My Life with One Direction

By Yasin Alvi

Published on Sep 15, 2013



I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned, or there sexual preferences, and anything written below is a piece of fiction and any similarities are a pure coincidence. Thank you.

Authors Note: The perspectives of which the story has been told from and will be told from have changed. Some chapters will see it from Ammar's point of view, while others will be seen from Zayn's but they'll all start of from a narrative (third person) perspective.

Recap: Ammar is a 20 year old Muslim Canadian appointed as a live in publicist and manager to the group One Direction. He gets sent to England, as a trial run, where he reveals his attraction to Zayn Malik, in which he reciprocates. He ends up giving Zayn a blowjob, and then falls asleep.

Chapter 2

Ammar woke up thinking about what had just happened. He couldn't believe he had just sucked off one of my clients, how unprofessional of me. He was thinking to himself that Zayn was so hot, and they're British so he didn't think they're going to fire him for a simple blowjob- would they? Ammar looked at his phone and that snapped him out of any thoughts he was having. He saw an email from Simon telling him to call him as soon as possible, as he had to go over some things with him. Ammar quickly called him.

"Hello." Simon answered

"Good Morning Simon, its Ammar calling" I said trying to be as professional as possible.

"Hi Ammar, thanks for returning my call so hastily, I hope I didn't wake you."

"No not at all Sir, I'm an early riser as it is" This was true, my family are all late risers, yet I was always up with my mom, I could never sleep in for the life of me.

"That's good to hear, as with this job it's always 24 hours as you know. This morning in about two hours, 3 ladies will be coming to help you out as your assistants, and they are permanent, however they won't be live in, but when the boys travel, we will be providing lodging for them. You are there boss, so whatever it is you want them to do, it's all up to you. If you have any problems let me know, but I've worked with these girls for years and they are just fabulous. I'll email you there resumes and portfolios in a bit and so whatever you need they are here to help you. Ok?"

"Yes Sir, thank you so much." Simon said no problem, and we hanged up the phone. When it comes to public relations there are usually 2 main categories: Public Appearances and Jobs, which means anything having to do with booking gigs, or any appearances on any television show. It also means co-ordinating any dates while the boys record there album as well, so booking studio time and all that fun stuff. The other category has to do with their personal life- so anything that the boys need or want to do; setting up doctor's appointments or anything like that is another category. So Ammar and Jesseca and look after Public Appearances and Jobs, with Jesseca having final say on any bookings, and Alesia, who is Niall's girlfriend, and Steph who's dating Louis, look after the boy's personal needs.

Ammar quickly got showered and checked if the boys were still sleeping, which they were and then he started to make some breakfast for myself and the girls to munch on, so it could be like a breakfast meeting. They arrive and he goes over everything he expects of them, and they're all very nice and supportive. The meeting lasts about three hours, and then Alesia goes to wake up Niall who's sharing a room with Harry, while Stephanie wakes up Louis and Jesseca goes to wake up Liam, leaving Zayn for Ammar to wake up.

He knocks gently on his room and there is no answer, so he walks in and sees him in bed with no shirt on underneath the covers, with an ashtray filled with cigarette butts on his night stand. Ammar gently sits on his bed and rub his back slowly and call out his name and he turns around to face him, with his face all groggy. Gosh he looks so sexy with his hair all messy and lips nice and fresh. He has a smile on his face, oh god; I hope he doesn't think there is going to be a repeat of last night.

"Hey sleepy head, it's time to get up, I have to go over your schedule for today."

"It's our day off- what schedule? And I'm sleepy"

"Well you guys have to wrap up whatever you want to do since we're going to Toronto earlier than expected due to some appearances that I've gotten lined up"

Zayn stood up on the bed, totally not paying attention to anything Ammar was saying and then smiled at him, not a genuine aww smile, but a "I want to get into your pants so bad right now" smile. Ammar responded with a "not going to happen" smile, which he understood.

"So are we just going to pretend last night you didn't suck my cock and didn't enjoy doing it?" Oh god, Zayn was so direct, and that turned Ammar on so much, which Zayn knew, but not Ammar had to fight this.

"Pretend? Who's pretending? If you didn't realize, but I am your manager slash publicist slash in charge of basically your career and everything you do, so I can't worry about some blowjob while I have my whole career to worry about."

"You know I like seeing this side of you. It's turning me on, see?" Turning him on it was, since he had a huge boner which was poking through his boxer briefs. Ammar had to resist as usual, but he was going to have a little fun while doing it. Ammar goes closer to him there faces just two inches apart and it seems as if they are going to kiss but he leans past him and get his cell phone instead.

"You'll get this back when you get out of bed and meet me in the kitchen for breakfast." Zayn didn't know how to react, to be pissed off that he now has to go up to get his phone back, or to be amazed that someone had the balls to pull a move like that- to show that much restraint.

"Don't worry Ammar, you won this time, but I'm going to get you back" And he was going to but that's for a little later. Pretty soon all the boys filed themselves into the kitchen, and sat around the table where they put some waffles and fruits on to a plate and began chomping them down. Ammar told all of them by the end of this week they needed to get everything in order as were leaving on Tuesday and they won't be back for at least 3 weeks, as from Toronto they'll go to Alberta and then British Columbia. Then they'll come back to Toronto to do another show, and then go to Quebec, and then take a break and return to London before going to the states and beginning their tour there. Ammar was only contracted for their stay in Toronto, so after that the group and Simon would take a call to see if they were going to hire Ammar on permanently.

"What are you doing today Ammar?" Niall asked

"Well I have to do some calls and make sure everything is prepared for Monday, where I'll be putting all the touches on your trip to Toronto including the shows on Friday and Saturday, and finalizing all these things for you guys, making sure you guys get compensated for what you deserve. I am hoping to score you guys a visit on some of Canada's best talk shows. Some channels want to do specials, so I have to be in touch with Simon and your label to make sure everything is up to speed."

"Ok well we guys and the girls here are going to go to a club tonight and Liam is bringing his girl Sophia."

"I don't think that's a good idea, you guys do remember, I am their boss..." Harry and Louis could see Ammar was wavering, so they both looked at Zayn to try and seal the deal.

"Oh Ammar, come on it will be fun and we really want to see how well all of us gel. Part of your job is to make us happy, as we do have some input on if you stay here permanently" Zayn was putting on a show, but the other boys were glad because they genuinely wanted Ammar's company, so he gave in and decided to go only if they complied with all the work he needed to be done today, and they all agreed.

The rest of the day was filled with Ammar being on the phone all day contacting the label and finalizing all the appearances and hotels for the group before he gave them off to Jesseca to book it completely. The boys were popular and every show wanted them, but he had to make sure he got the best deals possible, as he wanted to impress. He got the shows to pay 20 percent more then what they offered, and they still got the maximum amount of exposure possible, plus he really did want to do something for Brampton which is his home town, and not that far from Toronto, so he asked the label, if One D could do a free mini-concert in a Brampton park, to which they agreed if the boys agreed to it. He asked all the boys and they were fine, except for Zayn who he didn't get to see.

Night came, and all the boys looked hot for the club, and the girls looked cute too with Ammar meeting Sophia, Liam's girlfriend and Jesseca flirting with Harry. It seemed that everyone had somebody except for Zayn, so since all of them were bonding, so Ammar sat with him in the limo and they were talking and just flirting with each other, which Ammar knew wasn't professional, but he needed to make a sacrifice in this case as he was right- Zayn did help decide if he got the job or not.

"So have you ever been in love?"

"I have, but it wasn't a good relationship. Before I became a publicist, I use to work at KFC as a shift manager, and he was a 26 year old Assistant Manager, who was so sexy but I thought he was straight. We started experimenting with each other, I got feelings he didn't want to admit to his, and it just ended up being a mess. The final straw was when he punched me in a fit of rage" Ammar recanted more details of the story to him, and he quietly took it all in. He even noticed the tears that started falling out of Ammar's eyes. Ammar was attracted to Zayn, but he would never fall for him, because he couldn't handle being in love again not after his first experience.

Zayn took him in his arms and whispered "I would never hurt you like that" and in that moment Ammar felt so secure in his arms. He looked at Zayn's face and could see how genuine he was being and then Ammar did something he didn't expect- he locked my lips against his. Zayn gently moved back so he can put his arm around Ammar's neck and then pushed forward. Zayn broke the kiss off and Ammar started to worry, if he had just sacrificed the job of his dreams, over a- a really awesome none the less, - kiss.

"Do you think we should go inside or do you want to go home and talk some more?" He asked so sweetly.

"Zayn that kiss-" Ammar began to say before he was interrupted.

"You regret it already?" he asked looking confused.

"No not at all, I loved the kiss; I feel like jumping towards you right now and kiss you until both our lips fall off." Ammar replied with a smile now appearing on Zayn's adorable face.

"But, I work for you and I don't even have the job yet and I get it, I really do. Your one of the hottest stars in the world, and you can have anyone in the world, and you want the one that you can't have, but what happens when you get me?" Zayn wasn't expecting this, judging by the look on his face but he knew I was worried.

"Ammar, I like you, I'm attracted to you. No one has pushed me this way, usually when I want something or someone, I get it. But the fact that you're so strong and just have this attitude about you on the outside, but then inside you're a soft shell hoping not to crack- it just drives me crazy. Plus you're Muslim, and so you understand me on spiritual level too. I know you're not ready for a relationship, but neither am I." Zayn said proudly.

"Zayn you know I like you, I flirt with you shamelessly, but I don't want to do anything that jeopardizes my job."

"But Ammar, you haven't gotten the job, how about we just enjoy what London does, and then go from there- in Toronto I'll let you be as professional as you want." Zayn was pleading. He wanted to explore more of this because he's never been as attracted to anyone as he was by Ammar. Ammar pushed him in ways no one has, and he had a fire about him that he wanted to ignite.

Ammar didn't know what to think as in a way Zayn was right. It's just London, and technically he did not have the job yet, so why live with regret. Plus it would only last until Tuesday, and then he'd be back home in Toronto. When else will I ever get the chance to spend time one on one with Zayn Malik of One Direction?! Ammar was thinking to himself.

"Ok fine- but only in London, and then after Tuesday, were strictly professional until I find out if I got the job" Ammar said sternly. Zayn was ecstatic because he knew he could with Ammar over at the end of this weekend, but he had to play by Ammar's rules.

"DEAL!" Zayn exclaimed loudly and pushed his lips against Ammar's. They kept kissing until Ammar moved on top of Zayn, and began to sit on his lap. They both kept making out with their tongues wrestling each other for dominance. They kept doing this until Zayn stopped them.

"Do you wanna go inside the club and dance with me?" Zayn asked?

"Of course" Ammar replied, and they both went inside not holding hands but close to each other. They spotted the others and began to party the night away drinking and just having fun. Alesia and the other girls grouped with Ammar and started grinding each other which was turning all the boys on.

Around 3a.m they left the club and went inside the limo with the girls taking care of the guys and Ammar taking care of Zayn as they were all pissed drunk.

Thanks so much for all the comments, I really appreciate it, please try to get other people to read this story and I hope they like it. I know the story wasn't as sexual but there will be sex and lots of it- I just want to get all the characters set up and the situations set up before they start having sex. This story will last around 10 chapters, because I don't want to do too many 3somes, and it will kind of get boring with the same 2 having sex over and over again.

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