My Life with Prince Harry

By Kyle Frank

Published on Aug 13, 2013


My Life with Prince Harry: Chapter 10

Kyle Frank

Please note I don't know Prince Harry personally or know his true sexual orientation. Furthermore, this story is 100% complete fiction and in no way to insinuate his sexuality or anything of the like. Lastly, this story contains male to male sex, so if this offends you, you are too young to be reading this, or, you are not into these kinds of things please leave now. Thank you and please enjoy this tale.

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Once Keaton was out the door, Harry methodically went through the pictures but did not spend a lot of time mentally slotting each picture into the time and place they were taken. He also did not open the three videos. Once he had been through all the pictures, he got up and walked to the little kitchen to pour himself another cup of coffee. Meanwhile Tristan was just finishing the cleaning up in the bedroom and walked back into the kitchen area. He, too, poured himself another coffee and took a seat at the small table.

"You wanted to talk to me, Tristan?" asked the Prince taking a sip of the warm coffee.

"Yes, Sir. It's about the Yank." said Tristan softly, perhaps even cautiously. "How should I deal with him?"

"Now that's an interesting question given that I'm not sure myself. There's no question that he's probably very good at his job and I have the Queen's instructions on who's the boss but ... and it really is a big, but?"

"Are you falling in love with him, Sir?" asked the man servant looking into the eyes of the Prince he loved.

"What you're really asking, Tristan, is whether or not I am replacing you?"

"I suppose, Sir." responded Tristan looking down.

The Prince remained silent for several minutes pondering Tristan's question. It was not an unusual question nor was it unexpected. In fact, since he had met Keaton, he had been wrestling with the same question. Just where did Tristan fit into his life? Where did the hunky, sexual American fit?

In fact, while Harry continued to slowly drink his coffee he was remembering a conversation he had had with his Uncle Edward not all that long ago. That conversation had been a pretty frank discussion on their roles given that each was destined to move down in the line of succession. Prince Edward was now the seventh in the line of succession while Harry is currently third but each was aware that they will move down once William and Catherine begin their family.

Although Harry understood his role as the principle supporter to his brother, the future King, he was curious about what he might be able to do with his own life. He wanted to consider all the possible options, regardless of how remote some options might seem. For example, his first love would be to develop a career in the military and, if he did, would he be able to stick with it? After all, the whole family remembered what happened to Prince Phillip whose naval career was cut short on the death of King George VI. He was well aware that, God forbid, if anything happened to his brother, he could be thrust into the role of Regent until William's heir was of age to ascend the Throne in his or her own right. However, he was also aware that both his Grand Uncle, the Prince Henry, the late Duke of Gloucester had enjoyed many years of service in the Army as had his cousin the Prince Michael, Duke of Kent.

Harry thought about what would happen after Will and Kate had their heir and a spare. If he wasn't in the military any more could, once the succession was secured, he sort of remove himself and pursue another career in order to keep himself productively busy. Certainly! He knew he was always going to be busy taking on tasks to assist his brother but Harry is one who needs personal self-fulfillment. Harry knew all about his uncle's business adventure with Ardent Productions which Edward had so enjoyed and judging from the few productions he had seen, Harry thought he had a definite flair for. He also knew how Edward had been accused of using his family connections to secure contracts and how he eventually stepped down from active participation in the company. He knew that letting go of Ardent had been a great let down for him but he also knew his uncle had enthusiastically accepted the role of and has been committed to the work of The Duke of Edinburgh's Award (DofE) ever since he achieved his Gold Award in 1986. His duty as a United Kingdom and International Trustee and Chairman of the International Council means that he travels widely in Britain and overseas to support and promote the Award.

Harry had always felt close to his Uncle Edward now styled the Earl of Wessex. Edward has always been a shy and retiring man who is much more drawn to the arts than to a military way of life. He took a rather bad beating from the press and, to some extent, from the establishment and the public when he decided to commit a beach of tradition, incur the fury of his outspoken and domineering father and endure the public shame in 1987 when he stuck to his decision to quit the Royal Marines. In 1999, he married Sophie Helen Rhys-Jones who had been a business owner in her own right. It is the normal custom that younger sons of the monarch are usually given dukedoms at the time of their marriage, in his case, the experts had suggested the former royal dukedoms of Cambridge or Sussex as the most likely. Instead, the Palace announced that Prince Edward would eventually succeed to the title Duke of Edinburgh', currently held by his father. In the meantime, in keeping with the tradition of a monarch's son receiving a title upon marriage, but preserving the rank of duke for the future, Prince Edward became the first British prince in centuries to be specifically created an earl, rather than a duke. Obviously Edward, himself, had a say on the matter of which title he preferred when the weekly newspaper, The Sunday Telegraph, reported that he was drawn to the historic title Earl of Wessex after watching the 1998 film Shakespeare in Love'.

What was going through his mind as he sipped his coffee and looked at not only his man-servant but, until the arrival of Keaton, his lover were the words of his Uncle when he said, "Be mindful of whom you take into your confidence. Not everyone has our best interests at heart."

While Harry was ruminating on his answer to Tristan, the man-servant went about puttering around the apartment. Suddenly, Harry stood up, walked over to the sink and rinsed his cup, then walked over to Tristan. He took him by the hand and led him into the bedroom.

"I think my dear Tristan that you and I have to make some personal decisions", said Harry as he gently lowered Tristan to the bed. "We have to decide our respective ways forward".

"I have already decided, my Prince", said Tristan as he pulled Harry's head down and snuggled into his neck. "I fell in love with you when you sat on the end of my bed in the hospital and talked to me just like any other bloke would. There was no pretense. Unless one knew, there was no airs only the concerns of a genuine human being for another. When I got the call from the Private Secretary to come up to London and while I was considering all my options on my way here, I decided that if you took me into your service; I would serve you as your servant until such time as you no longer wanted me around."

Harry turned his head so that he could kiss Tristan's cheek. "You don't know what you've got yourself into, Tristan. "You may become my general dogsbody, rushing about doing this and that. But, if the truth be known, neither of us knows what tomorrow may bring."

"That is true, my Prince", replied Tristan as he tightened his arms around the man he loved. "But whatever tomorrow brings, I've already decided that I will be there with you until the day you send me away. I'll get to see you grow old and wrinkly."

"You'll be no bloody prize either, my man. Fuck, Tristan! If I live as long as my grandfather, you realize that we could be together a very long time?" said Harry chuckling.

"But I'll be here a bloody lot longer than that big bad woof", snickered Tristan. "Besides I have heard that some of your late Great Grandmum's servants stayed to look after her long after they could have officially retired."

"That's true", replied Harry. "William Tallon, for example, bless his soul, served for 51, almost 52 years. If you look at some of the videos on YouTube of her final funeral procession to Westminster, you will see some of these dear old servants following her casket. I often felt that they should have been given a place of honour following right behind my granddad and my father instead of tucked in at the back of the line. They were so devoted to her."

"Speaking of those servants", remarked Tristan as Harry rolled to his side and Tristan raised his head so it could rest on his right hand. "Is the story true?"

"There are many stories about my Great Grandmum. Which one are you referring to?"

"Well", said Tristan with a smile slowly creeping across his face, "I was told that one night when the Queen Mum had been out to a function she returned rather late to her residence and proceeded to her bedroom. The story goes that she is supposed to have heard her Steward, Billy Tallon, gossiping with another male servant below stairs and called down: `When you old queens have finished, this old Queen would like a gin and tonic'. I was told that Billy duly obliged with one of his lethal mixes which supposedly consisted of nine-tenths gin and one tenth tonic,"

They both broke out laughing. "Do you think it's true?" asked Tristan.

Harry leaned in to give Tristan a deep tongue searching kiss which lasted several minutes. Finally, with both in need of breath, their lips parted and Harry replied, "I don't know if that story is really true but I've heard it before. Backstairs Billy, as he was called sometimes affectionately and sometimes not, was a one of a kind. But it really does sound like something my dear old Great Granny would have said. She and her elderly servants had a relationship that went far beyond master and servant. They genuinely loved each other."

"Getting back to Keaton," went on Harry. "He and I were talking about the suggested renovations I would ask for when they began renovating the apartment after Will and Kate move into their new digs. He made some really good suggestions."

"Is he permanent, Harry?"

"To tell you the truth, I don't know Tristan. I think the whole idea of taking him on is to help me not make such a bloody fool of myself like I did in Vegas. He has his orders and I am instructed to obey him in all non-official matters. It's a different role than my PPO has but I think I can live with it."

This time Tristan rolled over on top of Harry.

"And where does that put us, Harry?" asked the man-servant bending his head down to kiss his lover.

"Definitely, I don't think it's going to change what we have together. I'm not really sure that he will be staying in my residence. None of that has really been decided yet. But, for now, he's merely rooming with me."

"Rooming, and more, Harry. I'm no bloody fool", snapped Tristan

"Shhhhhhhhush, lover boy. We're still sorting things out. What you and I need is some private time."

"And when can we plan that?"

"Maybe I will decide to drive you down to see your mother", replied Harry tipping Tristan to his side.

"Would you, Harry?"

"I don't see why not. It depends on how long you intend to stay. I can always take a private holiday. A few days won't hurt."

"Can I really plan on it? What are you going to do with the big bad woof?"

"Yes, plan on it. As for woofy, you let me and the Royal Marines work things out. Okay?"

"Yes. I love you Harry", whispered Tristan as he leaned in for another deep kiss.

"And, I love you too", replied Harry letting Tristan take the lead.

After snogging for a while, both realized that Keaton would probably be on his way back shortly. They got up from the bed which Tristan quickly set to making right while Harry went off into the kitchen area to see what he could drink from the refrigerator. Tristan, finished in the bedroom, came out to make sure everything was cleaned up.

After Harry got his drink, he went back and once again poured over the pictures on Keaton's computer. Tristan washed up the few dishes and just as he was putting them away, the door opened and in walked Keaton.

"Your PPO asked me to tell you the car is ready", he said bending down to give Harry a kiss on the cheek.

"Good. Are you ready Tristan", he asked closing the laptop. "We can take a run round to Clarence House before we go to the hospital."

"Thank you, Sir."

"We'll take the laptop with us in the car, Keaton. And, after you tell me all about your chat with Kate, we can go over the pictures together."

"Yes, my Prince", said the hunky American as he picked up the laptop and walked to the door. He thought he'd keep the meeting with his brother private just a while longer.

The three of them exited the apartment and made their way down to the waiting car.

Once they were safely tucked away in the car, they headed off to Clarence House to drop off Tristan.

After dropping off Tristan, Harry (not one to be much of the patient type), promptly asked Keaton, "So, what did you and my dear sister-in-law speak about today?"

"Well, she wasn't alone. Her husband was also there. He gave me a little further information on my role as your AdC. And gave me a little reminder of what your grandfather had said to me about staying on the right side of the tracks."

"Staying on the right side of the tracks?" asked Harry

"Sorry, I haven't been able to get on with proper English sayings. It means to stay on the good side of what your family is expecting of me and my duties," responded Keaton.

"Ahh, now I understand. You yanks and your murdering of the English language cracks me up sometimes. Is there anything else that you spoke about?"

"Yes, he made mention that I should avoid getting too close to you, so that I don't lose track of my duties."

"Hmmmm, Interesting advice." said the Prince under his breath.

Working its way through the traffic, the car finally arrived outside the King Edward VII's Hospital where his loveable but irascible grandfather was being treated for another bout of, what appeared to be, his ongoing stomach ailment. Outside the hospital, taking up much of the area directly across the street, the members of the world's press corps was parked waiting for any news about the condition of the 91 year old who has been Consort to Queen Elizabeth II for the past 63 years.

Getting out of the car and accompanied by both his PPO and Keaton, Prince Harry walked over to the gathered Press Corp to give them a sound bite that he knew they wanted. While the Prince was always wary of the Press, given the history of the hounding the Press had given his late mother, the Princess Diana, he was well aware that it was an important part of his job to give them limited access.

Out of the cacophony of sound that erupted from the assembled Press one could discern the distinct words, "Sir! Sir!"

Harry walked over to the young reporter from BBC who couldn't wait to ask his question.

"Any news on the state of your Grandfather's health, Sir?" asked the young reporter.

"You all know my Granddad. He's tough. He's resilient. He's been through this before. I have not heard anything new this morning so I'm going to see him and find out for myself."

"Are you in touch with your brother or other members of the Royal Family, Sir?" came the next question.

"As far as I know at this moment, my brother is still in Wales playing with his amazing flying machines", replied the Prince to the eruption of chuckles from the assembled press as he referred to Prince Williams service with the Search and Rescue Force. "As far as being in touch with other members of my family, I can tell you that I have not spoken to my Grandmother or any other member as of this moment. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen", he said as he turned away from the press corps and slowly walked to the entrance of the hospital were members of the Hospital Board and Staff were waiting to greet him.

Before passing through the hospital doors, Harry said hello to the members of the metropolitan police force standing guard at the hospital entrance including Britain's tallest police officer - PC Anthony Wallyn, who stands at a whopping 7ft 2in. Harry stood talking with the tall policeman long enough for the appropriate pictures to be taken by the assembled photographers, and then Keaton ushered him into the hospital. Harry, being Harry, could not help but shake the hands of staff members as he moved through the hospital towards his granddad's room. Many of the nurses were tongue tied and blushed many beautiful shades of red. Some even promised never to wash their right hand again.

"Oh! Come back for a look have you?" growled the old Duke as Harry walked around the bed to give him a peck on the cheek. It wasn't something he would have done in public, after all they had to keep up the manly thing of shaking hands, but in the privacy of the room away from the public eye, it was acceptable.

"Just came to see if I can assure Grandma that you're being good and not harassing the nurses," Harry replied.

"I see you still have your favorite Yank with you?" said the elderly prince looking at Keaton standing just inside the door making sure that the private moments of these two men were not interrupted.

"I think he might be still mulling over your threat of dispatching him off to Diego Garcia if he screws up, granddad."

"Being a good boy, then, is he?"

"Well, you know. He's a Yank Granddad. We have to make allowances", said Harry with a big smile on his face as he looked over his shoulder to Keaton.

Keaton decided that this was his moment to exit and he quietly slipped out of the room to join Harry's PPO in the hallway giving the old Duke and his grandson their privacy.

Some twenty or so minutes later, Prince Harry opened the door and stepped out into the hall and led by Keaton and the PPO proceeded to the elevator.

"The Duke doing well, is he? asked Keaton holding the elevator door for the Prince.

"Well, we have to make allowances for his age but he told me that the doctors think they have whatever the bug is under control. However, they'd like to keep him in hospital for the next two or three days to conduct more tests," replied Harry. "Gentlemen", said the young Prince addressing both his PPO and Keaton, "would you be kind enough to help me have some privacy for a moment or two while I make a telephone call?" asked Harry as he took his mobile from his pocket.

Once the elevator door opened Harry moved down the corridor leading to the front door of the hospital but, in plain view of the hospital Directors waiting to say `good-bye' he ducked into a small waiting room while his escorts took up station outside the door. Some moments later he emerged from the room and continued his exit from the hospital. After saying good bye to everyone assembled just inside the front door, the metropolitan police officers standing outside on the steps opened the doors and Harry stepped into the glare of the cameras.

He slowly moved towards the gaggle of reporters camped out across the street and deliberately chose the young reporter from the BBC to whom he had given a sound bite on the way in. Suddenly the young man felt that he was being overwhelmed by the press of reporters and cameramen who tried to get in front of him but just when the young man thought he had lost his opportunity in stepped PC Wallyn, accompanied by Keaton, who gently gripped the young reporters shoulder and urged him to approach the Prince.

"We'll make your day and maybe your career today", quipped the young prince as he shook the young reporter's hand.

" I wouldn't dare say anything like that, Your Royal Highness. With my luck, I'd be jinxed."

"Well! Let's hope not. Now ask your questions, please".

"How is your Grandfather this morning, Sir?"

"He was in good spirits. He was his usual self, growling and snarling. No, actually, he was in good form and I think that is because the medical team feels they have everything under control."

"Will he be leaving hospital soon, Sir?"

"The medical team wants to make sure that they have everything under control and, as I told my Grandmother a few moments ago, to do that Prince Phillip will stay in hospital for the next two or three days."

"When he leaves here, will he be going back to Buckingham Palace?"

"I am not sure but I would think that he may very well retire to Windsor Castle or, perhaps, he will go up to Balmoral for some much needed recovery time."

"Will other members of the family visit him while he is here in hospital?"

"I really can't speak for the other members of the family but, from my recent conversation with my Grandmother, I believe she intends to visit him today or tomorrow. I am sure other members of the family will visit as their schedules permit."

The young reporter, knowing that he had the sound bite he needed for the BBC World News Service, stepped back and offered his hand to the Prince. "Thank you, Sir."

"You're welcome. I hope it helps your career", said the young prince as he shook his hand and then, waving to the bank of reporters and cameramen giving those who wanted to the time to click off a few more shots, he turned to enter the car that had drawn up behind him. But before he did, he stepped up to the 7ft 2 in PC Wallyn and extended his hand. "Thank you, Tony." He said. The tall policeman who much appreciated the show of familiarity from the young prince, smiled down at the third in line to the Throne and responded with a simple, "Your welcome, Sir." The many cameras, both those of the professional photographers and the general public, clicked away recording the moment.

Moments later, as the car slowly moved down Beaumont Street away from the Hospital, Harry turned to Keaton. "Now, about those photographs? I looked at them quickly while you were visiting with Kate but now I want to go through them in detail."

Keaton took up the laptop, opened it and brought up the file. As the computer screen lit up with the file, Harry pressed the button on his door that raised the privacy screen between him and the driver and his PPO in the front seats.

"Why are you bothered by these?" asked Harry looking at the screen.

"Because, Harry. I think you are being stalked. No-one could have taken some of these very personal pictures unless you were being stalked."

"When you gave the camera back, you did say that you wiped it clean?"

"Of course, but that doesn't mean that the photographer didn't make a copy?"

"But!" said Harry looking at the first of the pictures to appear on the laptop screen. "Wouldn't the guy wipe the file clean when he downloaded onto his computer? That's what I normally do."

"We can only hope. Perhaps he did not download them." said Keaton as he slowly advanced the pictures. He could not tell Harry where each picture was taken but he was hoping that Harry, himself, could remember so that they could label them and perhaps even begin to get a handle on how some of the pictures were taken.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 11

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