My Lupine Roommate

By Chaos Wolf

Published on Aug 2, 2004


Disclaimer: The following is an erotic story of a homosexual nature. Please do not read if you are a minor or if it is illegal where you live to do so. Remember to think smart and use protection. The following is the second chapter in my Lupine Roommate series. If this sounds like something you want to read, be my guest and read. If not, go back and look for another story to read.

My Lupine Roommate, Part 5

William and I quickly settled back into our dorm routine. We did quite well in our first semester despite being in a few classes regarded as hellish. It was January and Will was born on the eighteenth day of this month. The Wednesday after we got back, we had our monthly party. The cake this time was white with blue frosting. It was decent, but I'd rather have chocolate. Afterwards, we went back to our room and I asked him what he wanted.

We were watching "Sailor Boyz" in our underwear with our hands in them when I asked Will what he wanted for his birthday. He paused the film and turned to me. He looked unsure, as if he knew what he wanted to say, but didn't know the words to use. I said calmly, "Go on." He said, "I want to be like you. I want to be a werewolf."

Part of me was stunned, but the other portion of my being wasn't surprised at all. I didn't know what his thoughts were, perhaps he always fantasized about being a werewolf. Then why did he wait until know? It was so obvious, this was a potential birthday gift. Being a werewolf wasn't easy and certainly a normal person wouldn't accept me. I said, "Okay, but you have to understand this isn't like getting a shirt as a present. This present you want is the most permanent of gifts." Will said, "I know. You've told me." I said, "Just because I've said how the transformation feels doesn't mean anything." He said, "You'll help me, won't you Matt. I want this." I sighed, "All right, the full moon takes place a few days after your birthday. You'll get your gift then." I hoped he knew what he was getting into.

Nothing was said about it in the days following, but I could tell Will was preparing for this event by going through his drawer and trying to find the oldest pair of shorts he could find. On his birthday, I gave him a sample of things to come.

I said, "Well you did me last month, so I want to do you on your birthday, a preview of things to come." He said, "As a werewolf?" I said, "Sure." We waited until it was late at night so that we wouldn't be interrupted. I dimmed the lights and took off my clothes and shifted. He was in his clothes because he wanted to play the part of a lost human. I picked him off his bed and placed him on the floor. First, I took off his shirt and then his pants. I then planted my muzzle between his legs. I took off his briefs and turned him around. Will's rear was in the air as he got on all fours. I mounted him and placed my pawed hands on his shoulders. I pushed my dick forward trying to get in. He opened up for me and I pushed my dick in.

Will felt amazing, he was his lycanthrope roommate's bitch for the night. He felt that massive organ slide in. It was uncomfortable first, but he got used to it. Then he felt expand inside him. It must be that knot of Matt's.

I felt my knot swell inside his hot hole and I knew I was tied to my roommate. His rear massaged my knot and was arousing me farther than ever before. It felt natural to hump like this. I could barely contain myself anymore. At last, my seed raced through and entered Will. We stayed like that for several minutes until my knot shrank and I was able to get myself out. Once I did, I licked myself clean. Will calmed down for a while to catch his breath. He said, "Are you going to do it now?" I nodded. He closed his eyes and anticipated the bite. It never came. I shook my head. Why did people think werewolves had to be flashy in that manner? I took a needle and washed it with antibacterial soap to clean it. I went back to Will and pricked his finger until I broke the skin. I then placed it into my mouth and coated it with saliva. I took out the finger and saw the wound. Will said, "Do you think it's done?" I nodded. We'd see in a few days. If he didn't transform that first day, we'd just have to try again.

A few days later, it was time for the full moon. Will was both nervous and eager for the moon to rise. I said, "Calm down. It'll happen." We went back to our room and turned on our stereo. The walls were dense enough, but hopefully this would further cut down on any noise. I told Will, "We might as well do this naked. No messing with having to discard clothes." He agreed and threw his clothes aside. I felt it inside my body that the moon was climbing higher and higher. By now I could control the transformation and felt nothing really, but I felt it best to transform at the same time.

It happened. Will and I collapsed on the floor at the same time. Will was thrashing around a lot in pain, I just felt warm and tingly all over. The changes were soon over. I got up an stretched and helped Will to his changed legs and moved him over to his bed. I said, "How do you feel?" He said, "I'm all right. This is just disorienting. No color at all. Hey, I understand you! Before it was just barking and other sounds. Now I understand them." I grimaced and said, "Just a part of being a werewolf." My eyes wandered to his member, now a furry sheath. His foreskin had regrown faster than mine since for me, there was a full month between receiving the lycanthrope condition and actual transformation. Will got up and looked at himself in the mirror to see himself all over.

Will felt his muzzle and his fangs. He then rubbed his hands all over his furry chest. Will moved on to feel his tail and caressed his furry rear. He sat down and his eyes roamed to his crotch. He had a sleazy look in his eyes. He placed his legs on the bed and started to lick himself. I chuckled, "Man, are you one horny wolf." His pink dick emerged from the sheath. I said, "Wanna know what it's like to knot up inside a hole?" His tail wagged eagerly as he said, "Yea."

I got on the floor and said, "Okay, I'm ready." He gave me a thumbs up and he walked on all fours to me. I lifted my tail to let Will mount me. I his dick trying to enter me and he slowly entered my hole to hump me. He swelled up and I knew he had knotted up inside me. We were stuck until he became flaccid again. I felt jets of cum spurt inside me, it felt great. He whispered, "This is so great. Thank you for making me a werewolf." Sometime later, his dick got soft and he got off of me. He then licked himself clean. I desperately needed release. I wrapped my paw around my cock and started to jack off. My knot pushed into my hand and a geyser of semen shot up into the air and fell back down. I licked myself clean and we got into his bed. We were just two naked male werewolves in embrace dozing off.

The sun peeked through the shades. I yawned and rubbed my morning wood. Will woke up and laughed in jubilation declaring, "I'm human again!" I smirked, "Yea, that happens." I took my underwear and threw them in the laundry bin. Will and I proceeded to the bathroom to take a bath. First we shared the toilet, our piss streams falling down into the bowl. We finished and I flushed the toilet. Will turned on the water and we got inside.

The water felt refreshing as usual, one could almost fall asleep. I bathed myself as Will sucked my dick. He wasn't doing it to make me cum, he was just sucking. We switched and I sucked him while he bathed. He rinsed off and we got out to dry. We put our underwear on, got out and put clothes on. It was the weekend so we went to a nearby store to pick up some provisions for the weekend. We came back and did some of our homework.

Will turned around and asked me, "Since I'm a werewolf now, how long do you think it's going to take to change only a part of myself like you?" I said, "Not long. You can even decide whether or not you want to change tonight. You'll sense when it's time to decide that." After doing some homework, we watched some more of "Sailor Boyz". These erotic anime flicks were starting to grow on us.

That night, Will did decide to be a werewolf and he changed after he finished his work because I told him that it was hard trying to write with a paw-shaped hand which is why whenever I was a werewolf, it was after I finished any work. Being a werewolf gets old if you change too many times. It should be special, shouldn't it? For Will, the experience was quite new and it thrilled him to change. We finished our work at about the same time. I sat on my bed and read Treasure Island while wearing earphones and listening to a J-Pop CD that I got at the local import store. It was one of my favorite books. I was reading so intently while listening to Japanese male hotties singing, that I didn't know Will had changed until he was poking his snout into my neck. He said, "Where are you now?" Of course he said this as a werewolf using canine sounds, but hey, I was one too so I could understand him quite well. I replied, "Oh, I'm at the part where Jim Hawkins jumps the ship ahead of the pirates and goes ashore." He said, "I see. I like it when he gets on that little boat and gets back on the ship." I placed the bookmark, turned to him and said, "I'd be great to go on a trip like that." He frowned and said, "Yea, but the closest we'll ever get to an environment like that is taking a cruise to some tropical island." I smiled and said, "That'd be nice, but we wouldn't be looking for gold. We'd be screwing each other on the beach." We laughed together. A werewolf laughing isn't something you normally hear, but it's funny. We didn't do anything for the rest of the evening. We washed up and went to sleep.

Alarms sounded and Will howled in pain from the sound. We smelled something out of place, smoke. I quickly got my sweat pants on as Will went back to human form and threw on some gym clothes. The time was 1 AM. The RAs told us to get out and stand across the street. Man was it cold out there. I whispered to Will, "Just imagine wolf fur on your legs." He tried and said, "I think I've got it." We hid behind the crowd and he lifted his pant leg quickly and lowered it again. There was dense black fur on his legs. I did the same and showed my light brown fur. We stood there and stood there for what seemed like thirty minutes. The smokers huddled together separately from the rest of us and I heard someone joke that one of them started the fire. They laughed sarcastically. The Residence Life director, Sue Nelson appeared and told us that the gym was open for us and we could go inside. We did so.

Someone started up the arcade machines and people flocked to the Dance Dance Revolution game that was acquired during the break. It was a fantastic game. I don't think many people are capable of playing that game since it requires timing. I couldn't, but I enjoyed it for the music that it had. Out of the corner of my eye, I spied a black guy named Phil and a Hispanic guy named Juan sneak into the men's locker room. They were on our football team and were good athletes. No one noticed them gone and they reappeared almost 20 minutes later. A smell entered my and Will's nostrils, the smell of cum. I had no idea that they were gay, but then again, they might have just jacked off together without physical contact. So I couldn't be sure, and it wasn't like I was going to ask. This enticed me and my roommate. People knew we were gay so it wasn't like we were going to repeat what they did tonight. I had another idea. I whispered, "Well we can't go together. I'm going to go the bathroom to cum and when I get out, you'll be able to catch my scent and get off on it." He nodded and I went to the bathroom.

I dare not change my cock. Some guy might come in. Catching a guy beating his meat was bad, seeing his hand wrapped around his not quiet human dick was worse. I stood at a urinal and set about my task. My seed soon splashed inside and I put my member back in my pants. I washed my hand and went back out. Will saw me and went in after.

Will could smell his roommate's essence. He zeroed in on the right urinal and got off on his roommate's scent. He went back and joined his roommate.

Will and I continued to watch the dancers. Sue Nelson came in and asked for us to pay attention. She said, "There was a small electrical fire in the staff room. Everything is fine now, you may all go back to your rooms. We all breathed a sigh of relief and went back to our doom. By the time we went to sleep, it was 3 AM. What a way to wreck a good night's sleep.

The week after, I went to a birthday party at a place called Pizza Penguin. My cousin Luke was now ten years old. Isn't it odd for a young man such as he to go to a place like that, a place of sugarfied moppets. I must have eaten 10 slices of pizza and drank a liter of soda. I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

It was simple looking, There were 6 stalls and 6 urinals of various heights. I stood in the middle and pissed what seemed like forever. I was lost in the sound of my urine when I heard the door open. It was a white guy and he looked somewhat familiar. He stood at the urinal next to me and said, "You look familiar. Hey, do you go to a gay club called Randy's Ranch?" I said, "Yea. I'm Matt Anderson." He said, "My name is Sean Blake." He began to pee and said, "Hey, why are you here?" I replied, "My cousin's having a birthday party. He said, "Cool. Uh, do you mind if I jack off?" I said, "I'm not sure you should do it here. Some kid could just walk in catching you beating your meat. Why not go in a stall." He said, "You're probably right." He finished about the same time I did and stepped back into a stall with his dick still out. He closed the door and called out, "I guess I'll see you later." I said, "Yea, I guess" I washed my hands and went back out in time to see my cousin opening his presents. He smiled as he opened the presents. I hadn't bought him anything because I had used my money to buy my books. I chipped in to help my parents buy him a graphing calculator. Sure he wouldn't need one for a few years, but he liked numbers, so different from myself. I really don't like math, but I do okay in it. I prefer History.

The weeks passed and we came upon the month known as February. The month began much like the others, a birthday party. This month's cake was a heart and the icing was strawberry flavored. That weekend we were at Randy's Ranch and they were advertising a Valentine's Day dance. When we got back, we put the date on our calendar.

On that day we headed to Randy's Ranch. We got there about an hour into the dance. Whenever I got to events, I don't appear right at the time it opens. We heard a voice call us over. It was Justin Harper and he was seated with Sean Blake. Justin said, "Come sit with us." We sat down with them and I said, "Any food?" Sean said, "Oh, just the usual finger foods. I think Max brought a peach cobbler." Max was known to bring homemade foods whenever there was an event at Randy's Ranch. The music played on and there were different types of music. Male hips gyrated to the techno music and feet moved about to the beat. Will said, "Just get here?" Justin said, "We came together just a few minutes before you." I said, "Together, eh?" Sean said, "Yea, we're a couple. Didn't you know?" Will and I shook out heads. We most certainly did not know. It was probably because Sean wasn't at Randy's Ranch that often. We decided to dance before we ate because we didn't want any mishaps.

The four of us got up and proceeded to the dance floor. I held Will in my arms as we danced to a slow song and we grinded our hips to techno music. Overall, it was a good turnout. We sat down and ate with Sean and Justin. We said our good byes sometime after and headed back to the dorms.

We were bushed after dancing a lot. We spent a few minutes watching TV before it was time to go to bed. We washed up and went to sleep.

We saw flyers for study abroad programs. We could go to a country, sightsee a bit and earn credits as well. Sounded interesting. But where to go? Will and I decided to go to England. We couldn't decide between that and Ireland, but we went with England because of the locations that we would visit the first full day overseas. Blarney Castle wasn't even on the agenda for the Ireland trip's first day. When it came time to register, we paid for the trip and classes, and it was a real bargain because if you factor each separately, it's much more expensive. We spent one weekend initiating getting passports and we look forward to going overseas.

Spring semester ended, we took our finals and went home. We still had plenty to do before we left. Who knows what the experience would be like. Hopefully it'd be great. ----- I would appreciate any comments you may have, but please keep insults or flames to a minimum. I'll try to respond to everyone, but no promises. Please mention the title of the story so I know what you are referring to. You can email me at:

Next: Chapter 6

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