My Lupine Roommate

By Chaos Wolf

Published on Jan 20, 2005


Disclaimer: The following is an erotic story of a homosexual nature. Please do not read if you are a minor or if it is illegal where you live to do so. Remember to think smart and use protection. The following is the first chapter of a series about Luke O'Neill introduced in "My Lupine Roommate". To refresh your memories, he's the cousin of Matthew Anderson who was the main character of that series. At this point in time, Luke is a 16 year old in high school and he's a werewolf. It would probably be a good idea to read "My Lupine Roommate" if you haven't already done so, but I guess that it really isn't necessary. If this sounds like something you want to read, be my guest and read. If it is not, go back and look for another story to read.

Lupine High, Part 1

"O'Neill! You're up!" My head darted towards Coach Roland Card. He could have whispered it and I would have heard it. I replied, "Yes, sir." It was my turn to run his little obstacle course. Heaven only knows why he does that at the beginning of every month, but I guess he wants to see how his well his pupils' are coordinated. He don't need to worry about me, I could do this quite easily. I can easily navigate this obstacle course because I am a werewolf.

Don't give me that look like I must be crazy or something because I really am one. I got this way through my cousin Matthew Anderson. He's 25 and lives in a nice apartment with his boyfriend William Walsh. I was 10 when it happened. Matt transformed in front of me. I guess it was fate. He said something that he didn't intend for me to hear and I managed to get him into a corner. He confessed his animal nature to me and I wanted to be like him badly. Matt warned me about being a werewolf, that one is stuck with that condition from the day one gets it. Is William in the dark? Nope. My cousin made him one also, but as a birthday present.

There I went, maneuvering Coach's course. I hopped the tires, climbed over the railing, crawled under a low platform, and swung rung from rung. I completed it with the best time so far, but I try not to be the best of everything because I'm not a glory hog. With only a few left now, I would end this month with the best time. There were my friends Terry and Leo. They hooted and hollered that I was the best so far. We three have been friends ever since Kindergarten. A woman, the Vice Principal came forward with a black guy wearing our gym clothes. She said, "Mr. Card here's a transfer. We've gotten him suited up. I see you're conducting your famous obstacle course. Good luck Mr. Marshall." Gabrielle Talbot, our Vice Principal, did a 180 and returned the way she came. Coach Card said, "All right then let's see what you can do Mr. Marshall. Oh, your first name?" The young man said, "Richard." Coach wrote it down and said, "Ready. Set. Go." As soon as he clicked the timer, Richard was off. Something wasn't right. He was doing very well, too well. When he finished, Coach clicked the time and announced, "Looks like we got a new record this month. Sorry Luke." He smiled and then frowned when he looked at me, his nostrils flared when he did so. His scent, reached my nostrils and then I knew how he could do so well. True, no human could out perform a werewolf of comparable stats, but a werewolf could. No doubt about it, this Richard Marshall was a werewolf like me.

Gym ended and he left because his clothes were elsewhere. I changed back into my regular clothes in the locker room I could hear Terry and Leo talking, but not even my wolfen hearing could bring their words to me. Richard's piercing look lingered with me, it was the visage of hatred. I didn't know my friends were talking to me until Terry slapped my rear startling me. I growled at him, "What is it?" He backed off and said, "Don't bite me bud. Are you okay?" I turned back to myself and zipped myself up. I muttered, "Peachy." I could hear Terry and Leo murmuring again about me. I didn't care, but I knew they meant well. They were my best friends after all, yet this was something I had to do myself. If they were like me, yea I'd want their help. Terry and Leo were human and were powerless to help me. I didn't see Richard for the rest of the day and that brought me peace. I needed help and I knew there were two people who could help me. After dinner, I went to them.

"Matt isn't here" said Will, "but you're welcome to come in." I asked as I stepped in, "Where is he at this time?" Will said, "Matt's watch broke. Hungry?" I said, "I just ate." Will said, "Then sit down pup and tell me what's wrong?" I hate it when he or Matt say "pup" to me. I may be a werewolf, but I ain't a puppy anymore! I'm 16 dammit. I didn't verbally react to the word as usual, I just sat down. I said, "I'm not the only werewolf at school anymore." He said, "You didn't, did you?" What did he mean by that? I jumped back and said, "Did what?" He chuckled, "I see the way you look at your friends Terry and Leo, it's the same look Matt gave me when we first met. He couldn't get enough of this eye candy." He proceeded to pat his ass. "When I was on my high school football team, chicks used to swoon over me. I kept up appearances for them, but it were the guys who were on my team who turned me on. Every night I used to fantasize about them and then I met your cousin. He looked at me like those girls looked at me and I liked what I saw, but I wanted to wait until I knew. We've told you how we found out about each other. Right?" I knew the story, Matt's class was canceled and he returned to his room to see Will giving himself a handjob. Lust turned into love for him. Lust, that's what must be what I have. I said, "I guess I'm just a horny wolf that's all." I remember that I was 12 when I had my first orgasm which was also my first wet dream. I woke up feeling all tingly and sticky down there. I knew what happened to me down there because we had the quite graphic guide to reproduction some months back. My hand slipped down into my briefs and I felt a bulge at the base of my hard dick. I knew about sex from the lesson, but what was this thing? Sure my cock was hard, but it was longer and thicker than normal and my balls complemented its inhuman size. I patted my face and torso. Still human I was, except for my sex organs. I contacted Matt by phone as soon as I could and told him. He said, "Congrats on taking another step towards manhood. That bulge is a knot. You know how we are different from humans. This is one of those things. It is supposed to help males stay tied to females." I replied, "You don't have a female in your life." He replied, "I know but I still can knot inside Will." I wasn't sure what he was getting at, but a thought entered my mind. I said, "You mean you put your thing up Will's butt?" He said, "Yes and he puts his up mine."

I was getting turned on by this talk, much like fabled phone sex. I was home alone so I decided to do what a guy needs to do. I was sitting down on a stool, so I didn't need to sit down for this. I never jacked off before, but I knew enough to know how it was done. I unzipped my cargo shorts and took out my dick. Matt's voice said, "Are you okay cuz?" I pressed the button for speaker phone and put the receiver down. I replied, "Yes Matty I'm fine." He seemed to sense my horniness across the phoneline because his next statement was, "Am I turning you on?" Should I or should I not? I said, "Yes." Matt then said, "Well that's pretty much what a knot is. You do know how to handle yourself, right? Hint, hint." I think he knew what he meant and I said, "Yes." He then said, "Very good. I'll talk to you later and you go help yourself." I said, "Good bye" and went to my room to take care of business.

Will poured himself a glass of root beer and said, "Nothing wrong with being horny, but let's get back to business. You say..." At that moment, the door unlocked revealing my cousin. He said, "Luke, it's an unexpected surprise to see you. What brings you here?" Luke said, "There's another werewolf in school besides me. I didn't make any like Will thinks." Matt sat down and said, "Well, he has reason to suspect that as do I. Remember when we went to Ireland?" I said, "Yea, I remember." Matt and Will went to Ireland as part of their University's Study Abroad Program. A student would get 6 credit hours taken from 4 courses. It was quite a deal because if one were to take the cost of everything as single items, it'd be more expensive than what the student would pay. My cousin and his boyfriend discovered that there were more werewolves in the world, but they lived mostly in Europe. It was highly unlikely that we'd meet others besides ourselves here who were also born here.

I said, "I know that it's unlikely, but there's a chance. It isn't Leo or Terry. It's this new guy and he's black. His name's Richard Marshall." Matt and Will talked to each other going over werewolves they had met over the past six years because they met more, just overseas. They shook their heads. "No. No Marshall that we can think of. Who knows how long this guy's been one of us?" they said. Matt asked, "Did this Richard say anything?" I said, "No, but he gave me a nasty look like he wanted to rip my head off." They frowned and looked concerned. Matt said, "I think we can rule out natural born. Watch your back. We saw some of those werewolf battles and it wasn't pretty." Will added, "Don't be alone a whole lot. It's a gamble because we don't know about this guy, but I'm betting he won't transform in public. Still it would be wise to do as Matt says." I heeded their advice and proceeded to leave, but Matt said, "We better escort you." I could have refused, but they were really concerned. They got up and went out with me. Matt got in my car and Will got in his.

They drove me to my house and once they were certain I was in my house, they went home. Was I to live my life like this, hiding? Too bad I couldn't share my plight with my family. Again, they were only human. Plus, I would have to explain all this to them. I quietly went up to my room and started on my homework. My mom came into my room and said, "Something the matter? Why did you need to go to Matt's for?" I replied, "I needed advise from him." She said, "You could ask your father and me." I said, "I know but I just wanted to ask them because I thought that he and Will could help." She said, "Concerning?" I said, "There was this new student in school today. He looked at me like he hated my guts for no reason." She said, "Well we can't be friends with everyone. Just try to stay out of his way as much as you can and stay around Leo and Terry. Strength in numbers you know."

True to his word, I stayed with people as much as I could. Richard for his part, continued to be angry at me for no reason. How could one werewolf hate another? Are we not all of the kindred of the moon? I jotted some notes down on how that could be yet nothing really panned out. I wanted to ask him, I really did, but a majority of myself wanted to let him be. Days passed and before I realized it, Richard had been here for a month. My luck would run out eventually and it did on October 13, a Friday.

It started much like any other day with homeroom math. Sometime later we all went to the gym for physical education. Coach Card was about to send us out to the football field for calisthenics when unexpectedly, it started to rain. Coach let out a swear and said, "All right then let's see now. Guys, you'll wrestle. Ladies, you'll do the same. Everyone will wrestle in a 30 second match. Now then I'll pair you off with people in your weight group." He then walked around to pair all of us. I was stunned when he paired me and Richard up. Were the fates screwing with me? Perhaps, but I would give them the last laugh.

Richard and I got in the ring, my heart pounding in my chest. He made a low growl, barely enough for me to hear, "Finally. Revenge for myself." So that was it. I growled back, "Whatever." His eyes went from brown to yellow and when the color vanished from my eyes, I knew mine went from blue to the same yellow. Everyone else were oblivious to the heated exchange. I could hear Leo and Terry cheering me on. Coach blew the whistle and we clashed.

Roland Card looked at the two superb examples of male physique. A part of him longed for the days when he too was like that, but another facet of him suspected that the two weren't quite what they seemed. It wasn't that he suspected illegal enhancement, he monitored all students as well as he could. Those in sports were scrutinized even more. Richard Marshall wasn't in the athletics program, but had the body to be in any of the sports that were played here. Luke O'Neill however, was in the program as a member of the swim team. While he was adamant that Luke hadn't used any substances, the teenager really didn't put 100% like the others. However, this was the first time he could tell that both were giving this match their all.

Richard Marshall faced the guy who he wanted to fight ever since he smelled him. The stench of lycanthropy radiated from this Luke O'Neill, the same smell he knew he gave off. This curse wasn't something he asked for and would gladly remove it from himself if he could. This teenager was the only other werewolf he knew of and he must pay for the crimes of his kin.

I was being pushed to my limits for the first time since I first received this gift from my cousin. This guy wasn't going easy and he certainly wasn't a virgin wolf either because he knew how to manipulate the changes. He barred his teeth and the canines were conspicuously sharp and a tad long. I sincerely hope he doesn't decide to go all the way because if he does, I will have to as well to safeguard my existence.

Leo and Terry stood on the sidelines while they watched their best friend wrestle Richard Marshall. There was something odd about them. Something was a bit different about their faces, not all human. They then heard the whistle. Coach Card shouted, "Time!" Had 30 seconds really gone by. It seemed like several minutes.

"Damn!" thought Richard. Just a few minutes more and he would have fully transformed. He didn't like to because this form was repugnant to him considering everything, but it would be necessary to take another werewolf down. Someday, someday.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I rejoined Leo and Terry. Sweat dripped from my forehead and I was breathing heavily. They held me up while I cooled down with a paper cup of water. I looked over at Richard and he was just as exhausted as I was. Good. It means he won't dare transform. He'd be putting his own existence on the line. Perhaps that's what he wants. Most people don't survive a werewolf attack and some of those who were attacked view the condition as a curse.

Showers soon followed and it was quite refreshing. I liked the water flowing over me as well as the sound. One can get quite lost in it. We all toweled off and went to the locker room. Leo and Terry were excited at my match, they loved it the best. The rest of the day proceeded like normal, but the day ended awkward.

I was walking to my car when I sensed a werewolf. I turned around and saw Richard. I cursed myself. Had I arrived at school earlier, I could have parked closer to the building. He said, "Finally, revenge at hand." His hand started to morph into a paw. I was caught off guard as he raised it. I couldn't help it, my hands were full. I growled, "What's your problem anyway?" He responded in kind, "Your kind made me this way. You must pay for the sins of your kind." I replied, "Then attack yourself because you're one of us. I've had it up to here with self-hating individuals! Gays hating that they're gay, werewolves hating they're werewolves. Can't you be proud of who you are?" Richard said, "I am proud of what I am." I said, "Not from this end. You're a self-hating lycanthrope." He said, "I am because I didn't choose this. I was referring to being gay." My eyes grew wide, "You're gay! That's uh..uh" Richard was gay? This black stud was gay? Argh, why did I think of him as a stud? That should be the last thing in my mind right now. Sure, I might like to look at guys, but I'd be with Terry and Leo before this guy. Richard said, "If you have something against gays, then that's another strike." My head cleared and I said, "I have nothing against gays, those that are proud of that. I might be a tad gay myself. I just need to be sure of that, that's all. My cousin's gay and he's the one who gave me this condition." Richard muttered, "Okay, but at least you got to chose this. Did your cousin?" I replied, "No, but he doesn't hate that fact. He loves being a werewolf. You should too. It just takes time." He whispered, "Time. Thanks, I guess" We heard a voice, two voices in fact. It was Terry and Leo. Terry said, "Is this guy giving you a hard time?" Both he and Leo looked ready to jump in any time. I said, "No. We've reached an understanding." Richard went to his jeep and nodded at me. We might not be friends like me with Terry and Leo, but at least we don't have to worry about attacking each other.

"Is that it?" asked Matt. I said, "That's it. Damn, I don't know what to do." Will said, "About what? Him being gay or being a werewolf." I turned my head and said, "Both. He's gay and cute, but after everything that has happened, I don't know. If only Leo or Terry were werewolves, then everything would be fine." Matt said, "Well that's how things go. You could let Terry and Leo in on your secret, but you don't know if they would be interested in being werewolves. Give it some thought."

Give it some thought. Giving it thought was making me horny. I couldn't sleep that night and it was in the middle of the night. I better get to sleep or I'll be feeling tired all day. The thought of me, Leo, and Terry as werewolves was turning me on. Richard was there as well, despite me trying not to thing about him. We were all naked and frolicking in the locker room. I changed into a werewolf and thrusting my paw into my underwear, I started to jack off. The image of four werewolves crossed my mind again. We were in a circle jerking each other off. Sure we were all werewolves and couldn't tell colors, but I could tell it was Terry who was massaging my knot with his paw. His epicanthic folded eyes were evident even as a werewolf. I moved my muzzle to his and we kissed, our long tongues dancing with each other. We yelped in pleasure as we grabbed the knot of the other to let our cum fly. Exhausted, I went to sleep.

I woke up feeling refreshed. Who should I tell first, Terence Chen or Leonardo Sanchez? Plenty of time to decide that, but hopefully they would be enticed by my offer. Perhaps Richard could help now that he was friendly, but I would go forward no matter what.

I would appreciate any comments you may have, but please keep insults or flames to a minimum. I'll try to respond to everyone, but no promises. Please mention the title of the story so I know what you are referring to. This is a new year and I am taking this time to announce my group at You can also email me at:

Next: Chapter 9: Lupine High 2

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