My Name Is Connor

By Aaron Hull / Wah Stories

Published on Jan 1, 2015

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I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I haven'y had time to write something like this in forever so it was pretty fun. Other stories by me include One or the Other, Gavin's Got Game, Hayden's Story, Shawn's Turn, Teddy Bear, and the After Party. The first five are found here in the gay highschool section and the latter two are in the gay college section. If you do enjoy reading this, you can contact me at

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It was Sunday night and, like every Sunday, Patrick was staying over. The tradition started when we were in eighth grade when his parents weren't able to take him to school on Mondays so my mom would take the both of us; Patrick lived outside the district but the other middle school wasn't as good as ours so his dad would pick him up and take him to my school until his boss changed his hours so that he had to be at work before the school opened. Even though Patrick can now drive, we just let the tradition continue on.

I was lying on my bed reading a book and Patrick was in my bathroom shaving his face. He normally shaved it all off but he had recently decided to keep his chinstrap so it took him longer than usual to do his weekly shave.

"Are you kidding me?" I heard him say. I looked up from my book and Patrick was standing in the doorway to the bathroom. He had a pair of blue and gray plaid boxers in his hands. "I know you told me that you and Troye were going to try being friends again but I didn't know you all were friends with benefits."

I gulped. "How do you know those aren't mine?"

"Connor," he said with a smile. "I see you in your cute little briefs every single Sunday night after you shower. If you switched to boxers, I would know."

That was true. And don't get the wrong idea, Patrick is straight. He's extremely comfortable with me being gay so walking around in his boxers and seeing me half naked didn't bother him. We were more like brothers than anything and the idea of being with Patrick sexually was something I had never thought of. Don't get me wrong, Patrick is cute. He's about 5'8 with bleach blonde hair and he has a killer smiler. His body is also nice, he's danced his entire life and his body is definitely a work of art. But like I said, were brothers and I couldn't sexualize him.

"When he brought me home I told him he could change into some of my clothes since his were soaked. I didn't know he'd also change his underwear."

Patrick just smiled; I couldn't tell if he was smiling because he could see me turning red or if he was smiling because he thought the truth was just a very bad lie. "Why are you two trying to rekindle things? From what you and Spencer said, I thought you'd be the guy cheering at his funeral."

"That would probably be Spencer. And I was mostly just hurt, I was never really mad at him. And at a time like this, the fact that someone has made an attempt to come back into my life makes me feel wanted again." If there was someone I could be honest with, it would be Patrick. He's a goofball most of the time but he can keep a secret.

Ever since my dad left, I've felt like I haven't been good enough for anyone. My dad knows me better than anyone else, he's known me my entire life. If he thought that I wasn't good enough to be a part of his family, how could I expect someone else to love me? At least that's what I felt. Patrick had been there for me and he helped me through a lot of that pain.

Patrick dropped the boxers and came over to me. He plopped down next to me and rested his head on my shoulder. "You know I love you, right? You are my best friend and I will always be here for you, dude. Even when you and your future husband have a fight and your sorry ass is on the streets. I'll kick my wife out of the bed and I'll comfort you."

"Thanks." The funny part about that was Patrick would do that. He actually has left a chick in the middle of a date to comfort me, let's just say they obviously aren't dating anymore. "Now go wipe your face off before you get shaving cream all over me. I've already showered and washed my face."

"What? You mean like this?" I knew I shouldn't have said anything. Before I could make a run for it, he had already collected all the leftover shaving cream in his hand. My life flashed before my eyes as he shoved his hand in my face and got shaving cream in my hair, up my nose, in my mouth, some even got on my bed and wall.

I squirmed out from under him and escaped to the other side of the room where I was able to take a couple deep breaths. The taste of shaving cream was definitely disgusting. "I hate you. So much."

Patrick just put his legs out and his hands behind his head. He had the cockiest smile. "You know you love me."

I couldn't help but laugh as I noticed where his hand was placed. "You know you just put shaving cream in your hair, right?"

He didn't move, his smile just slowly changed into a frown. "I just washed my hair though."

He sounded like a little kid who was told recess was over. I obviously couldn't help but laugh harder, so hard that I closed my eyes. Big mistake.

I was soon tackled onto the floor and pinned. I looked up at him and he wasn't smiling. He was just staring, it looked like he was lost in his thought. It was awkward because he didn't move either. He just remained on top of me for what felt like five minutes before he snapped out of his trance.

He rolled off of me. "Sorry. I don't know what that was. I just...deja vu I guess. I just had a thought. Sorry."

"It's cool. Anything you need to tell me?" I looked at him with concern. This had never happened. Where could he have gone in those few moments?

"No. I'm good. I promise." He stood up and extended a hand to help me. "Now come on, we gotta clean up the mess you made with the shaving cream so that we can go to bed. We have a big week ahead of us."

I just rolled my eyes as he helped me up. I knew that if I tried arguing with him I would end up with more shaving cream up my nose. We eventually got it all cleaned up and we climbed into my bed. Normally we stay on our respective sides of my queen-sized mattress but Patrick was a little closer than he usually was.

"I love you, Connor." I heard him say.

I rolled over to face him and I saw that he was smiling. "I love you too, Patrick. You're the best friend every gay guy wants."

Patrick smiled. He then did something he had never done. He scooted closer to me and rested his head on my arm. I thought it was weird but I went with it. We then did that little dance to find the place where we were both comfortable and fell asleep like that. ~ ~ * ~ ~

The next day while we were at lunch, Patrick accidentally let it slip that Troye and I are now trying to be friends again. Spencer, being the diva that she is, did not like this news. A part of her hates it for superficial reasons such as intermingling between the basketball team and drama club but there is also a part of her that hates me and Troye being friends again because he already hurt me once.

"Why would you do that to yourself, Connor?" Spencer asked.

"Do what?"

"That friendship is just a disaster waiting to happen. If it couldn't withstand being in separate schools, how is it going to last now that the two of you are on completely different planets."

"We're not on completely different planets." I just looked down. Whenever people are obviously upset with me, I tend to retreat back into my shell.

Spencer rolled her eyes. "He's a jock. You're not. Two different worlds."

"This sounds like some Romeo and Juliet, shit." Lauren said.

"It's not." I said somewhat too defensively.

"You don't have to snap, asshole." Lauren said in response. One thing I had learned about her is that she does not take any kind of sass.

"What he was trying to get at is that he doesn't want to talk about this right now. He made a decision to let someone back in and if it doesn't work out then it is his problem and not ours." This was why I loved Patrick. He could fuck up and make Lauren and Spencer mad at me but then make it better by protecting me.

"I'm just looking out for you, Con. I saw what it did to you when we were little kids. I couldn't imagine what it would do now that you've gone through so much." I looked up from my mashed potatoes and saw that she was actually concerned.

"I promise you I will be okay. Troye and I really clicked the other day and I could tell he was just as happy as I was that we ran into each other. Please just be happy for me."

Spencer reached out and caressed my hand. "You deserve friends who won't abandon you, Con. Seeing you in pain is the worst."

Before I could tell Spencer how much I loved her, a loud commotion coming from the jock table caught everyone's attention. Paige Vaughn had poured her milk on her boyfriend's head over at the jock table. Everyone started laughing and cheering as she walked away. Everyone knew that Chad was cheating on Paige, even the theater people who were outside that circle knew what was going on.

The rest of the senior cheerleaders got up from the table and followed Paige out, obviously trying to console her. The basketball team just laughed at Chad as he sat there with milk all over him. The only one who offered him any help was Troye. He said something to him and then the two left the cafeteria.

I turned back to face Spencer. "See, he's not like the rest of the jocks. He's nice, he just had a phase."

"You better hope it was a face or else he's going to have five inches of heel buried in his ass." Spencer was very protective of me. Like Patrick, I knew I could count on her; she usually took a more physical approach to helping me out than Patrick did, though.

Patrick, being the idiot he is, then made things worse for me. "Well since I found his boxers in Connor's room, I'd say he likes having five inches in his ass. It actually might be a bit bigger than Connor."

I had to hit him. Not only did he make a joke about my dick size, he also reveal a piece of information that would give Spencer and Lauren a reason to give me "the talk" again. After I came out to Spencer, she sat me down and gave me a sex talk because she thought I was with Patrick, they weren't friends at that point so she had no idea he was straight at that time.

"Why were his boxers in your room?" Spencer asked. For a second I thought she was my mother.

"Long story. Please don't ask."

Spencer opened her mouth but I was saved by the bell. I got up and made a b-line for the door. I knew this wouldn't be the end of it but I knew I needed more privacy than a public cafeteria to explain everything to her.

As I was walking to class, I passed by Troye and Chad, who was now wearing a hoodie and a pair of matching sweats with Troye's number on them; 32. His hair was also wet so I guess Troye let him wear his warm-up clothes after Chad washed the milk out of his hair.

Chad didn't notice me in the crowd of people but Troye did. He smiled at me and waved. I smiled back and faintly waved back. I knew those were just small gestures but it was a start. Spencer was right, we really were on two different planets. Neither of us could really mess with the status quo, it would have been too much pressure on the already fragile friendship we were trying to rebuild.

The classes following lunch; United States history, geometry, and photography; were nothing special. My favorite of those classes was photography. In there, we usually went outside or occasionally on field trips to go take pictures. Since our yearbook club isn't big, we were also the ones who contributed most of the yearbook photos. The only ones there were really in charge of were the ones where they bring in a photographer to take a picture of you on what is usually your worst hair day of the year.

As the final bell rang, everyone fled the room as quickly as possible and crowded the halls. Since rehearsal didn't start for another thirty minutes, I decided to talk to Ms. Porter and show her my photos from the previous week.

"You have a real talent, Mr. Phillips." She said as she looked through the photos on my camera. "You don't capture an image, you capture an emotion. You capture beauty in its truest form. I love it."

"Thanks." I smiled. Ms. Porter was an amazing teacher, she showed a lot of interest in me and my work. I liked photography before the class but she made me to love it.

"I was thinking about offering an advanced photography class next semester and I would be honored if you considered taking the course. Since the equipment would cost so much, very few students would be allowed to be in the class."

"You really think I'm good enough for an advanced class?" A wave of excitement overwhelmed me.

Ms. Porter just smiled. "Well of course! Like I said, you understand what photography is supposed to be and this is just an introductory course. I want to turn the old shop room into a black room so you all could develop your own film. I love digital photography and all it has done for us, but you can't truly understand the art of photography until you've used a camera with film."

"I will definitely think about it." I didn't need to think about it. This was definitely something I wanted to do. It was honestly a dream come true.

"Here's your camera." She handed my camera back to me and I saw on the picture of the old couple I had taken. They were just going on a day stroll through the park and the moment was too good to miss out on. After I took the picture, I asked them if it would be okay if I could use it and they told me they would be honored. I would have asked before but I wanted to capture a real moment between the two. "I will see you tomorrow, Mr. Phillips."

I left the room in a great mood. I never thought of myself as that great of a photographer. I had to tell Spencer and them about it, hopefully it would cause Spencer to forget about the whole thing about Troye's boxers.

As I was going down the hall, I ran into one of the freshmen who had joined the drama club. His name was Micah and he was sitting in the hall, reading from one of his textbooks and writing stuff down in a notebook simultaneously.

"Hey Micah." I said a bit too cheerfully. He looked up and seemed shocked that I knew his name.

"Hey. Connor. How are you?" He closed his textbook and started to put his books back into his bag. Micah was a little flamboyant and I've always gotten the vibe that he was gay, I wasn't really sure though.

"I'm good. And how are you?"

"I'm fantastic." And sure enough, his facial expression gave the same answer. I was puzzled because how in the world could you be that happy after the eight hours of prison we just endured? I was just complimented on the best way so obviously I was happy. But a freshman? That should be impossible.

"That's good. You're a backup dancer, right?" I really wanted to get to know all of the new freshman because for most it's hard to assimilate into the family. When I joined, I had Spencer and Patrick by my side and they were both social butterflies so I was accepted almost immediately because of them.

"Yeah. Do you know if Patrick will be here today? I need him to help me with some of the dance moves he changed last week."

"He should be, but you know how he can be sometimes. Did he give you his number? When we started rehearsals I told him he needed to do so since he's very unreliable about showing up to these things."

"Yeah, he did. He's seemed pretty organized so far."

I laughed. "Just wait `til Friday night and Saturday morning when you're freaking out. Something will mystically happen to his phone and you won't see him until show time."

"I sometimes wish I could sing, it would be nice to work with you." The way he blushed and adverted his eyes from direct eye contact hinted that he had a crush on me. I never thought of his as cute before but now that I actually look at him...

"Well I sometimes wish I could dance. So don't be jealous."

"I could teach you some time!" He said this a little faster than I think he wanted to because he turned red right after. "I'm guessing you could go to Patrick if you really wanted to learn how to dance, though. He is a better dancer than me anyways."

"Don't put yourself down. He may have a little better technique but I've seen you with the others, you are a great teacher. I may just take you up on your offer." I know this is going to sound stupid but as I said that, I winked. I don't know why, but I did.

Micah's face turned even redder, he was almost a crimson at that point. He stood up and fumbled with his bag. "I'll see you inside, Connor." He then quickly turned and went into the auditorium.

I couldn't help but think about how cute he was. I didn't even know if he was gay. And since I had a girlfriend,' I couldn't see him making a move any time soon. The fact I had a girlfriend' also made it impossible for me to flirt because if he figured out I was flirting and he didn't like that, it could ruin mine and Spencer's reputations for lying to everyone. If he somehow made a move, I would probably pursue him, but that was unlikely.

I waited another minute and walked in. Micah was talking to some of his freshman friends and when he noticed me, I could see him blush. His cuteness was definitely something I would have to get used to if I wanted to finish this week.

Spencer, Lauren, and Patrick eventually showed up to rehearsal and everything went smoothly for once. That was our first day of tech rehearsal and we spent most of it making sure the microphones worked and the sound and lighting cues were right. Occasionally the lighting would be a fraction of a second off for Spencer and she and Lauren would start bickering. It was funny to me because once they would really get into it in the moment but once we left the auditorium, they were back to normal.

After we were done for the day, I cleaned up the auditorium and stuck around for as long as I could. This time Micah stuck around too and helped me out. I had asked him why his mom hadn't picked him up yet and all that I can remember about his excuse was that it was something stupid. He obviously wanted to spend some one on one with me. I thought it was cute.

"Did you have Mr. Hendricks for U.S Government?" Micah asked me as he swept the stage and I reorganized the prop shelf for act two.

"Yeah. I really liked him. His class was fun." It was actually one of my classes now that I think about it.

"We must be thinking of different teachers then. This guy is an asshole. He's the kind of conservative who preaches from a book he's never opened."

That made me laugh. I had never really heard Micah say anything other than words of kindness. "Maybe my Mr. Hendricks retired. Mine was an old guy with a toupee."

Micah laughed at that. "Mine is young and hot. But like I said, he's a major asshole."

"So, you think your teacher is hot?" I nudged him with my elbow and winked.

Micah's face went full crimson in a matter of five seconds. "For a guy, yeah. I don't like guys. I'm straight as can be."

"In this program, either you tell the truth or someone else tells for you. I'm not saying that you have to tell everyone your deepest darkest secrets, just know that someone will find out soon enough and you have to be ready for what happens at a minutes notice."

Micah's smile faded. "I thought everyone here was supposed to be family?"

He walked over to the edge of the stage and just sat. I walked over to him and sat beside him. I glanced over at him and he looked kind of lost. I couldn't help but smile. I knew I shouldn't have but he looked like a lost puppy.

"We are a family. It's just that sometimes when a family member feels like you didn't trust them, they get upset and do something stupid. Trust me, I've done my fair share of stupid things."

"So, if I came out to you, you wouldn't tell everyone?" Micah asked. I looked him in his eyes and just smiled. "Just theoretically, that is."

"Yes. Theoretically, I could keep your secret if you came out to me. And, theoretically, if you came out to me, I'd send you a picture of what I was planning to wear to school every morning so I could get your fashion advice."

This made Micah smile. He also began to blush again. If it were up to me, he'd always be blushing.

"I'm serious, dude. If you came out to me, theoretically that is, I would keep your secret. I mean, you'd be surprised by how many gay guys and girls I know."

"Do you you think you could help me find a guy?" Micah asked. I could tell that was something hard for him to say.

"You mean theoretically?" I didn't know if pretending we were talking theoretically would make things better, I was just hoping it would make him be a little more open.

Thankfully I was right. He smiled and let out a slight laugh. "Yeah. Theoretically."

"I know a lot of guys who'd be all over you. Too bad you're straight."

Micah rolled his eyes. "I'm gay."

I squinted my eyes and looked at him. I cupped my hand behind my ear. "What was that? I couldn't hear you. You were definitely mumbling."

He turned a little redder. "I am gay." He said this a little bit louder but I had to push him a little farther.

"What was that?! I have bad hearing! You're going to have to speak up!" I wasn't really shouting but my voice was definitely raised.

Micah didn't fall for it, he just blushed even more and sat there quietly. He twiddled his fingers and I couldn't help but think about how cute he was.

I put my hand on his leg and his eyes jumped out of their sockets and he looked me in the eyes. I just smiled. "Your secret is safe with me, man. You don't have to worry about anyone finding out."

Micah and I just sat there for a while. My hand resting on his thigh. His hand closest to me was slowly making its way to me but his move probably wouldn't be made for another five hours. I decided to expedite the process and interlocked our hands.

"Could you tell me a little more about the guys who would gladly be with me?" Micah didn't look up when he said that, I could tell it was really hard for him. I, myself, have never had a boyfriend so I was also nervous. The closest I've come to any of this was the fake stuff Spencer and I did and that was all acting. This time I had to summon my inner actor and portray a confident gay guy or else I could say goodbye to fulfilling my sudden desires.

"Yeah. There's this one guy." I gulped. I decided to go for broke. "He thinks you are an amazing dancer and would love to learn a thing or two from you. I think he's going to be Marco in the musical."

Micah continued to look down but his smile grew. "He sounds really cute. Do you really think he's into me?" He finally looked up at me and his steel gray eyes shined.

"Yeah. Keep this between the two of us but he told me that he really wanted to kiss you." It was now my turn to advert my eyes and blush.

He let out a nervous laugh. "Well, you can tell him that if he wants to kiss me, he can. I've wanted to kiss him for a while now."

I looked up at him and I could see how nervous he was. To be completely honest, his nervousness was cute. "Really?" I leaned in a bit, hopefully enough for him to notice.

He did. He leaned in a bit too. "Really."

Slowly, the two of us got closer and closer. I was completely lost in the moment and it lasted forever. When we were finally close enough to feel each other's breath, I was pretty sure I was hyperventilating. That would be my first kiss. I so badly wanted it. We moved in a bit more and just a millimeter separated our lips.

"Is anyone in here?!" The voice startled the both of us and we quickly jumped apart. From behind the curtain emerged Ms. Dennis. "Oh! What are you boys still doing here?"

Micah was obviously too shocked to speak so I spoke for the both of us. "Micah offered to help me clean up. We got to talking and I guess we lost track of time."

"Oh." Ms. Dennis was obviously oblivious to what we were about to do and even if she did know, I don't think she would have cared. "Well I gotta close everything up. Do you all have a way home?"

"Yeah." Micah finally spoke up. "My mom should be outside any minute." He jumped down from where we were and grabbed his backpack that he had laid in one of the seats in the first row. He then turned to me. "Thank you. I'll see you later?"

"Definitely." I couldn't help but smile at him. He was so cute.

After he had left, I helped Ms. Dennis with the last sweep to make sure everything was good. We headed out the doors and Ms. Dennis wished me a good day. I was smiling so hard because for the first time in my life, there was potential for a love life. The fact that I would spend the next forty minutes walking didn't even phase me.

When I got to the parking lot, I was startled to see a single car in it. There was a brown eyed, brown haired boy sitting on the hood of the car in his basketball shorts and a t-shirt. It was Troye.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

His eyes were closed when I had gotten close and my voice startled him. "I've been waiting for you. I thought your rehearsal ended thirty minutes ago?" He laid back down on his hood with his hands behind his head.

"Yeah. I stuck around for a while, though. I normally leave last, I don't want people to know I walk home."

"Well you won't be anymore. I'm going to take you home. So get used to not wanting people to know Troye is an amazing friend who is always there for you."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine walking home. I don't want you to have to wait for me like this every day. Rehearsal this week lasts until five every day."

"Well thankfully coach has us practicing until five every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And thankfully I teach inner-city kids how to play basketball every Tuesday and Thursday until five at the elementary school down the road. So I wouldn't be waiting here for you."

"But I still live in the opposite direction of you. That's a lot of gas money."

"I have a gas card. My parents told me that since they won't have to pay for college, schools are already talking to me about scholarships, they would pay for my gas until I leave. And trust me, my college fund had a lot of money in it so you don't have to worry about gas at all."

I was in way too good of a mood to continue bickering with him. I walked over to his car and opened the passenger door. "Well if you're going to give me a ride home, you're going to have to get behind the wheel, not in front of it."

He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I am going so far out of my way to help you so you can keep your attitude to yourself." He rolled off the hood of the car and got in. The smile on his face told me that he wasn't serious.

"I'm in the drama club, I can't keep my attitude to myself." We both closed our car doors and we were off. For a moment, it felt like we were always friends. I loved it.

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Every time I read a story of Nifty, I never read the top part, so just in case you are like me and only read the bottom portion if you liked the story, here is my email again: If you email me, please state what story you're referring to. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a fantastic day. :)

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Next: Chapter 3

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