My Muscle Master

By Randy Peters

Published on Jan 18, 2016



As of January 2016, this work is authorized for display only on the story archive. It should not be republished or redistributed anywhere else.

This story contains male nudity and consensual sexual acts between two adult males. If you do not wish to read about such content, or if it is illegal where you are, stop reading now.

This is a follow-up to a previous story I wrote, from the dominant guy's point of view. If you are interested in reading it, you can find it here:

My Muscle Master

It had been a couple weeks since I went to the gym because I had to travel out of town for work, but I enjoyed the last time I went I knew I had to go back. Some big muscle hunk had helped me with my workout, and I saw him in the locker room and found out he had a huge cock that I just had to have. He let me feel his muscles and taste under his arms, and his feet, oh God, his feet! And he fucked me with that huge cock, it must have been almost a foot long, it was like a baseball bat being shoved up my ass, but I loved it! He left me used on the floor, but I didn't mind, because he made me feel so good that I shot moments later. I would say I made a mess, but since I was in the shower it washed right away.

I was hoping I'd see him again, so I went around the same time on the same day. I scanned the room and saw a few guys that looked pretty hunky, but I didn't see the guy I had found a couple weeks before. I was a little disappointed, but I went to the locker room, just to make sure I had checked everywhere.

That was where I saw him. He must have just finished his shower, because I saw him standing there, naked, drying himself. I saw his tight, muscled ass, and he turned around as he dried off his heavy balls and thick, flopping meat. It was almost as big soft as it was hard, so it hung down low as it dropped. I lifted my head up only to notice that he was looking at me with a big smile on his face. He motioned for me to come over, and I complied. He bent down and put his face right against my ear and whispered, "372 Westford. 20 minutes. Come right in."

Did he just invite me to his house? I could feel my cock get rock hard and I started to sweat. I had enjoyed our last encounter so much that there was no chance I would miss out on that, but I was still nervous about being alone with him, outside the gym. Maybe he would turn out to be a sweet guy? I didn't know, but I was going to find out.

I made it look like I was in the locker room for a reason, so I slipped my pants and briefs off. I put on a jockstrap, it was a simple one but it was so thin you couldn't help but see my cock outlined by the fabric. I put my pants back on, grabbed my stuff and practically ran out the door. I hustled to the car and set my GPS to direct me to the address the hunk had given me.

I realized I had gotten there way too soon, so I stopped and got some body oil from a nearby drugstore. I was secretly hoping he'd let me oil him up so I could feel all of his glorious, muscled body. Maybe I was getting ahead of myself, but a guy can dream, right?

I pulled up to the house a little more than 20 minutes after he had left the gym. I didn't want to seem too eager, but then again, I was fucked by this hunk in the showers and now I was showing up at his front door looking for more, so I guess I seemed pretty eager for it already. I stopped second-guessing myself and walked up to the door. I put my hand on the knob and turned, then pushed it open slowly. The lights were all off, and I didn't know where to go, but after I closed the door and it clicked behind me I heard a voice from down the hall. "Strip, boy."

I took my shoes off and slid them under a table by the door, then undressed and sat my clothes on top of it. He must have been watching me because as soon as I was done he spoke again. "Turn around and walk to the end of the hall, go into the door on the right." I was nervous but also excited, so I followed the hall to the end and went into the last door on the right as instructed. The room was pitch black, so I went right inside the door and stood there, unsure of what to do.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands on my ass and I let out a moan. They were big, strong hands, and one of them reached up and grabbed my neck. It squeezed a little and I struggled trying to breathe. "I could hold you like this all night, you know that. I'd just have a meat sack to use as I saw fit. You wouldn't fight back or anything, you'd just take my cock and my cum until I was satisfied." He reached his other hand to my front and grabbed my throbbing cock. "It looks like you'd enjoy that, but I'm sure you'd enjoy it more if you felt my cock splitting your asshole open and ramming your throat." I grunted in agreement and he gave my cock and balls a firm squeeze, enough to make my balls hurt a little. My cock twitched as he squeezed and he growled into my ear.

He let go of my throat and pushed me forward. I hit the bed and he threw me onto it, face first, and held me down with his strong hand and arm. "You want this, don't you little bitch?" I felt his huge cock pushing between my ass cheeks and probing my hole. "Say it. Say you want my cock. And you had better call me sir."

"I... I want your cock, sir."

"What kind of cock is it, bitch?"

"It's a giant cock, sir."

"Damn right, it is. It's going to be inside you." He leaned down and spit on my hole and his cock, and he rubbed it in. After he got it slick, he pushed the head into my hole and I screamed as it stretched the ring and popped in. "Fuck, you're so tight! I think you're even tighter than last time!" He started pushing further in and I squirmed under his weight and screamed louder as he forced his huge cock inside me.

"You're too loud, bitch!" He must have had his jock from the gym handy, because he reached to the side and suddenly his hand was shoving his smelly, sweaty jock into my mouth. He stuffed it in deep, so I could barely breathe let alone make a sound. My tongue took in the musky, sweaty taste of the fabric and my screams became muffled as he continued to plunge his long, thick rod deeper into my hole.

Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, I felt his pubes brush against my ass and finally his body pressed against me, and I knew he was all the way in. The stretching was more intense than I remembered from the gym, but I was glad to have him filling me. My cock was rock hard, throbbing and leaking under my used, impaled body. I heard him grunting as he slowly pulled back then thrust in hard, and I yelled into the jock as he pushed me down on the bed forcefully.

My mind was hazy, but I had a moment of clarity when I realized that I heard noises other than his grunts and my screams. There was a faint slapping noise coming from elsewhere in the room, I couldn't tell exactly where. I struggled and tried to move, but he only pushed me down harder. "Where do you think you're going? I'm not done with you, boy. Besides, I have a treat in store for you. Come on over and show him."

I heard footsteps and the slapping moved closer, until it was right by my head. I felt a hand grab it and turn it to the side, and I felt a rock hard warm cock slapping me. "Look at the little pussy, trapped and helpless. I'm going to have fun fucking his face." The hand held my head as the cock pressed against my lips, I tried to resist but it was no use. The thick meat pierced my lips and pushed into my mouth, filling it quickly, as the cock in my ass started moving quickly and powerfully, plowing my hole in a steady rhythm. I grunted and gasped into the tool that had started using my face, and I could feel him leaking precum as he pushed further, hitting my throat and eventually pushing right into it.

I gagged and tried to move my head back, but the new pair of hands was holding it in place with no chance to escape. I was being held down by two strong studs, used from both ends, and I went from wanting to get away to letting go and enjoying my new role as a cum receptacle for their huge cocks and heavy balls. My body went limp and the stud railing my asshole went for it even harder. "Fuck, take our cocks, bitch! I'm going to breed your tight hole!"

"I'm going to shoot my cum straight down your throat, boy!"

They grunted and howled and almost in unison I felt hot jets of jizz pumping into my asshole and throat. The streams seemed endless, just as it seemed like they were finished their cocks pulsed more, until finally they calmed and their orgasms ceased. They stayed in me until they started to soften, then the cock in my mouth was pulled out as he stepped back and the cock in my ass was pushed out by my twitching hole.

"Hey, the fucker brought some body oil with him. I think he wanted more than our cocks. Should we give him what he wants?"

"Sure, we'll just have to use him again after he gets us worked up from all of that worship and rubbing. You can take his ass next time. He was pretty good when he was sucking me, and I bet his throat feels great too."

"Fuck yeah it does. I couldn't stop shooting." I felt the two sets of hands grab me and pick me up, and they carried me to another room with a sheet down on the floor. It was dimly lit, but there was enough light to see everything around us. It was a home gym, complete with all kinds of weights and machines. I was in his lair.

"Now, where were we? Oh, yeah, you're going to be our good little bitch and worship our bodies. I know you love my muscle, my buddy is almost as built as I am. I'm sure you'll enjoy his too."

"He fucking better. Get to it, boy."

I grabbed the oil and squeezed some on my hands. I went for my first muscle master, and he put his hand out. "Hey, bitch, take care of my guest first! You'd better get every inch of him or I'll beat your ass good!"

His friend stood up and I turned toward him. "Y... yes, sir." I was their bitch. They were going to have their way with me and if they didn't like it enough or I didn't please them with what I did for them they were going to punish me.

I loved it, and my cock betrayed me. "Look, he's so excited over it! I think he wants you to beat his ass anyway!"

I started rubbing his friend's stomach, caressing the abs and making sure every crack and crevice, every bulging muscle, was covered in oil. Then I felt a sharp pain on my ass. My master had smacked it and I let out a big yelp. He smacked again and again and I yelped in pain each time. After about 10 smacks he moved away and I heard him sit back down. "Did he like it? Did he like having his ass smacked by a real man?"

"I'd say he did! He's throbbing and leaking! Dirty, kinky fucker!"

"Fuck... we'll have a lot of fun with him! For now, though, get back to work!"

"Yes, sir." I rubbed oil all over his friend's torso, paying close attention to his meaty pecs and pointy nipples. I massaged it in and made sure every bit was glistening in the pale light. He moaned as I rubbed his nipples and I pinched them a little so they hardened and swelled. When his chest and stomach were covered, I worked my way down to his hips, oiled up his sides and traced his "V" with my fingers. I covered it all with the oil and rubbed around his crotch. I reached between his legs and got it behind his heavy, low-hanging balls, then I oiled them as well as his big, thick, stiffening cock. It wasn't quite as long as my muscle master's, but it looked a little thicker. It was going to stretch me even more when he fucked me!

I moved to his thighs, taking care of each one separately. I rubbed the front and inside, then turned and rubbed the outside and reached around to get the back. They were as big as tree trunks and just as solid. Then I moved down and rubbed his beefy calves. They popped from his leg beautifully, my mouth started to water as I got them nice and slick. He lifted his leg and I was able to rub his feet with the oil, but before I did I gave the sole a big lick. He shuddered and moaned. "Hey, he likes feet, too!"

"I know, he loved having mine all over his face when I fucked him at the gym!"

I repeated the process on the other leg, making sure it was totally covered, giving the bottom of his foot a big, wet lick, then putting it back down once it was all oiled up. Once his legs were finished, I got up and worked on his huge arms. His biceps bulged out bigger than my fist, I kissed each one before I rubbed them down, and his veins popped down his arm, including his forearm, out from the strong muscles. I worked each arm as well as his defined, firm shoulders, making sure they glistened in the light. Once I was done with his arms I moved to his back, rippling and firm, and made sure to get any spots I might have missed on his sides or under his arms.

Finally, I was to the prize in the back. His cock was a tool of pleasure for sure, it was a plump piece of meat that was great in my mouth and I couldn't wait for him to fuck me with it, but his ass was tight and huge and a thing of beauty. I couldn't help myself and before I oiled it up I plunged my face into it and licked at it, pushing my tongue into his hole, drooling madly as I tongue-fucked him. I heard him moan and his asshole clenched around my tongue, driving me even wilder, my cock pulsed and I felt it leaking. After a couple minutes I pulled back and rubbed the oil all over his firm cheeks, sliding my fingers between the crack and only just pressing into his hole to make sure he was completely covered.

"It's time for the inspection, sir." I motioned for him to look at his friend's slick, glistening body and make sure I got everything below the neck. I thought I was in the clear, but he stood there and pointed to a spot on his side. Did I subconsciously leave a spot so I would be punished?

"What's this? It doesn't look like there's any oil here!" I looked and it was a small patch, less than an inch, but it was dry and obviously not shimmering like the rest of the skin around it. "Fix it then get your ass over there and lean on the chair." I obeyed, rubbed the spot with oil, then positioned myself over the chair with my butt sticking up in the air.

He wasn't playing around. I felt his huge hand on my ass, smacking me so hard I was pushed into the chair and I screamed out in pain. I couldn't do anything but sit there and take my punishment like a good slave, because if I tried to run he might do something worse as a sentence for my crimes. Part of me wanted to do it anyway, to see what he would do, but I decided it would be better to take my smacks on the ass and not stir up any more trouble. This time, at least. Ten smacks went by, each with a loud yelp from me, and he kept going. Twenty, and I could feel my ass getting hot from the blood rushing to it. Finally, at thirty, he stopped and I could feel the cheeks throbbing in pain, I tentatively reached back and touched it and I recoiled as it stung. "Th...thank you sir."

"Fucking right, thank you. Now you'd better get every spot on my body or my buddy here is going to make that seem like a fucking walk in the park! I heard he likes to smack his bitches with belts when they don't do what they're told or screw up one of the simple commands he gives." He stood up tall, towering over me, and I looked back carefully. "Get your scrawny ass up and oil me, boy!"

I sprung up and grabbed the oil and squirted it on his chest. It slid down quickly and I cupped my hands to collect it as it slid down his glorious body. It channeled through his pecs and snaked down through his clearly defined abs. I stared in awe until I had it all, then I stood up and rubbed it all over his massive pecs. If his friend's muscles were amazing, his were spectacular, breathtaking, truly a sight to behold. I rubbed his nipples carefully and pinched them gently as I rubbed them down. He gasped and I felt his giant cock twitch against my leg as they firmed up. I moaned as I caressed and oiled them, and my hands slowly wandered down to his abs. I had to stare again, they were so chiseled that it looked like they were taken straight from a work of fine art. He was a modern day, real life statue, torn from the pages of history and thrown into my life. And here I was, making sure each crevice and stunningly hard muscle was shining in all its glory.

Reluctantly, I moved down from his abs. His "V" was even more defined and popped from his body, clearly pointing down to his massive love muscle, and I made sure to cover every part as well as his hips as I caressed and coated him with the oil. When I finished with that area, I rubbed my hands between his thighs and crotch, and I coated the area around his cock and balls, but left them clean. I looked up at my master to make sure this was acceptable, since I would be sucking him off later, but I was willing to do anything he asked of me. "Should I leave your cock and balls, sir?"

"What do you think, buddy, should I let the bitch suck a clean cock or should I make him get it slick and hold him to his word that he'd cover us completely?"

"Fuck him, it was his idea, now he has to live with it. Make him do it."

"You heard him. Every inch."

I whined and coated his cock in the oil, watching it grow rock hard by my touch and stick out right toward me, then I caressed his balls and carefully covered them so they glistened as his cock and body moved. As much as I didn't want to taste the oil, I was their bitch and a bitch does as he's told. I was too hungry for the cock to be picky, anyway, and I left it as I moved down to my master's burly legs. They were even thicker than his friend's and they pressed together under his package. They fought like two giant redwoods, growing right next to each other, grappling for space to expand and trying to push the other out of the way. I worked my hand between them so I could coat the space, and he moved so they would spread out just enough for me to get to them. I was amazed at how sturdy they were, even compared to the others that I had just felt, and I secretly wanted to feel them wrapped around me, squeezing me as I stroked the monster cock attached above them, feeling them steal my breath as I worked to make him shoot his load all over my face. I shook my head to snap out of the daydream as I coated the rest of them, inside and out, and moved lower.

His calves were absolutely massive. They had to be to carry around the goliath of a man above them. I wondered if I could ever have legs that thick, that sturdy, or if I would be resigned to worshipping my master's majesty and only yearn to be half the man he was. I carefully caressed each of them, then lifted his leg so I could take to his feet. Rather than just one lick, I bathed each of my master's feet in my saliva, wanting to taste every last inch of them, before coating them in the oil. I heard him moan and felt his feet wriggle against my tongue, and my cock felt like it was going to jump off my body and explode like a fire hydrant as I reveled in their deliciousness. I was disappointed when I had to move on, but there was even more remarkable physique for me to behold above me.

I rose and looked at my master's broad shoulders. They grew out of his muscled torso and his neck bulged into them, his head perched atop like a precious jewel. The veins from his neck popped out and connected across his shoulders and down his arms. I oiled the area and traced down his arm, following the vein as it rose with his bulging bicep. I compared one to my fist like I did with his buddy, and he easily had a few more inches of size, my hands were dwarfed by them. I admired them and kissed each one before coating it in the oil, then I moved to his forearms. The veins popped even more and I saw all the tendons and muscles connecting those huge biceps and matching triceps to his big, burly hands. They had been trained just as much in the gym as the rest of his body, holding those massive weights and enabling him to work up this majestic physique.

As my tour of my master's body came to a close, I moved to his back and saw the rippling muscles. They were even more developed than his friend's, and they twitched with every movement of his upper body. I ran my hands over them and slowly worked my way down his back, making sure to coat every single spot of his back and sides, including the area I missed on my first customer. Then, finally, I was at his glorious butt. I had only caught a glimpse of it at the gym, and it was even more amazing than I remembered. It was meaty yet firm, substantial yet tightly packed. If I would ever have the pleasure - no, honor - of placing my cock between those cheeks they would undoubtedly squeeze the cum from it within moments. I plunged my face into them and ruthlessly shot my tongue against his hole. I heard moans even greater than those from his friend, and I barely managed to get my tongue inside his ring it was so tight and strong. He finally relaxed and I was able to taste his depths, and I moaned into him as I drank it in. Once I had finished sampling, I covered the remainder of his cheeks in the oil and gently worked my finger in his crack and against his hole to finish the job.

"I'm finished, sir. I made sure to get absolutely every spot. If I failed, I am prepared for my punishment." I assumed the position over the chair just in case my job was not to their liking. Fortunately (or unfortunately, as I wouldn't have minded some more paddling) his friend inspected my work and accepted it. I turned around and awaited my instructions.

"Bitch, you'll suck me now. I know you've wanted this for a long time, and you finally get it. Don't waste this chance." I eagerly grabbed his tool and took as much as I could straight into my mouth. I felt his head prod at my throat, but I didn't care, it was in my mouth and it was as amazing as I had hoped. It completely filled the cavity and there was still more that I hadn't taken. He was going to have to fuck my throat to fit it all, but I didn't care, I wanted it and I was just waiting for him to grab my head and thrust it all inside me.

Before I had a chance to savor the prize in my mouth, I felt something behind me. His friend had grabbed my hips and was lifting me up, while I was sucking my master's cock! My master gripped my shoulders from underneath to make sure I stayed in place. I felt his friend position himself behind me, his oiled cock sliding between my cheeks and probing my still-stretched asshole. I felt a shift and suddenly I had two cocks thrusting into me, one from the front pushing into my throat, and the other from behind tearing into my ass. They thrusted in unison, both pulling out together, then shoving their huge cocks deep into my holes. My throat was stretched, my ass was stuffed, and I was in heaven. My cock throbbed under me and leaked onto the floor as they used me for their pleasure. I heard their carnal grunts and growls as they pounded my helpless body and felt their cocks pulsate and swell in my tight channels.

As I let myself go limp, I felt them pump even harder and grip me even tighter. I was having trouble breathing, both from the constriction on my chest from my master's giant, powerful hands squeezing me, and from the huge cock fucking my throat and his crotch pressing against my nose blocking my airway. It made it impossible to even try to struggle, and as my vision started to blur I felt warmth filling my throat and my ass, and the pulsing from the cock in my ass stimulated my prostate enough to cause my own cock to spill its load onto the floor. Even in my haze I felt the pleasure and managed to get out a moan, even if it was muffled by the giant cock stuffing my face.

Once all our orgasms subsided, they dropped me to the floor, my cum puddle under my stomach, with my ass stretched wide open and leaking jizz after having both of their loads pumped inside me. "You're a good fuck, bitch. I'm putting my number in your phone, you're officially on call. When I need somewhere to stick my cock, you get a text, and you respond immediately, or you get punished severely next time. Understand?"

"Yes, sir." My cock started growing again at the thought of a future as my muscle master's piece of meat.

"Good. You can let yourself out. Don't you dare try to clean the cum from your hole. Keep it in there while you drive home. I want a picture for proof when you get home."

"Yes, sir." There was no way I was going to clean the cum from my ass. I wished I could keep it in there forever! But I guess the rest of the night would have to do. They left the room, and I slowly got up, dressed myself, and slinked to my car.

I checked my phone and my cock started throbbing when I saw my first message from my new master. It was a picture of his huge rod, fully hard and still slick and shiny, with the text "You belong to this now. You are its bitch and you will cater to its every need." I was lower than his bitch. I was his cock's bitch. And I was massively turned on by it. I couldn't wait to get back home, I pulled my cock out and stroked myself furiously, staring at the picture, reading the words over and over, feeling the pain in my throat and ass from the two huge cocks stretching me and using me, the cum slowly leaking out of my gaping asshole, and I quickly climaxed and shot a jet of cum so hard that it hit the roof, then another smacked me right in the face, and the rest made a mess of my shirt. I didn't care, because I belonged to a thing of beauty, and I loved it.

I made my way home quickly after that and kept my word. I took a picture of my stretched hole and the cum leaking out of it and sent it off to my muscle master. I couldn't wait for the next time I was called upon to satisfy his cock's needs, whatever they were.

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