My Mothers Boyfriend

By naughtyboy

Published on Apr 1, 2019


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That night, I took Frank to my bed and tied him spread eagle. He had been good all day, obeying, pleasing me and Frank while denying his own orgasm. Chris was allowing us this one night together alone. The rest of the week we would spend in the bed he share with my Mom. For now, I was going to enjoy rewarding Frank. Of course, I'd enjoy him till I gave him that reward.

I ran a lone finger down Frank's smooth defined chest, between the military tattoos on his pecs. I don't know what it was about Frank, but I wanted him. Not like I wanted Chris. I wanted to have him please me. I wanted to reward him. I wanted to own him, and I knew he wanted me to own him.

My finger moved down his defined abs. His body was so much like Chris's save one thing. I ran my finger over the mushroom head of his six inch cock. It was screaming for release. Frank's breathing quickened. That need in him to expel his sexual energy was great, but he kept it in check.

I let go of his cock so I could straddle him. I saw the instinct to thrust up into me cross his face, but he held still. I leaned down and kissed him, running my hands through his short blond hair. I felt the stubble of the day on my lips, the press of his tongue into my mouth. He was hungry. Hungry for my touch. Hungry for me.

I felt him struggle against his bonds as my surprisingly hard cock rubbed against his body. Whatever Chris was giving me was doing its trick. I had blown at least four loads today and I was till ready and willing to give more. Frank would be getting a treat before bed, no doubt, but now was time for his reward.

I snaked my mouth down, sucking on his neck lightly. My hands moved up along his arms so my fingers could interlace with his. I ground my hips against him, knowing that soon it would be nestled firmly in his ass. My mouth went to his left nipple, gently biting and sucking on the tiny nub. Frank finally made a sound of pleasure whenI teased on then the other nipple.

I loved his body, the way it tasted, the way it moved under my slightest of touches. My hands moved back down his arms and along his sides while my lips tasted their way down his stomach. I flicked my tongue in his belly button. He squirmed, pulling at his bonds. I mentally saved that tease for later.

I moved down, between his legs, letting my breath hit his cock as I passed over it. I settled there, his ample balls full and screaming to be emptied, before me. I swirled my tongue over them before taking one ball in my mouth. The gasp that escaped Frank at the warm feel of my mouth surround one of his boys, filled me with joy.

I wanted him to enjoy it as much as I could. First his left, then right, back and forth I swabbed the orbs with my tongue, demanding they relax their pressure. I felt his body relax, giving in to the sensations I was giving him. "Moan for me, baby." I ordered moving to his muscled thigh. "Let it out. Let Chris know I'm rewarding you proper." I sucked hard on the skin. Here I would leave my mark.

Frank let out his pent up moans and groans. I sucked harder, needing to leave my mark on him "Mark me, Nick, let everyone know I am yours and only yours." I licked over the reddening spot. It would be purple by morning. I had this burst of power surge through me. "Oh, fuck, Nick. Please."

The desperation was dripping from his voice. He didn't just want to cum, he wanted me to be the one responsible for his orgasms, and only me. I took his cock in my hand, feeling its heft and stiffness. I licked up the underside. Frank let out a low moan. I repeated it, over and over, tasting his syrup as it dribbled down.

I made a mental note to do this to him for hours, with a cock and ball rings on to prevent his unintentional climax. I swallowed him. One swift movement, bringing him into my mouth, but slowly pulled back to the tip. The shudder that ran through his body tested the strength of his bonds as he pulled at them.

I worked his cock. Moving him in and out of my mouth lovingly, teasingly. I could taste him at the back of my throat. I lost myself in the slow drawn out blowjob. Frank was moaning, begging for release, while I was just enjoying the moment, the feel of him in my mouth. I would have kept it up all night had Chris not banged on the door and shouted, "Bring him off already, you have school in the morning."

I quickened my pace, cupping his balls. I no longer teased him, just did what I could to bring him to fruition. My tongue ran along his length as I sucked in my cheeks. I could hear Frank's panting between his shouts of, "Thank you, oh, God, thank you." He was close by the sound of his voice.

"I'm going to cum." He warned. I heard a rope snap as he pulled too hard against it. His hips arched up, shoving his cock in my mouth as the first squirts of what seemed to be a gallon of cum came forth from him. I held on tight as he humped my mouth, his now free hand, gripping the bed as he emptied into my thirsty throat.

I swallowed, not letting even a drop escape my lips. I nursed every last drop out as he came down from the orgasm finally given to him. I reluctantly let him fall my lips, licking at the sensitive tip just one more time before moving to free him. Frank laid still, unable to move, exhausted from his climactic moment.

"That's why after tonight you two sleep with me." I turned to see Chris leaning naked at my doorway. "You like to stay up and play with your toys when you should be asleep." He had a proud smirk on his face. "Get off and get some sleep, he has a busy day tomorrow while you're at school."

Chris shut the door leaving us alone once again. I covered Frank's pleasure paralyzed body. His eyes were glazed over. I stroked his face, smiling at my work. "Did my baby like how I rewarded him?" I knew he couldn't speak. I kissed his lips, leaving him the faint trace of the taste of his seed. I nuzzled him, letting him feel my own need press against him.

Slowly he regained his senses and whispered, "Thank you, Nick." I ran my hand over his stubble cheek. "May I bring you off one last time?" This power was intoxicating. I had to be careful with it. "I want to show my appreciation for what you did." I kissed him, rolling us over so he was on top then pressed his head down my body to my waiting dick.

"Bring me off quick." I commanded as his mouth took me. "I don't want Chris coming back in here mad at us." I arched my hips up as he went down, eventually just taking his head and jack hammering into him. I pounded into his throat till I let loose yet another volley of creamy white goodness into his throat.

Once I was done, I let go of his head, allowing him to suck the last bits from me. I felt the bed move, and I assumed he was moving up to sleep with me, but instead he got off the bed and laid on the floor, naked, curled up like a dog. "Get your ass in this bed." I tried not to roll my eyes at his naivety. "I don't want to be wakened up by my cock in the middle of the night upset because it can't find you."

"Thank you." He said, climbing in beside me. I kissed his lips, then laid my head on his chest. I reached over and turned off the lights. His arm came around me, holding me close. "Is this okay?" I couldn't believe how unsure he was about things, how cruel he had expected me to be. He had a lot to unlearn.

"Yes." I murmured softly. "You can always touch me when you need to." I grinned thinking of him bound to my bed. "Unless you're bound. Now go to sleep. We both have our own schooling in the morning." I clung to Frank like some sexual teddy bear. I had to be careful I didn't get use to his. He may be mine, but I was Chris's. "Good night."

"Good night, Nick."

I woke up the next morning still curled around Frank. I reached over and turned off the alarm. I cuddled him before reaching up and gently waking him. In the dim light that was in the room, I saw the smile spread across his face as he saw me. "Good morning, Nick." We kissed briefly before turning the light on and untangling ourselves.

"I got to piss." I said casually. "Come hold it for me." He didn't even second guess himself. He followed me to the bathroom, aimed my cock at the bowl and I let loose. He had one arm around the small of my back and I leaned into it, grateful for the ease of my bladder. When he shook the last drops from it, it bent down and cleaned the tip with his tongue. He was learning quickly. "Your turn."

I moved him in front of the toilet, one had on his firm ass the other on his semi hard cock. "Come on." I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Piss for me, baby." It took him a moment, then the first burst of the stream came out before it became a steady stream. He let out a grunt of relief with the empting of his bladder. I shook the few stray drops and, out of habit, licked his tip clean. "Don't tell, Chris." I warned. "I figure you deserve special treats that are just between us for being a good boy."

We kissed again, only stopping when I swatted his ass and dragged him into the shower with me. I knew we didn't have time to really play this morning, but I enjoyed feeling his hard muscles as I cleaned him. When his appreciative touch washed my body, I almost decided that I was going to skip school today, but Chris wouldn't have that. I only had a few more weeks left.

I dressed, debating whether or not to put Frank in something. I decided against it. I wanted him free and open for use. I pulled him along by his cock downstairs where Chris was waiting with two of his special shakes for us. I let go of Frank only to hand him his breakfast. Chris watched, sipping his coffee as we downed the secret concoctions.

"Frank will spend most of the day in the gym with me." Chris informed me. "I'll work him out hard for the first half the day and then tie him to something so my new clients can use his mouth." He was so casual about it. "Then he can watch me working you out with my regulars and see how it's done."

I kissed them both good bye, Chris squeezing my ass when I kissed him, me squeezing Frank's. I honestly hated the idea of my mother ruining this all for us with her return, but that was our life. I went to school, my mind always going back to Frank. I wondered how many cocks were thrust into his mouth while I was away. Needless to say I was aroused all day.

When I got home, I went straight down to the gym. Frank was naked, tied with his hands behind him to the squat rack. Rick, the man he had worked out last Monday was there, naked save for a jock strap with an overflowing pouch. There were red marks on his ass. "I said focus on your work out." I heard the hard slap of his hand against Rick's ass.

"He's so tasty though." I heard Rick grouse. "Just let me lick him, a small lick." I heard another smack of flesh on flesh. "Fuck man, okay." I stripped down to my jock. I heard the clank of weights. I moved into view. Chris motioned me with his head to go to Frank. "Hot damn, the young one is here."

"Untie your pet and bring him over here." Chris barked, annoyed by Rick. "Flip over Rick, we're going to cream you both sides and you're done for the day." I untied Frank, kissing him while he rubbed the blood back into his arms. "I told you to focus on your work out, now you're going to pay the price."

"Come on man, you know I don't like getting fucked." His protest would have been more effective if he wasn't eagerly sticking his ass up in the air on the workout bench. "Can the boy at least fuck me or the tied up whore? Their dicks won't do as much damage as your monster." I was getting hard and the tip of my dick was poking out the side of my jock.

"Shut the fuck up and take it like a man." Chris dropped his shorts, revealing his thick veiny member. "Nick, shut him up with your dick. I want your boy to watch you use this man's mouth like the three guys earlier used his." It was meant to shame Frank, but I was proud he swallowed three men's loads without complaint.

I freed my cock and put the tip just out of reach of Rick's eager mouth. "I bet he did good too." I kissed Frank then moved my hips forward till felt the warm mouth of Rick on me. He clung to me for security. I saw the smirk on Chris's face right before he shoved in full hilt into the hard flat ass.

Rick let out a scream around my cock. Chris and I rocked Rick back and forth, our cocks disappear and reappearing in him. Frank took to sucking on my neck, needing to taste me while I used a man that wasn't even good enough to make it to the poker games. "Go ahead feed him." Chris snarled. "I want to hear him scream with my dick in him."

I turned my face to catch Frank's lips in mine. I grabbed a fist full of Rick's hair and skull fucked him without mercy. To my surprise, I didn't hear a single sputter or cough as my rod moved in and out of his throat. Frank's hand moved to my nipple, teasing it gently. The boil in me surged and I filled Rick's mouth with my young spunk.

I pulled my spent cock from his mouth, letting the mix of grunts, fucks and moans spill from Rick's mouth filled the room. I tucked my dick away, and pulled Frank with me to sit on a bench to watch the show. Chris was having no mercy on this man. He was pounding furiously, his body tense with anger. I didn't know what to make of it, but I was just glad I wasn't on the receiving in on this rough fuck.

We straddled the bench, Frank in front of me, my hands stroking his chest while I watched Chris pummel Rick. No matter how hard Chris pounded him, Rick just took it, pushing back for more. He was practically begging Chris to pound him harder when he finally let loose and slammed hard into him, knocking Rick flat onto the bench as he unloaded in the man's hole.

Chris pulled himself off the broad should man and out of his ass with a loud pop. "Clean my dick off, Rick." There was a genuine anger in his voice. If Rick heard it, he didn't care. He just flopped over and sucked Christ down to the base with ease without a second thought. When Chris tired of his mouth he pushed Rick off his dick. "Get dressed and get out of here. Make sure that money is in my account by midnight."

Chris turned his attention to us. "You, squats now." He barked. I jumped at his order. Given his tone, he was not in the mood for me to dawdle. Frank followed me, helping me set the weight and then positioning himself behind me to spot me. "No funny business." Came a snarl from Chris as I did my first squat.

I could see Rick getting dressed behind me in the mirror as I lowered and raised my body. He had a nice body, not as hard and fit as Frank or Chris. His ass was flat almost nonexistent. "It'll be there, Chris, I promise." I heard him say. "It's getting harder and harder to explain these payments, maybe we could do like a lump sum or something?"

"I'll let you know." Came the quiet retort from Chris. "Just remember, that I expect what is mine, and if I decide what I got isn't enough, I'm coming back for more." I saw visible fear in Rick's face. "Now get your ass out of here before I decide to release some of the videos of us that I have."

Rick dressed rapidly under Chris's watchful glare then rushed out. That's when he turned his attentions to us. "You didn't hear any of that." I set the weight back on the rack, giving my legs and shoulders a brief respite. "Did he, Frank?" I saw genuine terror in Frank's face as he looked at Chris.

"No, sir." His voice cracked. "I didn't hear anything, sir."

Chris smiled, walking over to Frank and bringing him into a hug. "Don't worry, Frank. You're safe. You belong to Nick now." That fear did not subside. "What don't you go upstairs and clean up then start dinner while I work out Nick." It wasn't a suggestion as much as a command. "You've been a good boy today. I'll let Nick know that."

Frank disappeared upstairs while Chris continued my work out. I wanted to ask what all that was about, but didn't for fear of how Chris would react. Me and my jock was soaked when he was done an hour later putting me through my paces. I expected him to have me service him, like we always did, but he declined.

"I don't want you to taste that man on my dick." He was still upset about something. I curled up against him, his hand finding my ass as I kissed him. I felt the finger push into my hole. "Mm, that's Daddy's hole, isn't it?" He pressed in and I whimpered into the kiss. "I'll explain all that on Saturday." He shoved his tongue in my mouth one last time before patting me on the ass to get cleaned up.

Frank was busy cooking when I passed him on my way upstairs to the shower. He wore an apron and damn if I didn't want to come up behind him and eat that ass. I washed quickly, wanting either Frank or Chris to be there with me. My cock was hard again, thinking about them. I was definitely going to have Frank suck me long and slow while I did my homework.

I came down in just a jock, not feeling the need to dress without Mom around. Frank served us then I pulled him down into my chair and sat in his lap, letting him feed me then I fed him, wiggling my bare ass on his lap, teasing his cock. Chris watched perplexed till he saw what I was actually doing. I was showing him I went first and that he was rewarded for putting me ahead of him.

I did my homework at the table, while Frank cleaned up. My eyes kept going to that muscled ass. I finally finished my school work and put my things away. That's when Chris came up behind me and whispered in my ear. "I saw that mark you left on his thigh." The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. "Good job. He was proud to show it off to me. I may have given him to you, but you broke him."

I felt a sense of pride. "Go ahead, eat that ass right here on the table." Chris encouraged. "He's been a good boy all day, and so have you." My mind went wild with desire. "We have time before bed, give me a little show. If I like it, I'll fuck you before bed while Frank watches." My cock was instantly hard.

"Get your ass over here, Frank." Frank stopped what he was doing and came over as told. The apron was gone and he stood before me naked and sexy. "I'm ready for desert. Get up on the table on your back." He grinned climbing up on the table and pulling his legs back to expose himself to me. "My favorite."

I blew a stream of cool air against his skin before I dove in, tasting his man musk. I lapped and swirled, digging in to the precious button, fucking him with my tongue since my dick wouldn't get the chance for a few days yet. I nipped at his cheeks, then kissed the tender skin. Frank pulled his legs back further, further, trying to give me as much access as possible.

My tongue ran across his taint to his ball. I lowered his legs down, letting his cock bounce around as my mouth worked his two downstairs neighbors. I saw the mark I had left, and as expected it had turned purplish. I was tempted to give another, but I was on a mission. I took his cock in my hand, sliding it up and down the shaft. "Where you a good boy for, Daddy?"

It took only but a second for him to realize I was talking about Chris. "Yes, sir." he said, voice a low pitch squeak. "I would never disappoint you by being anything but my best." I licked up his cock, knowing it drove him crazy. "Oh, God, Sir, that feels so good." It wasn't till then that I noticed he had taken to calling me `Sir' instead of Nick. I liked it.

I swallowed him down, needing to suck the delicious cream out of him. One hand held his cock, the other was down by his hole, stroking it gently then sliding easily in. I fingered him while tempting him to fill my mouth with that delicious creamy goodness of his. He gripped the table, needing something to tether him down.

I didn't know what all Chris had done to him before I got home, but he came quickly. He came hard with a scream that rattled the walls and I was blessed with a mouthful of Frank, almost as much as he had given me the night before. I swallowed greedily, not wanting to waste one bit of his previous protein.

"I can't wait till you're allowed to fuck him." I pulled off Frank's cock. He was still gripping the table, riding out the orgasmic high. "Get that ass up here for me to fuck." Chris had stripped while I was sucking and his cock shown with lube. I stood up, arching my back just like he liked. "Are you ready for this daddy dick?" I felt the slick of lube applied to my ass. "Oh, how I missed this ass."

"Fuck me, Daddy." I purred over my shoulder. "Fuck your little boy." Chris pushed in. It hurt at first, but I knew what to do accommodate him as he slowly inched forward into me. "Oh, Daddy." I cooed as my ass met his hips. I swerved my hips around while he rested firmly in me. "It's so big, Daddy."

"You've turned out to be a dirty little cock slut." He slapped on cheek. "Makes a Daddy proud. Get ready, I've been missing that ass." I braced myself, resting my head on Frank's heaving stomach. The first hard slam into me was slow, pausing to gauge me before he went to work, using my hole to get off.

He bounced off my ass, slamming hard and fast into me, pulling me back into him as he thrusted deep in me. I gripped the sides of the table like Frank had, putting more arch into my back than I thought possible. "That's it boy, give Daddy that ass." I saw Frank watching me, not sure if he should join in. "The more of my seed I get in you, the more you become mine."

Chris let out a ferocious roar, slamming one final hard time into me. I was pinned between Frank on the table and Chris spearing me from behind. I could feel him pulsing as he drenched my insides. "Fuuuuck." I moaned, rolling my hips back against him. Even with him slowly pulling out, I still felt full from the cum he had dumped deep in me.

I fell back into Chris's arms who sat me on the chair, exasperated. "You're going to let your man go around with a hard cock for just anyone to suck one?" He shot to Frank. He scurried off the table and was between my legs slurping my cock for all it was worth. I rested my hand on the back of his head, pushing his head down every time he played too long with the tip. I just wanted to get off.

It was only a matter of minutes before I was feeding Frank his load. I just sat there in my own little sex world, letting my cock rest in Frank's mouth till I finally pushed him off it. Chris kissed me, a satisfied look on his face. "Go get ready for bed, both of you." He patted Frank on the head. "Wait till we have Blake's son in here. We'll be shooting air."

I took Frank to my bedroom where we washed up and got ready for bed. It was hard keeping our hands off each other. After we brushed our teeth, I shoved him against the counter and kissed him. "I can't wait till I get to fuck that hot ass of yours." I growled sucking on his lower lip. The groan that escaped him told me he couldn't wait either.

We climbed into bed with Chris, him separating us for our own good. The next day was the same, aside from the quiet talk of blackmail and angry sex. There was fear in the other guys' eyes when they saw that Chris had given me Frank. Guess they figured any one of them could be next if they failed him.

Friday was Frank's workout day and my Mom would be coming home from her work trip. Chris told us that we would spend the night alone at Frank's and that his ass had not known the joys of my dick. He wanted us back by ten in the morning for some news. Frank was a bundle of nervous energy when he picked me up from school.

I'd decided to be bold, as a way to calm him down. I turned his head so his lips met mine and we kissed right there in the school parking lot, kids wondering home all around us. "Get us back to your place so I can feel those pretty lips wrapped around my dick." Frank was lost in that thought till a horn behind us brought him back.

"Yes, Sir." He said pulling out of the parking lot. I was going to enjoy this night alone with Frank.

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