My Love For My Best Friend

By moc.liamg@guhgubtac

Published on May 25, 2017



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My Love For My Best Friend

It was the best day to go to the beach; it was a school day so the beach was empty of families so we had the beach to ourselves. Someone else would have probably thought this was awesome, but me, I hated it; i hated the beach. I'm not confident in my body and I don't care for the freezing water. I came because the love of my life was here.

Daniel is my best friend since high school and now we have graduated college and are moving ahead in our careers. Through those years I spiraled into black hole of unrequited love. I couldn't help It, He was so handsome, tall at 6'2, with a muscled body, some scruff on his body and face making him look like the pinnacle of masculinity . I hate myself for loving a straight guy.

I've see him go through it all girlfriends, fuck buddies, hook ups, and one night stands. I always did the bro thing congratulating him after each but secretly I wished I was one of those lucky ladies.

I know it so cliche I have such low confidence and self respect but I can't

help it. Dan is my best friend and has supported me since we first met, even when I came out and up to now. I couldn't help falling head over heels. I just wish I could forget these feelings but no mater how hard I try I can't. I feel happy just being close to him.

He and our buddy Jeff put on their swim trunks and show their beautiful bodies. This is the only reason I agreed to come. They jump in the probably freezing cold water.

"You should close your mouth it makes less obvious how I love you are." My other friend Diane says closing my mouth for me before I even notice. I blush red making her giggle.

"You need to get out more and find someone that will make you fall so deep in love you won't even remember Dan." Diane says

"Easier said than done dude. I can't help loving him I wish I wasn't gay or that I had never met him but honestly I don't regret either. I'm content just being his friend and imaging my dildo is his dick making love to me." I joked.

"Omg you actually have one?" Diane asked smiling. Making me blush

"Yeah Its weird but I like it." I said honestly. I was as long time friends with Diane as I was with Jeff so we pretty much had no walls between us.

"I Should probably buy one too" she said. Making me gape as Jeff was her boyfriend. She chuckled at my reaction. I laughed also as I knew how often they were like bunnies.

"Maybe I should hook up with someone regularly and that will make me forget." I said.

"Excuse that was my idea." Diane said mockingly as she suggested this on Saturday.

"I'm just scared." I said honestly.

"There is nothing to be scared of just use protection and make sure he isn't a murderer." Diane joked.

"What are you guys talking about?" Asked Dan coming out of the water. It took everything in me not to gape and stare at his glistening body.

"The last episode of how to get away with murder." I answered

"Shut up! Spoilers!" Dam said covering his ears. I laughed.

"Let's play frisbee." He said

"I'll sit this one out" answered Diane

"Me too. the water is freezing." Said Jeff

"I guess I'll play." I answered.

"GEE thanks." Responded dan jokingly

We got up and played frisbee for a while. I think I will always remember this moment of just passing the frisbee and laughing with the person who I most loved.

We left the beach at the end of the day and went to get a bite of dinner then we went to a bar for a bit. A while later we said our goodbyes as Diane took a wasted Jeff back to their place leaving me with a somewhat wasted Dan.

"I don't feel like going home let me crash at your place since it's close." He said. I internally sighed but agreed.

We made it back up and dan immediately took my bed.

"Your bed is comfortable let's sleep here." Making me sigh at the context I wish he meant it in but I was used to him taking my bed.

"Hey take a shower you still have sand on you aren't you itchy?" I asked somewhat irked he got sand on my bed.

"Do I have to mom?" He asked mockingly.

"You do if you want the bed." I answered plainly pointing at the bathroom. He got up and trudged his way to the bathroom where I heard him pee for the longest then the shower turn on.

I got some of the clothes he left behind the last time he was here and a towel. I assumed he was in the shower but to my surprise he was standing there naked staring at my dildo that I hid under the sink. He flushed red and smiled at me.

"You should knock" he chucked but then saw my mortified red as a tomato face "I'm sorry I was looking for soap and found this in your drawer."

I felt so mortified at the moment and somewhat surreal as he was naked and I saw his large flaccid dick that was as big if not bigger than the dildo. I put down his clothes and towel and just walked out. FUCK!!!

To hell with it I guess. What does it matter if he knows? I'm a grown gay man I'm allowed to masturabate it's not my fault my g spot is in my ass. I made my way to the kitchen and poured myself three shots of tequila and a large scotch.

I have no clue how to drink as I never usually drink and these are here for when friends come but I don't feel like sitting through the impending awkwardness that will happen so I just down this alcohol and feel the burning as it passes down.

Fuck it. I've never been wasted or black out drunk but Im at home and Jeff is here so if anything happens he will help i just want to forget this moment so I down some more alcohol. I stop as I know after 5 shots and 2

scotches I will probably be drunk if not buzzed.

Jeff eventually comes out in just the pair of shorts but at this point I'm playing some music and jamming out not giving fuck. But what a Fucking asshole I left a shirt for you for a reason. why do you have to look so hot? Why did I have to fall in love with you?

"Hey are you okay?" He asks worried. Then proceeds to the bottles of alcohol. "Did you drink all of this?" He asks even more worried and more sober than before.

"Yep and I feel fucking great hot stuff no wonder people do this." I slur and keep dancing not giving a fuck about anything.

"Is everything okay? Did you do this because of what just happened? It wasn't even a big deal. I know you're gay. I'm just surprised you have a dildo. Everyone masturbates, it's normal." He says as he makes his way to the kitchen to get two large glasses of water. He sits on the couch and just stares at me worried.

I keep dancing and make my way to him and shake my butt at him then laugh and keep dancing.

"I don't care that you saw it." I answer. Not caring about anything anymore.

"Then why did you drink so much? In all our years of friendship you have never had more than 3 drinks and today you drink twice that much! Tell me what's wrong!" He says.

"Do you really want to know?" I ask smiling and acting coyly

"Of course I want to know. We have been friends for years I love and care for you like a brother." He says,instantly pissing me off but I decide to just shake it off. I laugh as the song that is playing is so comedic it's "Do you take it" by the Wet Spots.

I make my way to Dan seductively dancing in the probably the most hilarious way.

"Alright I'll tell you. As you know alcoholism runs through my family but the reason I don't drink or hardly ever do is because I'm afraid of losing control." I say as I keep dancing and eventually make my way on top of his lap.

He looks up at me with worry and I just smile as I look at his beautiful grey eyes. I feel repulsed at the sudden surge in my feelings for him. I grab the water just down the cup large cup in one but in my drunkenness I spill a lot of it on my shirt. Wow I'm all kinds of a mess. I take off my shirt and my pugy hairy body comes into view.

"I don't care about control anymore though. Daniel I feel like you know already but I will tell you anyway. I have been in love with you for years and every time I see you I fall for you again. I hate myself and these feelings for you. I feel like we shouldn't be friends anymore my love for you is too deep. I need to break away from this. I always fail if I try to drift because you always pull me back and I always want to see you. I don't want to feel this hopeless love anymore. so can you put a goddam shirt on and go to bed?" At this point tears are rolling down my face and one rolls down to hit his lips awakening him from whatever thoughts he has.

I don't wait for him to respond I make my way to the bathroom and pee then decide to take a shower the tears don't fucking stop ugh why did I choose to say all that no wonder. I don't drink I'm so fucking dramatic.

As I take the shower the alcohol hits me more and more eventually I feel like I'm in a dream. I start to feel horny as I feel around my body. I scrub my dick to full erection then my butt feeling my ass As I put a finger in and feel my ass quiver in pleasure I jack off some more and eventually put three fingers in but I don't feel like I'm hitting deep enough so in my drunkenness I get my dildo and lube it up with soap shoving it 6 inches deep. I involuntarily release a loud moan of pleasure.

Oh god what am I doing Dan is out there pondering the bullshit I just said

and I'm in here masturbating but god my ass feels so good I don't feel any of the pain of entry just pure pleasure and I moan some more. In some moment of clarity i take out the dildo and make the water freezing cold waking me up somewhat. Wow I didn't bring a towel or anything. I'm an idiot. I see the shirt I gave Dan to wear is still there and decide to wear it. I make my way out hoping Dan is already in bed but, to my surprise, he is there in front of the bathroom naked.

"What are you doing? Did you not here what I just said? And here you are doing the opposite." I ask trying to break away but then I see his erect cock standing 10in from his body. And my dick against my wishes also immediately stood up tall at the sight of his beautiful body.

"I was waiting for you." He said resolve in his eyes. "You were starting the party without me in there." He came up to me and pulled me to him leaning down kissing me on the mouth fully dominating me. I was in shock and happiness. What happened? Do I want this? We are both drunk.

He started to rub his hands over my still moist body and then ran it over my large ass and put a finger in my ass then second and third I was in euphoria was I dreaming? I hope I never wake up.

He kept his lips on me while he led me to the bed. I felt like I was gonna float into heaven. He pushed me down then kissed his way down my chin the down my neck licking me with his tongue. He made his way to my nipple where he gently kissed it over my shirt then put it in his mouth sucking it in through the fabric and nibbling on it I was in heaven. He kept on fingering me then I felt him aim his dick at my entrance the head moist with his sweet precum that I wanted to lick but wanted inside me more.

He pushed forward a bit and the head of His cock pushed in a bit stretching me more than the dildo. I didn't feel the discomfort only the sensation of his warm dick as he pushed more and eventually he completely filled me with his giant cock. He stayed in there and I held on to him with my arms and legs feeling him and feeling great and happy. He leaned up and looked at me then kissed me.

We stayed like that for a long time eventually he started to thrust his cock in and out but never separating our kiss. He kept up a slow steady pace that had me restless and so turned on. Eventually he started to go faster and more erratic pushing inside me at different angles that had me on the edge. I gripped on to him as hard as I could trying to bring our bodies together as close as possible. I really loved this man why didn't I say something a long time ago?

He kept up the fast pace for a long time. He tweaked my nipples and kissed my neck.

"Oh fuck!!!" He said as he gently bit my neck shocking me with the new sensation that triggered my hands free orgasm.

This was the first time I had ever come during sex especially just my ass and it was glorious. He Kept on pumping me through my orgasm making it last for a longer period than it usually would then I suddenly came again this time even more than before. I was in euphoria.

I felt his thrusts go faster and faster and at the peak of his thrusts I felt him come inside my ass which triggered another anal orgasm. I could feel his dick pulse inside me as he spewed his load. He stayed in there then lifted up and looked at me then kissed me again he didn't pull out we stayed like that. He turned me slowly not pulling out putting me on my side then on my stomach he pushed himself deeper and on the bed. He was spooning me now with his huge cock still fully inside. His dick was still hard and he started to thrust in me again lifting up my leg for a deeper trust.

We stayed like that for a long time until we both came again. Completely exhausted I fell asleep with him inside me. I had never felt so happy as I did tonight.

"I love you Daniel." I said before I felt sleep take me.

I woke up feeling like shit with a headache. So this is a hangover. I looked at my side and I was alone. I felt somewhat sad at this. I hope he didn't leave. I got up and looked around my apartment but he was gone. That wasn't the worst though all of his clothes and belongings that he left throughout the years were gone. He left no trace behind. I guess I got what I wanted but I didn't think it would be this painful. I finally had sex with the man of dreams and he disappears.

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