My Mothers Boyfriend

By naughtyboy

Published on Oct 28, 2017


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I'm still dazed and sexually charged when I come back from scrubbing my teeth. I can still taste him on my lips. I step back cautiously into his presence. He's sitting where I left him, his spent cock laying lazily across his lap. He gives me a reassuring smile and I take a hesitant step toward him.

"Come sit on my lap." He casually moves his cock down and pats his creamy white muscled thigh. I finally see him, his body. He's completely smooth aside from his eyebrows and the beginnings of a five o'clock shadow. He barely has any fat on him. He's got a perfect v shape.

I sit tentatively on his lap. He's shown me how kind he can be and how cruel he can be. I'm sitting like I'm on Santa's lap, his arm wraps around my waist, the other on my leg, pulling me closer to him. I feel a timid safety in his arms. "I know this is all new and everything you've ever wanted." He hand moves gently up and down my bare smooth thigh. "I'm going to help you on this journey." I'm silent as he talks softly, as if he's coaxing a small puppy.

"You're a fuck toy." His hand leaving my thigh to stroke my chest. "We both know this, you have yet to understand and accept it yet." His hand moves up to my face and his thump traces feather light over my lips. "You have such pretty cock sucking lips" I try to turn my head in shame, but he grips my face, holding it in place. "What the fuck?" His growls menacingly. "I pay you a compliment and you turn your head in shame? I'm trying to help you."

"I..." my voice is quiet and meek. "I'm not use to it that's all. I'm sorry." His grip relaxes. "Thank you."

"I know you grew up without a man in the house, to show you what you really were." He turns my head and I look down submissively. "I'm going to change all that. You only have a few more months of high school then you're off to college. By then I'll be having you taking dicks from both ends and begging for more."

I'm smiling at the thought of one in the mouth one in the ass, bouncing back and forth fucking myself on two dicks. "I'd like that." I admit out loud. "Will you fuck me?" My eyes are pleading, imploring. "I want to feel you in me." I reach my hand out and rub his smooth toned chest. "I want to give you my virginity." He releases my face and gives me a cocky grin.

"I knew you were nothing more than fuck toy." His voice is harsher. "You got to earn this dick boy." Without warning I'm tumbling from his lap and I'm on the floor, he's standing over me. "Oh, you're going to get this dick, and I'm going to make you earn it and enjoy every minute of it." I'm looking up at him, knowing what he's saying is true. "Get that dildo and fuck yourself with it. Show me how you do it."

I move to stand but he pushes me down with his foot. "I didn't say you could stand." I crawl over to the table where the dildo sits and pick it up, still coated in my saliva. "Lube is in the drawer." He answers my question before I can ask. I pull the lube and pop the cap. "In front of me." He sits back down on the sofa, his beast of a cock swaying lewdly before him. "Get to work." He grunts, noticing me fixating on his chubbing cock.

I move to the rug that lays before him, centering myself long ways so he can see my hard young body form tip to tip. I pour some of the lube in my hand before reaching back and slowly rubbing my virgin lips. I cock my head so I can watch him, see his reaction. I bite my lower lip as I delve in. I let out a low moan as I move my finger along my velvet inside. I slip a second inside, slowly. Both fingers are rubbing my prostate and I want to touch my cock, but I know I'm not supposed to.

Doing this in front of him is demeaning and empowering. I'm relaxing into my thrusts, bouncing back against my hand trying to get more in. A third finger joins the two and I'm stretching myself to my max for the dildo. I'm so enthralled with putting a show on for him. He's slowly stroking his cock, getting it back to its massive length and size. "Go on." He says softly. "Do it."

I grit my teeth and pull my fingers from me. I take the dildo and sit back on my hunches so that I can slick it up. I lean forward as I move it back to my hole, slowly pressing it against my tight tunnel. I gasp as it breaks past my barrier and enters me. I'm holding myself up with one hand the other is back push and turning the cock into me.

I watch him, a tiny dripple of precum forms on the tip his now fully hard cock. "Does it feel good, Nick?" He uses the nick name I hate. I nod yes. "I bet you want a real cock in there, don't you... Nick?" I groan as I push it further into me. I only nod. "I want you to speak, Nick. Tell me how it feels to have it in you, tell me what you really want."

I pause for a moment, his voice is low and seductive. "It feels so good." I answer softly, my hand keeping up a steady slow rhythm into me. "I love the way it feels when it enters me." My lip quivers as I pass over my prostate. My cock is drooling, screaming to be touched. "I want to feel a real cock thrusting in me, splitting me open."

"You need to do better than that at playing with yourself then." He stands and moves towards me, he drops to his knees behind, smacks my hand away. He takes the dildo and begins ramming it in. I scream my dismay, and he only laughs as he continues to abuse my poor hole. "Brace yourself, Nick." The kind Chris has left. He's taking no pause in thrusting the dildo into me. "Look at that hole getting all puffy from use."

I brace myself, my arms trembling as he slides into me relentlessly. "You think you can take me like you take this little toy?" His tone is mocking yet challenging. "I think I should just take that hole and show you how real men use a fuck toy." I feel his hand on my ass, feeling the toned softness. "I knew I was going to fuck you the moment I laid eyes on you."

"It hurts." I cried, tears in my eyes. "Please, Chris, not so rough."

He let out a low chuckle. "You think anyone is going to be gentle with a cock tease like you?" He pushes it all the way in to the fake balls and twists. "I'll stop when you admit what you are, Nick. I want to hear you scream it." He pulls out and roughly thrusts it back in. "Say it, boy."

I let out a howl of pain. My voice squeaks as I gather my strength. "I'm a fuck toy!" I scream. "I'm your fuck toy!"

"I knew you'd see things my way." He slowly pulls the dildo out and lays it beside me. I expect to see blood on it, but it just glistens with lube and ass juice. "Let's see how much you can handle. I think you've earned a taste." I see him take the lube and I know he's rubbing it over his huge thick veiny cock. "Relax, or it's going to hurt a lot more than you want it to."

"Yes, sir." I take a deep breath and center myself. I feel the massive head press at my entrance. He starts slowly, pushing in. "You're so big." I gasp, my mind reeling from the mix of fear, excitement and pain. "Thank you, Chris." I think to say, hoping this will please him enough to be gentle. He presses the massive mushroom head forward and I feel the strain of my ass trying to stretch around it. "It hurts."

"It'll feel good soon." Chris continued to press, the pain shot through my body. "Almost there. Just relax. Take a deep breath." I did and felt the pop as his head slipped in. I tried to scurry away, but Chris held my hips, holding my place. "Where do you think you're going?" I gritted my teeth, slam my eyes shut as the burning stretch radiated through me.

"It hurts." I whined. "It's too big." My arms and legs were shaking from the pain. "Please, take it out. I can't take it."

"Sshh." He soothed, a hand running over my left cheek. "This ass was made to fuck. Just need to relax and get use to the feel. Take deep breaths." I did, willing the pain away. "See, it feels better now. Doesn't it?" I just shook my head, still feeling the stretch. "I'm going to go slow at first. Don't expect this too often."

He pressed further into me, I could feel my insides stretch. "Oh, baby, you're tight." He praised. "I'm going to keep this for myself for a while." He inched forward, but it felt like a mile. "That's it, take my cock. Show me what a good fuck toy you want to be." I bared down as I felt my insides being parted for him, inch by inch, the dulling pleasure pain filled me.

As much as I wanted to pull off him and cower in the corner, putting ice on my abused hole, I wanted him in me. I pushed back. "That's it, help me fill you up." I could hear the satisfaction in his voice. "You feel so nice on my cock, baby." I felt more and more of him slowly slide in me. "Almost bottomed out." I paused to take a breath.

"You're so big." I gasped, almost collapsing on my hands. "It feels like you're splitting me apart." I felt his cock throb in me and I let out a whimper. "Chris, take it out, please." As soon as the words came out my mouth, I felt the hard sting of his hand against my left butt cheek. He repeated on the right, then the left again before finishing off on the right one more time.

The smacks, though harsh, seemed to relax me and allowed me to take him. "You wanted this dick and now I'm giving it to you. I'm not pulling out till I'm done." His hand left my hip and reached for my hair. He pulled me back up on my knees against his body. "I let out a sound of pain as his cock nestle further into me. His other hand went to my stomach, rubbing it. "I can almost feel it in there." He licked up the side of my throat.

His hand reached up and twisted my nipple as he ground his cock into me. "That ass is so cherry." He murmured. "Get ready for a real ride." He pushed me down, I was on my hands and knees again. He began pulling out. I could feel the long slide and emptiness fill my once full insides. I moaned at the loss then again as he slowly sawed back into me. "You feel that emptiness when I pull out." He commented. "You want it, need it back in, don't you?"

He slapped my ass again when I did not answer. "Yes!" I yelled admitting the truth. "Please, don't take it out." I begged "Please, Chris." I heard him laugh sinisterly as he began the long trek back out. "No!" I screamed. "Please, put it back in, Chris." He rested the tip at my entrance. Just in, just out. When he did nothing, I pushed back along him.

"That's it, baby." I could hear the satisfaction in his voice. "Fuck yourself on me. All the way down." The pain was gone, but a strange pleasure began. I felt the hard flesh against my ass and I began slowly pulling back off him, trying to regain that feeling. "That's it, you feel it don't you. That pleasure that only a dick, my dick can give you." I slowly continued moving up and down his cock, feeling that pleasure move through my body.

"I think you've had enough fun." His hands gripped into my hip, digging in. "This isn't about you or your pleasure. It's about mine." With that he started pounding deep into me, hard, careless. I arched my back as the feeling increased, overpowering the pain I felt as he split me in in half. "Oh, fuck yeah, such a good boy, taking my dick like a big boy."

"Fuck me, daddy." I said without thinking as he thrust his weapon into me. He paused for a moment. Then tore into me without mercy, pounding into my ass. With each thrust into me, I met him, pushing back to get the full length of him into me. "Fuck me!" I screamed. "Fuck me!" The sudden sexual frenzy now taking over.

"I'm going to breed that ass." His voice grew gruff and serious. "I'm going to own it, fuck it when I want." I pushed back harder, excited, thrilled. I threw my head back as the urge in me started to build. I was so focused on his cock, I hadn't realized what was going on with my own. My cock and balls swung hard back and forth, precum slung everywhere.

I began to feel the raw, but I ignored it. I was so close, he felt so good in me. I could feel that familiar feeling of my orgasm building in me. I bounced back hard, nearly bucking him off me. "That's it baby, milk my cock." His fingers dug in my hips. I knew he'd leave marks, but I didn't care. "Fuck you're going to get it."

I could feel his cock throb in me, thicken even more if that was possible. "I'm going to unload in you, baby." The thrusts came harder, more urgent. "Oh, yeah. I'm going to mark this ass as mine. Give my babies a new place to live." Then he thrust hard into me and I felt the warm liquid shoot into me. "Fuck, yeah." He slowly slid out and back in, milking the last drops of his load out of him.

The sensation of was too much. I threw my head back with a triumphant roar as my cock unloaded its rounds on the floor below me. I squeezed his cock as mine released its pent up desire. I began panting from the exertion of the extreme orgasm. "Feels good, don't it baby." He continued to slowly slide in and out of me. "Ready for more?"

Before I could answer, I felt my insides begin to expand as warm hot liquid began filling my insides. "Aahh, yeah, nice not to have to go to the bathroom to piss." I was shocked, paralyzed with the recovery of my own orgasm. I should have been disgusted but felt honored that he would want to stay in me than pull out. "Squeeze it tight." He commanded. "I'm going to pull out and you'd better not spill a drop."

He carefully moved from me, that empty feeling replaced with the fullness he had gifted me. He slide out of me and I closed myself tight, feeling that urge to expel everything he had just put in me. I stayed there, doing my best to control my muscles. "Go get cleaned up." He smacked my ass hard, almost causing me to have an accident.

I crawled, helplessly into the bathroom, knowing I couldn't stand without losing everything inside me. I could hear Chris in the other room moving thing, getting our bed ready, I assumed. I finally finished, taking a wet cloth and cleaning myself up. I was about to return when I stopped and brought the warm cloth with me. He stood there expecting when I came in.

He gave a knowing smile when he saw me. I dropped to my knees before him and began cleaning his cock, taking delicate care to get ever succulent inch of him. My mouth water thinking how much I wanted to slide it back into my mouth. "That's enough." He said walking away, and getting into the fold out bed. I returned the cloth to the bathroom before reentering the darkened room. "Come to daddy." He said with open arms.

My face flushed red as I pulled the sheets up to enter and slide in. I just had my leg in the bed with his arms shot out and pulled me towards him. "Get your ass over here." I was nestled against him, his cock pressed against my ass, his arm around me pulling me close. "How's my little cock whore feeling?" He bit my ear. "You enjoying your cock training?"

"Thank you." I said softly, stroking his arm lightly. "I'm sorry for being an ass before."

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Next: Chapter 3

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