My Math Tutor

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on May 8, 2020


My Math Tutor

OK, you've gotten this far so you know the drill. This is a work of gay fiction containg sex between consenting males. It takes place in a time when dreaded diseases had not cursed our world. If this offends you leave now. If you enjoy the stories on this site please contribute: Comments welcomed;

My Math Tutor cajuncock

I sat on the bed in his dorm room. We'd just spent an hour going over my math assignment, not my best subject. Paul had offered to tutor me through a friend of my teacher. But let's go back to the beginning. I went to a catholic high school. In those days high schools were segregated by sex. So, mine was an all-boys school. That would've been fine except for my blooming awareness that I was different from all the other boys. I had no interest in girls or sports. My lack of sports interest was probably a disappointment to my father. He'd been a minor league baseball player before being drafted into the army for the war. I was his oldest and lacked any coordination for sports. I was interested in classical music and history. I preferred to spend my time in the local library and the school library rather than in the gym. Add to this that I was a skinny, lanky shy boy. My school, like many had its own cliques- the jocks, the cool kids, the car boys, etc. I had only 3 friends that I would hang with. Like me they were sort of the odd balls. We'd eat lunch together and walk each other to the bus stop. The one thing we all enjoyed was the cafeteria on the university campus. My school was on the edge of the campus and we'd usually walk to the bus stop at the other end. Often, we'd stop in one of the cafeterias for a soda or donut. It was during one of these stops that we met Paul. He'd seen us sitting and talking and over time he'd say hello. He probably knew that we were too young to be college students.

So, one time he asked if he could join us. We were thrilled that a real college student wanted to join us. Our conversation revolved around school and our lives. My life was pretty boring compared to my friends. Paul asked about which subjects we liked and hated. I admitted that Algebra was my worst but that I liked history and music. After our third time talking with Paul he asked if we'd like a tour of the campus. My friends demurred saying that they were expected home soon. I, not really wanting to rush home, accepted the offer

Paul began our tour with the library, then the chapel, then the drama department. He was an English-drama major. He took me backstage to show me the behind the scenes. Afterwards we sat outside on a bench. He asked if I wanted to see the dorms. I said it would be interesting to see how they lived away from home. We strolled across the campus to the dorm complex. He snuck me up the back stairs to his room. It was a new world to me. He shared the room with a roommate who was away at rugby practice. The room was boy messy with cloths, sports equipment, and books scattered around. Once inside Paul asked if I wanted a coke? I jumped at the idea. He left to get the soda and returned quickly. I noticed that when he returned, he had put a tie on the door knob. He poured the coke into 2 plastic cups. Smiling he asked if I had ever drunk whiskey. I told him that my dad had let me sip his drink once. He reached into his closet and brought out a small bottle. He poured some into his coke and offered to mix some in mine. I nodded yes. We sat and talked while we finished the drinks. He asked to see my Algebra homework assignment. I pulled it out of my backpack and laid it on the bed between us. He looked it over asking me questions about the problems. For the next hour he explained the problem as we continued with another drink.

By now it was getting pretty warm in the room so Paul pulled his shirt and undershirt off. He sat on the bed bare chested. I couldn't hel[ staring at his chest with its light cover of blond hair that matched the dolor of the hair on his head. I could smell his scent when he leaned over to move my textbook around. I guess that he noticed that I was more interested in him than my homework. He stopped his explanation of the work and smiled. Quietly, he asked "Have you never seen a man's body before?" I shook my head. He grabbed my hand and rubbed it over his hairy chest. I rubbed the hair around his two nipples. He moaned and trembled a little. As I moved my hand around his chest i noticed a twitch in his pants. He smiled asked if i had any hair yet? i said "Some, but not like thus. It's so smooth nd soft." He fell back on the small bed, stretching out. He softly asked to see my hair. I quickly took off my shirt and undershirt all at once. He smiled saying "OH, that's very nice." He rubbed the few hairs on my chest as he moaned. Looking up at me he asked "Do you want to see the rest?" I nodded yes. Paul stood up and slowly, carefully unbuckled and pulled down both his pants and underwear, boxers, what popped out startled me! It was a man-sized dick. I looked carefully as it stiffened and grew. It was uncut with just the tip of his dick showing. I saw the dark pink tip with a drop of moisture glistening on it. He put his hands on his hips and said "You can touch the hair if you want." Slowly I moved my hand down to the soft blond hair that surrounded the growing stiffness. I began to run my hands through the blond tangle of his pubic hair. He moaned again and I saw the dick jump pulling the skin further back to reveal the exposed head. I stared stunned as it grew in length and thickness. I felt him run his hand through my dark hair pulling my head closer. "Have you ever seen ,ever toughed an adult one before?" he asked. I shook my head as I stared. I looked up asking "What is that drop?" He laughed and said "Some call it the sweet nectar of the Gods. Others call it a taste of a man's soul. Do you want to taste it?" I nodded yes, knowing that we had crossed a lone. One that i had long wanted.

Paul gently pushed my head forward saying "It's Ok it won't hurt you to taste?" i stuck out my tongue to the tip and licked up that glistening drop. Paul moaned and his entire body shook. Letting go of my head Paul fell back onto his bed. I knelt on the floor next to his bed watching his monster dick throb before my eyes. Paul whispered "Take off your pants and lay next to me. I want to feel your warm, soft skill next to mine." I was so excited that in no time at all I was naked and lay in his arms. He rubbed my shoulders. I could feel his heart beat. I knew that my own cut cock was throbbing against his hip. Paul reached down and lifted my head to his, our lips just an inch apart. Whispering, he said "I've wanted to kiss you since the first time I saw you in the cafeteria. May I?" I felt his lips just touch my own. Something came over me and i moved to lay o his chest, our stiff cocks mashing against each other. I wrapped my hands around his broad shoulders and dived for another kiss. This one was more intense. I felt his tongue press against my lips. I opened up to accept it. I felt both of our now slippery dicks run against each other and moaned at the new sensation. His cock pulsed against mine. The very motion was enough to send me over the edge. I exploded between our bodies. Feeling me explode, Paul rolled us over until he was on top of my still erupting dick. He leaned back grabbing his dick now covered with my juice. He began to furiously jerk the monster tool. i grabbed his hips pulling him closer to my face. he moaned saying "Open that sweet mouth, I'm close." I opened my mouth raising my head to get closer to his dick. He yelled "NOW!" and his tip opened up spurting his offering into my mouth and over my face. Squirt after squirt covering my face and chest. Paul fell down on my body, our combined juices gluing us together. We lay there for some while in silence. Finally, he /asked "Are you OK?" I murmured "Better than ever,"

Just then the door to the room opened and in strode a muscled hunk. He dripped with sweat in his soaked uniform shirt and shorts. He looked at our tangled, naked bodies for a few seconds. Laughing he said "This must be the kid you've been raving about. He's cute. You do have good taste or maybe he tastes good?" Paul lifted his head saying "Tim meet my roommate Jordan." Jordan laughed saying "I'd shake your hand but I see it's been busy." I was ashamed and speechless. Jordan laughed at his own joke and continued while he undressed. "Don't be embarrassed, I know about Paul. Sometimes I even share his taste. I got to shower now. But don't leave on my account." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok want to know what happens next? Email me!

Next: Chapter 2

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