My Mechanic

By Lust Stories

Published on Nov 9, 2019


The death or murder of camilla has shaken me and I have no idea why anyone would do that to her, I hated her her guts for what she and my husband did. But I could never think or do such a horrific thing. The police told me she was raped before she was strangled by probably someone she knew and I can really only think of one or 2 people that would do that and its just unfathomable that my husband would rape and then strangle her unless Henry raped her against her will and then John strangled her. Her baby was 3 months a long and that meant her and john had been having an affair for some time now and it broke my heart. But I have something to look forward to, a future with an amazing woman and to start our own family

First things first, I have to start divorce proceedings and this will be hard and the kids won't understand or like it. But what he has done isn't forgivable and I want to move on to something I know makes me happy and I honestly haven't been this happy in my life. When I married John I thought we would die together, but he had other plans and he made his bed and slept in it. When I told Billy about my plans she was extremely happy and wanted to start looking for s house for use to live in, but I told her I don't intend on moving out of the house I am in and I was hoping she would move in as soon as I file for divorce. I want her to be apart of my kids life as soon as possible and I have asked her to start moving stuff into my house just to get things rolling. I have put most of her things in the spare room, which is never used

The one thing I know that I won't have to worry about is telling my mum that I have met someone new and I will be divorcing John. She was never a fan of his and she hated him as soon as we started dating and when I told her I was going to marry him, she told me to keep a seperate banking account for the day something might go wrong. Last year I set up that account as I thought John was doing some dodgy stuff with his mates and it might get him in trouble. The account has made a fair bit of money and I know my future is set up and I won't have to worry about John. I still don't believe he had anything to do with camillas death but honestly everything is pointing too him doing it. I got a bank statement last week and there was a large sum of money withdrawn from our joint account. It set off alarms to me, I know I didn't take that money out

first thing on today morning I had my lawyer serve my husband with divorce papers, it felt so good to get this started and it was time to start a fresh with billy and my kids and the one on the way. I was in my office on Monday afternoon when billy paid me a visit, she was in a pant suit and looking mighty sexy. Her jacket was open just enough to show me she wasn't wearing a bra, her tits are son nice. She came and sat on my lap while I was sitting at my desk "god you look sexy today baby" I said we kissed "I got some news for you honey" she said I looked at her and asked "I hope its not you telling me you are leaving me for that woman that threatened me in the bar the other night" she hit my shoulder and laughed "no way, I passed my final exam and I am officially a psychiatrist". I kissed her and put my hand inside her jacket and squeezed her tit, god they're so firm and large. "I got some news for you. I have served John with divorce papers and we can start our new life together"

She stood up and sat on my desk and removed her jacket and said "there is only one way to celebrate" I moved my chair closer and started fondling her tits when the doors to my office flung open. It was the police, billy turned around and quickly covered up "anne jones you're under arrest for conspiracy to commit murder" I was shocked, how can. "Billy call my lawyer" they took me away in handcuffs and drove me to the nearest precinct. I was fingerprinted and strip searched, this was even before I was interviewed. I really felt violated, at least the woman that did the strip search was nice and good looking. I sat in a cell for 5 hours and I knew this violated my rights. A police officer came and got me and took me into the interrogation room. As we were walking to one of the rooms I saw Henry in hand cuffs being lead away, I have a feeling he did killed camilla and my husband has framed me

I was sat down in the room and my lawyer was there waiting, "why didn't you call me when you were put in your cell" she asked I looked at her and said "they wouldn't let me have a call or anything. They clearly think I did it when I didn't" she hugged me and said "your friend I presume filled me in what had happened last Saturday. You'll be fine" I remembered what my bank statement said "look billy is more than a friend um she and I have been having and affair since I found out about John and camilla" she smiled and said "you have found a good woman to be with then honey. She is loyal to you and that have any relevance to this" we hugged again and I said "I got a bank statement the other day and as it is a joint account I saw a large withdrawal from it on that Saturday. I definitely didn't take any money out of that magnitude" she smiled and said "well arms have cameras and they will get the person who did"

The detective walked in and started the interview, it wasn't that bad in the first bit as we talked about camilla and why anyone would want to kill her. all I said was I had no idea why and I didn't hate her or want to kill her. Then her asked me that question I knew would come up "did you know she was pregnant with your husbands baby" I sighed and answered what I knew "I knew she was pregnant, I had overheard her in the toilets at a restaurant I was at for lunch talking about it with her friends. I knew about her affair with my husband I caught them kissing one day". He wrote it all down and nodded as to agree with my statement and then he mentioned the person they have in custody "the man who has admitted to killing her say you paid him 50 grand to kill her because she knew about the affair you were having with him and he was the father of the baby you were carrying" I laughed so hard when he said that I nearly wet myself "I have never had sex with that creep and I wouldn't go with in 10 miles of him. You do realise my husband and I have a joint account" this made the detective thing. He left the room and my lawyer and I waited forever for him to come back. He came back with a photo of the atm that day and when the money was taken out. I looked at the photo and it was John, I couldn't believe how stupid he was. "You are free to go miss. Sorry for the inconvenience'

As I was walking out of the station I saw John walking in handcuffed, I looked at him and I wanted to slap him silly. Billy was standing at her car waiting, she ran up and hugged and kissed me. "Enjoy prison you scumbag" billy said. I kissed her with more passion and as we were leaving I said "I'm sure Henry will make a good wife". Billy wanted to take me to her place but I had other plans, I told her to drive to my house. She drove into the drive way and we hopped out, I picked her up and carried her up the garden path and opened the door and carried her across the threshold and said "welcome home baby" I put her down and we kissed again. I yelled for the kids to come, but I think mum had taken them for the evening. Billy and I danced and danced to no music, I looked into her eyes and just knew she was the one. Billy stayed the night and we just talked about things and what we could do now. I want a Holliday.

When I got to work the next day my boss had a talk with me, she made sure I was ok and asked whether my husband will be found guilty. I was pretty certain he will be as all the evidence pointed to him being guilty. I will only got to the trial to see him squirm under pressure and he won't be able to lie. When I walked into my office I collapsed onto the ground, I was rushed to hospital. i was told it was just stress I was under and I didn't have anything to worry about and that I should take some time off. I didn't tell billy as I didn't want to stress her out while she was on er first day in her new job. Tonight she will be meeting my mum and on the weekend I will introduce her to my kids. I can't wait for them to meet her as she has become

After going home I got ready to go out, I picked billy up from her apartment and she looked beautiful in her grey midi dress and black nylons. She made my pussy so wet and I wanted to get at her pussy, maybe tonight we will officially christen our place together. We arrived at the restaurant that mum actually owns, she was already sitting down and she was talking to the manager. Mum was a lawyer and she was a successful one at that. Ever since dad passed away she has looked after her grand kids mostly and run this restaurant. We walked to the table and billy had her hand out already to say hello "hi Mrs. Jones I'm billy" mum stood and smiled "Annie why did you bring a friend tonight. I thought we were just going to have or weekly dinner" I held billys hand and kissed it "well mum she isn't just my friend, ah she is my girlfriend, well I hope to be my wife" a smile went to a frown on mums face "are you telling me you're gay Annie" I kissed billy on the ;lips and said "yes mum I love billy. John is history now" she stood up and I thought she might run off or tell me to leave "I am so happy for you Annie and billy welcome to the family and I know you'll make any girl happy". Dinner was so lovely and mum and billy got on so well

After dinner I drove billy back to my place and we went inside, billy took me straight to my bedroom and closed the door. She stripped down to her nylons and nothing else. She walked up close to me and started stopping me down to my bra and garter belt and thong. She dropped to her knees and pulled my black thong down, I had a really thick bush going. She rand her finger through my bush and purred. She opened up my pussy lips and started licking the inside of my pussy, it felt so good. I put my hand on the back of her head and held it tightly against my pussy and she started sucking on my clit. God what an amazing feeling, John never did that and now the only thing he'll be sucking is a straw. she turned me around and started licking my arse after she spread my arse cheeks, I beans forward a bit and she got her nose right in the in there and started licking it real good

We moved to the bed and I laid on my side and billy interlocked her legs with mine and we started grinding our pussies again each other. Her pussy was so wet and it made it easy to grind and we did it so fast our orgasms were reached with in minutes. We collapsed on top of each other and slept like babies. The next day I went looking for a wedding ring.

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