My Mothers Boyfriend

By naughtyboy

Published on Apr 25, 2018


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After dinner, Chris let me suckle him till my jaw ached. He rewarded me with my protein treat before he pulled me up to him to sleep. "Get some sleep, Nick." He squeezed my pec roughly. "Tomorrow we got a long drive home." I pushed back against him, nestling his spit slick spent cock in the crook of my ass. Sleep came quickly and when the morning came, I found myself looking for Chris, no Daddy.

"Get your ass up if you want some breakfast." I heard him growl. He was over by the stove scooping eggs onto his plate. "Hurry up, we got to hit the road soon." I climbed out of bed, and went directly to him, close enough to touch, but not. "Good boy." He turned his head and kissed me, the taste of coffee on his lips. "I got your plate here, come sit in my lap."

This was the kind, tender Chris, this was Daddy. "Yes, Daddy." I said following him to the table, sitting naked in his lap. It was hard, being a grown man, err, boy, but I put an arm around his neck to hold me on his muscled thighs. "Thank you, Daddy." He slipped his tongue into my mouth for a real good morning kiss.

He fed me, forks full of scrambled eggs. The link sausage he slipped back and forth between my lips before he would let me eat it. My cock grew hard as he thumbed my nipple with hand that held me on his lap. "My boy likes me feeding him doesn't he?" I blushed as I chewed. "I hope you like the special sauce I added to it, can you guess what it is?"

I chewed thoughtfully. "Your cum?" I said swallowing down the bite. "I love the way you taste, Daddy." He fed me bite after bite, till I could hold no more. "Do we have to go back?" I laid my head down on his shoulder. I wasn't just broken, I was his. "Can't we stay here another day or so?"

He ruffled my hair and began slowly stroking my cock, licking my precum off his hand as it pulled on the tip. "Yes, baby." He squeezed my cock, hard, hard enough to hurt. "Don't worry, I have plans for you at home. Fun plans. Good plans." He released my cock and licked the last bits of me off his hand. "Get packed up. I got something for you to wear on the way home."

We showered and got dressed, me in just a jock and shirt, while he wore sweats. We packed everything into the car and closed the cabin up. My butt stuck to the leather seats, but Daddy didn't seem to mind. On the floor board was a bag with my shorts and shirt should I need to wear them. The entire ride home, we did not stop, Daddy, casually stroked me through my jock till we got into the city where he made me put my clothes on.

When we got home, I began unloading while he went straight in. I entered to see him with my mother, pressed against the counter, his tongue in her mouth, his hand in her robe, between her legs. She was moaning softly. She opened her eyes, and they grew big when she saw me there. She tried to push Chris off, but he wasn't having it. "Chris, Nick is right there." She moaned.

He begrudgingly pulled back, pulling his hand out and licking them the two fingers clean. "He's a grown boy." Chris, not Daddy, said spitefully. "I'm sure he knows I've been dicking you for a while now." He leaned into my mother and whispered in her ear, just loud enough for me to hear. "Besides, I've missed that pussy." She giggled then moved away. "I think its okay to tell him now." Chris said, his lustful eyes darting between my mother and me.

"Really?" She looked at Chris with hopeful eyes. "Okay, Nicolas. Chris and I have been seeing each other for a while now." Her brown eyes were so bright and happy. "And Friday I accepted a position at work that means I have to travel a bit, I asked Chris to move in with us." She looked at me with hopeful eyes.

Chris gave me a stern look that said I had better answer correctly. "That's great, Mom." I dropped my bag on the floor and moved to hug her. "Congratulations." I squeezed her close. Chris held up the two fingers that were in my mom and began licking them for me to see. "Chris and I got along great over the weekend." He licked his finger up and down. "I should get my things put away."

I took my bag upstairs and shut the door to my room, breathing heavily. I quickly put away my things, including the dildo Chris had returned to me. I hadn't worn anything except the same clothes I went there in. I was dying to work off the sexual energy, but didn't want to intrude on Chris and my Mother's time.

"Nick." I heard Chris call. His voice was chipper, happy. Was he Daddy now? I opened the door and stepped out, looking down to see Chris and my mother down below. "Why don't you show me your gym in a bit? Your mother and I are going to take a shower." He was definitely Chris again. I watched her playfully smack him. "I'll knock on your door in a bit, be ready for a good work out."

I shut the door behind me, not knowing what to do. I pulled out my work out clothes and watch the clock as I heard them run upstairs past my room. I could hear them, no matter how hard I tried to block them out, I heard them. My mother moaning, Chris pounding into her right against my wall it seemed. Thirty minutes later I heard the shower and I exhaled.

The knock came on my door exactly an hour later. "Come on, boy, let's work that ass out." We weren't going to work out the way I thought. I opened the door to Chris standing there, big, menacing, and powerful. "Come on, your mom took what she could from me, now it's your turn." I stepped out and smiled, knowing she was getting my leftovers from the weekend, and I would get desert.

Downstairs, in the gym, Chris looked around for a bit before going back to the gym door and locking it. "No need for your mother to walk in on us." He had a devious smile. "Strip to your jock." He commanded. I did not hesitate, setting my shorts and shorts neatly folded on the bench. "Good, boy." Daddy was coming out. "I've eaten your mother's pie, now I want some cake. Get over here."

I stepped forward and he took me in his arms, his hand on my ass, and his tongue down my throat. "How does your mother taste?" He said with an evil grin before letting me go. I didn't have time to answer. "Come here, squat on my face." He lay on the bench backwards. "Come on, boy, don't keep me waiting."

I moved quickly, straddling his face. "Sorry, Daddy." I said, lowering my rump down to his hungry mouth. He pulled my cheeks part and pulled me down onto his slithering tongue. I moaned. "Oh, Daddy." He picked up speed, flicking and licking my hole. "Fuck. That feels so good, Daddy." I leaned forward and took hold of the bar for balance. I looked down to see my jock wetting from the precum. "I want to suck your dick, Daddy, may I suck your dick?"

"No." He growled from my rear. He bit down hard on my left cheek, causing me to jump and howl in pain. "I tell you what you can have and not have." He resumed his tongue lashing at my bottom. I moaned, longing to lean down and taste him on my tongue. He continued, eating my ass raw. I felt him slathering my hole with his spittle, preparing me. "Off." He smacked my ass hard.

I moved off him, and he stood. "Your mom won't let me shoot in her, so I saved it for you. On your back." He pointed to the bench and I laid down, raised my legs up for him, showing him my wet and ready hole for him. "Yeah, baby. I'm going to fucking plow your ass." He lined up easily to my hole and pushed slowly into my anticipating hole. "Oh, you got a nice fucking ass." He moaned.

"Fuck me, Daddy." I felt so full with him in me. "Fuck me, Daddy, give me your load, I'll take it, anytime you want to give it to me." He bottomed out, taking my ankles in his hands. "You feel so good in me, Daddy." I moaned. "Give it to me, Daddy, please." I looked into the fire in his eyes. I knew this was going to be hard and rough, and he didn't disappoint.

The bench moved as he pounded furiously in me, the need to blow his load too primal, too eager. It hurt for a moment but the pleasure quickly took over. I moaned, "Oh, Daddy, fuck your boy." I held onto the weight bench's bars as he ran his dick into me. "Give it to me, Daddy, use my hole." I begged him as I watched the beast of lust cloud over his face.

"Fuck." He snarled. "I'm going to cream your fucking hole boy." His nostrils flared, his breathing picked up. He was close, this would be a quick fuck. Quick and rough, just want my Daddy needed. "I'm going to pop." He let out a massive grunt with a bellow from deep in his stomach as he unloaded his in me, pulsing, leaving the present my mother refused in me.

He pulled out unceremoniously and tapped my hard dick through my jock with his dick. "You save that." He ordered. "I have plans for that." He grabbed a towel from the stack I kept down here. "I'm going to start you on some prime stuff that will get your balls flowing. I want those sperm factories working overtime."

I got up and joined him. "Yes, Daddy." He smiled and pulled me into a kiss. "It's so fucking hot you call me that." He slipped a finger into my used ass. "Nice and sloppy." I groaned, putting my arms around him. "We're going to set you a nice workout schedule and from now on, no more than a jock in here, even when I bring clients here."

We rinsed off together in the gym shower before we headed back upstairs. Chris had already had my mother bring all his clothes and things he wanted from his apartment while we were busy fucking. Chris made himself at home quickly, ordering me and my mother about as if he owned the place and we both willingly did as he said.

That night, lying in bed, I heard them. I heard her. I heard him. Both of them, her moaning, her telling her to take it like a good bitch. I covered my head with the pillow, hoping it would drown it out, but it didn't. I heard his guttural call of release and knew I'd be able to sleep without the sounds of my mother in sexual congress anymore.

I was about to relax into sleep when my door opened and Chris came in. "Midnight snack." He said holding the condom he had unloaded in. I sat up eagerly and he poured the precious content into my mouth. "Your mom is in the shower. Expect more of those snacks." He patted me on the head then kissed my forehead. "Get some sleep boy."

The next morning, my mother had already left for work and Chris, or was it Daddy, was waiting for me. "Good morning boy." He handed me a shaker full of some white substance. "Drink up, I want you drinking three of these a day." I smiled, knowing better than to ask him what was in it. I opened the lid and began downing the vanilla tasting liquid. "Be home right after school, I'm going to need your help with a client."

School went as it would. Chris had given me another shake to drink at lunch, this one chocolate. I rushed home, knowing every moment I kept him waiting would be punished harshly. I found a note on the counter ordering me to change into my gym gear and head downstairs immediately. I did, tossing my books onto the floor.

I came downstairs in my shorts, shirt and jock, of course. I opened the door to see Chris ordering a built man about. He was in his mid-thirties, spotted gray hair over his chest and scalp. He was shirtless, and sweat glistened on his hard muscles. Chris saw me and scowled at me, nodding at me, indicating my cloths. I quickly stripped as I had before, leaving the folded clothes by the door.

I made my way to them, knowing just as in the cabin, he would only allow those he chose to see me like this. "Nick, meet Rick." The man shook my hand. "Rick has been my client for a couple years now. He really enjoys protein loading." They shared a laugh. "Did you drink your shake at lunch?"

"Yes, Chris." He looked at me and I recanted my words. "Yes, Daddy."

He turned me to show my exposed ass to Rick. "Prime ass, isn't it?" Chris took a firm grip of my left cheek, then turned me around and fished my cock and balls from my jock. "Not bad up here either. What do you think, Rick, you think he'll do for you? He's prime, I can vouch for him myself."

"Yeah, he looks delicious." Rick licked his lips hungrily. "How often you think I can get him?" I stood there embarrassed, my cock and balls hanging out. Rick reached out and stroked me. "Feels nice. Does he shoot a good load?" I felt my cock hardened. "How about a free test drive?" There was craving in his eyes.

"I'll do you one better." Chris's answered, his hand moving up to my nipple to play. "You finish your routine while he suck me and I fuck him." I groaned at the thought. "Then you can eat the cum out his ass, then suck it out his dick. Two for one." Rick never stopped stroking me, coaxing a dab of precum from me. He dabbed his finger in it, and tasted it. "What you think?"

"Deal." Rick grinned lasciviously. "Do it where I can see it, and make sure I can hear him." He let go of my cock and began lifting the weights with earnest.

"I always motivate my clients." He whispered in my ear. "Lose the jock and go stand by the squat rack." I felt Rick's eyes on me as I moved in front of him to the squat machine. Chris went and locked the door and pulled some lube from his gym bag. I noticed he had tied some bands to the machine, thinking he was doing something strange.

Chris came up behind me. "You're going to love this, baby." He took my arms and lashed them to the bars. "You see him, he's pumping hard for you." Chris, no Daddy, whispered sweetly into my ear. "He wants to taste that sweet boy cum of yours blasting down his throat, but he'll only get that if you make him work hard."

"Yes, Daddy, I'll make him work for it." I tested the bonds, making sure they were secure. "Fuck me, Daddy." I said loud enough for Rick to hear. Daddy turned my head and kissed me as he dropped his shorts, his hard salami already pressed against my ass. "Oh, Daddy." I moaned as I felt him slick my quivering hole. "Fuck me for him, Daddy."

"Good, boy." I felt Daddy pressing into me and I arched back as best I could to take him. I was more than able to take his ten inches. "Take it boy." He slapped my ass hard. He placed one hand on my hip and another on my shoulder and began fucking me slowly at first, eliciting low grumbles of pleasure from me "That's it, baby, take Daddy's dick."

I looked up to see Rick quickly counting out leg curls, as his eyes locked with mine. "Fuck me, Daddy, hard, I need it." I said licking my lips at Rick. "Oh, Daddy, it's so big." I continued, knowing the act was what Daddy wanted from me. "Fuck me, Daddy, please." Daddy picked up speed, the sound of his hips slamming into me echoing in the small space.

I watch as Rick moved from machine to machine, counting out reps, doing two and three sets before moving on hurriedly. I kept the moaning up, knowing it was driving both Rick and Daddy crazy. I felt my ass slapped, as Daddy slipped in balls deep to me and ground his cock deeper into me. "Ready for a load boy?" I looked up with glassy eyes to see Rick staring, ready for his treat. "Here it comes." I felt the orgasmic juices shoot into me as Daddy screamed "Fuck, yeah."

He slipped from my ass and strode over to Rick. "Free treat." He waved his cum covered dick at Rick. "Clean it off." Daddy was giving away my prize, my treat, but Rick didn't need to be told twice as he slurped and licked the remnants of my ass juice and Daddy's cum from his cock. "Go eat your cake, Rick, you earned it."

Rick moved behind me without a second thought. He spread my cheeks and dove in, licking and slurping at my used hole. Daddy moved to me and lifted my face to his for kiss. "He likes his cakes frosted." He joked as the veracious tongue worked me from the other end. I couldn't help but moan as he teased me.

"That's enough." Chris barked after I'm not sure how long. "His mother will be home soon. If you want his load you better get it out of him quick." Rick moved in front of me, taking my rock hard ridgid dick in his mouth. He slurped noisily as I moaned. Chris positioned himself behind me and began fingering my hole. "You took too long, got to make him blow."

Two fingers in me and the right spot, I was blasting my young man cum down Rick's greedy throat. Blast after blast shot out, more than I thought possible. Rick hungrily lapped it all up, not spilling a drop. He sucked and sucked till the last drop dribbled out of me. "He does taste great." Rick said, wiping his face as he stood up. "Definitely a keeper. I'll tell the guys we got a fresh source." Rick picked up his shirt and his bag. "I'll let myself out."

"See you Wednesday." Chris called out as he undid my ties. "Good work, boy." He patted me on the ass. "Go get rinsed off. I've still got to train you before your mother comes home." He patted me sweetly on the ass as I stumbled past him into the shower. "I got to keep you prime for all the protein hungry clients." He stuffed his dick back in his jock and pulled up his shorts.

Want to follow my work? Follow me on tumblr: naughtyboy4fun77 Google Plus: My Blog: Twitter: Robbylewis77

Next: Chapter 6

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