My name is Richard : Chapters 1 + 2

By John Long

Published on Dec 30, 2007




By Alexander Butler

Written on December 30, 1993


"My name is Richard" is a gay fictional prose narrative, however be warned; there are parts of this short story that contain graphic scenes of sexual intercourse between men (all depicted over the age of 18) and therefore if you live in an area where such activities are frowned upon, be it to do with religion, laws, age, family or your own general opinion, then please I would stress that you do not continue to read. However if you wish to broaden your mind, taste untested waters, or you simply don't care what other people think then read on dear readers, read on! I must also add that this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or locations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Chapter 1 of 2: Luke

My name is Richard... and this is my story

It all began at university, one time I was walking to the library during one of my lunch periods, happily minding my own business when I heard the sound of someone crying, I thought nothing of it at the time and continued on my way, but as I made my way down the stairs of the building towards the library floor the sound of sobbing got louder and now I could hear another, harsher voice rising above the sobs.

Turning the corner onto the corridor, it was empty except for two boys, one I couldn't see the face of, and the other was a boy called Johnny Turner a notable bully around the university. I could tell it was Johnny from the simple fact of the shock red hair that he grew from his head, he was smaller than most and constantly wore a frown as his warning signal to say 'I may be small but I hit hard' all of which was contrary to his nature. Johnny was in fact one of the most spineless nobodies in the school, he preyed on those who were weaker than him, and everyone knew he was far from clever, he took orders from the real school bully Kain Giddle, but we'll go into that later Johnny was hissing through clenched teeth at the sobbing boy, whom I could now see had blonde hair, they hadn't noticed me yet so I stopped where I was and caught bits of information as they strayed my way

"Where's my Money ass-hole? I told you to bring in five quid"

"I forgot Johnny I swear, I'm sorry it won't happen again, I'll bring in more tomorrow"

"Not good enough Lukey boy, I asked for it today, now I'm gonna' search your pockets and then I'm gonna' pummel you into the wall"

So it was Luke, Luke Hamilton, A nice Kid in the year below me, 19 years old, I sometimes hung out with him in the lunch hall, or helped him with his Homework, Decent lad, not deserving of this. I saw that Johnny had begun his ruthless search of Luke, and that's when I decided to step in.

"Johnny" I said "Leave that Kid alone and come over here"

Johnny was startled, thinking me to be a teacher, his eyes were wide as his neck swivelled disproportionately to see who it was, though it quickly changed back into a look of smug hatred, with a vicious blow to Luke's Stomach Johnny walked over in that bad-boy way

"What do you want, Dick"

"Johnny, Leave the Kid alone, if you really want money why don't you go out and do what your best at, giving hand-jobs to fat homeless dudes"

"Haha, you won't think that's very funny when I knock your teeth in"

"We'll see"

I brought my fist up and uppercut him to the Jaw, he howled, and backed away holding his bleeding lip. Calmly I rubbed my knuckles and took a deep breath, it felt good.

"You fucking' twat" He spat a wad of blood onto the floor, the teachers will have a heart attack when they see it, "Just stay out of it"

"You mean like how you stay out of Luke's Pockets?"

"I swear to God Dick you'll regret that"

"Ooh I'm Scared, now fuck off and play with yourself" With a look of pure hatred he turned away, picked up his bag and spitefully gave Luke a Kick in the stomach, he turned once again to shout some kind of vulgarity but when he saw me running towards him, he doubled back and ran for his life. I knelt down beside the sobbing form of Luke "Hey Kid" I put my hand on his shoulder, it shook just like that of a mouse, so delicate, I wanted to hold him and say it would be alright, which it would be, but I doubt he would have appreciated it "Everything is alright now, he won't hurt you anymore"

Luke's eyes were red with shame and fear, when he spoke it was with a trembling voice and with anger

"Yeah he will, He'll just come after me after school, and kill me"

"He's not going to kill you"

"Yeah he will, him and his friends, they're all out to get me"

"I tell you what; hang around with me then for a while eh? I'll protect you, no worries"

"What about outside school?"

"I'll walk you to your house, or you could back to mine and we can play a few video games, then I can get my dad to drop you off back at your place, how does that sound" A glimmer of a smile crept onto his face, and he nodded in gratitude. I collected his things and stood up. "Come on, I'll follow you to your next lesson, your in no state to be carrying things"

He stood up and clutched his stomach where Johnny had kicked him, I moved quickly to his side and helped him up by his arm. We walked silently to his next lesson, me keeping a firm grip of his arm so as to strengthen his steps, he only said where he needed to go and we walked there, as it was still Lunch time everyone was in the Hall eating so no-one got in our way. When we reached Block 6, door J109, an arts room for media and computer Graphics I let go of his arm and he walked to put his back against the wall just to the right of the door.

"Well here you are, you can have your bag back now, I'm sure you'll need it"

Luke smiled a smile that I would have happily kissed if I had the chance, his lips were soft and full and with his gentle blonde hair, a handsome feature, this combined with his wet doe eyes made him a marvel of beauty.

"Thanks Richard"

He took the Bag off me; I smiled an "everything's okay" smile and put my hand on his shoulder

"Now you wait outside this room for me okay?"

"Ok, I will"

"Alright then, see you later Kid" I smiled again and walked back towards the main Hall.

An Hour Later after my History lesson had finished, I made my way back to Block 6, and as I'd told him he was waiting there for me. He looked Happy when he saw me

"Hey Kid, Lets go, my house or yours"

"Hey, Um, I need to get home, thanks though"

"No problem Luke, come on, let me take your bag for you, you'll have to lead the way"

He smiled that smile of his and I took his Bag, we walked out of school and down many lanes and alleyways, we talked to each other about how school was, what topics we were taking what we're up to outside of school, I learnt a great deal about him. I found out he loved swimming, (the image of him in just Speedos made my cock jump, but I was able to control myself) he took art and theatre for his A-levels, and he loves playing Video games and watching Films.

My kind of guy. We eventually got to his house; it was big compared to the others in our town, but not as big as the ones down posh lane where all the kids went to private schools and ate caviar for breakfast. We stopped outside his gate, and he turned to face me.

"There you are, safe and sound as promised" I said with a grin

"Thanks Richard, I don't know how I can repay you"

A million things crossed my mind at once, all too obscene to mention, but I just smiled back at him

"Your alright mate, don't worry about it, I'm just glad we're friends"

He looked up with a new spark in his eyes, and gave me a big smile. There was a silent awkward moment where neither of us knew what to say to one another, until he said gently

"Do you mind if I have my bag back"

"Huh?" I was taken aback, until I realised that I had been carrying it all the way. I laughed a little, and slipped the blue shoulder strap bag from my arm, holding it out for him to take. Nervously he took it, and smiled shyly "Well I better be going now Luke, I'll see you tomorrow in school, on free periods I'm in the Lunch Hall towards the back so I'm easy to find, come and see me okay?"

"Okay, I will"

"See you then Luke" I turned to walk away


"Yes Luke?"

"I just wanted to say... Thank you for what you did today, I don't know what he may have done with me, I... I..." Tears began to fall from his eyes and he dropped his head to look at the ground

"Hey, now come on Luke" I said gently walking back to him this time drawing him into me with a hug, I held his head to my chest and rubbed his back, feeling the soft tremors of his body "Come on Luke, lets get you inside, Nothing is going to happen to you, I swear it, You'll be alright, I'm here"

"Richard" he whispered between breaths "Thank... you"

I Squeezed him to me closer, Jeez I barely knew the kid a few hours ago, and now I'm acting as though I'm in Love! I moved away a little holding his shoulders and looked him straight in the eye

"Listen, hey, you will be fine, now let's get you indoors and get some food in you, you look shattered"

He smiled weakly and nodded. I grabbed his bag from him, and told him to open the door of his house. As we walked in through the door, I was hit by how big the house really was, very spacious indeed, and it had an old sweet smell that lingered, but not in a bad way, like the smell of Christmas pine and Cinnamon infused together, rich and aromatic.

"This way" He whispered, and walked into the living room, as soon as he was in there my heart leapt as I saw him stagger then begin to fall, dropping both of our bags I ran to stop him from hurting himself, and caught him before he fell.

"Luke you'll be the death of me"

He was in no shape to walk, so I quickly and swiftly picked him up as a groom would his bride, and carried him towards the sofa. As I lay him down, it was apparent that he'd fallen asleep, breathing gently and softly, eyes closed so delicately, I wished I had a camera. I turned on the fire and set it to low so there was a warm glow in the room, and then I went hunting for the Kitchen, my man needed food, and he needed it quickly. Problem being, I'm not the best of cooks.

When I found the kitchen, I looked through the fridge only to find the one item that I had at least a little experience with; soup.

Sticking a pan on the hob and emptying the contents I sat and waited for it to heat up. As I waited for the pan to heat, I went to check up on Luke, He was still sleeping like a baby, I could hear him breathing, I walked around, moved his head to sit down then placed it gently back onto my lap. I sat there watching my charge as it were, sleep soundly, running my fingers through his blonde hair dragging my hand over his smooth cheek, it was so blissfully quiet and the warmth must have been getting to me as I was becoming sleepy myself.

Then something unexpected happened, Luke in his sleep, moved his head to become more comfortable, unfortunately it meant that his mouth now lay on my crotch, and to make matters worse he also moved a hand upwards to caress my leg thinking it to be a pillow. I couldn't move, though I had to because Luke's mouth was positioned in a place that if he woke up he would think I was trying to rape him, and I had to move quickly because despite my silent fear, my dick was rising to the occasion. In my head the word "shit" was repeated many, many times, and softly, ever so softly I began to move Luke's head away. I managed it without waking him up, then stood up, made sure that the guy was alright then went back to the kitchen, arriving a few moments later to find Luke awake and sitting upright.

"Good morning star-shine, the Earth says hello" He jumped at this and turned around, genuine fear in his eyes "Whoa buddy, it's me, remember, Richard" He rubbed his eyes, and yawned

"Sorry, thought you were a burglar" He rubbed his weary eyes again "What happened? Did I pass out?"

"Yeah, from exhaustion, you'll be alright now though" I reassured with a smile "I made you some soup"

He took the bowl with the soup in and stared down at the contents


"No problem mate, now will you be okay now, I have to get home and do some homework"


"But what?" I said slyly

"But... um... why don't you stay here? We could do some work together, perhaps I could help you with some work?"

I laughed loudly

"Sounds like a great idea, but you need to get comfortable and you've had a trying day and need your rest, you stay right there and get some sleep okay?"

He looked sheepish and disappointed

"Okay then..."

"You need anything just ring my number I'll write it down for you, anytime just ring I'll be right over"

I got a pen from my pocket and quickly scribbled down my home number, mobile, and my Email address onto a piece of scrap paper. I laid it down by the telephone and scooped up my bag

"Well I'll see you tomorrow Luke, I'm glad you're okay, let's try and keep it that way" I winked at him and without another word, I left the house.

Chapter 2 of 2: Not Talking

I stepped briskly out into the cool night air, I didn't realise how dark it had become, looking at my watch it was six o'clock, so I decided to take the shorter darker route.

My usual walkway takes around half an hour to get home, this way only takes 15 minutes, though it can sometimes be dangerous and mainly lies through alleyways, but I'm big enough to handle myself if trouble arises, the incident this afternoon is testament to the fact that I can fight when I need to I was about half way to my house, thinking once again of the blonde haired boy who had captivated me, when things took a turn, walking down a particular alley that had other alleyways branching off it, like a network of tunnels laced amongst the dark and dirty architecture of tenement housing. I heard raised voices coming from an alley to my right, and being a genuinely inquisitive person, I crept silently to investigate.

There was a light up ahead around a corner, and now I could here more clearly the noises that had attracted my attention, at first I had to hold back a laugh when I realised, the familiar slurp and smack of lips travelling back and forth over a large object told me that there were two people having a good time, a very good time from the sound of it. I giggled and shook my head; turning to go only something made me stop in my tracks

"This is what you get bitch! When you fuck around and get yourself in trouble, suck it you piece of shit!"

The pure sexual anger that resonated from that voice made me quake and shiver, the good time for two suddenly seemed that only one of them was getting any pleasure, silently as I could slipped out my mobile and began to dial 999 to report a rape.

Unfortunately I only got as close as the second 9

Grabbed from behind, I let out a cry of shock as my arm was twisted up into a place that caused excruciating pain, these weren't average thugs, and they knew what they were doing.

"Look what we've got here Mark" said a gruff voice

"Little Pig lost in the night is it?" this mans voice, Mark's, was not as deep as his partners, but was rich and had a slight ring of an Italian accent

"Kain's gonna' have a lot of fun with this one ay he Mark?"

Kain I thought, it could never be Kain Giddle, my mind was reeling trying to function while coping with incredible agony

"I expect so Rupert, I expect so"

"Shuddup Mark, you know that's not my name, its Jugger"

"Fine... I expect so Jugger" I suspected that Mark had rolled his eyes "Let's just take him to Kain and get this over with"

They started to walk pushing me in front of them

"D'you think that Kain will let us have him afterwards, I always enjoy a bit of fun after He's had a go at em'"

"I don't know Jugger, Maybe"

"Heh heh, I like it when they squirm" Jugger said half to himself, but mostly I suspected to frighten the shit out of me.

We rounded the corner and into the light, and my worst fears were realised, the one person who I dreaded to be standing there, as if just to spite me; Kain Biddle is a sport jock that joined my college two years late, while the rest of us are the same age, he's two years older and has a nasty reputation for being a grade A Bully.

But to be truthful the fact that he was there wasn't all to surprising, I was more shocked to see who was unfortunate enough to be at the end of his monster cock that by my estimate had to be 8-9 inches long and extremely thick. And who was it? No other than Johnny Turner, Face red, eyes clamped shut as he took inch by inch more of that cock down his throat grunting and moaning.

Thinking on it, I now knew who were my captors were, notorious as Kain himself though lackeys all the same, they followed Kain around like Dogs and could normally be seen outside the gates waiting for him. Mark was a migrant from Italy; he used to go to my college but was kicked out for taking drugs and the attempted rape of a teacher. From what I recall, he had long black hair, sculpted features and a muscled body, many girls and boys would swoon when they came out of college in the summer to see Mark wearing only tight fit jeans.

Rupert, or Jugger, on the other hand was nothing more than hired muscle; only he was the type of person who would see being allowed to murder as payment enough. Compared to Mark, Jugger was not handsome, though years of playing no-rules Rugby and days on end of weight lifting, had turned his body into what can only be described as Godlike, what he lacked in personality and looks he made up in pure hot muscle.

"Yo Kain!" Jugger shouted, "Look what we found snooping around your streets"

Kain turned lazily to look in our direction, I saw that flushed striking face smile a grisly smirk.

"Well, if it isn't Big Old' Dick" Kain said, with a slow movement he leisurely pulled out of Johnnies throat allowing the huge schlong to trail over the boys tongue then, his uncut dick swinging like a pendulum between his thighs made his way over to me "I've just been giving Johnny Boy here a lesson for not getting the money he owes me, but its okay he loves it really, he told me that you stopped him from getting it, that right?"

Jugger let go of me and I fell to my knees, not daring to take my eyes off Kain, constantly keeping eye contact. I didn't say anything as Kain made his way closer to me

"Well Dick? What do you have to say for yourself?" Kain asked, hunger in his eyes

Again silence, Kain was now right in front of me, he was so tall and his cock was so big that the glistening mushroom head waggled in front of my nose, I looked up at him, past the toned muscle, the curved Pecs, the ripped abs, into those dark cold eyes, if it were any other time and he wasn't so damn sadistic I would have hit on him like there was no tomorrow. Now here I am with this Adonis dick in my face, the smell of saliva and pre cum in a heavily bodied scent curling its way into my nostrils making me light headed and horny and all I can think about is how I'm going to get out of here

"Aw, you're not talking? That's a shame, cause I had a wonderful treat in store for you, I know you'd like it, do you want to know what it is"

More silence

"Okay I'll give you a clue" he looked deep into my eyes, while one of his hands drifted down slowly to fondle and play with his cock "Its big, oh so big, Long and hard, it tastes really nice to, and if you suck on it for long enough then maybe just maybe it'll let you have the milk inside" Just to emphasise the last few words, he leaned forward slightly and rubbed the tip of his dick onto my lips.

"He's not talking huh boss?" Jugger stated happily

"Apparently not Rupert" Jugger was about to interrupt then thought better

"Want me to hold his mouth open for you?"

"Hmm, no Rupert that'll be alright, I'll get him sucking my cock eventually, you asked for it Dick"

Kain took one last stroke of his dick, and then forced me up against the wall; I fell to my knees again and tried to breathe as the wind had been knocked out of me. Suddenly a big muscled ass was pushed into my face, all I could see was flesh and the smell was stale musky sweat.

"Ok, Dick, this is your only way to get out of here alive, if you won't suck my dick you'll just have to clean my Ass hole, get to it boy"

My nose was directly over the hole and I could feel the flesh of the bud being pushed out almost to meet me half way. Unfortunately his balls were hanging over my mouth so when I breathed in all I got was hairy ball sac.

"Ho! Look at that, sucking my balls; I think we're going to get on just fine dick"

I had no choice, Tentatively I shifted myself upwards so that my mouth was level with his hole and my nose was just above Kain's crack, I could see all the way up his muscled back, betraying myself my cock began to grow hard as a sexual part of myself started to awaken. Using my tongue, I licked all around the soft sensitive skin of his ass hole, it tasted tangy and of sweat, but it wasn't bad. I could hear Kain moan in a way that told me this must be his favourite activity.

"Deeper man! Shove your tongue in" His Glutes had started to convulse, clenching and unclenching, so toned and muscular, it went from being unpleasant to heaven in a matter of seconds. My cock ached in my trousers, I dived into his ass like a swimming pool, using my tongue as a tool to pleasure this twisted God that had told me to do his bidding, digging deep.

But then he stopped; he began to laugh and pulled away from me

"Wow, you're good Dick, if I knew you were this crazy for me I'd have let you lick my ass a long time ago" I just sat there panting, wide eyed, I'd had sex before, but the adrenaline rush from being treated like that left me wanting more, I stared wildly at the cock in front of me so close yet so far away. I wanted it I needed I. Kain came to stand over me once again

"So how about it sugar-lips you want to taste this big boy?" slapping me across the face with the shaft leaving a trail of sticky pre cum across my cheeks.

I Opened my mouth greedily, taking as much in as possible, it was better than perfect, every vein, every contour of the cock that I had the grace to suck was up to an absolute perfection, even the taste sent me raging for more, I engulfed more, using my tongue to stimulate the sensitive nerve endings, licking up and down, Kain's pelvis grinding into my face as I swallowed it all expertly

"Jesus Christ Guys! He's taken the whole Fucking thing!"

Kain Grabbed my head in an iron grip and held me onto his cock slowly shifting in and out, face-fucking me, until the pace quickened, as it shot in I used every trick I knew with my tongue to pleasure different areas of his monster cock, Kain was groaning with ecstasy, his large thighs strained with power as he thrust, the veins popping out to be revealed like vines on a tree trunk, his grip on my head tightening as he came close to climaxing.

"No! Stop Stop! I'm gonna' cum!"

He pulled out violently, and held his head, trying to stop the cum from shooting out. He let out a moan as he tensed his entire body raising his head to the sky, climaxing but not Cumming.

"Whoa, that was a close one" He breathed, "We don't want the fun to end here do we?"

I shook my head wildly

"Good Boy, I can see that I'm going to have to keep an eye on you" Kain walked over to Johnny again who was lying sprawled on the dirt, with a swift kick said "On your knees!"

"Yes sir" replied Johnny with lust in his tone

Johnny let out a wail, and uneasily got to his knees; Kain immediately shoved his cock back into Johnny's mouth, and told him to start sucking again

"Make me hard again you cum-bucket, Mark, Rupert, get Dick here into a position where I can fuck the daylights out of him"

The two stationary Studs sprang into action, getting me to my feet then tying my hands. They then knelt me over an empty dustbin and pulled my trousers down exposing my ready and willing ass

"Want me to get him ready for you boss?" Asked Mark

"You lay one testicle on that Kid and you'll lose both of them"

"Can I at least lube him up for you; it'd be cruel not to with that huge fucking thing you've got there boss"

"No, I've a better Idea" he pulled once more out of Johnny, and grabbed him by the hair. Pulling Johnny over to me he pushed the red haired kids face into my crack, I could feel him squirm and sob "Okay you, my cum is going to be unloaded in this ass very soon, and it is your duty to make it so that my prize fuck isn't hurt okay?"

I felt his head move up and down in acknowledgment rubbing his nose against my exposed hole. And then I felt it, the wet push of Johnny Turner's Tongue, it was definitely new, and good as well, like getting fingered only better and more exhilarating that the guy doing it is someone I loathe. What a power rush! I remember being greeted by laughter from the all powerful three as I pushed back into Johnny, making him take more of it

"He's really enjoying himself, who'd have thought such a hunk would be such a horny Cock-sucker" Jugger chuckled

"Okay Johnny that's enough, your done for now"

"Aw Boss!" Shouted Jugger

"Fine Rupert, Johnny, looks like you're not even close to done, Rupert you can have him now"

"Will do boss" Said Jugger Happily

I couldn't see very much, but what I heard seemed to turn me on even more, my cock now free and leaking copiously, jumped when I heard the harsh sound of a fly being opened, the grunts of Johnny turner becoming louder as a huge pole was shoved where it shouldn't be, and then the sudden muffle of his moans as an equally big pole is shoved down his open and willing throat.

All this seemed to give me some twisted thrill that this was happening, being used like this, treated like you were the lowest piece of dirt that anyone can use, was just pure bliss, I wanted to please this new master in my life

"Okay Dick, you ready, I hope Johnny lubed you up good and proper, because here I come"

At first I felt the head of his cock drag between my cheeks and smack my butt, his strong hands gave me a slap that just furthered my excitement. And then he entered me.

I've taken my fair share of cocks before, but his was something else, huge and long to boot it opened me up immediately, I cried out a little, not being used to the size or girth, he angled it downwards, deeper into my gut straining to find that G-spot. Then slowly pulling out, only to shove it all back in again each time going deeper and deeper inside me. Tears are falling from eyes not out of pain but from pleasure as he gets faster and faster, grabbing my hair and pulling me towards him, my back touches his smooth chest and turns my head to embrace my lips in a passionate kiss, I greet him, tongues and all, tasting my masters taste, but he throws me back, and uses both hands to hold onto his prize fuck. My cock gets harder and harder, as he travels steadily closer to a climax, I can hear in the background the groans of pure hormonal passion taking place, the slap of balls against asses, Kain's against mine, Jugger's against Johnny's. Kain Quickly pulls all the way out of me, and using his strong arms pushes me up and against the wall, quickly entering me again, he spoons me up and hard, I take it all, the brick against my skin, tearing my cheek, all I can do is whimper my pleasure as he grunts and moans.

We change positions again, this time he proves his true strength by lifting both of my legs up and around his waist, embracing my in another kiss as I bounce up and down on his stick. Now out one of my eyes I can see the scene behind us, Jugger is fucking the shit out of Johnny, completely naked, his body straining, radiant with pearls of sweat falling down every muscled ridge and contour, his back is partially to me, and I marvel at his mammoth sized butt cheeks, they're more muscled than Kain's and these look strong, I can't understand why I never saw them before, but I know if I ever get a chance I would definitely get down and worship them as I would do Kain's Cock. And suddenly as if he could read my mind, Jugger turned his head to look at me, it was red and sweaty but that merely added to the sense of rugged gorgeousness, and he winked. I returned my attention to the wider scene, I watched as Mark face fucked Johnny, quite violently too, I didn't know how he could breathe with Marks Pubes getting down his nostrils.

And then it all stopped, Kain Dropped me to the floor with a thud, and ordered me to kneel before him, with a shout he called the other two over and both of them came to his side, cocks rock hard from the recent pummelling.

"Okay Dick, show us what your really made of" Kain said with a smile, grabbing his dick and shoving into my face again.

Taking Jugger's dick in one hand and Marks in another, I sucked Kain's down at once, I could feel how close each man was to Cumming so I slowed them all down, then sped back up again, Jugger got impatient with the hand job and forced his cock into my mouth along with Kain's, and I gladly sucked both while beating Mark off. Their moans progressed louder and louder and as I was sucking off Kain they all came simultaneously, Kain in my mouth and the other two all over my face. They were breathing deeply stroking their shafts, milking them of all there worth.

"Oh my god Dick Boy! That was probably the best fuck n' suck I've ever had, I'm definitely going to be keeping my eyes out for you in the future"

All I can manage to say is

"Thank you"

"And he's grateful too! Boys we have ourselves a Winner, now, I'm going to get changed, take him back to the street and give him our thanks" I heard Jugger and Mark chuckle darkly as they took me arm in arm back into the night.

"You were great Kid" Jugger said "Honestly if you could be my bitch, I'd fuck you all day long"

"Dream on Jugger, Kain has this one, and no one can have him until he's bored with him" Mark replied sternly

"Fair enough, I can dream can't I? Oh I love this bit"

With a motion that couldn't have been caught on camera, Jugger slammed a fist into my chest, before I knew what was happening I felt another blow then fell into darkness

To be continued

Sneak preview: I awoke, sweat permeated my forehead, I felt pain, innumerable agonizing pain like all the life had been knocked out of me, I croaked a gasp, releasing whatever relief had built up inside of my being, and then I saw him, My blue eyed blonde haired angel through the darkness...


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