My Mechanic

By Lust Stories

Published on Oct 5, 2019


Having an affair with another woman has given me a very special buzz, to think someone of the fairer sex would actually want to have an affair with a woman like myself who I think isn't that attractive with a lot of baby fat. Really makes me feel good, I am happier now and I am not in that same boring rut where I wonder where my life and marriage is going. Even my friends and work colleagues have notice that I have a bounce in my step of late. I am not worried about what my husband and his mates anymore, they just can go do whatever they like I don't care. I have my new girl and I will keep her that way until the time is right to move on from my husband and start maybe our own family with the children I already have

It had been 2 weeks since the best Saturday afternoon of my life, we had been messaging each other a fair bit and she had been pestering me a lot to see her. I had been so busy with work and kids sport I just couldn't see her. I was working through lunch in my office when my secretary buzzed me and told me I had a visitor. I knew it was a client. The door opened and it was billy, I jumped out of my chair and ran towards her and gave her a big kiss and a hug. She was still in her overalls and just came from work. She saw that she got some grease on my white blouse "oh sorry baby I got grease on your blouse" she started to wipe it and then and unbutton it. She ripped it open, lucky I had a bra on. Billy smiled as I had a blue one on "mmm blue is my favourite colour"

She removed my blouse and hurried her head in my tits and licked my cleavage with visor. She forced her hand up inside my skirt and started rubbing my pussy through my thong and she didn't hold back. I was holding her head tight against my tits and I was so close to screaming her name when I heard a knock on the door and it start to open. I stopped billy and hurried her into my coat room and arranged my clothes. God I nearly got caught, my heart was racing and I was so close to that wonderful climax. My stupid secretary wanted a signature on a letter and nothing else, why couldn't she wait. I went and got billy out of the coat room, she was smiling. `That was pretty close billy, we need to find a time and a place to get more intimate" I said. She kissed me and said "how about this weekend, I have nothing on" I knew I couldn't as I had my daughters dance recital and sons soccer on Friday night and Saturday morning. I didn't make any promises but I made a dinner date with her for Friday night and she was relatively pleased

After she left I went home for the day and I had to pick up my kids, while waiting for my daughter to come pout. I saw that woman I saw passing my husband. I knew I had seen her somewhere before. It was Tillys mum. Tilly is or was my youngest daughters best friend and they were inseparable since kindy and her mum and I were close friends during that time. About a month ago Tilly stopped talking to Claire and her mum stopped talking to me. I didn't know why and now I know when the affair started. She is an absolute bitch for doing this to me and my family and I am glad we aren't talking. When I got home I went through my husbands clothes and phone and I saw so many messages to her and talking about how they could keep it a secret. While going through his clothes I found a pair of dirty panties, a white thong. I smelt them and god they were intoxicating. That night I rang billy and asked her pout for dinner, she didn't hesitate in saying yes

The next day I couldn't get the smell of her white thong out of my head and that intoxicating aroma, i also don't know why my husband would go down this path. I honestly thought he loved me and the kids, but then again I am doing the same to him and really 2 wrongs don't make a right. I wanted to see if my husband wanted to have lunch, he rang me to cancel and said his case load had stacked up and I knew that was a lie as he hasn't had many clients of late, but then again I was glad he cancelled as I had been sick a fair bit of late and I am struggling to keep my food down. The girls in the office invited me out to lunch, as one of them was having a birthday and the girl is a beautiful woman on the inside and out. I took one bite of the fish I ordered and I knew I needed to go to the bathroom. I ran into one of the stalls and started hurling up. While I was in the stall I heard 2 voices outside and one of them sounded like Camilla. She started talking to the other woman about this affair she was a having with another married man and how many times they had fucked in each others bed. She now thinks she is pregnant. I started crying and couldn't believe he could fuck another woman in our own home and knock her up

I didn't go back to work after lunch as I was too sick, I went straight to bed and essentially cried myself to sleep. The only reason I can think of he decided to have an affair with her is that he wasn't attracted to me anymore or he just had enough. He could've just told me and honestly we could have worked things out. I am also worried about this illness I have, why have I become so sick. The only time I can remember being sick like this was when I was pregnant, but I thought my husband had the snip. Terrific!! He didn't even check to see if I was ok and I don't even think he came home last night. I will be filing for divorce as soon as possible, I can't take it anymore.

I took the rest of the week off and mostly did some shopping and bought my outfit for Saturday night, a red jumpsuit that definitely accentuates my boobs. I won't be wearing a bra on Saturday night and I hope billy notices it. Friday night at the dance recital was fun and all the girls were fantastic especially my little Claire who was the star in my eyes and others, Tilly was fantastic as well. During the recital my husband left to go to the bathroom and about 5 minutes later camilla followed him. I wondered if she was going to break the news to him about her pregnancy or something else. That's his problem now and if he gets in trouble I am not bailing him out. I invited billy to toms soccer game tomorrow just to see how she felt being around me on days like tomorrow and she gleefully said yes. I won't introduce her to anyone but I just want he to see what she is in for soon

On Friday I bought a pregnancy test, just to be safe and I hadn't taken the test just yet. Before we went to the game I made sure I was alone and had locked the bathroom door, as I took the test. I waited and waited to see the result and as I thought it would be, it was positive. I am going to be a mum again, I put the test in my purse and got the oranges and stuff ready and drove tom to the game. I was dressed in grey yoga pants and a pink singlet, the rest of the mums dress up thinking they might get a dad on the rebound. I watched the game from the stands and cheered hard. During the first half I got a rude shock, billy had given me a sheepish little peck on the cheeks. She was sitting next to me in the same outfit nearly. "Hi gorgeous, looking forward to tonight" billy said I smiled and nodded my head. She held my hand the whole game and really no one even noticed. Tom score 2 goals and was the player of the game.

While putting the stuff in my car billy gave me another fright by grabbing my hips and spinning me around. "God billy you have to stop frightening me like that" she kissed me on the lips and I returned the favour and I reckon we were being watched by the whole parent group. But we started hearing shouting off in the distance. As we stopped kissing we turned around and saw my husband and camilla screaming at each other. She tustve told him I thought to myself "isn't that your husband Annie" billy said. I laughed and said "yep she must have told him she is pregnant". Billy slapped me on the arse and said "I'll see you tonight baby" and left. I drove home.

I didn't even tell my husband I was going out tonight. I got ready before he even got home. I looked so fucking sexy in my jumpsuit, my tits were ready to burst out of the outfit. When my husband finally got home I was just about to head out the door "you're going out tonight he yelled" I looked back and thought about what I was going to say "yeah billy and I are going out for dinner and dancing again. Do you have a problem with that" he was furious "I have something on tonight with Henry. Can't you cancel" I looked at him and laughed "how many times have I cancelled plans for you and Henry. Go fuck yourself" and I left as billy pulled up in her mustang. I felt so good telling him to go fuck himself after him asking me to cancel my plans for him.

As soon as I got in the car I kissed billy and she really loved it, especially when I placed my hand up inside her dress and on her pussy. She was already wet and ready for my tongue "I look forward to seeing your pussy again tonight" she smiled and said "no no honey I'm getting a taste of yours tonight". We went to our favourite restaurant, most of the time while billy was talking I smiled and kept looking into her beautiful eyes thinking about her and what my life is going to be like with her in it. She ordered a really nice wine with 2 glasses and I said ill just have water and told her I had been a bit sick of late. "We could of cancelled tonight if you aren't well honey" I laughed and said "and let my husband have a night out with his best mate, fuck no. I needed this" she smiled and rubbed my leg. I got a message from camilla asking for my help urgently. I ignored it.

After dinner we went to to the nightclub we went to a few weeks ago and the women swarmed to us like bees to honey. Billy is quite popular with the girls in this bar and I see why, her personality is just amazing and I love her for it. We danced and danced for what seemed an age, a butch woman came and sat with me while I watched billy and her friends dance, she offered me a drink and I declined and kept drinking water "billy is a great girl. Don't hurt her or" I looked at her and said "or what? I love her and don't threaten me, you don't know who I am" I walked away with everyone looking at me. I wanted to cry, I went straight to the bathroom and sat in the stall and got my composure back. I looked at my phone and I had 30 messages from camilla. I left the bathroom and billy saw me running our. She came with after me "Annie wait whats wrong" I looked back "I have to get to this woman place something is wrong" she took my hand and we drove to the house.

When we got there the front door was wide open, I rang the police straight away. I went in with billy and looked for camilla, we yelled out for her and we didn't get an answer. The place looked like a bomb went off. We entered the bedroom and we saw her lying on the bed naked, I didn't like what I saw. Billy tried waking her and she couldn't get and answer. I tried her pulse and I couldn't get one. She was dead. I dropped to the floor screaming and crying, billy held me. The police came in and saw what had happened. They interviewed me and I told them that I had been receiving text messages from her all night, billy verified my where abouts. I couldn't believe it, this is a woman that has so much going for her and she is dead, I just wanted to go home

The police let me go and said I should expect to be called for another interview in the upcoming days. Instead of taking me home billy took me back to her place, she knew it would be a better place to be tonight and to be with someone that she loved. We sat down on the bed and I didn't say a thing, billy got undressed into her pyjamas, she put my purse in her bathroom. She came back out with my pregnancy test. "Annie are you pregnant" I looked at her with tears rolling down my eyes "I was going to tell you that when the time was right how did you find that" she looked at men with a smile on her face "it fell out of your purse. I didn't rummage through your purse I promise. So are you" I stood up and looked at the test and saw it was still positive and smiled "I guess I am and will you be a mummy with me" she started jumping up and down and hugging me "yes yes god yes" we kissed for a little bit. "I know how to make this a special night"

She removed my jumpsuit and pushed me onto the bed, I wasn't wearing any panties as well as no bra. She spread my legs open and started rubbing my snatch and purred while doing it. It felt so good to have someone know how to treat a woman pussy the right way. She lowered her head and started licking my already aching pussy. She showed me what an expert she is in the art of licking a woman pussy. She swirled her tongue on the inside and then started sucking on my clit and boy did she suck it good. While she sucked on my clit she fingered my snatch and it felt so much better than my husbands cock. It wasn't too long before I reached that wonderful climax I have been waiting for years. We crashed together in a heap after that "so thats what It feels like to get good sex" we laughed and nodded off to sleep

I woke in the morning to a sleeping beauty beside me. I checked my phone. It had 40 messages from my husband and his mate Henry. I think they're in a bit of trouble maybe I couldn't understand most of them. I just went back to sleep

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