My Mechanic

By Lust Stories

Published on Dec 19, 2020


Now that billy and I are engaged, its time that I start adoption process for billy to become a parent of my 2 angels. Ever since she has come into our lives, she has been dedicate to be of my kids and they both love her to bit and they are even calling her mum. It's time and I know she will love being their mum and I know she will have a big impact on their lives. I have spoken to my ex husbands mum about it and she won't block it as she thinks it would great for her grandkids to have to loving parents and she would make sure it will happen. She pretty much doesn't even care about her son any more after what he did and she knows he won't be alive for much longer as he will probably be found guilty and will get the needle. I am happy and it won't affect me as I am with someone else and I am In love

The final day of the trial was a long one, they put John on the stand and his lawyer tried to paint him as the innocent party and how he had been under so much pressure and he lost a lot of money through a bad investment, which was news to me. When the prosecutor got his chance John wilted, he couldn't answer a simple question. It was obvious he was guilty and he even tried to say I had something to do with it. But there was no evidence of that and his lawyer wanted to call me as a witness, but it was rebuked by the judge. It was a heated day and when I looked at camellias husband when John was on the stand, he had a big smile on his face when he crumbled under the prosecutors questions. I know John is a lying son of a bitch and he deserves what he gets

The jury took a day to deliberate and make their decision. I went into the courtroom and sat right behind John with Jill, trish and my love bill who was holding my hand and waiting. When the judge asked the jury for their verdict and when they said guilty. We cheered, I didn't care if I was cheering while sitting behind John, he killed a woman that he supposedly loved. He looked at me and shook his head, I didn't say anything other that to just laugh and kiss billy. She Is the woman love and he is the past, I am so happy its all over now and we can all move on and hopefully remember camilla as a beautiful woman and a wonderful mum and she was. Even though she and my husband had an affair I still liked her and I would never want her to be murdered

As i was walking out the door, camilla husband came and greeted the 4 of us and he asked me a question I never thought he would ask "can you speak at camilla funeral next Monday please Annie". I was flawed and I never thought he would ask me as what happened would still hurt "I would be honoured to speak, I am so sorry about all of this" he hugged me and introduced his new girlfriend to us and she is a teacher at the school. She is a wonderful teacher at that. I wondered why he didn't have the funeral already and now I realise he was waiting for the trial to end to bury her and give her the perfect send off. "lets have a dingo dong the fuckhead is gone party" trish yelled god it made me laugh. We all went home and decided to have it my place, I figured out what it would be. Burn all the shit I had accumulated over the years in our marriage

When billy and I got home we found all of the shit I had gotten and bought through the marriage, including my wedding dress. I put it on one more time and it just fit, even with a little baby bump. Billy started to cry and I cried with her "you are the perfect bride annie, I can't wait for our day" I hugged her and sobbed and said "I can't wait honey, it will be the most amazing day of our lives" Jill and trish arrived just after 6, the kids were at mums place and we had the place to ourselves. I set my fire pit up and we all walked outside. I looked and Jill and trish and I honestly have never seen them so happy in my time knowing them both, Jill would stop holding trish and she trish just smiled and laughed the whole time. I am so happy for both of them as I know what they have been through has been tough

Jill cracked open a bottle of Champagne to start the proceedings while annie poured me a glass of orange juice. The fire was all set and we decided to start. "Ok the first thing I am going to burn is my engagement ring, I wish I said no" I threw the ring in and watched it burn. Next was the wedding album and it went up like a Roman candle and god I hated having photos done on our wedding. The next item was my wedding dress, I loved it when I got it and it makes me sad as I wish I could have worn it for my wedding to billy but. It has to go. The last thing was my wedding ring, I stood and looked at it before I threw it in, I cried for a bit and said "I honestly thought we would be together forever when I married John. But he decided to change things and look what happened. I have billy now and I am glad I have found her and we will have to best future" I chucked the ring into the fire and turned to billy and I cried in her arms. I never thought I would get so emotional with this. But I have something to look forward to

The party wrapped up about 1 am and just before Jill and trish left, Jill handed me the adoption papers that I need billy to sign. "Everything is all a god honey, it took a bit longer than I thought, but she can be a legal guardian to your angels" I hugged Jill and thanked her for being an amazing support system through this ordeal. Billy was asleep when I got to bed, I crawled in and started cuddling her. She is the woman I would never have thought about dating when I was in high school. Now I am going to marry her and spend the rest of my life with. The next morning billy woke before I did and made breakfast in bed, she is an amazing cook and knows how to treat me right. She kissed me and then kissed my bells, she does it every morning and says "come out and greet the world, you have the 2 best mummies waiting for you" it makes me smile every morning. I told both my kids about my plans for billy to adopt them to be their legal guardian and I asked mum to bring them over that morning so we could surprise billy

I got dressed and waited for my kids to get home, when they did, I got them to go into her home office and put the paper work in front of her and ask "will you be our mummy" she looked down at the paperwork and she read it and looked back at me with tears rolling down her face "is this what I think it is" I nodded and I went and hugged her and my kids. "I want us to be one family honey" she signed the paperwork and it was official. Mum took the kids home and left billy and I to celebrate. We hugged forever and I said "how can we celebrate honey. She kissed me and said "there is only one way to celebrate. She picked me up and took me to our bedroom and she dropped me on our bed. She ripped open my blouse and pulled my denim skirt down and off

It was overwhelming watching her bend over, and the feeling of her warm breath on my tit before she took the nipple into her mouth. I found myself lacing my fingers in her hair as I pulled her head tightly against my tit. She was sucking on the nipple and slobbering all over the tit. With her mouth busy with my tit, her hand was free, so she ran her right hand down my body. My body responded with a ripple of my skin like an electrical shock. I should have crossed my legs to prevent her access to my crotch, but I spread my legs. Billy had the palm of her hand under the dress on the soft inner thigh of my right leg. Again, my skin crawled as her hand slowly worked its way up my leg. By the time her hand reached the crotch of my panties they were warm and slimy wet from myvagina secretions.

Billy still had her mouth attached to my nipple, as her fingers pulled the crotch of my panties aside. She rubbed my crotch before seeking out my clit with her fingers. She stimulated it long enough to get me breathing hard, before she stuck two fingers in my vagina. When she started masturbating me with two fingers, she discovered I was a virgin when the pressure against the hymen cased me some pain and I reacted. Billy apologized for causing me pain, then she got on the floor between my legs to check out my pussy. She spread my vagina open and took a long look at my pussy. I felt her hot breath on my cunt before she started licking my pussy.

I had heard about cunnilingus, but thought it was nasty and only filthy people would do that sort of thing. As billy started lipping her tongue against my clitoris I quickly learned why women would enjoy having someone lick their cunts. There was nothing for me to do but place my hands on-top of her head and enjoy the feeling. Eventually I became embarrassed because I thought I squirted pee in her face, but billy lifted her face up and it was covered with the slimy juices of my orgasm. She smiles at me and kissed my clit again.

I was relaxed and assumed it was over, but billy started sucking my pussy again. She reached up and clung to my tit with one hand and while she sucked on my clit she stuck two fingers in my cunt and two fingers into my asshole at the same time. I couldn't keep still and was bouncing my butt off the couch. The second orgasm caused me to go into convulsions and I virtually passed out for a short time.

That was the best sex I have received in my life, that night we went out to dinner with Jill and trish, at dinner Jill asked trish to be her wife and she said yes straight away and trish had news of her own. Like with me her husband fucked her and dumped a load of sperm in her before he got the snip and she is now expecting her 4th child. What a day

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