My Mothers Boyfriend

By naughtyboy

Published on Jan 10, 2019


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I swallowed Chris while Frank watch. It felt invigorating having an audience to my work. Chris fucked my mouth hard and rough, taking ahold of my head, skull fucking me till he burst down my throat. When he was done, my eyes were watering and nose was running, but I was content with Chris's liquid reward in my belly.

"That's how you please a man." Chris said proudly pulling me into lap. He shoved a finger into my mouth for me to moisten. He then moved it to my needy hole. "And this is how you reward your boy." He said softly into my ear. "You can do anything you want to Frank, but fuck him." He looked over at Frank who was sitting quietly on the floor watching us. "You get to do that next Sunday."

My cock twitched thinking of sliding into Frank's hard muscled ass. "Until then you can do whatever you like to him, even use some toys." I moaned as Chris stroked my prostate. "He'll be here all week for us to enjoy and train." I did my best not to squirm as Chris continued toying with my insides. "I'll have special training for him while you're in school."

I shot across my hard toned stomach, shaking with pleasure. "Come clean up your new owner." He ordered Frank. I watched as Frank moved over to us, sitting up on his knees. He looked at my blissful face then licked the spunk clean from my skin. "That's it." Chris watched. "Get every drop."

When Frank was done, he sat back down, awaiting his next command. "Why don't you take the pathetic bitch upstairs and get cleaned up." Chris suggested. "Make sure he's really clean, I'm going to teach you some things to do him." He reached out and ruffled Frank's short blonde hair. "You're going to love it, aren't you boy."

"Yes, sir." Frank's voice wasn't what it was the night before. I slipped off Chris's lap and pulled Frank along with me by the hand upstairs. He stood, awkward in the bathroom while I got the water ready. "I really appreciate you taking care of me, sir." He said softly behind me. "I can't wait till you take my ass."

I turned on him and slapped him hard. "Grow a fucking backbone." His eyes widened. "I saw you sucking dick and getting fucked last night. You enjoyed it just as much as I did, but you don't see me being some pissy bitch about it." I couldn't take this wimpy broken man any more. "Accept it and own it."

"You're right." He said a little louder than he had before. "I love sucking dick. I love getting fucked." I heard the pride rising in his voice. "I want to be like you, serving men with pride." He grinned. I took him by the hand and pulled him into the shower with me, kissing him as the water beat down on us.

My fingers found their way between his cheeks. I pushed at his entrance. It gave without much resistance. I tried to do what Chris had done to me, feeling around in his warm inviting insides. My cock grew hard, thinking that it would soon be feeling that welcoming embrace around it.

Frank whimpered into our kiss, his big strong arms wrapped around me for support. I could feel his cock jump against my leg as I pushed my finger in and out of him. It was a shame he'd never get to fuck me again. It was going to be my role to fuck him and share him now.

I withdrew my finger and shoved him back against the tile wall. "Wash me." I ordered, turning my back to him. I felt his soapy hands move over my back. He moved them in appreciative circles, feeling the hard muscles Chris had helped me develop. "Clean that ass good." I warned. "Your mouth is going to be in it a lot."

"Yes, sir." His hands thoroughly cleaned my rear, dipping between my butt, making sure it was as clean inside and out. His hands then worked my left leg, then my right. When I felt he had done a good enough job, I turned around, my hard dick slapping across his face. I could see the internal fight between instinct and command wage war across his face.

I ended that war. I took his head in one hand, my cock in the other and aimed. I forced my bladder to empty, mixing with the water spray as the yellow salty stream hit his face. He did not open his mouth and drink, but to his credit he did not flinch away. He would learn that all his superiors cock emissions were precious gifts not to be squandered.

"Finish up." I guided him to his feet by his hair. "I need to clean you next and I don't like cold water." He soaped his hands and ran them over my chest, my nipples growing instantly hard to his touch. I fought every urge to kiss him. This wasn't just his training. It was mine as well. I would make Chris proud.

Frank's hands moved down my sides, down my hips. He dropped to his knees again. This time when presented by my semi hard cock, command won the battle. He carefully stroked my cock clean the delicately fondled my balls till he was certain they were clean and presentable.

I tucked my hand under his chin and brought him to his feet. I was beginning to feel that surge of power that Chris must feel every time he took control. It was intoxicating. I push Frank back and began soaping his body. My fingers lingered over his nipples, flicking them. He moaned softly. This man was definitely my weakness.

My hands moved over his front, till they found his hard cock. I moved in close, nose to nose to him, our bodies pressed. "You want to cum don't you." He whimpered something that sounded like a yes. "You do good for me and Chris today, and I may reward you with a climax or two." I let go of his cock and spun him around.

He planted his hands on the tile and pushed out his body to give me access to every part of him. His muscles were well defined, hard. I couldn't find a trace of body fat on him as my hands moved over body. Even his ass was rock hard. I dropped to my knees, admiring that pert ass and sweet pucker. My hands moved over his pucker and he moaned again. I would have to use a toy or two on him, maybe one of my favorites.

I fingered him till the water began to grow cold. I allowed him to rise off then pulled him along with me out of the shower. Out of habit, I dried him first. The smug grin on his face told me he had something to say. I handed him a towel to dry me off and finally asked with annoyance. "What?"

He took the towel and set to work to remove every bit of water from me. "It's hard, isn't it?" He said as he ran the towel over my skin. "Switching from sub to dom, I mean. You tend to forget what your role is." He dropped to his knees and began on my lower half, patting my cock and balls dry. "It's the same for me. My mind says fight, resist, but I know that I really want to give in."

When he stood, I looked him dead in the eyes, putting every bit of force and grit in my voice as I possibly could. "This may be new for me now, butChris is teaching me." I watched as Frank shrank back. "You know as well as I do that, that he made sure I was the best obedient boy I could be, and he'll make sure I'm the best master for you too."

Before he could answer, I grabbed him by his cock and pulled him out. "We'll have to get you a collar with a leash or something." I mumbled, annoyed by his observation. He said nothing as I guided him back down to Chris. I was doubting whether or not to let him release today or hold him out for another day as punishment.

"Don't my boys look nice and clean?" Chris smiled. He was naked on the couch, his limp beast splayed out before him. My mouth watered at the sight. "I see you've improvised a leash for him." I looked down to see I was still gripping Frank's erect cock. "Nice touch, but I'm sure you'll find something better for him."

"Yes, sir." I squeezed Frank's cock hard, causing him to wince just a bit. "But this will do for now. I was thinking a collar with a leash, maybe around his cock, to pull him around by." I released Frank's dick. "I know his oral skills are decent. I can't wait to see what his ass can do. Literally."

"Why not now?" Chris's voice had a hint of mischief in it that fueled the curiosity in me. "You know where the stuff is. Go get what you want to use on your new toy." He looked to Frank. "He'll be okay here with me." He patted the sofa. "Come sit on the floor beside me, boy. Let your master go get your toys."

I watched Frank's back side as he left my side and sat on the floor beside Chris. I felt my cock swelling as I thought what I was going to do to that ass. I practically ran down to the gym where we kept our supplies hidden from Mom. I grabbed rope, two different sized dildos and a vibrating butt plug that I personally enjoyed.

I returned upstairs, setting everything out on the coffee table for them to see. "Stand." I ordered Frank. He hesitated for just a fraction of a moment before obeying. "Turn around." I put every bit authority in my voice I could. He turned and I grabbed his arms and pulled them into a parade rest position. I took the three foot black nylon rope and began restraining him.

I looped the rope around his wrists, securing them tight. "Try to break free." I demanded. He pulled on the restraints, but not with his full strength. "I said try to break free." I said with a more commanding tone, swatting his hard ass for disobeying. I think it stung me more than him. I'd have to use a paddle in future.

He did, this time with more effort, showing that he could not actually break the bonds. "On your knees." He fumbled a bit before dropping to his knees. I moved the coffee table out the way, giving us more room to play. I moved in front of Frank, hard cock pointing the way. He looked up at me, and I stroked his face saying, "This is what you need, baby. To make you the man you always knew you wanted to be."

I looked over at Chris who had begun stroking his meat, getting it rigid and hard. I pulled a throw pillow from the couch and placed it on the floor. "Face down, ass up." He obeyed, placing his face into the pillow, assuming the position. I moved around him, seeing that beautifully toned ass.

I looked over at Chris who just nodded. He would give me not instruction in this. Only see what I would do. I decided it was my time to enjoy. The one thing I really wanted to do now was make his hole wet with my tongue. I dropped to my knees, spread those glorious orbs as best I could and went to down, licking, slurping, teasing that tight man hole.

Frank moaned his appreciation of my tongue work. I knew as much as I was enjoying it, it was driving Frank that much more insane with the desire of release. "He's good at that isn't he, Frank." I heard Chris comment. "You'll do well to learn his enthusiasm. Get in there, Nick. Eat that man butt."

With Chris's encouragement, I dove in deeper, darting y tongue across his skin. Every moan, every groan that escaped Frank's lips drove me to tease and play with his hole even more. I pulled at his cheeks, trying to get further and further into him. Frank, in turn, pushed back, needing me deeper in him.

Finally my tongue needed a rest. With reluctance, I pulled back, seeing the glistening hole relaxed and ready for my next endeavor. I ran my thumb over his entrance and it tried to pull me in. He was ready. "Relax and take it, baby." I said soothingly, grabbing the lube and small dildo from table.

I slicked him up, sliding my finger easily in and out of him, preparing him. The dildo I grabbed was flesh tone, six inches and three inches around. I knew he could probably handle more. He had taken Chris after all, but I wanted this to be more a slow teasing than anything else. I would make him beg to cum when I was done with him.

I moved up close to him, sliding my cock between his cheeks. "You'll get that soon enough." I teased sliding along him two more times before pulling away and placing the head of the slicked up toy against him. "Relax. You know what to do." I pushed and watched as the head popped in with ease. "That's it, baby."

Slowly I pushed it in, his body easily accepting its visitor. Three inches in, the halfway point, I felt his body tense. I paused, taking one hand off the dildo and slowly rubbing his tense cheek. "Relax, baby." I soothed. "You can do it. You want to do it." He just needed to quit fighting his true desire. "Breath. Take a deep breath and let it out."

I heard the deep exhale. I pushed till the latex replica balls rested against his ass. "You're doing so good, baby." I praised. I stroked his cheeks, letting him get adjusted. "Just think about that being my cock sliding into you. You want that, don't you? My hips pressed against your ass. Me buried deep in you?"

I could see his body tense then relax several times. "Yes, I want you in me so bad." He said breathlessly. "Fuck me with that dick, get me ready for you." I pulled it out slowly, then back in just as slow. "Fuck me, please." I looked over at Chris who was sliding his hand slow and steady along his cock. He smiled at me, knowing what I was doing.

I grinned at Chris then began my slow, steady teasing of Frank's hole. He begged and pleaded for me to go faster, to go harder, but I kept up to slow antagonizing pace I wanted him to suffer with pleasure, to be on that edge and not be able to jump off. I wanted him to learn that he was no longer the master of his own pleasure.

After ten or so minutes I decided it was time to give him a taste of what he wanted. I picked up the pace, pulling it half way out before quickly shoving it back in him. Frank let loose a flurry of groans, moans and pleads for more, for harder. Just when I thought he might actually explode from my extended teasing, I pulled out the dildo with one quick movement.

"No!" Frank cried, feeling that emptiness inside him. He pushed back trying to vainly get the toy back in him. "Please, put it back in." Frank's voice was almost filled with sobs. "Please, put it back in, I was so close." I looked over at Chris who waited to see what I would do next. I returned my attention to Frank's ass and his dripping cock.

"Stay here, I'll help you with that problem." I got up leaving the two. Chris watched me. I carefully opened the freezer and grabbed two ice cubes from the bin. I didn't let Frank see what I was doing and when I kneeled back down behind him, Chris gave me a proud smile. "This will help." I pressed the cold cubes to his dick sending Frank howling. "I told you that if you are a good boy, I'll let you blow your load tonight."

"I'm sorry!" Frank screamed, the cold shriveling him. "I'll be good, I promise." I felt the ice melting in my hand. "I won't cum till you till you let me." He tried to move his body from my cold hold but I had a hold of his cock. "I'm sorry, I'll obey." I moved my hand away and letting the air heat this skin again.

I let Frank settle while I tossed the spent cubes into the sink and decided what was next. I was tempted to use the other dildo on him, but then I looked at Chris, his glistening cock out for display. I knew what I wanted, but I had to take care of Frank. That's when it hit me what to do. It was cruel. It would be fun for me and teasing for Frank.

I took the lube and slicked my hole up. Chris watched me with interest. I took the butt plug and pushed it slowly into Frank till it popped in. He let out a sound of satisfaction of being filled again. I moved him onto his back, letting his legs rest. I moved the pillow behind his head and laid on top of him, my cock lined up with his.

"Fuck me, Chris?" I looked over at him. He was thinking it over. "Let him watch my face, hear my moans while he sees me getting what he can't have just yet." I looked Frank in the eyes. "This is what your face is going to look like when I fuck you." I kissed him lightly on the lips. "Come on, Chris, fuck your boy, please."

"I like your thinking." Chris stood and took up position behind me. He put his hand on my left cheek, pushing it aside to expose my shimmering lubed hole. "I'm going to run you through." He slapped the head of his dick against its target. "Show him how to take dick like a champion."

"Fuuuuck, yes." I drawled out feeling Chris sink in balls deep. "He feels so good in me." I said to Frank, my voice dripping with sultry satisfaction. "I can feel every inch of him in me. He's in so deep." I heard a soft cry of longing escape Frank. "I love that full feeling, don't you Frank? Feeling a man in you, filling you up?"

"Enough teasing." Chris growled. "My cock needs attention." He began pulling out till it was just the tip in, then slammed back in me full hilt. "Moan for us, Nick." He repeated the action. "Show him how good it feels." I released the pent of sounds of pleasure while Chris continued to use my hole. "That's it. See Frank, good boys let the men who use their holes know how much they appreciate it."

Frank kept his face trained on mine, his eyes filled with longing to be me at that moment. His cock was hard alongside mine. I could feel every twitch and pulse as they rubbed against each other with Chris's push and pull. I made sure Frank heard every bit of the elation Chris was giving me. I wanted him to see it on my face.

Chris thrust hard and deep into me, making sure I could feel it deep in me. He rotated his hips just so, letting him go deeper into me. His hard body slapped against my ass, pushing me along Frank, our cocks soaking our skin with precum as we rubbed against each other. I couldn't believe how hard we both were.

"Milk my cock." Chris said through gritted teeth. He had been slicing into me for a good ten minutes. I knew he had stamina and could easily go twenty to thirty no problem, but I had been putting on a show and he had been priming himself watching. "I'm going to fill you up. I'm going to breed your boy hole."

Chris let out a guttural barrage of expletives as he cock swelled and released deep in me. I could feel his massive cock pulse in me as shot after shot was fired into me. Chris rested in me while I grinded my ass against him, pulling every last drop out of him. "Good boy." I felt the slide from my ass. "Give your boy the treat of tasting a real man's seed."

I lifted off Frank, holding my ass clenched tight. "Roll over, baby." Frank complied eagerly, allowing me to free him from his bonds. He flexed his arms, getting the blood flowing in them. I took his spot, resting my head on the pillow. "Go ahead, baby, I know you're hungry, eat." I teased, wiggling my leaking ass.

Frank moved behind me, I could feel his eyes admiring my butt. He was torn between his instinct to obey and his mind telling him to plunge in and get release. He spread my cheeks apart, exposing his prize. I was half expecting him to try and slide his cock in when I felt his mouth slurping and sucking at my hole, his stubble scratching oh so good on my cheeks.

I was impressed by his eagerness and intensity. His tongue swirled around, pushing into me. My cock throbbed. When Frank was done eating one load out of me from one side, he'd be sucking another load me from the other. I arched back into him, letting him get deeper with my tongue. I bet he'd eat my ass all day if I let him.

As much as I was enjoying his devouring my ass, I needed my own release. I reached back and pushed his head back, hearing the wet pop as his lips released their suction. "Time for me to feed my baby." I rolled over and held my cock up with one hand to present to him. "Come on, nurse that dry."

Frank swallowed me down, burying his nose into my smooth groin. "That's it baby, get me off quick and fast." I stroked his head lovingly as worked my cock with his warm mouth. I looked over to see that Chris was once again watching the show. I gave him a content look as I felt the fire in my balls ignite. I wouldn't last long.

"You've got me close, baby." I pushed up into his throat. I felt that urge climbing in me. I gritted my teeth. "Fuck, I need to cum in you." I grabbed hold of Frank's head and thrust hard up into his willing mouth, slamming his face into my pelvis. "I'm going to feed you, baby. Are you ready?"

Frank made some sound that indicated he was ready and I picked up speed, slapping his face into me. "Fuck!" I pulled him down onto me, my cock buried deep in his throat as I exploded. My body shook. My vision blurred. I felt the pulses of my seed pumping into him. I let go, collapsing on the floor, letting my cock rest in Frank's mouth. "That was needed." I panted. "Come lay beside me."

Frank nursed the last bits of my seed then crawled up to my side, resting his head on my chest, his hard cock pressed against my thigh. I kissed the top of his head. "You did good, baby." I stroked his back. "You may just earn and orgasm yet." Frank tentatively put his arm around my waist.

I looked over at Chris who nodded, pondering us on the floor. "I think he's just perfect for you, Nick." I patted Frank on his back. "You're the man he never could be. When you take his ass, when you lose your virginity to him, you'll really own him." Those words had power I felt deep in my soul.

"Does my baby like his butt plug in him?" I said softly to Frank. He nuzzled me close. "Awe, my big strong baby is a butt slut, aren't you?" He tried to hide his face in my chest, but I stopped him and made his eyes meet mine. "Don't be ashamed. I'm not." I kissed him, feeling his body relax. Chris smiled down at us proudly.

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Next: Chapter 9

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