My Name Is Rachel

By Andy Smith

Published on Nov 20, 2006


Jack and I had been on our Golf trip for just over a full day, with three to go. It had been very eventful, mostly sex, and I was having the time of my life. I was dressed every time all of the time, and tonight, at a banquet here at the hotel was no different...

"How you feeling" He asked me.

"Unbearably sexy", I answered. "You?"

"Unbearably horny" he answered laughing quietly. We were dancing very slowly to a wonderful song. There were other couples around us and I was totally turned on knowing that no one here knew, and hopefully even suspected our special secret.

I was wearing a modest outfit of a thigh length tight fitting dark burgundy dress. It was a pullover, one piece. The shoes were a bit tough, I was not used to pumps but I had learned quickly. Normally I was a boot man, but Jack insisted, saying he wanted to suck my toes while I was wearing them later, and besides, they were a nice present from him when we arrived, so how could I say no?

I of course had some help underneath to fix my girly curves. And thankfully something to hide the fact that I had a hard on so strong it almost hurt. Jack had one to match mine; I could feel it against me as we danced. I occasionally rubbed my body against him as we moved, teasing him while we were dancing. He flexed himself, and I planted a soft kiss on his neck; "I feel that baby," I whispered.

"Good, you're supposed to" he replied. "Want to get out of here, go back to the room?"

"Jack, you are a horny boy, that would be our third time today baby, I thought you wanted to spend sometime out here" I replied pulling my face away to take in his eyes as we moved slowly to the music.

"I do, but damn being next to you when your dressed like this makes me so hard."

"Yes I can tell," I replied as I squeezed his butt cheeks. "Maybe in a bit, lets enjoy the evening" I replied. "Besides, I don't get to go out dressed very often."

"I don't know why," he answered in a scolding voice, "you look great and are completely passable."

"Thank you baby, but I'm just not as confident as you are".

"Well, in case you haven't noticed, there's been more than one guy watching you tonight".

"Really?" I replied, genuinely surprised. "Show me one," I said pulling away from him to look around.

"Geezh Rachael" he said pulling me back into his arms. "Why don't you just look around and stare at everyone giving it all away".

"Hump, well, it's just not fair if you know someone's watching me but I don't get to see who's looking..."

"Sorry baby", he said laughing now, "but in case you forgot, you do belong to me you know"

"Oh is that so" I asked in mock indignation.

"Yes" he answered with a friendly swat to my ass, "all mine!"

"Well, if I'm yours then get me something to drink would you? I'm so nervous I've become very thirsty."

"Ok" he answered, "but I'm going to hit the bathroom first, then I'll be right back."

I walked back to our table alone and had been sitting less than a minute when an older gentleman approached and asked if he might sit down.

"Well" I replied nervously turning up the female voice, "My boyfriend has only gone to the bathroom, and he'll be back in a few minutes."

"Good" he exclaimed standing up extending his hand, "then we have time for a dance."

Caught off guard I sat for a second and then took his hand allowing him to lead me to the dance floor. I could feel my heart racing now. This was a true test; would I, could I, pass as a woman dancing with this stranger.

He led us to the dance floor and pulling me in he placed his hands around my waist in a very gentlemanly manner as the music played. "I'm Bill," he told me.

"My name is Rachael," I answered, allowing him to draw me in closer.

Pleasantries were exchanged as we moved very slowly in a tight circle in one spot on the floor. I put my hands around his neck and pulled him a bit closer to myself and he responded by drawing me even closer to him. Suddenly I realized I could feel his manhood, same as I could Jacks.

I almost panicked, and had to force myself to stay relaxed. It was everything I could do to not just bolt away from this stranger and find shelter. He sensed my uneasiness and drew me in right up against him and whispered into my ear "relax and just enjoy the dance."

He slowly began to grind himself against me. I could feel his cock getting bigger and harder as we danced and he moved against me. He was whispering into my ears more and more now.

I was suddenly shocked to realize that he was trying to seduce me. I found it very cute, and very flattering, and suddenly I could feel myself growing hard as well. 'Oh crap,' I thought, 'I hope I did this right, if not we might be headed for a very embarrassing moment.' Bill kept on leading our dance and I figured all was safe. Feeling a bit bolder now, I placed my hand behind his head and pulled him closer to me to where I could nibble on his ear. I gently took the lobe between my teeth and whispered to him; "I can feel that".

He started and froze for the briefest of seconds but then just resumed our dance and flexed himself against me.

"Oh my!" I let out, perhaps a bit loud for being this close to his ear, and I pushed my hips into him allowing him more contact with my body.

"You like that don't you Rachael?" he asked.

I responded by squeezing his ass and pulled him right to me. I parted my legs just a touch allowing his hips to slide between them, but not enough to allow a casual observer to think we were dry fucking on the dance floor. But when he grabbed my ass and partially smashed our bodies together I realized we were dry fucking. Right there on the dance floor.

"Rachael I have a room here" he whispered.

"I can't" I replied, "my boyfriend..."

"Perhaps something could be worked out," he said, backing up to look at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling a chill run up my dress.

"I'm ok with a threesome, or maybe he's a watcher and would like to see you with another man."

I looked around for Jack but didn't see him. I was in a near state of panic now. 'This can't be happening!' I thought to myself.

"Or," he continued, "we could go behind the building over there and you could blow me" he said in a gentle humorous way. Shocked I looked up at him, and watched his face change as he looked back at me. "Oh my gosh Rachael, I'm so sorry, it was meant as a joke, please forgive me."

"No, don't be sorry" I replied, finally giving in and accepting why I was there, dressed as a woman in a public place. "If were quick we might be able to complete this before Jack gets back." He just stood looking at me and so I pulled his hand and led him toward the edge of the building over to where there were plenty of bushes for cover.

On the way over we passed a couple going back towards the dance area, laughing and carrying on in a very overtly sexy manner. Reaching a secluded area I turned toward him and was surprised as he grabbed me and pulled me in close and kissed me in very passion filled embrace.

All this time I had been flirting and teasing with myself in front of mirrors from the safety and seclusion of my house. Now, I finally understood that this was indeed why I had chosen to dress up and be a woman, no I told myself, not a just a woman, but a slut. Why I had worked so hard to stay in shape, had worked so hard to make the transformation from who I was in real life to who I was in my secret life, my fantasies.

He continued to kiss me, and I could feel his very real passion and remembered thinking that I hope I have that passion when I'm his age...

I slid down to a kneeling position, being careful not to trash my dress and unzipped his pants eagerly anticipating what awaited my wet mouth.

He too was eager for my attentions, and as he pulled himself free I gasped at his size. I didn't truly appreciate it bundled away inside his pants. It was not the longest cock I'd ever seen, Jack was actually a bit longer, but his girth was unbelievable. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get it in my mouth it was so thick.

"Please be gentle baby, teeth make me a bit sore" he whispered to me as he bent forward to kiss my mouth again before guiding my head to his throbbing cock.

I took his warning as a command and proceeded to work his wonderful manhood into my willing mouth. He was so thick! And what a treat he turned out to be...

I worked it in slowly, inch-by-inch, wetting his shaft with plenty of tongue as I refused to allow him to pull back. I wanted all of it inside my throat. I wasn't sure I could do it but he sensed my hesitation and began to talk to me in a gentle encouraging fashion, urging me deeper on his cock;

"Yes baby, that's it Rachael, slowly and gently, you can do it love. It's been done before so I know you can do it. Get it all; you know you need to feel it tickling the back of your sweet mouth. Yes, umm yes, take me inside your hot mouth. Oh that feels so good. Oh! Yes that's great" he exclaimed as I sucked him deeper while applying more pressure to his head with my tongue.

I gave a brief thought to Jack and shuddered involuntarily, I wanted him to cum quickly now. I was worried about Jack, and what he must be doing. I sucked harder and tried to cover the last bit of his shaft as he stretched my mouth open. I had lost control of myself, and was now what I must have secretly desired to be all along; a cock sucking whore; free and without restraints.

Somewhere in the recess of my mind I knew I was a man. A married man with a great wife, but here, now, dressed like this; panties, hose, pumps, this dress, this makeup, my feminine persona, I was not married, but I was indeed that slut I secretly saw when I looked in the mirror while wearing my sexiest outfits. A cock-sucking slut, and more than that, I loved it and wanted it, and I was afraid, perhaps I even needed it...

I was lost in my thoughts as I sucked him as hard and wet as I could and was totally unaware and caught by surprise when he grabbed my head and grunted and locked me onto his cock and began to spurt his hot load into my mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could but gagged and forced him back out from my throat. I couldn't do it that way but he never let me go totally and his cock remained in my mouth pumping his cum into my throat.

I swallowed greedily but some of it spurted from forth and I could feel in on my mouth as it ran down the corners of my lips.

He finally began to finish and suddenly wanted to get away, but now it was my turn to be in control and this was one of my most favorite things; sucking on a cock after it has spent it's load. While its still dripping with cum, hot and sticky, with a super sensitive head, flinching at the slightest touch. I would work my mouth over it, savoring the remaining cum that was too thick to drop free, just waiting for me to suck it down.

He jerked back, but allowed me my pleasure now; knowing instinctively that a true cum slut needed this part. It was mandatory. And he generously obliged my passions as I cleaned his cock with my mouth and tongue.

After a few more minutes he actually bent down and pulled me up, and kissing me said "we need to get you back before you get in trouble".

Remembering Jack I gasped and turned toward the main party area only to see Jack standing there, drinking a beer watching us. I was terrified and started to stammer something incoherent when Bill said, "Your right Jack, she can suck some cock! Thanks for sharing her with me. Maybe next time I can fuck her for you as well."

Shocked I looked over at Jack, only to get a wink from him as he smiled, turned to walk away said; "clean your face off before you return baby."

Comments welcome Rachael.

Next: Chapter 3

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