My Mark Fantasy Achieved

By si.neesnu@etovo

Published on Jan 20, 2017


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As much as I would love this to be a true story it sadly is not. The character Mark is based on somone who lives nearby, but not the age he is described as here. I'll leave it to your own imagination to decide the age of the actual person I do dream of having, it's more fun that way.


I must have dozed off watching the film, when I woke up and the screen was just showing the DVD logo slowly moving on the dark background. I could hear voices from outside so I sat up and caught sight of a group of lads chatting at the gate of the house opposite. Nothing unusual in that though, Mark was home from University and he would have been out to the pub with his mates. I've lusted after him ever since I moved in here a year or so back, and yes he had occupied my wank fantasies plenty of times. Twenty years old and a quiet, somewhat shy boy was just what I went for, but as we all know they are few and far between. And I'm not one who advertises my interest, especially not by coming on to a neighbour. I had never seen him with a girl, but in itself that wasn't unusual, they were a family that kept themselves to themselves, apart from the typical good morning greetings I had hardly spoken to any of them. I only knew his name because I jump started his car one morning last winter.

Watching from the darkness of my house I saw them break away, leaving him to go into his house. If I was lucky I may get a nice view of him getting undressed in his bedroom soon, well a top view only because I wouldn't see anything below the waist from my downstairs position. But strangely no lights went on as you would expect. After a minute or two I saw him come back to the gateway and look up the street in the direction his mates had gone off. He slipped out and made his way off the other way, and turned down the side road that was about 30 metres down from the house and was gone from sight. Pouring another glass of wine I sat and pondered on what I had watched. The chances of him going cruising in the park nearby occurred to me, but the rational part of me dismissed the idea, much more likely to be a secret girlfriend. But there was no nearby houses he could get to, so what was he doing? Wherever he had gone I intended to be here looking out for him coming back. And he did, in about half an hour. Straight back to his house, front door opened and in he went. Here was a mystery, and I wanted to know more. I was going to looking out for this happening again.

I knew the park quite well, never seen much action there, but there was a listing for it on Squirt, low ratings and no recent posts though. But as a matter of course I had checked it out quite a few times. Dog sitting my sister's little terrier when she went on holidays gave me a good reason to wander around in there. The next night I was ready in my night time cruising wear, all dark clothing and coat ready with condoms, torch and wet wipes in the pockets. It was a blow out though. It was a Saturday and it looked like someone was still up when he came home, well there were lights on downstairs, so it was just goodbye to his mates and in the house. The Sunday night I noticed all in darkness quite early, a workday tomorrow so no staying up late probably. From the darkness in my house I watched the same scene unfold, the couple of minutes as his mates said goodnight and carried on up the road, but no front door opening. As soon as I saw that the house door hadn't opened I was up and out of the back door of my house, out through the garden and into the pathway that ran behind the houses. I had a minute or two to make my way down to where it met the crossroads. From there I could see him on the other side of the junction, as he turned the corner to take the road on the other side of the crossroads. I had to wait only about a minute before I saw him. Without looking back he walked quickly away down the road. A handy street lamp helped me and I was able to see him cross to the other side of the road, the park side. Mark turned into the park gates, and I upped my pace so he wouldn't get too far in before I got to the park. The place wasn't large, but in the darkness it would be easy to miss another person. There was probably only the one place to head for if I was going to spot him, around the tennis courts where most of the Squirt posts mentioned. As I turned to enter the park myself I would be backlit from the street lamp, if anyone was looking from the dark park I was easily seen as I walked in. I may as well make myself obvious I thought, if he was cruising then him knowing there was something to hang about for could only help. I made my way around the pathways in a roundabout way towards the pavilion that stood at the side of the courts.

When I was about fifty metres away I saw a figure move away from the building and make his way into the bushes at the far side. Looks like he was being cautious, which was good. I like that someone is also sensible in his cruising habits. Reaching the pavilion I stepped up on to the verandah and leaned over the wooden rail. Taking the blunt I had made earlier I shielded the flame, lit up and took a nice mellow hit off it. I could see the bushes where he had disappeared into out of the corner of my eye, but didn't turn to look at them. I was in that place we all know, where my brain was saying easy goes it and my cock was saying I want it now. But too often in the past I've let the little head overrule the big head and struck out, so I wasn't going to risk blowing this if there was something to be had. After taking a few more pulls on the blunt I was feeling nicely buzzed, with that sense of heightened perception that comes with it, so I held it between my fingers and let it go out. Slightly turning my head I could see the patch of lightness that I hoped was Mark's face watching from the bushes. I decided to force the issue a little bit, and started walking down the pathway towards the bushes. Not looking towards him I passed the point where I had seen him and made my way down the path into the darkness, hoping he would follow me. I was pretty sure he wouldn't have recognised me in the dark, wearing a baseball cap, something I never normally wear. There was a bench on the path just around a little bend, I sat down on it. In the dark and wearing all black he wouldn't see me before he was committed to walking past, or turning about and going back the other way. But I reasoned that if he was following then he couldn't do an about turn once he knew I was sat on the bench, he would quickly work out that doing so would look very odd if I was there for just a nightly constitutional. As the figure appeared and walked towards me I lifted the blunt to my mouth again and lit it. I must have been more hidden than I thought, for I heard him gasp as the flash from the lighter lit the darkness.

Looking up to him I quietly said "I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you" in a low voice that I hoped he didn't recognise straight away. It had been a few months since that one conversation and I didn't expect him to realise who I was straight away.

"You did. I didn't see you there, you don't really expect to see someone sitting in the dark" Mark replied to me.

Which was not really the absolute truth, knowing that he had already seen me, melted away into the bushes and then followed. But it gave me another indication that he was here for much the same reason as I was. Taking another deep pull on the blunt I exhaled the smoke in his direction.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"Yes, do you want it passing?" I asked him, and held out my hand towards him. He took the joint cautiously from me and put it to his lips.

"That's really good quality stuff, I get it from a good friend who only does top class. You should pull up a piece of bench if it's been a while since you toked." I told him.

He took another pull and sat on the bench, leaving a distance between us. Pulling a second from my pocket I told him to finish that one if he wanted, and I lit the new one without waiting for his answer. Compared to the years of my youth I hardly ever smoked now, just at times when sex was on the horizon because it heightens my perceptions, but equally as important it slows me down from splashing when I have a tasty twink in my bed. If he was used to the shit that was smoked around colleges this stuff would be a nice treat for him. We sat comfortably for a while just toking, relaxing on this warm summer's night.

Hearing a whispered wow from him I laughed and told him "You'll feel that in your fingertips and toes it's that mellow." Going on after a second I said "And if you're lucky it may even give you a hard on." It was out there now, first mention of cock and without any suggestion attached to it, now to see how he would deal with it. Planting the idea might even cause his to wake up, if it wasn't already tingling at the thought of meeting someone where he was cruising. And by now the jury was back and had given their verdict that he was definitely looking for cock here.

"Does it do that to you?" He asked. Instead of answering him I leaned back and let the bulge I had had since I had stood at the pavilion show. If he checked it out in the dark the move would be pretty obvious.

After a few seconds I replied "Doesn't do much good unless you've got a use for it is there?" And I placed my hand on top of my bulging joggie bottoms. I heard his indrawn breath as he noticed the move I'd made. His hand was creeping down towards his own, but in the dark I couldn't see if there was a nice hard cock in there yet. He leaned forward to drop the roach on the ground, and almost lost his balance. I put out my arm to stop him falling, as he moved back on to the bench I noticed he also shuffled a bit closer towards me. Letting my arm drop between us I felt his body touch it and not move away. I slid my hand into the top of my joggies and felt for my hard cock. Turning my eyes towards him I saw him watching me holding my cock.

"We've both come here for the same reason haven't we?" I said to him. I waited for his answer, he was still a little nervous of saying it and I saw him give a little nod instead.

"Don't let me stop you then, because you being here isn't going to stop me banging one out." I said and pulled down the front of my joggies and brought my cock out into sight, and started slowly wanking it. "I've got an empty hand for yours if you want" I told him and lifted my other arm from between us. He pulled down the zip of his jeans and I could see him trying to undo the button. I moved my hand over to his and held the front of his jeans to help him open the button. I could feel a good sized hard cock underneath my hand, slipped my fingers into the fly and rubbed it through his undies.

When he had opened the button he felt over for my cock and his cool fingers wrapped around it. I pulled his cock out of his undies and rolled my fingers up to the tip of his cock. It was already sticky and I wanted it on my tongue. I leaned over and opened my mouth to taste that exquisite juice and got the hit of it on my well stoned taste buds. Sliding down I took every inch of that beautiful cock that I had dreamed of for two years to the balls and, pulling my mouth tight around him, slowly released him until I just got his hot bellend in my mouth so I could push the tip of my tongue into his slit for another drop of that sweet juice. It wasn't a drip I got though as it was leaking from him freely, and I lapped and lapped on him.

After a minute or so I came up for air and said to him "I've dreamed of having your cock in my mouth for two years since you moved in across the road from me" If he hadn't realised before now who I was then he sure knew now. "I never for a minute believed I'd ever get to be doing it though Mark" I went on, using his name to reinforce that I knew who he was.

"How do you feel about me doing a proper job back in mine where we can be more comfortable?" I asked. As I leaned forward to swallow his hot hard cock once again I heard his whispered answer, just one word -- yes! "A young cock like yours could give me at least two mouthfuls of hot cum. I'll suck that first one out of it now and this beauty can recover while we walk back" I said and slid his hot, wet cock in to my mouth again and started going to town on it. He was bursting for it and pushed up towards me every time I went down, the tip was just at the most depth I could manage. He had the perfect length for my cock sucking talents. I could feel the deep excitement in me that I always got from bottoming out on a great cock. The dribble of precum coming from me was cooling on the head of my own cock. Slipping a finger down I rubbed on that wet stickiness and raised my fingers towards his face, finding his part opened lips I fed my wet finger in and found the tip of his tongue. His thrusts grew stronger as his lips tightened around my finger and I felt his hands come down on the back of my head as he started fucking my mouth. He wasn't going to last much longer I was thinking, and as that thought was still in my head I heard his whispered "Yes, NOW!" and I felt the beautiful hot spurt of him cumming in my mouth. I pulled back a bit so the taste of it wasn't lost, I love it on my tongue, not hitting the back of my throat. A nice deep climax could come when I had felt and tasted him a few times, but this first time I always want to have it in my mouth first to savour the sweet twinkiness of a beautiful new cock. And this was a big blast to savour, it must have been a few days since he had knocked out a nice load. As the volume got a little too much in my mouth I gulped down some of it so I wouldn't waste any by letting it spill out. My cock was bursting for release, but that was a release I wanted later when, if I was really lucky, we were both naked in my house with him sucking hard on me as well.

He was everything I had fantasised about as I wanked many nights in the past. It seemed too soon as I felt his cock start to soften, and hearing his indrawn breath I stopped and just let it soften in my mouth.

Feeling him relax I straightened up and said to him "That was everything I hoped for and more. You can shoot as much of that sweet cum as you can make right in my mouth. When you're ready we can wander back up and do it again."

We sat for a minute or two on the bench, I guess he needed a little time to process getting blown by someone who knew who he was. He gave a little laugh and said "All this time I never ever give it a thought you might be gay. I've seen you looking at girls going past a few times"

"I've seen you looking as well" I replied "Either we are both doing to hide what we like or you're bi like me. Come on let's walk up and have a beer if you want one when we get to mine"

We both stood up and started a slow wander back towards our road, as we walked back I reached over and ran my hand down his back and slipped my fingertips inside the waistband of his jeans into the crack between his cheeks. My cock would soon be what was slipping up and down that lovely crease, probably not tonight but definitely soon.

Part 2 - back at my house to follow.

Next: Chapter 2

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