My Mothers Boyfriend

By naughtyboy

Published on Nov 20, 2017


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I awoke the next morning, Chris had me pulled into him, spooning, his morning excitement wedged long my rear cleavage. His hard muscular arm was draped across my chest, holding me firm against him. It was a comforting feeling, his warm hard body nestled against mine, but my bladder was screaming to be emptied.

I slowly, cautiously, pulled away from him, gingerly moving his arm off me. I moved inch by inch, careful not to disturb Chris. I sat up and was halfway standing when I felt his arms around me, pulling me back down onto him as he sleepily growled, "Get your ass back here!" He pulled me close, his arm a steel restraint across my chest.

I winced with need. "I have to pee." I cried, knowing better than to struggle against him. "Please, I need to pee." I could feel my eyes water, from the pressure on my bladder and his denial of my escape to the bathroom. "Chris, please, I can't hold it much longer." My voice came out in a half choked sob.

He pressed on my stomach. Eliciting a soft cry, before he released me. "Go on, boy." He shoved me hard away from him. I staggered off the bed, rushing as best I could to the bathroom. I let loose into the bowl, bracing one hand on the wall as my muscles relaxed. I took deep soothing breaths. The pain slowly subsided. "You better not be playing with yourself." Chris yelled his warning.

"No, sir." I called back, wiping the tip of my dick with some toilet paper before flushing it down. I moved slowly to the sink, washing my hands. I splashed some water in my face, trying to wake myself from this illusion of a dream. My ass still ached from the night before. The soreness was a friendly reminder that I was now his.

"I got to piss." He said by me, startling me out of my thoughts. He stood there in the doorway, in his natural splendor and glory. I nodded quickly and dropped to my knees, remembering what he had told me the night before. "Get up." He moved past me, almost knocking me to the ground as he made his way to the toilet. "You're not ready for morning piss yet. Get over here and hold it for me like a good fuck boy."

"Yes, sir." I said softly, scrambling to get up, and taking position beside him. He put his arm around me, as I took hold of his semi hard cock, fighting the urge to stroke it to full readiness. I aimed, carefully, pointing him towards the center of bowl. I felt the surge in my hand as he released. The power behind it had me in awe.

"Clean me up." He said when the last few drops fell. I moved to grab the toilet paper as I had done for myself, but he held me close to him. "Your mouth suddenly gotten too good for my dick?" I acquiesced and lowered my head as I brought his cock head up to my mouth. I licked around the head, wiping away the pungent morning piss from him. He was right, I was not ready for bladder full of this.

Once satisfied it was clean, I raised back up, leaning my head on his chest. "Good boy." His hand went to my ass, patting it lightly before squeezing it roughly. That was his style. Soft then rough. "Go get in the bed and wait for me." I'll make us some coffee." He smacked my ass hard. I enjoyed it. I moved away, his eyes stared intently on my ass as I did.

I crawled back under the covers, Chris trailing behind me a moment later. I watched as he fumbled with the coffee maker, starting it brewing before crawled back into bed with me, pulling me close against him. "You'll wear no clothes today." He growled, his hand moving along my back. I looked up at him, saw that there was no use for argument in his eyes. "I'll let you know when it is okay to drink my piss. I know you're craving it."

I ran a hand over his chest, tracing the well-defined muscles with my finger. "Yes, sir. Thank you sir." I snuggled up closer to him. "What do you have planned for us today, sir?" I knew what I wanted, but I dare not ask for. I knew my place, knew I would get what I wanted soon enough, and he deemed it was time.

"You're going to get my coffee when it's ready." He looked at me with a hungry grin. "Then you're going to lick my balls while I enjoy my morning coffee. You'll then either ride my cock or endure your daily punishment. I haven't decided the order yet." He licked his lips. A chill went down my spine. "That all depends on how well you service my balls."

"Punishment?" I felt my dick go hard. "What punishment?"

"You'll be punished daily, when I can see you in private." The coffee maker sounded its completion. "Go, fetch my coffee. One spoon of sugar, splash of milk." I left the bed to do his bidding. "You need discipline, boy. Lots of it. I can see you crave it. Yearn for it. I'm going to give it to you. When I'm done you'll be the perfect obedient fuck toy you desperately want to be."

"Yes, sir." I said handing him his coffee. I didn't wait to be told. I moved under the sheets and between his legs. My mouth found his meaty balls. They were tangy and musky. I moaned around the succulent orbs. My tongue moved over the skin with tender care. I moved from ball to ball, never allowing one to be left unattended for too long. "Good boy. More coffee.

I gingerly allowed his balls to slip from my mouth. I moved from under the sheet, took the cup from his hand and returned it then myself to my place. I felt his hand run through my hair as I feasted on his balls. He summoned me one more time to fetch him fresh coffee, offering my jaw a brief reprieve. "Piss." I released his balls.

He moved off the bed, and I followed behind him to the bathroom. "May I?" I asked meekly. He grinned and allowed me to take his cock and aim it at the bowl. Once done, I cleaned his cock as I had done before. "Nice boy." He patted my ass. "Time for your punishment." My cock twitched at the thought.

He led me back into the main room and sat down on the bed. "Over the lap." I positioned myself without complaint across his lap, my hard cock pressing into his thigh. "Twenty. Count them out." I relaxed into him. He pawed my ass. "Such a pretty ass." I felt the harsh sting of his hand on my flesh.

I counted out the harsh hits, the stings coming randomly hard and gently. My eyes watered with tears, but I did not cry. After twenty he laid his hand on my red hot ass and stroked it softly. "Stand up." His voice was soft yet commanding. I did as I was told. My face burned with tears. "You did well." He reached up and wiped away a stray tear from my cheek. "Go get some water and wash your face." I gave him a meek smile. "Then come back and lay here on the bed face down."

I did as ordered, grateful for the water on my parched throat. I splashed some water on face and dried it with a kitchen towel. He watched me as I made my way back, wincing slightly as I moved. I laid on the bed, face down, ass up. I took a deep breath. I felt the bed sink as Chris joined me on the bed.

A cool cloth was laid on my ass. "Look at me, Nick." He laid alongside me. I turned to see his stern face. "I'm going to let you recover a bit before I continue the training." He brushed the hair out of my face. "You're so pretty. I like seeing your mouth on my cock and my dick in your ass." I flushed red. "Continue your good work and I just may let you cum."

I smiled hopefully. "Thank you, Chris." He ran his hand over my muscled back. "Thank you for caring so." He lifted the cloth letting the cool air hit my ass. My breath caught for a moment. His hand ran over the heated skin, I winced a bit but reveled in his touch. "I like it when you touch me, Chris."

"I'm going to touch you all weekend." His grinned ear to ear. "Rest up." He removed his hand and stood up leaving me to close my eyes and rest. I fell into a light sleep. I'm not sure how long he allowed me to rest, but I awoke some time later to Chris's roaming hands over my body. "Hhmm, Chris." I moaned with half lidded yes.

"Suck my dick." He moved my head down to his hard throbbing meat stick. My mouth opened and he slid in. I let out a half sleepy groan. My tongue moved across his tip. He humped into my mouth slowly, allowing me taste his sweet precum. "Time for breakfast boy." One hand reached for my ass and began stroking my hole the other fisted my hair.

"Take it all boy." He began thrusting harder and deeper in my throat, the other hand toying with my hole. "That's it, open your throat." I felt him dick punch past my gag. He held me down a moment before pulling me up to allow me to breath. He repeated the process over and over again. I learned quickly to breathe through my nose or risk suffocating.

I went limp into his guidance, the familiar ache returning to my jaw. He was now sliding easily into my throat. He held my head still, the tip of his cock resting on the back of my tongue. "Get ready." Was the only warning I got. He thrust his hips forward, jack hammering into my throat. I tried to pull back but he held me steadfast. My eyes watered, snot dribbled out of my nose as he skull fucked me.

I choked and I gagged as he plundered my throat with his cock. My spittle covered my face as he pushed into me over and over again, his balls slamming into my face with each upward momentum. I knew I should have resisted, fought back against the onslaught on my mouth, but I simply moaned, enjoying Chris using my throat for his own pleasure. I reveled in the use. I felt a strange sense of purpose as he wontedly took his pleasure from me.

Without warning, he pulled me off his spear, my mouth agape as I landed back on my back. "We'll open that throat more as time comes." He began stroking his meat, my mouth longed to have him back. "Get over here." He pulled me close to him, his hand going to my head. I expected to be thrust back down on his cock or balls, but instead I found my lips mashed against his.

His lips were rough against mine, his tongue just as powerful as the rest of him, taking control of the kiss from the get go. I tensed for a moment, then relaxed, enjoying my first real kiss with a man. I ran my tongue over his teeth. I whined softly into his mouth, the scrape of his stubble across my skin.

I clawed his chest, my body sliding across his. I could feel his urgency starting to build. "I'm going to feed you soon." He murmured. "Get down there." I broke the kiss and moved down his hard muscled torso. I was mesmerized by his fevered stroking, his beast staring me in the eye. "Get ready." I opened my mouth ready for his gift. He let out a low grunt. "Now."

He pressed my head back down on his cock in time for the first hot blast to hit the back of my throat. I guzzled his load. His hand resting on my head, petting me. "That's it, drink up. I got plenty of milk for my boy." And he did. If I didn't constantly swallow I would have drowned. I was amazed how much there was considering he had shot two loads into me last night.

His cock slowly softened in my warm mouth and I gently released his cock from my mouth. I flicked my tongue over the tip, gathering the last drops of goodness. I moved up, resting my head on his heaving chest, the taste of him fresh on my tongue. "Good boy." He stroked my hair. "I got lots of protein for you."

We rested a bit, my cock still untouched. "Put your shoes on." Chris slipped from me. I watched him pull on his shorts and a shirt. "We're going for a hike in the woods." I slowly moved from the bed. I made to grab something to cover myself, but Chris's sharp words stopped me. "I said you were not to wear any clothes this weekend." I moved my hand over to my shoes.

I stood up beside him, a bit uneasy. He put his hand around my waist, pulling my naked body close to his. "Don't worry, we're just going on a little walk on my land. No one else will see you and if they do, they're trespassing." I gave him a worried smile. "Besides, I don't like you hiding your body with clothes. Means it takes more time for me to get into those tight holes."

"I only like you to see." I said softly, my head resting against his chest. "I'm going to miss this when we get home." He led me to the door, opening it and us to the outside world. He moved his hand to my ass and patted it softly. There was still a twinge of pain still lingering from his spanking. "Will you spank me again before we leave tomorrow?"

He gave my ass a hard smack. "Count on it he growled." I stepped forward, letting the cool forest air surround me. I shivered for a moment then stepped into a patch of sunshine, letting the sun bath me in its warmth. "We'll have to do something about those tan lines when we get back."

I gave him a curt smile over my shoulder. "I can't wait." He moved up beside me and guided me down a path. We hiked some time before we came to a clearing bathed in light. Chris moved behind me, his hand taking me by the waist and pulling me close to him. His mouth found the back of my neck and he bit lightly, sucking on the back of my neck.

"I got to piss." His hands gently pressed me down and I went to my knees. I turned and fished out his cock, placing it gently in my mouth. "Good boy." I looked up at him as he release his stream into my mouth. The warm liquid filled my mouth and I swallowed, daring not to spill a drop, as he filled my belly. "Good work." He pulled out of me and tucked himself away.

"Let's get back." He tousled my hair and began the trek back. I licked my lips, taking the last drips from them before standing and catching up to him. "I suddenly am hungry." He had wicked tone to his voice. "I think it's time I taught you something new." I struggled to keep up pace with him. He was a man on a mission.

I was breathing heavy by the time we got back. Chris said nothing as we entered. I shut the door and, Chris was on me, my back pressed to the door. "You're just a fucking cock tease aren't you?" His voice was low, commanding, with a hint of anger in it. "Walking around naked, shaking that ass for me."

"I'm sorry." I cried softly. "I'm just doing what you want me to do, Chris... Sir." I could feel his excitement pressing against me. A normal person would have fought him off, feared him, but I knew this was just a precursor. "I'll behave, I promise, let me service you." I could feel the heat of lust in my body.

Instead of answering, moved his hands down, moving to my ass. He gave a punishing squeeze, pulling me up into his arms. I put my arms around him as he carried me over to the bed and dumped me on it unceremoniously. "Get your shoes off." I kicked them off quickly. "All fours, now." I flipped over, presenting my ass to him. I heard him stripping his clothes off behind me.

His hands roamed over my ass, kneading the fleshy mounds like dough. He said nothing. I tensed, not knowing if he was going to run me through or spank me for my perceived infraction. I saw him drop to his knees then pull my cheeks apart. I felt the wetness of his spit then the brush of his stubble against my skin.

His tongue flicked across my hole, and I groaned loudly at the strange pleasure. His tongue dug deep into me, his stubble rubbing the inside of my cheeks. I gasped, moaned and groaned his name from the long luxurious licks punctuated with quick stabs past my barrier. I fisted the sheets while he feasted on my ass.

I could hear him murmur between the smacking of his lips. His fingers dug into my meaty mounds. My head fell to the bed, unable to process the sensations he was pumping through me. He pulled back and ran a digit over my wet sloppy ass lips. "Fuck yeah." He pushed it and out roughly. "I've been wanting to taste this ass since I first saw it."

He was back between my cheeks. I could feel myself opening up to him as he tongue fucked me. He slapped my ass, causing me to grunt. I pushed back against him, wanting to feel the rough touch of his stubble, the soft hardness of his tongue. He reached under me, taking my cock, squeezing the hardness.

He flipped me with ease onto my back. He pressed my legs towards my chest, exposing my hole. He admired it a moment before attacking it once more. I made sounds of sexual pleasure I thought were only done in porn. My breath was short. I beg him to stop. I begged him to continue. I felt my eyes roll back in my head, unable to process anymore. I was zoning out into a sexual nirvana.

Then he stopped. I looked up at the beast before me. He held both ankles back with one hand, aimed his lube slicked cock with the other. I hadn't even seen him lube himself. Before I could contemplate this anymore, he ran me through, pushing in balls deep into me. I screamed in pleasurable pain. This time he gave me no time for me to adjust. He powered into me, his hips slamming into me without any regard.

He now held an ankle in each hand, holding me wide open. My own cock bounced lewdly around, crying for attention. I knew better to touch it, no matter how much I yearned to do so. I force myself to relax, accepting his cock into me. Pain turns into waves of pleasure. I'm crying his name again.

Chris rode me. His face masked with carnal pleasure. His pleasure. He pumped into me, my ass contouring to his dick. I was lost in the sensations, my body continuing to be flooded with a wave storm of ecstasy from each stroke in and out of me.

His pace quickens. His grunts and growls mix with the sound of pounding flesh. I can feel the throb of his cock in me. He's getting close. He presses my legs against my chest, getting a better angle, looming over me. I can see it in his face, the coming flood he's about to unleash in me.

With a roar then a growl, he slams into me hard. I feel him unloading his seed into me, filling whatever space he can. He thrusts a few more times into me, milking the last vital moments of his orgasm. His eyes are dreamy, his cock still resting into me.

He slides out slowly. I can feel his load trying to escape and I tense to keep it in. He lets my sore legs fall as he stands. "Clean me up." I get up, go to the bathroom and bring back a warm cloth. He's lying down on the bed, his eyes half lidded.

I take his cock in loving hands and gently clean off the remnants of cum, lube and ass juice. I'm thorough, getting every skin fold, washing his balls and that space right below. "Come lay with me." I rest my head on his chest. His hand moves to my ass and lazily fingers my spent hole. "Such a nice ass." I smiled, knowing that I had pleased him.

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Next: Chapter 4

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