My Neighbor My Slave

By moc.liamg@zanosnrobtsrif

Published on Aug 6, 2016


All characters and events in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real events or real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Though this work of fiction may contain sexual situations and/or sexual acts between adults and minors, neither the author nor FBS Media LLC condones such situations and/or acts.

©2016 FBS Media LLC. All rights reserved.

My Neighbor, My Slave Chapter 1

Ben had just moved into the apartment down the hall from ours and my parents had introduced themselves to him as he and his friends moved his stuff in. I found out through my parents that he was living there alone, had a girlfriend and was a junior at the local college. He didn't know it yet, but he was going to be obeying my every command and calling me Master.

As I lay in bed that first night Ben was my neighbor, I worked out in my mind the best way of going about turning him into my slave. I quickly dismissed any type of challenge to a game or any type of sport. Just too many ways for him to win and get out of it, plus it just seemed cliché. Then my brain clicked on an idea that I didn't think could fail, an idea that would enslave him.

Over the next couple of weeks I introduced myself and started hanging out with him at his apartment. Well, hung out with as much as any 15 year could hang out with a college junior. When he wasn't studying, spending time with his friends or his girlfriend, I would be at his apartment watching Netflix and playing video games with him. I guess he felt a bit sorry for me since my parents worked second shift at their respective jobs.

After about a month of this, I figured the timing was right and decided to put my plan into motion.

"Ben", I started, "would you be able to me a favor?"

He ruffled my hair as he answered, "What do you need, Squirt?"

I hated him calling me "Squirt", but stammered, "Well, see, there is this girl I like in school and we have been talking for awhile and well ..."

Ben lit up a bit at the mention that I was interested in a girl and was all grins.

"Would it be possible for you to take some photos of me that I could share with her," I asked all innocent like.

"I don't know, Squirt," he answered. "Are you sure you want to do that, especially if you don't know if the girl likes you?"

"I think it is worth a shot, but I understand if you don't want to take them. I am sure it would be weird for you."

"Just a little, but if you want to take the chance, I guess I could take the photos for you", he said.

"Do you mind if we use your phone to take the photos? Mine doesn't have a very good camera and then you could send them to me?"

"Sure, I can do that for you Squirt."

I stood up and started doing a few basic poses as Ben took photos of me. I wasn't dressed fancy, just my school t-shirt, a pair of khaki shorts, black socks and sneakers. Ben seemed to be having fun as my photographer and started to suggest poses. Then I removed my t-shirt.

Ben didn't seem phased by me removing my t-shirt, so I just kept posing as he suggested. After a few more photos of me shirtless I decided to take it to the next level and removed my shorts, so as I was only in my boxers, my socks and shoes.

"Squirt," he begun, "Are you sure you want to send her photos of you in your underwear?"

"Yeah, I just want to some options as time goes by."

"If that's what you want," and Ben started to take more photos of me in different poses.



"Do you think you could take a photo of me naked?"

"What? Why would you want to do that?"

"Because I really like her and I want her to know just how much, as a last resort."

"I dunno, Squirt," he answered. "I am not sure how comfortable I am with doing that."

"Please, Ben," I fake pleaded, "It would mean a lot to me if you would."

Ben looked troubled at my request but finally said, "Okay, I will take a picture of you naked, but it has to be tasteful with you covering up your junk."

"Thank you," I said as I took off my shoes and socks and removed my boxers. I just stood there with my hands over my "junk" as Ben tried to figure out the best pose. He finally positioned me in a way that was artsy and tasteful and took the photo.

"I think you are going to really like these and I am sure the girl will too," he said as he started sending me the photos.

I heard each ding on my phone as the photos were received, but was patient as I got dressed. Ben still had no clue about what was about to happen and I was laughing inside.

We both sat down on the sofa and I started scrolling through the pictures Ben had taken and sent me.

"These are really good, Ben."

"Thanks, Squirt. I tried my best."

"I think my mom would love to see these," I said innocently.

"What," been stammered.

"Yeah. I think she would love the photos you took of me. They are that good."

"No, no! You can't show them to your mom!"

"Why? What would be the harm?"

"Your mom would think I am a pervert of some sort."

"No she won't. Here, let me send her this one real quick." I had a picture of me in my underwear, staring out the window up on my phone.

"God, no! Please, don't send her that photo," Ben begged. "I could get into some real trouble."

"Really? I don't see how that photo could get you into trouble."

"I beg of you, don't send her that photo. I will do anything for you not to send her that photo."

Ben had just said the magic words. The words I knew he would say when I first hatched my plan.

"Anything? You really don't want me to send this photo?"

"Yes, yes. Just please put away your phone and I will do anything you want. Do you want me to get you alcohol? Cigarettes? Just name it and I will do it for you."

I put my phone into my pocket and Ben let out visible breath of air.

I turned to him on the sofa and very calmly said, "I want you to suck my dick."

Ben looked dumbfounded, "What?"

"You said you would do anything and I want you to suck my dick."

Ben got up from the sofa and started pacing. I quietly pulled out my phone, punched in my code and brought up the nude photo he had taken.

"I can't suck your dick. That would be even worse than the photos!"

"Fine, if you don't want to suck my dick, then I guess my mom would really love to see this photo."

I showed him the nude photo he had taken of me. All of the blood ran out of Ben's face and the look of terror on his face was priceless as I showed it to him.

"Alright. I suck your dick and you delete the photos," he pleaded.

"No," I replied calmly.

"What do you mean `no'?"

"You did say you would do anything for me not to SEND the photos. There was nothing about deleting them. So, you can either get on your knees, suck my dick and anything else I desire or I can start sending these photos out to my mom and dad. They will think you a pervert and probably have you arrested. The choice is yours and you don't have much time to make it."

Reality dawned on Ben and I could tell he didn't like the choices he had. Then again, I didn't care. He was either going to be my slave or be someone's bitch in jail.

"So, if I suck your dick, you won't send the photos," Ben asked meekly.

"Yes. If you suck my dick and anything else I want, the photos won't be sent."

Ben sighed, walked over between my legs and kneeled down. I could tell this was really disturbing to him, but again, I really didn't care. He was going to serve me and that is all that mattered.

I kept my phone in my hand, "Undo my shorts and pull them down."

Ben did as he was instructed and looked terrified when he saw my hardon in my boxers.

"Go ahead and pull down my boxers as well."

Again, he did as instructed, getting even more nervous.

"Now, without using your hands, go ahead and suck my dick."

He hesitated a bit at this instruction.

"Do I really need to start sending these photos?"


"Then get to doing what I want. Suck my dick."

Ben finally put his mouth over my hard dick. It felt so good and so right, having this college boy service me, a lowly 15 year old. He slowly sucked the head of my dick looking like he wanted to be doing anything else.

"Go ahead and take it all in your mouth and start using your tongue. I am not that big."

He took my entire dick into his mouth, right down to my pubes, and I almost came right then and there. Luckily I didn't. I wanted to enjoy this as much as possible.

He worked his tongue as he went up and down my dick with his mouth. The feeling was so great, I almost didn't want it to end, but I needed to do one more thing to seal Ben's fate as my slave. He didn't even notice as I positioned my phone to take a selfie with him sucking my dick until he heard the click of the photo being taken and his mouth came off of my dick.

"Why did you do that?"

"Because I needed insurance that you would do everything I desire. Now, get back to sucking my dick."

Ben looked like he wanted to cry as he went back to sucking my dick. This went on for a few more minutes and then it was time for me to cum.

"Don't stop sucking until I tell you to. I am about to cum."

He panicked a bit but kept sucking as I shot four times into his mouth. I could feel him swallow. It was incredible. After a few shudders I was ready for his mouth to leave my cock.

"You can stop sucking now. You did a very good job."

He leaned back on his knees with a look of shame on his face. It was a wonderful sight.

"You can thank me now," I said.

He was totally lost at this. I could see the question in his head why he should thank me for making him suck my dick.

"I said, you can thank me now," I growled.

"Thank you."

"'Thank you' what?"

"Uhm, I don't know. I really don't know. Please don't send the photos. Please."

"You say `Thank you, Master'," I instructed.

He gulped. "Thank you, Master."

"Now, there are going to be some changes and rules going forward. Number one is that you will address me as `Master'. Get undressed and I will let you know the rest."

Ben started to take off his shirt, followed by his shoes and socks, then his shorts and underwear. He was still on his knees, but only naked and I was the king of his world.

To Be Continued ...

Thank you for reading Chapter 1 of My Neighbor, My Slave. Please feel free to email me with comments, suggestions and questions.

T McIntyre FBS Media LLC

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Next: Chapter 2

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