My Lupine Roommate

By Chaos Wolf

Published on May 27, 2004


Disclaimer: Disclaimer: The following is an erotic story of a homosexual nature. Please do not read if you are a minor or if it is illegal where you live to do so. Remember to think smart and use protection. The following is the second chapter in my Lupine Roommate series. If this sounds like something you want to read, be my guest and read. If not, go back and look for another story to read.

My Lupine Roommate, Part 2

It was the beginning of October and as such, our dorm threw a birthday party for all people born in October. At the beginning of every month, a birthday party was thrown for everyone born in a particular month. However, the August birthday party was at the end of that month, and the summer months were celebrated with May's birthday.

The cake had orange frosting, was shaped like a pumpkin, and had "Happy October birthdays" on it in chocolate lettering. Quite frankly, I wasn't surprised. It was October after all.

My name is Matthew Anderson and my birthday is in October, the fifteenth to be exact. Quite an amazing coincidence considering that I am a werewolf. I took a slice and went to sit down. My roommate, William Walsh, joined me bearing another slice. I took a bite of it and Mike leaned in and whispered, "Aren't you allergic to chocolate?" I said, "No. Chocolate's only bad for dogs, I'm a werewolf remember?" He said, "Oh, that's good. My mom makes good things with chocolate. Cakes, cookies, that sort of thing. What would you like for your birthday?" I thought for a minute, but I couldn't think of anything. I replied, "Surprise me."

One of the Resident Advisors, those upperclass students who helped the other residents out, said, "All right then, which movie do you want to see. We have three to chose from. First, we have Dracula. Second, there is The Wolf Man. Lastly, we have Frankenstein. Raise your hands when I call out each one and we'll watch the one that gets the most votes" This was another expected maneuver just like the cake, but I hadn't expected them to be classic black and white films. When the RA asked who wanted to see The Wolf Man, Will and I raised our hands high in the air. We smiled at each other because we alone got the joke. Unfortunately, it was Dracula that won and we it was going to be played. Oh well, a movie is a movie.

The RA went to turn off the lights while the movie started. Will got closer to me and placed his arm around my hip and I settled in to watching this movie.

After the movie, Will and I went back to our room hand in hand. I closed the door and turned around to find Will standing in front of me. He had that look in his brown eyes, the look like he didn't want to go to sleep just yet.

"Well, we didn't get to see The Wolf Man, but that doesn't matter." said Will, "I have my Wolf Man here." He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close. His lips locked with mine as we moved slowly closer to his bed. His hands roamed all over my back from the top down to my butt giving it a gentle squeeze. We sat down on it and continued our kissing, our tongues meeting and then twirling around each other.

When I met William a bit over a month ago, he was still much in the closet, but he told me that I gave him the strength to come out. He, like me, didn't act like he was gay. We started to hang out at a local gay club called Randy's Ranch and enjoyed this to a degree. We were going randomly, but we decided to go just once a month. It was difficult trying to find a club which we could go to, but we found one that was referred to us by a guy named Fred Sinclair who lived here in the dorm. He was straight, but was a socially active guy and knew about all the places to hang out. Randy's Ranch was just the right place for us as gay college guys. While there was a bar in the building, it was just a small part. It was mostly an arcade, snack bar, and dance hall. The manager was strict about minors stepping into the area where the alcoholic beverages were sold.

After our kissing session, we went to sleep. Fortunately, the following day was Saturday so we didn't have classes, but we got up early anyway to watch cartoons while we had breakfast. Afterwards, we went to wash our dishes in the kitchenette near our room. I was about to place one of my favorite bowls in the sink when it slipped from my soapy hands and fell shattering. I shouted, "Dammit!" Will looked and said, "Oh, man. What a tough break. I knew you loved that bowl." I said, "Yea. Help me take pick up the pieces." Will went and got a plastic bag and we placed the shards in the bag. We threw the bag away as we went back to the room.

There was no real need to get emotional over what happened, it was just a bowl and in this world of greater sorrows, it was insignificant. The rest of the day we did what homework we had and went to the mall to roam a while. We came back and had our dinner and played a video game. Then the real fun began.

We would have done it yesterday, but we were too tired after watching that movie. We started by undressing each other. I like to start with the pants, but Will likes to start with the shirt. I managed to work out a way that we could do both at the same time. Our clothes fell to the ground and we admired each other wearing nothing but underwear. We both like to wear briefs. He wears bikini and regular briefs.

I have worn boxer-briefs ever since I became a werewolf. It was awfully embarrassing when my canine cock couldn't be contained by my underwear and I had to rearrange it every so often. Boxer-briefs helped a lot. I could move about and not worry much about being turned on. Before, I could see my cock straining against my jeans because it was much bigger and not as easy to manage. With boxer-briefs, my monster was better contained and wasn't as noticeable.

Will rubbed the front of my underwear. My crotch stirred, aroused by the attention. Will said to me, "Let's lay down and relax." I leaned back against his bed. I had a feeling of what he wanted to do. He reached out taking my dick out in his hand and sliding my foreskin up and down. I reached over and took his dick into my hand playing with it.

We looked dreamily into each other's eyes as jacked each other off. Our dicks tingled with pleasure, our balls tightened. With a shout, cum flew out and landed on both of us. I had some of mine and his on my belly and Will had some of his and mine on his chest. We laughed and went to clean up.

By this time it was late, so we got into our pajamas and watched a dumb show. We soon fell asleep while the TV continued playing. Some minutes later, it turned off bathing the room with darkness and silence.

A few days later, William went to the nearest pet store. He knew the best gift to get his roommate. There was one aisle with nothing but bowls. He looked and looked, but couldn't find the right one. A woman came forward and asked, "May I help you find something?" Will was concentrating so hard in finding the right bowl she had startled him. He said, "Uh, I'm looking for a bowl for my friend." She asked, "Does your friend own a dog or cat?" Will was going to correct her when he stopped himself. She would have thought he was a pervert or something if he said that the bowl was not for a pet. He said, "He owns a dog, a big one. I don't want the bowl to be big though." She looked and found a blue bowl. She presented it to him and said, "Is this the right size?" Will's eyes lit up as he said, "That's perfect. I have a question. Do you put names on bowls?" She said, "Yes, we can put a name on it. Come with me."

He followed the lady to the back of the store and she sat down getting a sheet out. She looked up and said, "All right, what do you want the bowl to say?" Will said, "Matt." She wrote the name down and then got out some pictures and said, "Here are a few styles that we can write the name in." Will looked and found a blocky font. He pointed to it and said, "I like this one." She wrote a number 6 on the form. The clerk then asked, "What color paint do you want?" Will said, "Yellow." She asked, "Any decorations like bones or what?" Will said, "I'd like a crescent moon on each side of the name." She wrote this down and said, "All right then it should be ready in a day or two. How may we contact you?" He provided his email address. She smiled and said, "Okay. That'll be $15.25. The cost covers the bowl and the labor on the decoration"

A few days later he returned to the store to pick up his bowl. As he passed the aisles, he noticed a medium sized plastic jar of doggie biscuits.

It was the morning of the fifteenth and Will was already up. He actually made me breakfast. He set the tray in front of me and smiled, "Happy Birthday." Breakfast consisted of an overeasy egg, sausages, half of an apple, with a big glass of milk on the side. He was done in a few minutes and Will announced, "I have your present here." He reached under his bed and took out a box. He opened it and took out a wrapped present. I had no way of telling what it was and I eagerly opened it. I found a blue plastic bowl with my name written on it between two crescent moons. A jar of dog biscuits was in it. Will said, "I wasn't sure if I should have gotten the dog biscuits." I smirked, "Well you should have thought about it beforehand. Honestly, I love dog biscuits." I screwed the lid, and took out a biscuit, and ate it. I swallowed it and said, "You have no idea how hard it was getting a box of dog biscuits into my room and keeping it there." I reached in and took out another to eat. Will said, "Can I have one?" I said, "I'm not sure if you'd like it, but try one." He took one and brought it to his lips and too a bite out of it. His face grimaced with disgust, but he ate the thing. I said, "It's an acquired taste." I hugged and kissed him saying, "Thanks for the gifts."

Will took the tray and set it aside. He got on his knees and said, "There's one more present. Swing your legs around." I did so. He reached out to my underwear and took out my dick. So he was going to jack my tool, It was nothing new, but I was wrong. He opened his mouth and took it into his craving mouth. His tongue twirled around it, his head going up and down on it as if it was a popsicle. I placed my hand on his head as he continued to give me a blowjob. He paused briefly to say, "I want to suck your throbbing canine cock." I said, "For you, it'll be my pleasure."

He continued to jack my dick as it grew larger, as fur sprouted along my foreskin and balls. He put it back into his mouth and continued to suck it. A knot formed at the base of my shaft. I humped eagerly into his mouth, my knot bumping against his lips. I licked my lips and closed my eyes as I moaned. Will was quite good at giving a blowjob for the first time. The pressure got tighter and tighter and when I couldn't hold it in any more, my prick exploded and cum shot into Will's thirsty throat.

Will took the canine organ out of his mouth and squeezed the last drops of his roommate's essence. He licked his mouth and said, "Wow! You tasted great." I thanked him and pulled my member back into my underwear. I got up from my bed and said, "We could use a bath." He said, "Sure thing wolfie." He followed me and we shared a shower.

Later that day, we went to Randy's Ranch. Will said to Randy who was walking around talking to some of the patrons, "It's Matt's birthday today. He's 19." He said, "Oh is it. We'll have to do something about that." He went to the loudspeaker and said, "Attention everyone. Today is Matthew Anderson's 19th birthday. Let's sing to him." People stopped what they were doing and sang "Happy Birthday" to me. It was real swell and they played a few of my favorite songs for me. Will and I played some games and decided it was time to head back to the dorm.

When we entered our room, Will gave me a hug as he asked, "So did you have a nice birthday?" I kissed him and said, "I sure did." We washed up and went to bed. Who knows what will happen during the next year?

I would appreciate any comments you may have, but please keep insults or flames to a minimum. I'll try to respond to everyone, but no promises. Please mention the title of the story so I know what you are referring to. You can email me at:

Next: Chapter 3

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