My Lupine Roommate

By Chaos Wolf

Published on Mar 24, 2005


Disclaimer: The following is an erotic story of a homosexual nature. Please do not read if you are a minor or if it is illegal where you live to do so. Remember to think smart and use protection. The following is the second chapter in the "Lupine High" series. If this sounds like something you want to read, be my guest and read. If it is not, go back and look for another story to read.

Lupine High, Part 2

Day in and day out. I know I needed to discuss my condition with Leo and Terry, but somehow I'm unable to. The days grew cold and I had to put on my special sweater. It's special because it's just my natural wolf fur underneath a thin sweater. Fate led me to who to talk to first when Terry invited me to go fishing with him and his dad after Thanksgiving.

I've never been fishing before, never hunted before. Matt tells me that it's a great feeling. I agreed to go fishing and we went to Lake Conroe to go fishing. Mr. Lawrence Chen owned a summer house there which the family stayed for the weekends. I packed my things and my parents would drive me to the Chen house. I would stay the night and then me, Terry, and his dad would head to the lake house early in the morning. The day would be spent refreshing supplies and then Sunday would be fishing day. We would get up early and fish until about noon. We would eat what was caught, if anything, and then head home.

I was driven late in the afternoon, in time for supper with Terry's family. I had eaten here a few years back and it was an okay meal. Tonight we had stir-fried veggies with chicken and noodles. From what Terry had told me, whenever the Chens cook Oriental meals, they use chopsticks. That doesn't mean that they cook only that. Mrs. Chen once made lasagna that was sinfully delicious. Her culinary philosophy is to eat the meal as it is meant to be eaten. It's a good thing I practice for things like this, I would have looked foolish. Mrs. Chen said, "You've improved on using chopsticks Luke." I nodded and said, "Thank you." The meal was great and filled me up. I helped Terry with the dishes even though his mom said that I was a guest and didn't need to.

After everything was dried and put away, we went back up to his room. I had only been in his room once before years ago when my cousin and his boyfriend went to Ireland. The room changed little and I sighed. Where do the years go. It seemed just like yesterday we and Leo were had the sleepover. We stayed up late playing games and watching TV even though I knew we should be in bed. I didn't have a sleeping bag anymore, but Terry let me sleep in his bed with him. He said, "You don't have a problem do you?" I said, "No. No problems." He smiled and said, "Good night Lukeo." Lukeo, pronounced like bucko. He and Leo have been calling me this for years. I like this nickname, it's funny. I turned away so that he wouldn't see my boner through my underwear. Luckily, he turned off the light. I climbed in so that my horniness wouldn't be felt by Terry. I fell asleep without further trouble from my manhood and dreamed of hunting.

In the morning, while Mrs. Chen was still asleep, us guys prepared to leave. I already had my things packed up and I saw Terry packing his stuff. He turned away briefly as if to hide something and place whatever it was in his duffle bag. Was that a diaper? I rubbed my eyes. I must be seeing things. I've known Terry for years and I didn't think there was a need for him to wear one. Also, whenever we change clothes for gym, he wore normal underwear. Honestly though, it did look like a diaper despite its size. I'll have to ask him. If I am to come forward with my secret, hopefully Terry would come forward with this secret. I won't judge him for wearing them for whatever reason.

We left and headed to Conroe in the dark. Dawn arrived while we were on the road and we had breakfast in a small cafe that was situated at a truck stop. Terry needed to go to the bathroom which was outside the cafe. That's how small it was. I was going to let him go on his own, but a second later I decided to follow him. I don't really need to go, but my buddy's gotta have someone watch his back.

The facilities were cleaner than what I thought they would be. I saw a stall door swing open and I caught a glimpse of bathroom graffiti and a fist-sized hole in the wall that divided that stall from the one next to it. Urinals lined the other side and there was no division between them. Sinks separated us from the urinals and stalls. I said, "Better make it quick Terry." My friend said, "You worry too much Lukeo." I stood guard where the paper towels were located and kept watch as I saw his yellow river cascade into the porcelain bowl. I know it's a bad pun, but I couldn't resist. A couple of truckers walked in and only gave me and Terry a few seconds of notice. I whispered, "Come on Terry." They gave Terry more notice, but it could just be my paranoia. I told Matt I was going to Lake Conroe and it was he who warned me about rest stops. If Terry was going to be coaxed to do anything he didn't want to, I was going to put a stop to it through any means. However, that probably wouldn't happen. I just couldn't help being concerned in a place like this. Terry placed his dick back in pants and washed up. I felt that we were being watched by those truckers, but when I looked, they were still concentrating on their task. We left and went back to the restaurant. Terry's dad said, "Over here guys." We turned around and walked to the SUV. We got in and kept on going until we reached Conroe. Mr. Chen said, "Even though we are not fishing today, we still have lots to do."

The first then we did when we reached there, we went to the house the Chens owned. Terry raced up to his room, too fast if you ask me. I was stuck helping his dad carry stuff inside. I raised my nose and sniffed out his scent. Once I was sure his father didn't need anymore help, I followed the scent to a room. Terry looked back at me and said, "There you are. Where were you?" I scowled, "Helping your dad. What were you doing?" I guessed I upset him because he looked away and flatly said, "Just putting stuff away." Stuff. Must be that dumb diaper he put in his duffle bag. I sighed, "Whatever. What now?" A voice bellowed from below, "Boys! Time to go." Terry got up and went downstairs. I could stay behind and snoop around, but what kind of friend would I be if I did that? I followed him and we all entered the SUV again. Terry's mood shifted again and it was like it was before we entered the house.

Next, we went in search for bait. During the summer, Terry and his dad would spend days looking for worms and then supplement them with bought worms. At a time like this, all the worms would be bought. We entered the shop and a portly woman said, "Larry, odd time to see you in." Terry's dad said, "Sure is Miss Mona." Miss Mona gave us a glance and then looked at me. She asked, "Now who's this cutie?" I blushed, shook her hand, and said, "I'm Luke O'Neill and Terry's one of my best buds." Terry smiled and it was nice that he did. Once we got over this diaper nonsense, we can move on. She said, "Nice to meet you. First time fishing?" I said, "Yes." Miss Mona smiled and said, "Well young man, you're in for a treat. Done selecting Larry?" Mr. Chen said, "Yea." She rang up the charges on the cash register and we left the store carrying tubs full of worms. Now what?

We headed back to the house and dropped off the worm tubs. Mr. Chen said, "We have to inspect the poles and the other stuff. Don't want to head out onto the lake only to discover the poles don't work. Since you are new to fishing Luke, you can wait inside if you want." Terry started to look uncomfortable. I said, "Can I be here and watch you two?" His dad said, "Okay, but try not to be in the way." Terry breathed a sigh of relief. His dad must be totally oblivious ignoring all this emotion.

Time seemed to stretch to forever, but eventually Mr. Chen said, "Dinner time." He and Terry put the equipment away and we got back into the SUV and went to eat at the local barbeque joint. This place had a homey aura to it. Although the Chens didn't live here, their appearance was frequent enough to where they were well known. Country music played on the speakers placed strategically over the place and to the left was a large dance floor. Terry leaned over and said, "Don't ask me to dance like that. Mom and Dad may be capable of dancing in a setting like this, but not me." We three had barbeque plates. They were loaded with brisket, sausage, beans, potato salad, onions, pickles, and bread. We had to put the plates down before we got our drinks. After eating we stayed to watch the people dance. I could see Matt and Will dancing to this type of music, but it'd probably be a taboo to these people. The image then morphed into me and Terry dancing. He said, "What you thinking about?" I came back to my senses and said, "Dancing." Terry said, "Yea, me to. I wish I was able to dance like that." Mr. Chen looked at his watch and said, "Time to go boys. Plenty to do tomorrow."

We left and went back to the house. Terry's dad went to bed promptly, but Terry and I took our time. I put on my pajamas and went to wash up to get ready for bed. I returned and found Terry in his pajamas. He got off the bed and went to wash up too. My heart was pounding. Any minute now. He returned and got in the bed. The desk lamp was dim. Terry looked at me and said, "I can't sleep." I replied, "Can't either. Hey, can I ask you something?" He said, "I guess so." I could tell he was as nervous as I was, but I was determined to know. I breathed and said, "Are you wearing a diaper. It's okay if you are. Just between us." He said, "Just between us?" I nodded. He breathed and said, "Yes." He pulled down the bottoms and there it was. He said, "Go on touch it if you don't believe." Was that a dare? I slowly reached out and he grabbed my hand and pressed it against the material. He made a face and said, "It's not going to hurt you." I caressed the material. He pulled them up and I asked, "Why?"

Terry smiled. He was calm again and willing to talk about this. He said, "You don't know this, but I'm into playing with piss." I clarified, "Watersports?" He said, "Of course. It began when I started to take my own baths. Sometimes I wouldn't use the toilet in the morning. I would just stand there in the shower and pee. It felt good you know." I nodded as I got harder. He said, "When I was older my parents would leave me at home while they worked, and I'd wet my pants for fun. I like to stand in front of the mirror and watch my pants, or whatever I was wearing, start to get wet a little. The wet spot would grow and flow downward. I would then toss the clothes into the wash and put them back on." I said, "Okay, but that doesn't explain how you got that diaper." He said, "My Uncle Andy has them. You've never met him, but he's cool. My parents went to my dad's Halloween Ball at his company. They didn't want me home alone so they left me at his house. There's such a gap between my dad and him so he's only 9 years older than me. Do you know what an AB is?" I thought about it and replied, "No." He said, "It's a person who wears diapers, uses pacifiers and bottles, and wears footed sleepers and such." I responded, "Weird. Does your dad know?" Terry smothered a laugh. He stated, "No. My uncle doesn't have a crib or nothing like that. He just has a couple of bottles, pacifiers, sleepers, and packets of diapers. He doesn't wear them all the time. If he did, his fixtures would stop working if you catch my drift." Well that made sense. He probably hid everything too. Was his uncle gay though? I asked, "Is your uncle gay?" He said, "As sure as my name is Terry. I guess since I'm saying all this, I might as well come forward too. I'm gay as well. I understand if I'm freaking you out and you don't want to be my friend anymore." I replied, "Why would I be freaked out. I have my own secrets." His eyes lit up and said, "You're gay too, aren't you?" Admit it, stop being on the fence. I said, "Yes I am and I'm attracted to you." He said, "Thought so, but you said secrets. Do you have something else you want to share with me? Are you into diapers too?" Diapers? Certainly not like his uncle, but I was somewhat curious about them. Probably something I'd try a few times. Here goes nothing. I said, "I have a secret, but I'm not into diapers. I'm a werewolf. He said, "Really. I thought that was all make believe?" I said, "We're really good about hiding ourselves." He said, "Then why tell me if you want to keep it a secret?" I said, "Like I said, I'm attracted to you and if we ever get together, I thought you'd like to know." He said, "Bummer the full moon isn't out." I smiled and said, "Who need the full moon?" The color faded and I knew I was giving him quite a show with my now yellow eyes.

I got off the bed because I didn't want to shred his sheets. Speaking of shredding, I dropped my briefs. Terry had seen me naked before in the showers at the school locker room, but not like this. He leaned on his side to face me. What was going through his mind? I continued to concentrate and shifted to my alternate form. He looked me over and stuttered, "You sure have a big...uh..." I nodded and climbed back into bed. I would have placed my briefs back on, but it would have had to compete with my tail. He said, "What's wrong, can't speak?" I shook my head and whimpered. He said, "I guess I can ask you tomorrow." I placed my hands to the side of my head and leaned to indicate sleep. He asked, "Sleep? I guess you're right. Wait! Can't you change back? I don't want Dad to come here and see a giant wolf sleeping in my bed." Yea, I guess he's right. It's a good thing his dad wasn't a hunter, he'd probably not hesitate in shooting at me. I mentally flipped a switch and regressed back to being human. I bowed and he clapped. I stooped down to pick up my briefs when Terry said, "Got something for you." I said, "Oh?" He got up and opened the drawer again. In his hand was a diaper. Oh, dude. That thing was for me. I pointed to myself and said, "For me?" He smiled as he nodded, "For you. Lay down." Were it anyone else, I would have refused, but this was Terry and as I mentioned before, I was curious enough. I got on the bed and waited. Calm now wolfy. He approached me and pulled my underwear off. Terry lifted my legs with one hand and placed the diaper between my legs. He then lowered my legs and pulled up the diaper. He finished fastening it to me and asked, "Why don't you take a look?" I got up and went to the mirror. He turned the light on all the way and took off his pajamas. We stood before there naked except for the diapers. Terry put his arm around my waist and I returned the gesture, He patted my butt and I did the same to him. He kissed me on the lips and said, "Two peas in the pod. Come on, time to sleep." He turned off the light and we went to sleep.

Morning came and I woke to the smell of urine. It wasn't strong and if I was still human, I probably wouldn't have noticed. Terry looked at me. That faker. He was awake when he wet himself. I grimaced and said, "You did it, didn't you?" He said, "Sure did. Why don't you do the same?" Well I was wearing a diaper, it would hold everything and it'd save me a trip. I concentrated on my bladder and emptied it. He got up and removed his pajama bottoms and undid the diaper. He said, "Give the diaper to me." I got out of it and he then wrapped both up and secured them inside a plastic baggy. Okay, so I leapt into trying a diaper quickly. Would he jump into lycanthropy just as quickly? It was permanent, so probably not, but you never know. We washed up and put on old clothes.

Mr. Chen pulled on the boat's cord and we withdrew to the middle of the lake. We took our poles and cast the lines into the lake. We stayed like that for a few hours. The sun climbed and then fell. We caught a few bass, but Mr. Chen insisted we let them go. In his opinion, the thrill of fishing did not extend to taking them away and bequeathing them a slow death. He liked to eat fish, no doubt, but wild fish meant to live free. Farm raised consumables were meant to be consumed. As for me, catching wild fish was cool, yet one of these days, I'm going to strip my clothes and go hunt the way werewolves do.

We headed back to the house and gathered our things. Terry and I entered the SUV. We watched his dad lock up the house. He looked at me, lovingly with a hint of lust. He rubbed my crotch and it responded to his attention. We saw him walk down the steps. Time was running out. I took my hand and kneaded his inner thigh, hand brushing against his bulge.

We arrived early afternoon. My parents weren't home and of course my sister was off at college. A thought entered my mind. I tilted my head toward my house looking at Terry. He took the hint and turned to his dad, "Can I hang out with Luke?" His father said, "All right, but be back for supper."

As soon as the front door closed, we raced up to my room. Terry jumped on my bed and said, "I forgot to ask how you became a werewolf. Do you have a problem with me asking?" I laid down next to him and said, "No problem here. My cousin Matt made me one." Terry looked grim and asked, "Did he mean to?" I answered, "Yes, but only because I pleaded with him. I thought that the idea of being a werewolf was cool. You get fur and enhanced senses. I only discovered another benefit a few years ago." Terry said, "Benefit? What type of benefit?" His facial expressions showed that he had a clue, but wished for me to tell him. I said, "When I'm a wolf, I have a canine appearance which also included my privates." Terry never owned a dog so he didn't get it, then again I didn't own a dog either. I said, "You'll find out. It just depends on what you want to do." Terry said, "I want to see that big canine cock again." I replied, "Okay, just as long as I get to see yours." We unzipped each other's pants and found what we were looking for. Terry looked at my dick in his hands and said, "It isn't as big as I remember." I laughed, "That's because it's human sized. It's no bigger than yours." He blushed and said, "I like how you are uncircumcised. A side effect of being a werewolf?" I said, "No. I've been like that all my life. Now that you mention it, my cousin was circumcised, but becoming a werewolf changed that. He regained what no medical techniques can regain. Only lycanthropy can undo something like circumcision, but don't be expecting to regrow fingers. The tail is exempt because if you remember our biology class, people have tails too, just not like other animals. Foreskin on the other hand, is just tissue. The condition not only changes human into wolf, but changes the human. In addition to gaining back foreskin, for those that got it cut off, our metabolism changes. Why do you think I don't work out as much?"

My words sank into Terry's brain. He was a good sport, quickly coming to terms of the existence of werewolves. Terry said, "So, what should we do?" I said, "No need to rush things. Let's jack off together." I went to get a box of tissue paper and returned. There was Terry stroking away. No patience. I got next to him and he went for my dick. I grabbed his in retaliation and we started to beat meat. I then traded in my human dick for a canine one. It was still semihard, but it gained girth and length. Terry leaned forward. For a second I thought he was going to try taking it into his mouth, but he didn't. He wanted a close look at it. He whispered, "Gee Lucko, this is sure huge. Where do I get one?" I combed his hair with my hand and said, "Only one way. You gotta jump on the werewolf bandwagon." Positioned as he was, I couldn't exactly get to his dick. I said, "Go back to where you were. I want to jack you off." He complied. He stroked my canine manhood and I stroked his human manhood. He asked me, "How much do you cum?" I said, "More than normal when it's like this." Terry said, "Warn me, okay buddy?" I smiled, "Sure." Terry was soon moaning, "You're good at this." I said, "Hey, when you can have something like this, you want to experience all the pleasure it can bring." When I realized that, I knew how good male dogs feel when hump something. Terry said, "Geez, I'm going to pop the cork." I held the tissue over the cockslit and felt Terry shooting the sperm his Asian nuts made. I was nearing climax. I clutched the sheets and said, "Oh, Terry. Here it comes." He held the tissue over me as I humped into his hand, shooting semen. It was a good thing he had lots of tissue in his hand.

Our orgasms subsided and he said, "I am interesting in being a werewolf. Will you make me one?" So, I earned his interest. I said, "Sure, but not right now." He frowned, "Why not?" I said, "You don't want me to give it to you and have you changing while your parents are home. You would have to explain it, and then I would have to explain how I got it from Matt. I don't think they'll take kindly to the fact that he made me one when I was 10." He looked crestfallen, "No werewolf for me then." I said, "Did I say that I wouldn't give it to you? It just needs to be done delicately. As long as I give it to you the night of the full moon when anyone who should not know is asleep, you'll be fine." Terry said, "Okay then, let's get planning then."

We drew a rough sketch of what we would do and looked at the calendar to see when we could schedule it. I was looking forward to making Terry like me, a werewolf.

I would appreciate any comments you may have, but please keep insults or flames to a minimum. I'll try to respond to everyone, but no promises. Please mention the title of the story so I know what you are referring to. I have a group which you can find at You can also email me at:

Next: Chapter 10: Lupine High 3

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