My Lifeguard Evan

By Tasty In Ottawa

Published on Aug 10, 2012


Thanks! Here's the second installment. I haven't ruled out scat totally, but it's a long way off.

He lays down on me and kisses me, sucking the come out of my mouth and kissing it back in. He sucks it out again and drops it back in my open mouth. We share the come over and over. Finally we swallow it and lay together, panting and sweating.

"Well," he says. "I think I can say that I am definitely gay."

I laugh. "You weren't sure?"

"No, this was my first time."

We lay together on the bed for while, enjoying the moment.

"What time is it?"

I look over at the clock. "3, " I say.

"Shit, I gotta go! I'm supposed to meet a couple of the guys for a beer at 2:30"

"Aw. I was hoping for round 2." I smile.

"I'd love that, " he says. "But I'd better go meet the guys."


He starts to get dressed, and then he looks at me. "Why don't you come along?"

"Are you sure? What would you say about why I was there?"

"We'll see. But I'd love you to be there."

He finishes getting dressed, and I throw on my clothes quickly. We head out and walk to the Royal Oak again. As we walk in, I see two other lifeguards there and they wave to Evan.

"This should be interesting," I think.

We walk over and join them.

"Evan!" the guys greet him and give me a questioning look.

"Hey guys. This is David."

We all shake hands and I am introduced to Ryan and Jerry. Ryan is tall and lean, with black hair and a hairy face. Jerry is short, stocky, and thick all over. "Mmmm," I think. "Jerry's fucking hot. I'd love him to sit on my face."

"So," Ryan asks, "What have you two been up to". He has this mischievous look on this face.

I blush, not sure how to respond.

Evan takes the lead and says "We were just grabbing some lunch down the street."

"Great. Always nice to meet one of the pool regulars." Ryan responds. He looks back and forth between us, and I just know that Ryan has figured out we'd been fooling around. He has this funny look and a smirk on his face. I decide to ignore it.

We order some beers and chat. We make small talk about the summer, and the guys talk about the girls at the pool, the other lifeguards, and the coming fall school season. I chime in a bit, but mostly keeping to myself. I steal a few looks at Evan and he is totally comfortable – not letting on he'd just plowed my ass shortly before. My hole twitches a little, nostalgically, and I get a little hard remembering the taste of his sweet ass.

Jerry is talking all about the girls, and I look at him, thinking about all the sexy things I'd like to do with him. He's totally clueless about what's going on between the rest of us. He gets up and heads off to the washroom. I consider following him, but decide that's a little too creepy. I'd love to watch him pissing next to me, and I figure I'd give myself away with my hard-on and watery mouth.

After Jerry leaves the table, Ryan looks at Evan and says, "No, really, dudes, what have you been up to? David here has a guilty look on his face. You guys have been up to something other than lunch."

Evan looks a little scared. I'm sure he had no idea that any of the guys would figure out what we've been up to, but now he fidgets nervously and looks away.

Ryan continues. "Look, I don't care if you boys have been sucking cocks or whatever. It's cool with me. I just want my boy Evan to be happy. I mean, let's face it Evan, you're always checking me out when I'm getting changed. If you needed a little action, all you needed to do was ask."

Evan looks stunned. And resigned. He sighs. "Ok, Ryan, you caught me. "

Ryan beams. "I KNEW you were into guys! Damn, I shoulda come on to you. I love when a guy blows me. They're so INTO it."

I'm still unsure how to proceed. I'm not hot for Ryan the way I am for Jerry. I just sit there, waiting to see what Evan will say.

Jerry returns, cellphone in hand, and says "I gotta head out guys. Duty calls."

We say our goodbyes to him, and I turn to the other two.

"Well, guys, I'm up for another round. Evan has made me so horny after our first time that I'm ready for more. Right now. Who's in?"

Ryan smiles, "Can you take my fat 7inches all the way down?"

I laugh. "Sure, you can face-fuck me all you want. What do you say, Evan? Want your first three-way on the same afternoon as your first time?"

Evan stands, his erection obvious in his shorts. "I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought of your cock while jerking off, " he says to Ryan. "Come on, let's go back to David's and get busy."

We all get up and head to my place. I'm a little overwhelmed that I'm getting two lifeguards on the same day, at the same time. But I'm thinking about how great it'll be.

We arrive at my apartment and Ryan whips off his clothes in no time flat. His hard cock is sticking straight up, and he says "Who wants to blow me first?"

I look at Evan. He looks at me and shrugs. "I will," he says, and drops to his knees.

Ryan says "Fuck yeah Evan, show me your stuff." I watch as Evan takes Ryan's cock in his mouth, moaning and humming. He licks the head and the shaft of Ryan's fat cock. "Oh, Ryan, so nice..." and he takes a good length of it. He starts to choke.

"Whoa, slow down there. No need to take it all yet. Besides, your boy David knows how. Let him have a go and show you."

I get on my knees next to Evan. I kiss Evan heartily and lick his lips. "You gotta open up your throat a little," I explain. "Like this."

I put my hand on Ryan's cock and place it in my mouth. I lick it all over, getting it good and wet. I slowly take more and more, coming up for air as I take more inches into my mouth.

It's throbbing in my mouth, Ryan's pulse making it pump. I take a deep breath and lower myself down to Ryan's pubes. It's a good, fat, thick cock and fills me nicely. I let it sit in my throat, relaxing all the muscles, and then work the head in and out of the back of my throat.

"Fuck, there we go, what a cocksucker!" Ryan starts to fuck my mouth, and I relax and let him. He grabs my head and pushes it in deep over and over. I'm dripping a little, and I feel Evan's mouth take me in. Evan has no problem with my 6 inches, and he settles in for another great blowjob.

The sounds of slurping and moaning and "oh, yeah" fills the room as we work each other's cocks. I decide it's time to up the ante, and I relax my bladder muscles and give Evan some piss.

He moans loudly, and sucks it down, swallowing.

Ryan says "What did you do? He's really fired up now."

I cut off my stream and let Ryan's cock out of my mouth.

Evan looks at me, lust in his eyes, and takes Ryan's cock – imitating what I just did. He's able to take it all this time and Ryan says "Yeah, Evan, that's how you do it." Evan goes down on Ryan while I move into position. I spread Ryan's ass and look at his hairy hole. I sniff it – sweaty, musky, and clean. I put my tongue on it.

Ryan shouts "Oh My GOD! What are you doing? FUUUUUUCK" He starts pumping his cock into Evan more and more, and I get my tongue in his hole with each out-stroke.

With some effort, I remove my mouth from Ryan's taste sensation, and stand, pressing my hard cock between his ass cheeks. fucking his crack.

Evan is sucking to his heart's content, and I put my mouth to Ryan's ear. "Give him some piss, Ryan".

Ryan turns to meet, a surprised look in his eye. "I don't know if I can"

"Trust me, he loves it."

Just a little later, I hear Evan moan loud again. I know that Ryan must be pissing down Evan's throat. I smile. I love my lifeguard getting what is rapidly becoming his favourite treat.

"Save some for me, " I say.

Ryan backs out of Evan's mouth and Evan stands. We take turns kissing each other. Ryan hesitates at first, but quickly joins in. Our cocks rub together and we enjoy the moment.

Then I announce "OK boys, let's get into the shower for some serious piss action."

They follow me, and I get on my knees, mouth open. They both step into the shower and aim their cocks at me. I get two delicious beer-piss streams coming at me. I'm so hard I think I could come with a few strokes. I sigh.

Ryan covers my head with piss while Evan fills my mouth. I swallow my lifeguard's warm drink. Evan moves his stream to my chest, and Ryan gives me his piss in my mouth. I swallow it as well, taking the head in my mouth. Ryan face-fucks me while maintaining his piss and then Evan's cock is at my lips, trying to get in. I open and there are two lifeguards pissing in my mouth, two cockheads pushing at my lips, rubbing my tongue. I feel dizzy with lust, delight, and fantasy. I'm in heaven.

Shortly after, the piss streams come to a dribble, and Evan gets down on his knees to lick me off, and kiss me hard. Ryan does the same, licking my back and ass. Ryan gets his mouth between my ass cheeks and licks my hole. He's tentative at first, and then with gusto – going deep and sucking hard.

I stand and put my arm around each of them. "Boys," I say, "its time for you to take turns fucking me front and back."

We get out of the shower and do a perfunctory dry-off. I lead them to my bed and get on all fours. I ask Ryan to stand at the foot of the bed and Evan to get behind me. Evan slips a condom on his fat 8-incher, and begins to lube up my ass. I tell him that I'd love him to slow fuck my ass with his long, thick fingers - which he does. I focus on his fingers entering and exiting my hole gently. It feels soothing and relaxing. I open for him, and he continues to work my ass.

Ryan is already poking ay my mouth with his hard cock and I open my mouth. He slides his cock in over my tongue and I close my mouth around him. He begins to work my mouth with his cock, and I lick and suck his cock hungrily. He has a slight musky smell that rides up my nostrils, making my nipples firm.

Evan pulls his fingers from my ass, and now I can feel his cock pushing at my hole. I wiggle my ass and he rubs his cockhead over my hole. He pushes harder, and his head pops in. He continues the pressure as he slowly slides his cock into my loosened ass. I take my mouth off Ryan for a minute and say "Oh, Evan, fuck me nice and slow. Take it all the way out and then put it all the way in." Evan complies and I am getting a nice long-dicking. I open my hole as he enters and squeeze my ass muscles as he pulls out. He says "Oh, I love that David. Tighten on my cock."

Ryan gets his cock back into my mouth and now I'm getting a good, solid slow fuck in each hole. My cock is dripping pre-cum and I long to stroke it. Knowing how quick I'll cum if I go that, I focus on giving Ryan a good BJ.

Ryan is moaning and grunting as he fucks my mouth. He softly says "Oh, David, what a hot warm mouth. Suck my cock dude. Suck my cock. Suck iiittt." I want to grab his ass and pull him deep into me, but being on all fours, I'm at his mercy. He continues the slow, long, deep fuck of my throat.

Evan is starting to pick up the pace, fucking me a little harder. I push back on him, encouraging him to go for it. Ryan pulls back until just his head is in my mouth. "Time for the rest of my piss to come out," he says. I try to open my throat for swallowing. His piss starts to flow, and I guzzle and swallow as best I can. It spills out of my mouth, down my neck and drips off my belly. He keeps it flowing, and I suck and swallow and moan with increasing intensity. The flavor of his piss is intoxicating, and I can't get enough. I drink with vigour, sucking it down.

Evan continues ravaging my hole. His pelvis meets my ass and he thrusts more and more. My ass is getting eager for more and more cock in it. I push on Evan more and more, and he begins to slam into me. I am grunting and groaning as these two lifeguards spit roast me thoroughly. My cock is begging me to stroke it, but I continue to hold off.

Ryan's piss is done, and I miss it already. He pulls out and says "I wanna fuck my first ass guys, before I shoot all over David's face."

Evan pulls out, my ass feeling empty and quivering. I sigh. "Come on Ryan, get that dick in there, fuck me good baby. My ass is so hungry for cock!" He swaps places with me and gets a condom on quickly. Evan hands him the lube and he covers his cock with it, then slides it in me with a single stroke. "Fuuuuck, " he says. "That's so warm and nice." He begins to fuck away, remembering my instructions to Evan to take it all the way out and put it in. But he fine-tunes it. He works just the edge of my hole with his big cock head. I shake with excitement as he puts just his head in and out again and again. Every few entries, he slams it all the way in and pulls it out.

Evan has disappeared, and then returns with a big bowl. He places it under my face and slides his cock in. He almost immediately starts to piss, and I thirstily swallow. He pisses in me, and I revel in his beer-piss – so light and wheaty. Then it stops. I sigh as Evan removes his cock. Then I start to feel his piss on my head. It rolls down my scalp and onto my face, and drips into the bowl.

Evan's beer piss is in full swing, splattering and running fast. The bowl begins to fill and he continues for several minutes. The bowl is practically full when he finally stops. Ryan has really picked up the pace and is slamming me hard and fast. Evan lifts the bowl to his mouth and takes a good drink. Then he gives me one. He places the mostly full bowl aside and begins to skull fuck me in earnest. His eight inch cock slides down into my throat and then he almost pulls out. His hands are on my ears, pulling my head onto his cock and I deepthroat him greedily.

So, there I am - getting vigorously spit roasted by two twenty-something lifeguards with big fat cocks, hard bodies, and "straight" (until today). They are grunting and moaning and pounding me. I surrender totally to the feeling of being penetrated by these studs. I start to feel something deep inside me, and I realize that I'm going to cum without touching my cock. Ryan has been pounding my prostate for quite a while, and it is triggering that moment I long for – to have the cum fucked out of me.

Evan is getting closer to cumming as well, the pitch of his moans getting higher and Ryan is dripping sweat onto my back. "Dudes, gonna cum soon," he cries.

Evan reaches for the piss bowl. Ryan shoves he cock in as far as he can, Evan does the same. I shoot my cum over and over onto the bed as Evan dumps the piss bowl all over me.

We all collapse onto the bed, gasping for air, and Evan pulls me to him, kissing me gently and lovingly over and over. Ryan jumps up and starts getting dressed. "Gotta go," he says and a few seconds later the door closes.

Evan and I continue to kiss and I look into his eyes.

"I think I'm falling for you," Evan says.

"Me too," I reply.

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