My Master

By Scauthra

Published on Jan 5, 2004



Authors Notes:

If you are not old enought to view sexual material which can be 16, 18, 21 or whatever the law is in your location. Then please go look at some other site with less stuff. But chances are you dont care so on with the story. This is an original work that I made for someone who wished of it. If you would like me to write you a story, send an email to For more information on writing a story for you, refer to the end of the story. Enjoy.

My Master.

I could hear your footsteps from down the hall, growing louder with each passing moment. The sound was all that I could hear from my dark prison, inside your room alone with just my thoughts. Suddenly the footsteps stop and silence fills the air. Left in a moment of silence I start to fidgit again under my restraints. My arms stretched above my head, cuffed closely and tightly together attached to a chain linked to the ceiling. My legs pushed apart with a spreader bar keeping them in thier place. Compleltly naked with rosey red marks on my ass cheeks, and red lines on my back. This is how you left me in the early morning for disobeying you. The door finally opens and the light from the hallway stuns my eyes that I turn my head and am unable to see who it is, but I know its you. Noone else is carless enough to enter your room without you present. The light in the room is switched on and I close my eyes, not easy to see into the light or anywhere else. As I hear you come closer you lift up my chin and I open my eyes slowly, and it is you, just as I thought. You still have that same disatisfied look on your face as you did when you caught me in the act of disobedience. You let out a sigh of dissapointment and walk behind me out of view. You seemed to of left me there for a even longer time. I still couldint fill my body, the pain long gone and the numbness I just grew to live with. I felt you suddenly come up behind me and kiss my shoulder blades, taking your hands and guiding them down my arms toward my sides and resting on my hips. Your kisses start to put feeling back into me as I let out a small moan. The tiny pleasures makine me come back to my senses. You walk away again and after a few short moments, I feel the spreader straps taken off my ankles and I just let my legs collapse into eachother, still dangling above the ground by a few centimeters. Only my tippy toes can reach it but I am not even trying anymore to touch the ground. I see you on my left side just barly as you go over to the small black switchboard on the wall and lower me down from the cieling. I start to crumple up onto the floor untill Im on my knees, then sitting on my legs. You stop lowering me and stand in front of me again. I look up at you hopeing to do so without being yelled at. You look down at me with that disgust still on your face but it slowly starts to turn back into that face of joy. The joy that you can do whatever you want with someone, and that someone is me. You undo my hands from the cuffs and my arm falls down to my front, followed by the other. Tired and warn, I just let my sore arms rest. I then hear your voice, telling me to undo your pants and open up the small pocket in front of your boxers. I do as I am ordered with a meek 'yes master' and go to work as instructed. As soon as I start to push aside the thin fabric of your boxers, I spot your semi-erect member pop out and great my face. The head lightly brushing against my forehead. You grab my hair and tilt my head up and push me toward your member. Firmly you instruct me to start sucking you off. And that is what I did. I leaned forward slightly and took your cockhead into my mouth and slowly touge the small slit at the end of it. You seem to be impatiant tonight as I am interupted by you thrusting my head completly down your still growing shaft. You continously force my head up and down, bobing on your hard erect cock. I start to move at the rythem you set me on and you leave the job to me again. I quickly take your shaft in and out of my mouth, pressing my lips around the shaft tightly to keep it in my mouth as I go back and forth. You start to moan and tell me that I am a good slut. All I need is some teaching and I would be the best cockslut, as you liked to call me. You start to thrust me down on you hard again and I can tell you are about to cum. You ley out a loud moan and my mouth fills with your cum. Its delicious taste fills my mouth, some going down my throat forcing me to gag and cough, forcing your cock out as the rest of it splashes onto my face, hair, and some on my chest. I spit some of the cum up against my will and it dribbles down my chin. You smack me a few times with your semi erect dick. Telling me that a good cockslut swallows all that they are given, and that I wasted a good load without being told to otherwise. You push me back onto the floor and get down between my legs, lifting them up, pushing them back so they are pratically at my sides. You trained me and pushed me to be this flexable, and it was not an easy task. I feel your weight on top of me and your firm grasp on my ankles as I look down. Sometime during the process of you pushing me on to my back on the floor you pushed your pants down and had your privates completly free. Your cock is hard again and you tell me I brought this upon myself as you position it at my hole, and thust into me hard and deep. You never did let me get use to you, even during the first time you took me. I start to sob as your huge thick cock batters my asshole. Your hips banging into my buttocks with each thrust. Between your tight grip on my ankles, your cock pumbling my mass, and your hard firm thighs hitting into mine, I was lost in both pain and pleasure. You let go of one of my ankles and rub the cum off my chest and face and gather them onto three of your fingers. You tell me to open my mouth completly up for you. As I do you force your fingers into my mouth and start thrusting them in and out until you leave them deep in my throat. You tell me to start sucking the cum off them and you pull your fingers out they better be clean or else I will be whiped again. I suck furiously, trying not to bite your fingers as I am being jolted back and forth by your cock in my ass. Soon you withdrawl your fingers, and with a look of satisfactory you put your hand on my chest and push down, telling me I am a good cockslut. You grunt louder and I can tell but how hard your thrusts are that you are about to cum. Soon my ass is filled up with your hot load. You thrust in and out a few more times untill you are completly satisfied and pull out. You stand up and look down over me. Lieing limp your master bed room on your nice expensive oriental rug in your nice big mansion. You pick me up by the hair and drag me off toward the bathroom. You tell me to get into the tub, which I somehow manage to do with my weak body. You tell me to get up on my knees and put my hands behind my back. As soon as I do this you place one of your legs on the side of the tub with the outher still on the outside. You point your dick at my mouth again and I start to suck on it. Cleaning your cum off it. Its times like these that I am glad I make sure I am clean down there or else this would be unpleasant. After your cock is compleltly clean you tell me that I was a good dick washer, but that you didnt order nor allow me to clean you. For that, I must be punished, for hope the final time of the night. But knowing you, the upcoming punishment was not a bad one anymore. You point your dick at my face and tell me to open my mouth. I do so just in time to catch a mouthloud of piss. Your golden stream fills my throat with its foul and unfimilar taste. I start to swallow as fast as I can, not to let to much dribble, but you soon start to piss on the rest of my face, my hair and down my body onto my chest and my privates. Your piss starts to slow and then soon stops. I am compleltyl drenched, naked, in your bathtub. You smile at me and tell me to clean up then go back to my room. I do as you instruct as you walk out of the bathroom, closeing the door. I can only imagine what tommorow will bring to me. Rather it be pleasure for a change, or just more of me being your little whore, a cockslut. Either way. I enjoy pleaseing you. My Master.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it, or gotten off to it, or what not. Send an E-Mail of hate, love, war, musing or just what not to If you want me to write you a story, I will do so. If you want an orginal work I will post it on Nifty Erotic and send a copy to you. If you want a fan fiction or real people or anime, I will as well do that. I will of course post the fanfiction the anime of your choice to a fanfiction archive. (Sakura Lemon, Ranma and so forth). Thank you in advance. One last thing, to make sure you understand, I will write stories of hetero, gay, lesbian, shemale, bi, anime, group, actors, urniation(not scat), bondage, interracial, young friends(12+), sex toys, historical, futuristic and incest.

I wont write stories based on beastiality, old people, or scat (but will urination).

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