sure following the orders of a 15 year old wasn't pleasant to him either, "Yes, Master."

"As far as your friends are concerned, I won't make you stop hanging out with them completely. But you will cut down the time to one night a week, with my explicit permission, and then for only three hours and you can only hang out with them here. Again, I don't care what excuse you give them for this change, but it will happen."

He seemed a little happier about that.

"You will only leave this apartment to go to classes, unless otherwise given permission. Now, go grab a garbage bag and meet me in your bedroom."

Ben got up from his knees and walked into the kitchen as I walked into his bedroom. I got a better glimpse of his body and immediately sprung another boner. I was going to need Ben to take care of that for me.

He joined me in his bedroom. "Yes, Master?"

"I need you to find every pair of underwear and jockstrap you own and put them into the garbage bag."

"But why," he asked, confused.

"Do I need to explain my orders to you, boy or are you to just follow them?"

"Follow them, Master."

"Good, boy. Now as I said, every pair of underwear and jockstrap you own is to go into the trash bag. You will no longer wear underwear when clothed. Is that understood, boy?"

"Yes, Master."

Ben started going through his drawers, putting all of his underwear into the trash bag, looking like he was about to cry. He then went through his closet and his dirty clothes pile.

"Is that all of them, boy?"

"Yes, Master. I believe it is."

"You had better be sure. I am sure you wouldn't like to find out what type of punishment you will receive if I see even one pair of underwear left behind."

Ben quickly double checked and then just stood there with the trash bag in his hand. I sat down on his bed.

"Put the bag down and come suck my dick again."

Again, the color went out of his face with the received order, but he got down on his knees and proceeded to pull down my shorts and underwear. He then stuck his mouth over my cock, started swirling his tongue around and sucking. I just leaned back on my elbows to enjoy the sensation of his hot mouth on my dick.

With what little experience I had at receiving blow jobs (a girl had given me one once), I thought Ben was doing pretty good. I am sure he would get better over time, but it still felt pretty damn nice.

I could feel myself start to cum and didn't bother warning Ben. He knew what he was working toward and knew it would be on its way soon enough. I shot a few times in his mouth as he quickly tried to swallow it all. He kept my dick in his mouth even after I had finished cumming.

"You can let my dick out of your mouth now."

Ben looked embarrassed to have sucked off and swallowed the cum of a guy, let alone a 15 year old boy, not once, but twice in the matter of 20 minutes. I took a moment to relax from the aftershocks as Ben just kneeled there.

I got up and pulled back up my underwear and shorts and called over my shoulder, "Grab the bag and follow me back to the living room."

Ben did as he was told and followed me out.

I sat back down on the sofa.

"Put the bag by the door and then come back before me and kneel."

Ben quickly took the trash bag full of underwear to the door, set it there, returned and kneeled in front of me.

"So, how does it feel to be my slave and to call me Master," I asked.

Ben gulped. I could tell he was conflicted on whether to reply or not, so I prodded him a bit, "I asked you a question, boy."

"It doesn't feel very good, Master. I mean, sucking your dick was pretty gross, let alone swallowing your cum. I can't believe you made me break up with my girlfriend and everything so far. I can't imagine what else you will have me do. Plus, I don't like that I was tricked into being your slave."

"You think you were tricked? You weren't tricked. Ben, you were lead into slavery by me as I had planned from the very first time I saw you. Tonight, when I leave here, you are going to cry and wonder how you could come to be the slave of a 15 year old boy and that's okay. You will try to figure out how to remove yourself from my service, but you know that you won't be able to and that will frustrate you more. To be honest, I really don't care. All I care about is that I have a college junior as my slave and I couldn't be happier."

Ben looked even more dejected as reality hit him even more.

"You will answer your phone whenever I call, no matter where you are or what time it is. You will also reply immediately to any text I send you and follow any instructions given to you in a text."

"Yes, Master," replied Ben.

"You are never to wear clothing while in your apartment. In fact, you are never to enter your apartment clothed. You will strip outside your door before entering. I don't care how embarrassed you will be, you will obey. You may get dressed at your door for when you have class, but that is the only exception to you wearing clothes in your apartment."

"But what about when I am allowed to be with my friends? Will I need to be naked then," asked Ben.

"Yes. Tell them you are becoming a nudist or whatever other excuse you want to. I really don't care, except that you will obey me. Is that understood, boy?"

"Yes, Master."

"Now, I need to piss. Stay kneeling while I go to the bathroom."

I stood up and went into Ben's bathroom and took a piss. After I was done, I went back out to the living room where Ben was still kneeling.

"Before I leave tonight, you will give me the spare key to your apartment. You have no privacy now from me and I will have access to your apartment anytime I wish. So I wouldn't try to sneak wearing any clothing if you know what is good for you."

"Yes, Master."

"Now, follow me back to your room."

I stood up and headed to Ben's bedroom with Ben following me. He looked so dejected and lost and I was happy.

We got into Ben's bedroom and I started to undress.

"I am going to lie on my stomach and you are going to lick my ass, boy."

"I can't do that," he stuttered.

"Yes you can and yes you will," I replied. Then I reached down my shorts and pulled out my belt. "I have been very lenient with you so far, but let me tell you that I will not tolerate you telling me you `can't' do something that I ordered you to do. Now bend over the bed and I wouldn't hesitate if I were you."

Ben followed my order and bent over his bed his ass in perfect position.

"Since this your first punishment, let me tell you how it is going to go. You are going to receive 100 swats. You will count out each swat and if you miss count, we start all over again until you can count to 100 without a mistake. Do not try to protect your ass from the swats or else your entire body is going to feel the belt."

I stood to behind Ben to his left and gave him his first swat. His ass quivered at the hit.

"One," he said behind clenched teeth.

I continued to swat him and he continued to count. He started crying about the twentieth swat and I don't think I had ever heard a more tranquil sound. His crying was like music to my ears. I was in my element as swat after swat was given to his ever reddening ass. I kept going until the 100th swat was given and he counted out the last stroke. I laid the belt near his head.

"Remember this the next time you want to tell you `can't' do something, boy. Remember how you feel. Remember the pain. Oh, I know you want to tell me you won't make a mistake again, but it is your nature to do so. Just remember what happens when you do."

I lay down on my stomach and said, "Now, lick my ass."

"Yes, Master."

Ben got up between my legs and put his face toward my ass. With his face close enough, he cautiously let his tongue glide over my right ass cheek.

"Don't just lick the cheeks, boy. Be sure you get down in there."

Ben did as he was told and I could feel his tongue slithering in my ass crack and touching my hole. Fuck this felt good and I had a 21 year old college sophomore doing it! Ben kept licking, flitting his tongue around and I just lay there enjoying it. After about ten minutes I could tell Ben was slowing down.

"Go into your bathroom and get a drink of water then come back and get back to licking my ass," I ordered him.

He did as he was told, got the drink of water and promptly put his face back down into my ass. As Ben continued licking, I thought about his training and what else I had in store for him. He wasn't going to like any of it, but again, he would obey.

"Okay, boy, you can stop licking," as I turned over. "Now you can suck my dick one last time tonight."

Ben didn't even hesitate and started sucking my dick. I think he was getting better. It felt better to me and that is all that mattered. I could have face fucked him, but I let him do all the work, since that's what a slave is for. Ben's mouth went up and down my dick while his tongue swirled around it. It felt really good and I could feel the cum building up.

"Slow down. This isn't a race. I know you want my cum, but I want to enjoy your mouth on my dick."

He slowed down and I could feel the need to cum subside. I ran my fingers through his hair, giving him a slight indication that he was doing good. This went on for another ten minutes, but I just couldn't hold back any more. I finally started shooting my cum into his mouth. Not a lot, as this was my third time cumming this evening, but enough to give him a mouthful. I could feel him swallow as he kept his mouth over my dick.

"That was very well done, Ben. You are a very good cocksucker. You can remove your mouth from my dick now and kneel on the floor."

"Yes, Master."

I got up off of Ben's bed and dressed. As soon as I was dressed I told Ben, "Follow me, boy."

He did and we went out to his door. I held out my hand and waited until Ben realized he needed to give me his spare key to his apartment. He quickly went to his clothes, found his wallet and produced the spare key. He then brought it over to me and placed it in my hand.

"Remember, I could decide to enter at anytime, so no attempting to wear clothes. Now pick up the trash bag and follow me out to the garbage shoot."

"May I put on a pair of shorts first, Master?"

"No. You will go out there naked or else you are going to get punished and THEN you will still go out there naked."

I opened the door and headed out into the hallway followed by the naked Ben. I could tell he was scared that someone would see him, but I knew no one would. Not even my parents, unless they came home at that very moment. We came to the trash shoot and Ben placed the garbage bag full of underwear into it. He had a look of bewilderment on his face, but I just enjoyed the exertion of power over him.

"Good night, boy. You may go to your apartment now. Remember to answer your phone if I call or reply to any text I send you."

And with that, I watched as Ben quickly walked to his apartment, go in and close the door. I then went to my apartment, went in and fixed myself a sandwich before heading off to bed blissful in the knowledge that I had my very own slave.

To Be Continued ...

Thank you for reading Chapter 2 of My Neighbor, My Slave. Please feel free to email me with comments, suggestions and questions.

T McIntyre FBS Media LLC

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Next: Chapter 3

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