My Lupine Roommate

By Chaos Wolf

Published on Dec 7, 2004


Disclaimer: The following is an erotic story of a homosexual nature. Please do not read if you are a minor or if it is illegal where you live to do so. Remember to think smart and use protection. The following is the seventh chapter in the "My Lupine Roommate" series. If this sounds like something you want to read, be my guest and read. If not, go back and look for another story to read. -----

My Lupine Roommate, Part 7

My parent drove me to the airport to see me off to England for my Study Abroad program. I walked with them to the gate and saw my family there. I was shocked because I wasn't told of their participation. Will arrived a few minutes later and zoned in on Luke and the inhuman scent radiating from the boy. Luke too was aware that Will wasn't human. Words could have been exchanged between us werewolves, but with so many people, it'd be very difficult without other people hearing. I exchanged farewells with my family and Will did do with his. When it came time to board the plane, we did so.

Will and I went our separate ways. As much as wanted to, the university didn't play favorites and sit us together. It's not that they didn't want any hanky-panky going on, it's that tickets were obtained at random. Despite this, we still sensed each other. I put my things away and sat down. We went through the airplane standards of being shown the exits and such. After preparations, the plane took off.

Wow, were these planes spectacular! Each seat had a TV on the back and the armrest had a remote control inside. I asked myself why these planes were better, but then I realized it was due to the fact that this was an intercontinental flight. The doors closed and the plan moved away from the terminal. The flight attendant then went over what to do in the case of an emergency. I hoped that none occurred. The plane was given clearance and we were on our way to Europe.

I couldn't sleep and I didn't think any of my classmates could either. I spent those hours on flights watching shows bunched together sometimes containing those I didn't like. They did have plenty of music, movies and games though. The meals were unexpectedly delicious, but then I found a wild rabbit freshly caught in the woods to be delicious. That's what I thought, the image filling me with delight. Out of nearly 7 years as a werewolf and I didn't get to go hunting. Someday I'm going to go into the woods and hunt like a werewolf should. Will would join me and we'd eat like we've never eaten before. Perhaps afterward me and him would screw around as werewolves fulfilling a dream I had when Will discovered what I was. I looked to see what Will was doing and saw that he was playing the games.

We crossed the Atlantic in the dark having left Houston in the evening and arrived in London in the morning. We went to gather our luggage. Will and I got all our luggage fine, but a girl named Miranda never received her luggage and was left with what she carried onto the plane. She sobbed and was consoled by her boyfriend Ben. There wasn't much we could do so we climbed aboard the bus that would take us to Reading.

It took about an hour to get to our destination. Half of us were put into one dorm hall and the rest were housed in another. Despite being separate on the plane, Will and I got to be in the same dorm building and were somewhat near each other. Nothing was done that first day. We ate in the dining hall and those living here ate together separated from students still going to school this session. I don't know why we did that, we just did. Just across from the dining hall was the dorm's pub. Our college back in the States was dry so any drinking would have to be done off campus. For me and Will that would be Randy's Ranch once we were 21. There was a bathroom off to the side and instead of single urinals either separated by barriers or not, it was a trough. There was a room with a large TV upstairs with a lot of seats, more than our dorm building bad and a computer room. I guess I could check my email, but I just left and it was highly unlikely I got any so I only posted on some of my favorite message boards.

Will and I spent the day hanging out with each other searching the town for a place to exchange dollars to pounds. We did so and walked around town awhile making sure we knew the way back. We had dinner and watched TV. We expected programming to be unique, but most of it was taken from American networks despite being last season's episodes or ones that we hadn't seen yet.

The next morning we woke up early because we were going to go on our day tour of England. Our stops were: Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Bath.

Stonehenge was a complete bust. We thought we would be able to just walk up to it and look around, but no. It was fenced in by a high fence with wire at the top. To get in, you had to pay. We were told by our professor that vandalism caused this. At least we could take pictures, but there is no way 25 students and 2 professors were going to pay.

Salisbury was very pleasant. A river ran through it and we explored its cathedral. Except for the cathedral, there wasn't much to see there. Will and I walked hand in hand along the river. I said, "Sure is nice, isn't it?" Will said, "I guess, but it's too quiet." Our time was soon up and back into the bus to Bath.

The first thing we did was eat. Our professors said for everyone to go eat now. There were some who hadn't exchanged their money and he directed those unfortunate people to the bank. We ate at McDonald's. If you're in a foreign country, stick with what you know. With lunch out of the way, we went exploring.

We went to the focal point in the town, the namesake of the town, the Roman Baths. We listened to a tour on CD which was really useful because we could just press a number and we could hear the description of what we were looking at. Did werewolves exist when the Romans lived here? Who knew. As far as we knew, the only werewolves that existed were me, Will, and Luke. Oh, yea and the one who made me one. Whoever that was and if that person was still living. While looking around there, we got a feeling we were being watched, the presence was lycanthrope, but that feeling went away so we dismissed it. Right across was another church. This wasn't as grand as the one in Salisbury, so we didn't stay there long.

We walked around town when Will said, "Oh, my! This can't be happening." I said, "What?" He showed me, there were buildings under the grating of the gutter. I had Will squat down next to it and I took a picture on one of the disposable cameras my parents gave me and we switched places so he could take a picture of me. Some cool people lived here over the years like Charles Dickens, but there were others like Jane Austen. We both found her works boring and struggled with every one of her books.

Our day tour was over and it was back to the University of Reading. We ate supper in the dining hall. Tomorrow would be our first day of classes. Will and I made sure we signed up for the same classes. The first was about the European countries and the second was about foreign policy. Four days a week we went to class and three days were free. We didn't have papers due while we were over here and we were told that any papers that were assigned would be due before the end of the coming Fall semester. This suited us just fine so all we had to deal with were tests.

On every other free day, we traveled to London to see the sights like Harrod's, Buckingham Palace, and the Tower of London. We got lost on our way to Harrod's When we got off the subway, we started to walk thinking we were getting closer, but we checked the map wondering why we weren't there yet and found we were heading away from there. We shouted in unison, "Damn!" We then turned around and walked the other way stopping at a Burger King for lunch. When we got there, we saw a subway stop right there which earned another swear. Overall the day went well and we went back to Reading.

When we arrived at the station, we forgot the way back so we flagged down a cabbie. She was real sweet and knew where we needed to go. Will paid her and we ate dinner. The next day, one of our free days, we went to the computer lab. My cousin Luke sent us an email message. We looked at my screen at the message and started to read it.

Dear cousin Matt and friend Will, I had a sleepover at my friend Terry's house with our friend Leo. I had an accident during the night. I woke up in my sleeping bag feeling warm. No, not that type of accident. I wasn't wet, I was furry. I must have transformed while I was asleep. Terry was asleep so I quickly changed back. He didn't know, but he woke up because he heard my transforming. He nudged me and asked me if I heard the sounds and I had to lie to him. Just thought you'd like to know.

We breathed a sigh of relief. Just imagine if this Terry woke up. We then nearly laughed. Not that type of accident. Luke had a bedwetting accident a few years back during the summer when he and Antonia stayed over while their parents went on a vacation for their tenth anniversary. As far as I knew, that was the only time. He cried and said he was sorry for wetting my bed. He said that he never wet the bed before and was very scared. I told him that it was okay. I got a towel and had him wrap himself in it. In the morning we washed the sheets and his pajamas. No one knew about any of this so the incident was just between us.

Will and I snickered again. Just imagine the look on the faces of his classmates Terry and Leo if they saw a ten year old werewolf mere feet away. We logged off and went to go plan our five day venture.

We sat on the floor in the small space they called a room planning where we should go. We wanted to go to Ireland more than France. Not only was there the language factor, but we didn't have much time so Paris would just be it. Plus, Will wanted to visit Blarney Castle. Ireland it was. France could wait for next summer. Our school did offer a France program as well.

The week after we landed in Limerick and spent the night in a hostel. We marked up the map with a pencil to navigate the best path that would give us the most to see, but be affordable and in the amount of time we had.

We made it to the town where Blarney Castle was a day later and checked into a pub which had rooms above. After setting up the room, we went downstairs to eat. We ordered a simple, yet filling meal. While we were waiting, we felt the presence of a werewolf and getting stronger. Who was it? Will and I looked around and saw two men approach us: one black, one white. Each had a pint with them. The black guy said in a British accent, "May we sit here?" Will and I looked at each other pondering his request. I said, "Please." The two sat down and the white guy said in the same type of accent, "You're not from around here are you?" We shook our heads. The black guy said, "The name's Russell, but my mates call me Rusty. This bloke is Lance. Who might you two be?" I said, "I'm Matthew Anderson and this is my best friend William Walsh." Will said, "Hey. How are ya?" They smiled and Lance said, "Doing quite well. Here for the Werewolf Rendezvous?" He whispered the second sentence. Will scratched his head, "Werewolf Rendezvous?" Rusty said, "Never heard of it?" I knew we looked like idiots. Lance laughed but quickly stopped himself, "Looks like we got ourselves some lunar virgins." Will said, "What do you mean by that?" Rusty said, "It refers to those who recently became werewolves." Will said, "I've been one for a year this October and Matt here's been one since he was 12. I'd hardly call that recent." Lance said, "Then where are you guys from?" I said, "Texas." Rusty said, "The States? Figures. There are hardly any of our kind over there. Some say that over there you can live your whole lives and never encounter another one. This Rendezvous is a meeting of werewolves around the world. Almost everyone is from Europe because like I said, there are some areas that we are so few in numbers those werewolves in those parts of the world don't know others of their kind exist on a global scale. They don't know about this and never will. It takes place tomorrow. Will you be here?" Will and I talked it over and said, "Yea. We were going to Blarney Castle in the morning and going to make our way back to Reading the next day."

We ate our dinner and we talked about some more about ourselves. Rusty told us what time they would leave. In the morning we walked to Blarney Castle. It was a ancient building and seemed like how we imagined it. The line was very long and soon we would see it. Then, there we were. There was the Blarney Stone. It was just part of the castle wall sectioned off so people would know. Two beefy men picked me and Will up one by one so we could kiss the Stone upside-down. Once we were done, we paid for our pictures. Will bought a plate because he said his grandma collects plates from places she and her family visits. We walked back to the pub. Just a few hours until this Rendezvous.

We shared dinner with Rusty and Lance. Rusty said, "While there is food there, it's just raw meat. That might suit most of us, but where's the flavor?" Lance said, "It's almost time, we better get going." We quickly finished our meal and left with them in their car.

The small car chugged along a lonely path and stopped in front of a cottage. Was this where this Rendezvous was going to take place? Rusty said, "From here, it's a bit away in the forest." So much for that.

Will and I followed the two. They seemed to know where they were going. I soon detected other werewolves, their scents being carried to my nose by the wind. A man said, "Welcome Rusty, Lance. Who do we have here?" Lance said, "Victor, this is Matt and Will. They're from the states." Victor's eyes sparkled, "Great. We get so few. I'm sure you know why. Come. It's already started." We followed him and he said, "I'm the alpha male here. There are few females here and most either spoken for or they'll only have the best males mount them." Will and I looked at each other. Will said, "Uh, we're not interested." Victor said, "I see, you're monogamous." I said, "Not exactly." He said, "Oh, you like to take whatever you get." He scratched his head and said, "Then what?" Will and I placed our arms around the hips of the other. He laughed, "Why didn't you say so in the first place. I suppose being gay helps. I take it you two are monogamous?" We nodded. He said, "All right. Let me show you the field. Over here, we have lover's field. To your right are the games. To your left is the eatery. Finally over there is the conference." We looked at lover's field which was nothing more than one giant lycanthropic orgy, the games consisted of challenges of strength and cunning, the eatery was filled with werewolves feeding upon live prey, and the conference was filled with werewolves talking to each other.

Where to go? We asked Rusty and Lance where they were going. Rusty said, "Lover's Field." Will smirked, "Gay?" The two nodded. Will and I scratched our heads. Gaydar definitely not working that time. Oh, well. What to do now? We had already eaten, so eating was out. Will and I talked about it and I said, "We're going to watch the games. Lance said, "All right. We'll catch you later."

The games were located opposite lover's field. We approached and a burly man asked, "Competing lads?" Will said, "No. We're here to look." The man said, "All right then, go over there. Watch out though, some of these battles get intense and occasionally they can spill out into the audience."

Will and I took our spots and kept watch over the action. These battles were very interesting to me, but Will glanced back at lover's field, longing for some action. I turned and saw Rusty mounting Lance. They two were transforming as they were screwing each other. I turned back and continued to watch two werewolves wrestle each other. I looked down and to the right of me. There was Will massaging the front of his jeans. Only I saw it because we were quite crowded here. He then reached around and caressed my butt. I hissed, "Will, stop that. There'll be plenty of time for that later." He replied, "I'm horny Matt. I wanna get my rocks off." I said, "Okay. After this match." He released his grasp and watched the match with a hint of impatience. The duel continued between the evenly match opponents and when the fight was over, the two had to be carted off to the medic to get patched off.

Will tugged my hand and pulled me along. With the other, he was already starting to remove his clothes. Damn, was this one horny werewolf. We soon reached lover's field. There was Lance licking Rusty's cock, cleaning it up. Rusty was on his side sighing in relief. The two looked at us and said, "Look who's joined us in the field." Lance soon finished and they exchanged positions. Both winked and gave us a thumbs up. Since Will was so eager, I got on all fours the moment I took my clothes off. My boyfriend wasted no time in mounting me. His bone poked its way inside me. He thrusted and panted, thrusted and panted. Pop. His knot grew and we were tied. His cum started to blast my innards. We lightly howled in ecstasy. His rhythm slowed and when his knot had shrunk, he went out of me. I took Will's dick into my muzzle to draw out any essence that remained. Rusty and Lance finished soon after and put their clothes on and whispered to us, "We're going to catch the games. Come back when you get through." Will said, "Sure." My response was muffled considering I had a dick in my mouth. I took it out when I was done and patted Will to get him in the position. I took my place and placed my pawed hands on his back. I scooted forward and eased my prick into his hole. With the scent of sex flowing all around me, it didn't take me long to blow my load into Will. My knot eased out of Will and he, like me, took my boner into his mouth to clean it. We laid on our furry backs and looked at all the stars. Living in the city, you don't see that many. We stayed like that for a few minutes. Once our stargazing was finished, we put our clothes on and rejoined Rusty and Lance to look at the games. Now that my boyfriend had gotten his rocks off, as he put it, he behaved. Rusty asked, "Ready to go?" We yawned and nodded.

The four of us walked back to the car, the sound of merriment growing quieter with the increasing distance. We made it back to the inn and we bid them good night. In the morning, we said our final goodbyes and exchanged email addresses.

With our little romp in the Irish countryside at an end, we went back to Reading to resume our studies. They proceeded without much happening. On the weekend, Will and I would have sex. Sometimes in human form, sometimes in wolf form. On the last day full day in England, we received another message from Luke.

Dear cousin Matt and friend Will, guess what? I got first place at the swim meet at the local Y. I didn't think I'd get that high, but I did. Must be from the practice Dad made me do every weekend. Here's a picture of the award presentation.

The picture was taken well. Luke was on a platform in his green speedo. The boy who earned second place was wearing black swim trunks with flames running down the side. The boy who earned third wore plain blue trunks.

I responded, "Congratulations cuz. Must not only have been practice, but wolf powered stamina. If you keep this up and if you continue to have interest, go for the swim team in high school."

The next day, everyone woke up early. A bus, similar to the one that brought us to this small town, took us and our belongings to Heathrow Airport. Our return flight was just as boring as the flight to England. We landed and greeted our families. Will and I couldn't wait to tell Luke that we found other werewolves. However, we'd leave out the sex. If he asked, we'd tell him. If it didn't come up, it wouldn't.

We came home with the knowledge that we were not alone, that there were other werewolves in the world besides Will, Luke, and I. When we finished college, we got an apartment. We were a solid couple. Luke started to grow older as children do and before we knew it, he was a 16 year old in High School.

The End ----- This might be the end of this particular series, which began with my first submission to the Nifty Archive, but this isn't the end of the characters. Keep an eye out for my next series which follows Luke in High School. I am currently looking for ideas for this new series especially a title. Look below for my email address. ----- I would appreciate any comments you may have, but please keep insults or flames to a minimum. I'll try to respond to everyone, but no promises. Please mention the title of the story so I know what you are referring to. You can email me at:

Next: Chapter 8: Lupine High 1

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