My Lupine Roommate

By Chaos Wolf

Published on Jun 7, 2005


Disclaimer: The following is an erotic story of a homosexual nature. Please do not read if you are a minor or if it is illegal where you live to do so. Remember to think smart and use protection. The following is the third chapter in the "Lupine High" series. If this sounds like something you want to read, be my guest and read. If it is not, go back and look for another story to read.

Lupine High, Part 3

The return to school following Thanksgiving began on a humorous note. Mr. Phelps, or Captain Phelps, our History teacher returned our papers and made interesting comments about them. He first announced who received a 90 or better. Those that did, came up and received their papers. Me, Richard, Terry, and Leo all got better than a 90. He then shuffled the papers and then called people to collect them. He doesn't name any names, that would have been cruel. He said, "To the person who wrote the paper on Cesar Chavez, you did not write about the person I asked for." The student, Barry, who wrote the paper spoke up and said, "Yes I did. You asked for a paper on Cesar Chavez and I gave you one." Although the teacher doesn't name names, Barry opened himself up when he identified himself before us. The Captain cleared his throat and said, "Yes I did ask for paper on Cesar Chavez. However, you wrote about Julio Cesar Chavez the boxer not Cesar Chavez who worked for the rights of migrant by organizing a boycott against grapes." Barry said, "Please teach, you gotta let me do the paper over again." Mr. Phelps was a hardass when it came to assignments, this was not a valid argument to get a redo. He said, "The paper was an average paper, but the wrong content brought the paper down. I did say in the instructions to ask for help if you were confused about the subject matter." Barry countered, "But I wasn't confused, you should have that it was that grape guy." Mr. Phelps said, "Sorry, but the grade stands. I asked if everyone understood about who they chose to write about. Take Cadet O'Neill over there, he wrote about John Adams the Elder. He asked if I wanted a paper about the Elder or Quincy. I clarified who I wanted the paper on and he gave me what I wanted." I wished he didn't call me or other students Cadet, but he was a former officer and we learned that we had to respect he did things.

Some in the class chuckled until Captain Phelps silenced them with his whistle. Me and my friends didn't. What if it had been us?

With Thanksgiving over, it was less than a month before Christmas vacation. Not only did I have finals to think about, but I also had to deal with Terry's request. I told Matt about my plans. I knew how he made me a werewolf, but I wasn't exactly sure how to proceed. Sure, the giving of lycanthropy is easy, but it's another thing to do it discreetly.

Matt looked at the calendar and said, "Well it is sound. Any of these days would work. Just remember that you'll be doing it in the middle of the night. That's the best way. You never know what a night will bring if you do it before moonrise." I asked, "So should I do it at his house or my house." Will said, "Can I say something? Good. Just think about which gets more traffic. Which is more prone to activity in the middle of the night?" Matt said, "Plus, which is more soundproof?" At least I'm halfway through my choice.

I told Richard about it. He said, "Why tell me? You like Terry. It's your business if you want to make him a werewolf. I still can't believe he wanted it. Why anyone wants to be a werewolf is beyond me." Sure he was accepting of his fate as a werewolf, but he still believed no normal person would ask for that fate. I said, "You can ask him if you want. In my opinion, they find some aspect appealing."

He did and still couldn't believe it, but he asked, "Can I be there when it happens?" I thought about it and replied, "Sure."

All four of us got into a study mode for Finals. Poor Leo, he doesn't know what we got planned. Don't worry dude, we'll get to you. We had two finals a day and it took a week to finish them all.

The last day of school of the fall semester saw something that I never expected. We were in the cafeteria going over our plans when this one guy shouted, "Food fight!" He shot up like a rocket, took a tub of broccoli and cheese soup, and threw it not caring where it landed. It landed on our science teacher and was she pissed. The principal himself came in and dragged the offender away. So much for the food fight. Almost everyone turned back to eating. I don't like broccoli and cheese soup, but that's no way to treat food.

That Saturday was the big day. I told my parents that me, Richard, and Terry were going to celebrate the end of the semester with a little party and a sleep over. He, he. They didn't suspect a thing and went out for the night.

Richard and I discarded our human forms and walked around in our skivvies. We soon discarded them because our enlarged cocks were straining to get out. We then moved furniture out of the way to make room for Terry's change. Terry looked at us with an amused expression as he sat on the floor at an angle with his knees up and his arms behind him. I walked on all fours, but Richard didn't because he thinks it's silly. If it's silly, then I guess I'm a silly guy. He went behind, hugged him, and licked his face. My head bent down and I licked his chest on down to his manhood. I then looked up and asked Richard, "So, how do you want to do this?" He replied, "He's yours. You decide." Terry looked at us and asked, "What are you saying?" I couldn't help but sigh. This was the last time that I could have a private conversation in wolf speak. After tonight, he would understand every word. It was up to Terry how he wanted me to give it to him. I wrote "Bite or pinprick?" on a piece of paper. He read the note and asked, "Will the bite hurt?" I wrote back, "A little. I'll do it in a safe area." He nodded and breathed deeply, waiting. I looked over his body. Where to bite him? It would need to be an area that wasn't vital. Perhaps the feet? I motioned to Richard to cradle Terry. I nodded to Terry and showed where I'd bite him. He nodded back and he gritted his teeth in anticipation of what was to come. I went low positioning myself near his big toe. Quick as lightning, I bit him barely breaking the skin, but it was enough. He instantly winced in pain, but it was only the beginning. The lycanthrope strain is perhaps the most potent thing in creation. In the second after the bite, it was already rewriting his DNA. The strain was working overtime because it happened to be the night of the full moon. If it was a normal infection, there would have been time between the infection and the activation when the body would reconstruct itself from human to wolf. However, this was the same as what happened to me. An infection so close to the first full moon of the lunar month would result in a metamorphosis instantly. Richard let him go and we sat down on the couch to watch the genesis of a new lycanthrope.

Terry arched his back accompanied by familiar crunching noises. His hands and feet grew into the size of werewolf paws as his nails blacked into claws. Black fur spread over his light skin like wildfire. Muscles grew firm and large while his privates became like ours. His dick grew long and wide, his balls grew bigger, foreskin regenerated and grew furry as it soon encompassed his tool. His nose and mouth stretched out changing into a muzzle. His tailbone lengthened into a tail. The color of his eyes gradually grew from green to yellow. The changes stopped and Terry got up and looked at himself ogling his large hands. He said, "I guess this means no more chocolate, huh." I said, "How many times do I like to have a slice of your mom's chocolate sprinkle fudge cake?" He said, "Oh, yea." I said, "That's right. Chocolate does not hurt us. It's only as harmful as it is to the average human. His head turned to the mirror. His flexed his arms, biceps bulged noticeably. Terry's human form wasn't scrawny thankfully, but he wasn't exactly muscular like us. He then looked at his flaccid member, totally mesmerized. I said, "So you have a big dick now. The fascination doesn't last long." He turned back and said, "I know. It's just one thing, not the entire thing about being a werewolf, right?" Richard and I nodded. I learned from Matt and Will that orgasms were more animalistic, but because we had human intelligence, life wasn't all about biological needs. Speaking of which, it looked like Terry wanted to satisfy his biological need because his sheath lowered revealing his turgid cock. Richard groaned, "Less than an hour into his new life and he already wants to hump. No patience at all. Why don't we go to your room Luke. Having sex in the living room just seems a bit weird." I said, "You're probably right. Let's go." We walked to my room, but Terry almost fell. We helped him along to my room, walking on two misshapen feet was a learned ability.

We entered my room and we sat down. Terry yelped and clutched his tail. Yup, bud, you have to contend with a tail now. Our hands were naturally bigger and didn't wrap around our members as easily when we were human. We had to use our fingers. I've had plenty of practice and I'm sure Richard had, but this was new for Terry. I told the Asian werewolf, "Watch me." He saw me wrap my thumb and index finger around my dick. He did the same. He then started to beat his meat. My attention turned back to my own act. Richard left and got a measuring cup. He said, "Let's see how much spunk three teenage werewolves can make." This was an interesting development in Richard's development in his acceptance. I would never expect such a suggestion from him. Terry and I agreed, but this meant that we couldn't cum at the same time. We let Terry go first because this was his night. We held the measuring cup to the tip of his cockhead. He quickened his pace soon exclaimed, "Awesome I have a knot just like my dog Polo." His paw clamped behind the knot and grunted as his seed gushed into the container. Richard was next and it didn't take him long to add to the pot. I was last and we held the cum-filled up to the light. Wow, that was a lot. Now that we measured it, what do we do with it? We savored the smell of it, enhanced by our heightened sense of smell. It was tantalizing and we would certainly masturbate again if we really wanted to, but there was no need to. We went to the bathroom and plugged up the sink. Richard poured it in and we watched it for awhile. We sighed and released the plug so it soon went down the drain. We washed our paws and went back to my room to get much needed sleep. Richard slept on the floor and since I had the hots for Terry, he slept in my bed with me. We made sure our heads were covered so if one of my parents peeked in, they wouldn't suspect anything.

In the morning, we woke up as humans. Terry looked at himself in my mirror and said, "I'm human again." I responded, "Not really. You've just gone back to human form. Although you look human, you'll never be human again." It was a sad truth and difficult for some to accept. Although we lycanthropes look like humans, we are not and never will be. The week afterwards, we went to my cousin's place.

"Hey Terry, I see you're one of us now." I know I told my cousin that I planed to make Terry a werewolf, but I hadn't told him I actually did. The smell said it all, it doesn't go unnoticed. We sat down and the Chinese teen said, "I guess so. I'm still surprised at what my senses bring me." Matt said, "He also tells me that you're what, a big baby?" Terry blushed and said to me, "You actually told him?" Richard exclaimed, "Big baby?" I said, "It slipped out. He asked if I had done anything with you." Terry calmed down and clarified, "I don't act like a baby. I've only worn diapers a few times." Matt took a swig of soda and said, "I've hear of stuff like that. Will told me." Will said, "Yea, I guess I did. You see I got an email from Justin Harper, a gay friend of ours who admitted to being a diaper lover." Justin Harper? The name seemed familiar. I asked, "The name's familiar, who's he again?" Matt looked at Will and then at us. He cleared his throat and said, "Remember that DVD called Astro Boyz?" I did. That was shortly before I ceased being human. Matt had been alarmed I was watching it. It was only a few seconds, but whatever it was made my cousin scared. I said, "Yea, what about it?" He said, "Justin introduced us to that film." It was starting to make sense to my teenage brain. I asked, "Was it a gay movie?" My cousin said, "Yes. It wasn't exactly appropriate viewing material for a boy your age." A gay animated movie. The though of how close I was to watching it made my groin swell.

Terry cleared his throat so that we could listen to him. He deflated the issue and asked, "Are there other Asian werewolves or am I the only one?" Matt said, "I'm sure there are, but it's difficult meeting other werewolves in general. Don't feel too bad if you never meet one. However, we can communicate with werewolves from around the world no matter what language they speak. When we are in wolf form, our language is the same." Will said, "We've been trying to set up an American confederation of werewolves. It would certainly be easier than traveling to another country. Then again we'd have to deal with all those factions." Richard asked, "Factions?" Matt said, "There are different factions of werewolves. Some adhere to the old ways and shun modernity. Others thing we are better than humanity because of the abilities we have. Most are like us. We are like humans in the way we relate to the world. We just happen to turn into wolves. Speaking of which, do you plan on making werewolves out of any more of your classmates? We three teens looked at each other. There was only one guy we could think of, Leo. We said, "Just Leo." Matt said, "Okay, but only him. I don't want anymore werewolves coming out of your school." We said in unison, "Why?" Will said, "The more of us there are in one place, the more it'd arouse suspicion. Four students in the same grade in the same school is enough. More and someone might say something in the wrong place. Not to mention more chances for accidents." Luke said, "What kind of accidents?" Matt asked, "I assume you are taking Biology this year?" We nodded. The adults shook their heads. They were was clearly worried and Will asked, "Done dissecting yet?" I said, "This coming semester. Why? What's wrong with that?" Matt said, "The animals that are brought in. The carcasses excite the senses. Your werewolf sides will be wanting to show themselves. Will here never had to go through with that, but you three are still in school. When I was your age, there was a part of me that wanted to change, take that fetal pig and eat it." I imagined us in our wolf forms eating our assignments in front of horrified classmates. Terry asked, "What do we do?" Matt suggested, "You might want to try partial transformation. Just grow some fur under your shirts. That's what I did. It was uncomfortable, but at least the changes were visible. I wouldn't advise any other changes beneath the clothing. A werewolf's manhood would be noticeable beneath clothes. Would you like to demonstrate Luke? You don't have to take it out." Me? I got up and concentrated on my crotch. Sometimes I do so to wet my pants for kicks, but this was something else entirely. I imagined myself mounting Terry. I could tell it was him, his scent piercing my nostrils. His eyes told me that he wished for us to screw as humans, but he wanted my dick to be lupine. He was my mate and I was willing to give him what he wanted. It was happening. I felt my dick and balls grow. Werewolves wear loose clothes in wolf form to give their organs room to move. In normal fitting human clothes their size was evident. My classmates whistled and exclaimed, "What a whopper!" I changed my organs back to their human size. I looked down and saw the inhuman bulge get smaller until it was human sized. I asked, "Anything else you want to suggest Matt?" He said, "Not really. When you make Leo a werewolf, if you do, come back for a visit. Of course you can come back anytime." I said, "Next time can we see Astro Boyz? I want to see what I missed." My cousin smirked, "We'll see. You be on your best behavior and I'll consider it. That goes for all of you."

The three of us left my cousin's place resolved to make Leo Sanchez one of us. We were best friends and didn't want anyone else in our little pack. We would correspond with each other as to how we to go about it. We wished each other a Merry Christmas and parted ways.

I would appreciate any comments you may have, but please keep insults or flames to a minimum. I'll try to respond to everyone, but no promises. Please mention the title of the story so I know what you are referring to. I have a group which you can find at You can also email me at:

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