My Mothers Boyfriend

By naughtyboy

Published on May 3, 2020


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Frank lived in a small one bedroom apartment. As soon as we were through the door I had him pushed against the wall kissing him. He bent to my will, giving no resistance. I had one hand up his shirt tweaking his nipple, the other on his meaty hard ass. My cock sprung to life, sensing Frank so close.

"I want you naked." I demanded before I relieved him of his shirt. He undid his shorts, letting them fall to the floor. He was going commando, just like me. "I can't wait till I'm balls deep in you." I ran my tongue over his lip. I felt him shiver with desire. "Then you'll truly be mine."

"I can't wait." Frank ran his hands affectionately up and down my back. "I wish we could do it now." So did I, but Chris had given us strict orders for me not to fuck Frank till Sunday. He wanted to be there for the momentous event, and honestly I did too. "May I pleasure you with my mouth?"

My answer was a press of his head down, making him drop to his knees before me. He looked up at me, waiting for the permission to undress me. I gave him a quick nod. He removed my shoes and socks, setting them carefully aside. Then he undid my shorts, carefully sliding them down and off my legs. He folded them neatly before he set about his task as my cock sucker.

I enjoyed the slow appreciative blow job, letting Frank tease and taste my cock. His hand moved slowly up the back of my thighs then to my muscled ass. He gripped my cheeks, feeling the youthful muscle tone. He began pulling me into him, letting me know he wanted it rough. I let him set the pace for a few minutes, getting my cock down his throat.

Once I was easily sliding into his gullet, I grabbed his head and began fucking his face. I started out slow, letting him adjust to my pace before going full on, slamming my hips into his face over and over again. I used his mouth as my willing vessel to get off. I saw his cock dangling hard between his legs, dripping with the excitement from being used.

He was looking up at me, his eyes watering from the welcomed abuse. He was silently begging. He was begging to be bestowed with the life giving cream of my balls, for my sweet delicious treat. He was worshiping at my temple, awaiting for me to bestow upon him the blessing of my seed. Who was I to deny such a devoted cock sucker?

My face contorted in a soundless snarl. I felt the slick slide of my dick into his throat, the slap of my balls against his chin. My pace quickened. I could hear the gargled struggles of him trying to catch his breath between thrusts. "Swallow it all." I said between clenched teeth. Then came my triumphant flood shooting down his throat.

I kept him pressed against my groin till the last of my shots emptied directly into his stomach. I let go, letting him fall back and off my cock. He rested against the wall, his mouth wet with spit and cock juice. I leaned down, cupped his chin and kissed his abused mouth, letting my tongue catch any loitering specs of me from his mouth.

Frank made us dinner, naked of course. I sat in his lap, feeding us both. I would occasionally drip sauce on him or get it on the outside of his mouth just so I could lick it off. His cock was brick hard under me. Tonight would be a lesson in stamina for my sweet military muscle pet. He would be screaming to climax by the time I was done.

After dinner, Frank cleaned up while I prepared for his night of a thousand pleasures. I had packed for tonight before I had left for school. I had a couple of toys and some rope. When he found me in his bedroom, I had just finished running the rope so he would be bound with his hands above him and his legs pulled up in the air so that his beautiful bottom was exposed for me when I was ready.

"Is this for me?" I smiled at the way his body trembled with anticipation. I watched his cock bounce with excitement. "Damn, I wish you could fuck me tonight instead of having to wait for Sunday." With both hated waiting for the special night, but Chris had his reasoning. He wanted this to be special for both of us.

"Come here, boy." He came to my beckoning arm. I grabbed him by the back of the head and pulled him into a deep kiss. I maneuvered him into the bed, moving one arm then the other above his head. His hands slipped easily into the rope cuffs I had made. With a quick pull he was bound to the bed. "I'm going to make you moan so loud the neighbors complain."

The low rumbly sound he made from the back of his throat stirred my cock. I sucked on his neck, scraping my teeth over the tough skin. He tasted of man and sex. The sounds of enjoyment escaping Frank was music to my ears. I moved around his neck, hinting at things to come.

I moved to his left pec, biting and chewing on his nipple gently. His body twisted and bucked under me. I slipped a finger into his mouth that he greedily sucked. I pulled it from his mouth, moving it down between his legs, under him, between his cheeks. I met very little resistance when I pushed into his eager hole.

I felt the warmness around my finger welcome me in. I slowly fingered him, looking for that special spot in him. I felt his cock twitch under me when I found hit. "Fuck." Frank cried. My other hand went to his head, petting him. "Nick, please, fuck." I knew what he wanted. To feel me in him, to feel my dick throb in him as I marked him as mine.

"Sshh, enjoy it." I said softly, kissing my way across his hard belly. "My dick will be in you soon enough." Frank tugged at his bonds, the muscles in his arms bulging. "For now I'm going to enjoy your body." I moved down between his legs. "I want you primed and ready for when my dick slides into on Sunday."

My mouth found his balls. The smooth orbs rolled over my tongue. I could taste the dried spots of precum that had dribbled down. I could feel their fullness and ready to explode. "Please, Nick, please." I found his special spot inside. I ran my finger over and over it. "Oh, fucking, God!" He called out. "Nick, please, no more."

His pleas fell on deaf ears. I would not give him any mercy tonight. He would learn, just as I had, to take everything his master gave him and more. "Shut the fuck up and take it like a man." I pulled my finger from him and flipped him onto his belly, the rope twisting and tightening. "You'll learn to endure."

I spread his cheeks. His hole twitched, begging for me to abuse it. I pressed my face into him. I swirled my tongue around his ring making him arch up and back as far as he could. I slipped in easily. Frank's groans grew louder and louder. I pulled back just long enough to graze my teeth over his cheeks then darted my tongue back in.

Frank was serenading me with his moans while I feasted on his delectable booty. Frank's hips moved up, letting me grab his cock. I pulled on it, holding him in place by his handle. I ran my pinky over the head, smearing the precum over it. "Please, Nick, please." I heard him beg over and over, his voice rising with every glide of my tongue and swipe of my finger.

I could feel the inevitable climax building by the throb of his cock. I couldn't let that happen. Not yet. I let go of his cock then gave a last lick across his crack. "Stay." I ordered, leaving him in position on the bed. I pulled a long thick dildo from my bag, some lube and a snap on cock ring. "You need a little help controlling yourself."

The ring was twofold, going around the base of his cock and then his balls. I was careful not set him off while I snapped it in place. I flicked his cock with my fingers making it bounce back and forth. "There, all wrapped up and pretty." I opened the lube and dripped it down into the valley of his ass.

The spit and lube mixed, making his happy hole glisten beautifully. I ran the dildo up and down his crack, tormenting him with the things to come. "Be a good boy and take this." I pressed the tip to his hole, watching it slowly enter into him. "Breath." I kept pushing it into him slowly. "This is a big one." I watched him stretch to take all eight inches into him.

"That is just a little bigger than me." I said marveling at the sight of the latex balls pressed snuggly to his ass. "That is such a pretty sight. I can't wait till I am like that in you" I pulled it out a little, imagining it was me pulling out of him. "I want you to ride it as best you can. Come, on boy, show me what you can do."

"Yes, sir." Came Frank's gasp. He moved his hips, sliding the toy in and out of him. I held the toy steady with one hand, then took his dick with the other. "Ugh." I knew he was feeling the urge to cum. He was just on the brink unable to go over the edge. "Fuck." He tugged at his bonds. His speed picked up, trying to send himself over the top.

I let him fuck himself on the toy for a while. I knew his ass was growing raw. Chris had allowed me a small treat, a surprise for Frank and training for me. I let go of his cock then pulled the dildo out to his dismay. He kept trying to push back to keep it in him, but I tossed it to the floor. "On your back." I swatted his ass. I moved off the bed while he flipped back over. "I have a surprise for you."

I pulled out a sleeping mask. After placing it over his face, I pulled his legs up to the rope hooks I had made. He was on his back with his abused hole exposed not knowing what to expect. I pulled on my briefs, forcing my manhood into the tight confines. Then I attached the harness around my hips. Once I had the specialty dildo in, I was ready.

I positioned myself between his legs, slicking the strap on up. "I hope you're ready for this." I pressed into his hole. It gobbled up the latex toy greedily. I sunk in slowly, knowing it didn't have the same give as my own cock. I put my hands on either side of him then began my slow hump into him. "How does it feel?

The look of pleasure changed to confusion then panic. "What are you doing?" He struggled under me. "You know Chris said we had to wait till Sunday. We can't disobey Chris. He'll..." He was cut off by my lips on his. I removed the blindfold so I could look into his eyes. Terror filled them. "You know what the rule was."

"It's a strap on." I smiled down onto him. "He wants me to practice using it." I stroked his face. "Fuck, I wish this was me in you." I saw the fear leave his face replaced by raptured desire. "Chris can fuck me. I can fuck you. You can have all of our delicious cum in you." My pace quickened. I knew he couldn't continue this battering of his hole all night.

"I want to fall asleep with my dick buried deep in you." I kept on, watching his eyes roll back. "I want to wake up in the middle of the night, spread those muscle butt cheeks and fuck you in your sleep so you wake up with my cream leaking out of you." Frank made a strangled sound. "You like that idea, don't you Frankie baby."

I covered his mouth with mine, pressing my body hard against his. It was enough to send him over the edge. I felt his cock explode between us. Frank cried into the kiss, sucking my tongue hard into his mouth. I let him enjoy his hands free orgasm for now. He'd be punished for climaxing without permission later.

"You made a mess." I pulled back flicking my tongue across his lips. He lay in a daze, spent. "You know I'm going to have to punish you for that." He let out a soft murmur of understanding. I peeled myself off him, pulling out of him. I released his legs, but left his arms still bound. "Damn, that's hot."

I scooped up some of his cum off my smooth skin and brought it to my mouth. "I like the way you taste." He watched as I licked his spilled cream from my fingers. I gathered it all off my body, letting him watch me as I cleaned myself. I could see his cock stirring again. I reached down and released his cock from the leather constraints, then brought it to my mouth to lick clean.

"From now on," I tossed the ring to the side, "your cum is mine." I undid the harness around my waist. I ran my hand along the outline of my cock in the tight underwear. "I'll take it whenever I want it and I'll give you mine when I want to." Frank's eyes were glued on my bulge, the need to have me in his mouth evident in his eyes.

I'm sure he thought I was going to kiss him when I bent down. Instead I licked his body clean. His now overly sensitive cock and skin sent him gyrating and twisting. I held him down by his hips till I was content in my cat bath of his groin and belly. "Next time you shoot, it better be when I say."

I moved up to straddle his chest. Frank licked his lips in anticipation. I reached above him, releasing his hands. I moved his hands to my ass, letting him feel the firm youthful tone. "Do you think you deserve a reward for shooting your load?" I squeezed my pulsating cock. A wet spot formed on my right hip. "Unfortunately that would punish me too."

I pulled my underwear down under my balls, setting my raging hard on free. The tip was just barely touching Frank's lips. He lay frozen, not letting himself lose control again. "Kiss the tip." He did. I smiled. "Good boy." I spat in my hand then began stroking my cock. "I want you to just lick the tip while I beat off. Then I want you to catch every drop in your mouth when I shoot."

I kept my eyes locked with his while he did as I commanded. He knew he had to prove his self-control to me. He licked .I stroked slowly, feeding him the little pearls from at the tip of my cock. I felt him squeeze my ass. "Yeah, baby, keep licking." I was so close from teasing him. I needed to shoot. "Get ready."

He already was. I inched a little forward. "Put your mouth over the head." I grunted, feeling that familiar tingle through my body. "Fuck, Frank, I want a picture of you like that." I spat down my dick, not wanting to lose the momentum of the moment. "Swallow it all, baby. It's all for you, just for you."

My body shook with the force of my first shot, then reverberated with the next six. My legs squeezed Frank under me. He swallowed as fast as he could, taking each blast to the back of his throat down into his belly. My body jerked as the last drops left me. Frank dared not take his mouth off me, sucking every straggler from my now spent cock.

I eventually rolled off him to lay beside him. I pulled off my underwear and dropped them over the side of the bed. Frank held me close to his body, needing my body touching his. "I'll punish you tomorrow." I ran my hand over his chest. I loved his hard muscles. "Tonight I just want to enjoy the feel of your body."

"Yes, sir." Frank's hand roamed my back then cupped my ass. "I promise to do better." He patted my ass. "Looking up at you, imagining you fucking me for real, was just too much." I rubbed his chest. "Would you like me to clean you up? I snuggled close to him. I wasn't ready to let him go yet.

"In a minute." I yawned. "We really should get some sleep. Chris wants us at the house early in the morning."

We lay for another ten minutes before we got up and showered. I cleaned the toys while Frank got the water perfect. In the shower, my hands roamed over his body. I just couldn't keep my hands off of Frank. After we were both clean, I pushed him down on his knees. Chris had done this to me and I was ready to do it to Frank. He knew it was coming.

I put the head of my dick in his mouth. With his eyes staring up at me, I released the torrent of piss that I had been holding. He swallowed dutifully, letting my bladder empty into him. When I was done, I pulled him back up to his feet and kissed him as his reward, tasting the bitter acrid aftertaste in his mouth.

We brushed our teeth, my hand around his trim waist. I saw his cock growing heavy with excitement. He was nowhere near as big as me but he was perfect just the same. I took him by the hand back to his bed. I began stroking him while I kissed him. "I want you to cum for me." I said between kisses. "Tell me when you're about to shoot so I can have my late night snack."

A few minutes later his lip trembled. "I'm going to cum." My mouth went to his cock finishing him off. I tasted the sweet bitterness fill my mouth. "Thank you, Nick." He gasped when the orgasm finally subsided. "I promise I'll do better for you. I want to make you proud to be my master." I moved back up his side,

"You already have." I reached over and turned out the light. I pulled the covers over us and spooned him, letting my cock rest just above his ass. "Sweet dreams." He clutched my hand that rested on his chest. This man just wasn't mine. I owned him. Chris owned us both. The thought made me smile as I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning we got up early and arrived home at the appointed time Chris had ordered. When we came in, Chris was sitting at the kitchen island, naked. He was sipping his coffee and had this grin on his face. "Good morning, boys." As soon as he said the words, he put one hand down toward his crotch. "Don't you fucking get off that dick till I tell you, bitch."

We moved over to see my mother naked on her knees swallowing Chris. "Come here, Nick." I went to his side. "Give me a kiss." I saw my mother watch as Chris shoved his tongue into my mouth. "I hope you enjoyed your time with Frank." I was unsure what to say. "She's not half the cock sucker you are."

Chris pulled my mother up off him. I tried not to look as her naked body or her dick swollen lips. "I think we should finally tell him the truth, don't you?" It was directed at my mother. She didn't say anything. "You see, this isn't your real mother. I sold her to your father to help raise you. In return I would be your guardian should anything happen, but she got greedy and double crossed me."

I studied my mother, not my mother. "She's a whore. Born and breed. While you were in school, she was taking clients. One after another. She can't get enough dick or pussy." Things seemed to make sense now, why she never had a boyfriend for too long, why she worked odd hours. "It took me some time to find out she betrayed me, but now I have my Nick. Tomorrow she's off to a new owner in the morning."

"You're not my mother?" I said softly. She shook her head. "Is all he said true? Where you some whore my father bought to fuck and help raise me." She didn't say anything just shook her head. I saw her idly playing in her pussy. She was getting off on this. "Come help me, Frank." I ordered before lowering my head to take Chris's dick in my mouth.

She watched, letting little moans escape her as Frank and I worked Chris's cock. We alternated sucking his cock to his balls. "See? He is a better cock sucker than you." Chris laughed at her. "I want you two to share my load. Let her see what she'll never have again." Suddenly the explosion filled my mouth.

I pulled Frank up to the tip with me, letting him share in the fruit of our labor. Our tongues tangled, wrestling for the precious seed that spilled from Chris. Once he was cleaned I looked at the woman who wasn't my mother and licked my lips. "Go get your shit." Chris barked at her. "Your new owner will be here shortly."

That was the last time I saw the woman who I thought was my mother.

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