My Lupine Roommate

By Chaos Wolf

Published on Jul 8, 2004


Disclaimer: The following is an erotic story of a homosexual nature. Please do not read if you are a minor or if it is illegal where you live to do so. Remember to think smart and use protection. The following is the third chapter in my Lupine Roommate series. If this sounds like something you want to read, be my guest and read. If not, go back and look for another story to read.

My Lupine Roommate, Part 4

The Thanksgiving break was over. I didn't have to hide being a werewolf at home. When evening came, I changed. Of course, I couldn't participate in any dialogue as a full werewolf so I had to change my vocal chords to something in between human and animal. William got a kick out of half-human voice. My parents were still a little leery. I can't say I blame them since it is a human reaction. The first time I changed, I feared I was going to lose my mind and go out on a feeding frenzy. That didn't happen so it was highly unlikely it would happen now.

My parents dropped us off at the dorm early on Sunday, the day that the building reopened. We would have to abandon the place again in less than a month for Christmas holiday and this time everyone would have to leave. The phone rang a few hours after we came back. Since I was closer, I picked it up and it was Mr. Walsh on the other side. I said, "Hello, Mr. Walsh. Here's Will." I handed it to my roommate. He sounded quite cheerful and ended his conversation saying to me, "Well our house is fixed, right on schedule." I said, "Great. Perhaps we should go over to your house for dinner." He started to look a tad nervous, pretty much the same look when I found him wanking to his special binder. I said, "What's wrong." He said, "Well, my parents know you're my roommate, but I haven't mentioned you're gay." I said, "Well since they are okay with you being gay, then they should be okay with my homosexuality." He looked even more worried. I said alarmed, "No, you haven't." Will sadly said, "No, I haven't. I haven't come out of the closet."

I don't think I've ever been shocked as much, well maybe when I was 12 and I saw a teenage boy sucking his older brother's dick. I said, "Are they tolerant?" Will said, "Homosexuality isn't discussed. I have no evidence to say whether or not they would be tolerant." I rolled my eyes and said, "Geez. Here I though they knew. You should tell them. I don't think I could sleep with a guy who wasn't open to his parents." He put his arm around me and said, "I will." I shrugged him off and said, "When?" He quickly thought and said, "Come over for Christmas Eve dinner. I'll come out then and I'll announce you're my boyfriend too." I said, "All right, but you better."

The remaining weeks in the Fall Semester passed quickly and we were enveloped in the time frame known as Exams. They finished and we left for holiday break. Before I left, I reminded Will of his promise. He said, "I'll call, I promise."

I told my parents, "Will hasn't come out of the closet yet. He said that he'd come out at Christmas Eve dinner. Not only that, he has invited me to it." My dad said, "Do what you feel is necessary." My mom said, "Mind your manners when you're over there."

On the twenty-fourth day of December I went over to the Walsh residence wearing my neat clothes. I certainly wasn't going to wear ratty clothes nor was I going to wear something more suited for a wedding. Will opened the door for me and led me inside. His parents were glad to see me. They liked how Will and I were so close. Mr. Walsh despised some of the roommates he had. One hardly went to class and was barely hanging on and another left his stuff everywhere.

Dinner was great. We had plump goose, Yorkshire pudding, ham, salad, and mashed potatoes. His parents were very interested in my decision to go to the college I decided on and not some other one. I replied that I liked the college I chose because it was small and it was located right here in town. Will then said, "I have something important to say." Oh, man. Here it comes. He breathed deeply and said, "I'm gay." His parents kept on eating. My eyes nearly popped out of my head, they said nor did anything. Will said, "Aren't you going to say anything?" Mr. Walsh said, "Say what?" Mrs. Walsh said, "So what if you like other guys. Some people like Pepsi and others like Coca-Cola." Will said, "There's something else. Matt's not only my roommate, but he's my boyfriend." His father said, "We sorta guessed when you came out just now." His mother said, "He's cute. You make a cute couple." Will moaned, "Mom!" She put another spoonful of pudding in her mouth and said, "It's true." I smiled because this was going better than I expected." Dinner ended and I went home. I told my parents what happened and we had a big laugh over what happened. Seeing how it was Christmas Eve, we all turned in early.

During the night, the temperature must have dropped dramatically because I woke up as a werewolf. I walked to the window and I almost pissed myself. I saw snow falling, real snow. It wasn't at a pseudo-dandruff level, it was substantial. I turned on my TV and heard how this hadn't occurred in decades. Honestly, it was as if it was out of a movie. Rats, I actually needed to use the bathroom. I went downstairs and raised a leg. Golden liquid left my shaft and fell downward into the toilet. I cleaned myself with some tissue and I changed back to my human form as quick as I could to went downstairs. I wasn't expecting presents because what guy my age would expect wrapped gifts under a pine tree at my age, but I just wanted to see the snow at street level. Wow, I just wish I could transform and roll around in the snow, but my parents would be coming down soon. Hopefully, it'd be there late tonight. I heard the wooden steps shift. Yup, they are definitely coming down now. Mom yawned, "God must be playing a joke on Texans today." Dad said, "or it's a surprise. Speaking of surprises, your gifts are in the pantry." I went there and found a bunch of gift cards. Let me tell you, gift certificates are the best things to give someone. Never give an actual item. If you do, there's always the possibility that what is given will not be what the recipient wants. Giving gift certificates will ensure that there will be something in a store a person wants. I put those aside and we made cinnamon waffles.

We went to church and came home. Stores were obviously closed so we made our way to my grandparents's house. Luke and Antonia greeted us at the door and actively questioned what we got for them. I told them, "Wait. I wouldn't want to spoil anything." They ran back to the large den where we heard Uncle Gerald playing the guitar and singing Christmas carols. Grandma quieted everyone down and we all collected our presents. We would open one present starting with the youngest, Luke, and ending with the oldest, Grandpa Alex. Once certain our cameras had no pictures on the rolls in them, we proceeded.

Alex tore off the bow and shredding the wrapping. He opened and saw the small box. It could have a shirt or some shorts in it. He lifted the thing inside and asked, "What's this?" Why did he ask. Certainly he knew what it was, wouldn't he? We blushed as I looked around. Who would be the first to say what it was, a green speedo? I certainly didn't give it to him. I got him a comic book. His father, my Uncle Trevor, said, "It's a speedo." The boy said, "Doesn't look like underwear." Uncle Trevor said, "You swim in it." The boy said, "Oh, I see. Oh, look there's a card." He started to read it, "Dear Luke, I know you're a growing boy and this coming year you'll be ten. Here is a swimsuit for you from Uncle Roger who was on the swim team when I was your age. I know you like swimming and I hope you will consider joining a swim team." His Uncle Roger lived up north and had several swimming medals and such. Antonia opened her gift and found a huge book. I could tell it was by Tolstoy, but I couldn't tell what the title was. Merry came next and she received a music CD from one of those cute boy bands. I received some money. The gifts cycle continued until there were no more gifts to open. By this time it was time for lunch, which we had.

We left soon after and went back home. I set my gifts aside. I would try them on and if they were the wrong side, we would need to go to the stores to get them exchanged. We rested for a while and then went to my mother's parent's house and picked up our presents because my relatives had been there the night before.

Later in the evening, I chatted online with Will to discuss the odd weather and the gifts. He thought that Luke receiving a speedo was funny. He typed, "Do you think he'll use it?" I responded, "I don't know. He liked the way the material felt and he told me he couldn't wait to go swimming. However, just wait until he actually does." Will typed, "Yea, I know what you mean. Thankfully I wear trunks." I wrote back, "Me too, but maybe I'll try them. If a boy can tolerate wearing a speedo, certainly I can too." Will wrote, "Well go for it, I bet you'd look sexy in a speedo. Too bad you can't rip a hole in them. I think I'd cream my undies if I saw you as a werewolf wearing the speedo." I put the smiley for laughter.

As quickly as the snow came, it left and soon there was no evidence that it had snowed. There were still a few weeks left before Spring semester. We would meet up occasionally and one day, he wanted to go another step in our relationship.

He rode the bus to my house because his car was in the shop for a faulty AC. My parents had gone out for the day and I guess it was perfect for screwing around. He said, "I'm so horny that I want to fuck. I saw this Asian guy on the bus. He came on the bus along the way and I thought he was cute. As he passed down the aisle, I noticed he had nice basket and when I looked at his rear as he passed by, I got a boner. I wish I could have taken his clothes off and rub my hands all over his body." I said, "Tell me about it. Asian guys have a certain quality to them. Hey, if you want to fuck, just do me." Will said, "Really?" I nodded and said, "I think we are ready for it." Will said, "Great! Can I do you doggy style, if you know what I mean?"

I sure knew what he meant. We started to undress each other starting with our jeans and then our shirts. We embraced on my bed and rubbed our hands over each other's body as I transformed. When we were ready, I retreated to the floor and got on all fours. I looked back and saw Will approach me with a hard dick. I lifted my tail and offered him easy access to my hole. His dick entered slowly as a relaxed my muscles. He placed his hands on my shoulders and started to do me like a dog. He slid in and out giving me plenty of pleasure. Too bad we couldn't record this nor take pictures. Perhaps Will would draw it because sometimes drawings are much better. He quickened his pace as I whimpered in delight. He groaned, "Oh this is so fucking great. I'm actually screwing a werewolf." He continued and then said, "Ugh, I'm going to cum." I then felt liquid warmth streak up my hole. Will slowly retreated and collapsed on the floor. He wasn't built like I was and couldn't lick himself clean. I walked and licked his slick dick clean. He giggled, "Hey that tickles." He then looked at his clean cock and petted me saying, "Thank's buddy." He got up and put on his clothes as I changed back to my human self.

I showed Will to the door and we shared an intense french kiss. He said, "Well, next week is New year's. Got any plans?" I said, "Oh, just the regular junk food extravaganza we do every year. In case I don't talk to you before then, which is highly unlikely, be safe." Will winked, "I will." He then walked down the street. When he was out of sight, I closed the door.

I sighed, I wonder what Will would look like as a werewolf. I had a dream before of me as a werewolf screwing another male werewolf. I wasn't going to force the issue on him. He knew the permanence of the status, but hadn't said anything so far. I'd make him a werewolf the instant he asked me to.

New Year's passed without too much fanfare. I could see fireworks from my window in the attic. Fireworks were illegal in the city except for sponsored events. Yet there was always that case one heard about on the news where someone was caught. A few days after, I went to Randy's Ranch to hang out with Will. We found Justin Harper there and he said, "I know how much you like Geishanime Productions, so I got you two films. Will, thank you for that sketch of that werewolf and his human lover. Matt, thank you for that gift certificate." "Fantasy Boyz" was for me and "Military Guyz: Sailor Boyz" was for Will.

We parted ways. Will said, "I'm going to wait until we get back to the dorms to watch the film. I can't believe we still don't have a DVD Player at my house." I said, "Well, we could watch yours together at my house." He said, "I know, but I can wait." I said, "Oh, all right." That night, I popped the disc in after my parents had gone to bed. I laid upon my bed naked as I saw the Geishanime Productions logo go across the screen held up by 5 animated guys in tights. As the 15 minute scenes went by, I thought that this was cool. I saw centaur stallions having sex with other centaur stallions, young men catching mermen in their fishing nets and screwing them before releasing them back into the water, a young man getting lost in the Labyrinth and coming face to face with the Minotaur. It was funny because the young man thought he was going to die, but the Minotaur had other plans. He removed the youth's tunic and they fucked each other. One clip showed gay Tolkien-type elves. It ended with taking a page from my book, a horny werewolf and his human friend. However, the timeframe was different. It was a medieval type of setting. I made a mental note to send a thank you note to Justin.

A few weeks later, school started up again. I made sure to take my new DVD with me because I knew Will would get a kick out of it and I would most likely like the film he received.

He got there before I did and the first thing we said was, "So, Spring semester starts. Here's to a semester as hot as the last."

I would appreciate any comments you may have, but please keep insults or flames to a minimum. I'll try to respond to everyone, but no promises. Please mention the title of the story so I know what you are referring to. You can email me at:

Next: Chapter 5

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