My Life So Far

By Jase Jason

Published on Dec 13, 2023



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Part Four.

The latest turn of events really concerned me. I had felt that I was slowly coming to terms with the awful predicament I was in (although I could still not conceive that I would be in this state of subjugation for the rest of my life) and I really thought that I had managed to satisfy Master Michael's demands in every way possible. Not having had experience in dealing with slaves previously, I had obviously not realized the degree to which the owners of slaves regarded them as mere objects to be used at will to satisfy the slightest whim. Master Bradley's reaction when I asked him before this nightmare started, how he interacted with the slaves in the household, should have been earlier evidence of this.

Three days later I was woken at about 5.30am by a commotion outside the slave quarters. Jack unlocked the premises and two young men in black uniforms entered and informed him that on the Master's instructions they were there to collect slave Binky for transportation. Jack showed them where my room was situated and they barged in. "Slave", the older of two shouted at me, "you have five minutes to shit and piss and then you are to accompany us." They hustled me through to the latrines and kept their eyes on me as I did what I had been instructed to do. I was pushed back into my room and told to strip and don a yellow jumpsuit and heavy slave shoes. My hands were cuffed behind my back and a ball-gag was shoved into my mouth and secured by straps around my head. I was shoved outside and I saw that they had arrived in a largish closed van and that the name of a well-known parcel delivery firm was painted on the side of the vehicle. I was to learn later that many slaves needed to be transported to and fro on short-haul trips and that parcel delivery firms had seen an opportunity to enter this market. Since slaves were basically a commodity it made perfect sense that these firms should provide the necessary service. I was bundled into the back of the van and my right leg manacled to the base of the compartment. There followed a two and a half hour ride to Ravenswood. Along the way slaves were loaded and unloaded and the manifest very carefully maintained. Slaves were a valuable commodity after all.

On arrival at our destination, I and five other slaves in the van were bundled out and stripped, uncuffed and degagged, and then handed over to the local slave handlers. Predictably I had arrived at the premises of ÔInduction and Orientation Enterprises', the firm Master Michael had mentioned to his father. In a scene reminiscent of my arrival at Slaves r Us after the ride from the Court House, we were chased with whips and canes into the building and then into a holding cage. We were left to ruminate on what lay before us until 11.30am when we were fed and watered. Immediately thereafter we were moved out of the cage and taken to the slave latrines where we were given the usual instruction to shit and piss. Thereafter we were chased through to another part of the building, the handlers all the while shouting and threatening us with whips, canes and prods. This area was replete with all types of frightening devices I had never seen before. There were ten of us slaves in all and we were lined up side by side each facing one of two walls with a space of about 3 yards between each of us. Pairs of hand manacles were pulled down from above and we were cuffed with our hands over our heads. The manacles were retracted towards the roof until we were standing on tip-toe. There were five young overseers on hand and next they gagged us one by one with ball-gags. Without a word being spoken they selected a short whip or cane according to their choice and administered to all of us twenty lashes across our backs. I had never imagined that such pain was possible and all of us were emitting silent screams into our gags. Eventually the whipping stopped and we were left hanging there for what seemed like hours although in fact it probably was no more than 20 minutes. The overseers returned and a hose was played over our bodies. They next began an inspection of our anuses and jokes were bandied about as to who was or wasn't a virgin. They proceeded to lube our assholes and I realized that we were about to be violated. With horror I saw that they were about to enter us with large dildos. I had thought that the pain of the whipping could not be exceeded but when the dildo entered my anus and was unceremoniously forced in, I thought that I could not survive the assault. Once again we were left hanging this time with dildos stuck in our asses. Ultimately we were uncuffed and returned to the holding cage where we were each given two capsules which were intended, as one of the young kid handlers joked, to "keep us boned".

During the course of the rest of the day, we were randomly pulled from the cage and forced into performing oral sex on each other and into fucking each other while the guards spurred us on with their canes. It was obvious that the handlers were getting a charge out of what was going on as they clearly sported hard-ons. A few of them decided to get in on the action and we slaves were forced to go down on them all the while being given advice on how to use our tongues and how to deep-throat. On the following two days we again received a whipping, although we received only ten strokes on each occasion, and the random sucking and fucking continued. In addition, as if we were attending a seminar, we were taught the various positions that a slave could assume on command and were given instructions on slave etiquette.

At 4pm on the third day, I was collected by the parcel delivery firm and driven back to Sunninghill where I arrived shortly after 7pm. Jack arranged for me to be given some stew and I showered and returned to my room. He woke me as usual at 6am the following morning and told me to resume my normal duties. I attended to Master Michael in the usual way and he left for school without saying a word about what had happened.

I knew that the relationship with my Master was about to change and, since he had now shown his hand, my fear grew. I knew I would have to tread warily and do my utmost not to antagonize him in any way so as to avoid the possibility of punishment. He was a Master and I was a slave and the full realization of the meaning of that fact of life was now embedded in my mind permanently.


That afternoon after Master Michael had returned from school I washed his car as usual and thereafter reported to his room on the hour at 4pm. I kneeled, did a head to toe, and was about to rise when he indicated I should stay on my knees. "So, dude," he said, "do you think you derived any benefit from your visit to the Training Center?" "Yes Sir, Master Michael!" I was quick to respond. "Good", he continued. "Starting tomorrow, we will implement a new morning routine. Each day you will report to my room at 6.30am and perform your first task of the day which will be to suck me off. In addition you will provide me with a little more personal service than before but we can finalize the details of that in the morning. Do you understand slave?" I quickly replied "Yes Sir, Master Michael!" "Good. Then continue with your duties." he instructed.

The following morning I knocked on his door at 6.30am and entered on command. He had peeled away the sheet and was lying on his bed naked, legs apart, sporting an impressive morning boner. "Strip, slave, and go for it!" he commanded. I had been thinking about how to approach the task and had decided that it would probably take a week or so to discover how he liked best to be pleasured. Therefore I had decided to experiment a little. I got on the bed and crouched between his legs. I leaned over him and ran my tongue along the underside of his dick, which was prone against his stomach, and then around the head of his cock tasting the precum which had leaked from his piss-slit. Then I went down to his balls, lifted them from underneath while licking with my tongue and then gave them a good tongue bath. He involuntarily lifted his ass and I slipped my hands beneath his ass-cheeks and darted my tongue a few times into his ass-crack. I returned to his balls and took one at a time into my mouth sucking all the while, then both of them as he started to writhe in pleasure. He pushed his hard dick towards my mouth and I took in the head all the while running my tongue around it and inserting the tip of my tongue into his piss-slit. I sensed that he would shortly be wanting to cum so I went right down on his cock and started to suck for all I was worth, my head bobbing up and down as my lips, tight around the satin skin of his dick, enticed him to cum. It didn't take long before jets of thick cum exploded in my mouth and he lay back to catch his breath. "Swallow it, slave." was all he said. I kept his dick in my mouth as his erection subsided and kept sucking softly on it until he indicated that it was time to get up. I was amazed to realize that I too had developed a major hard-on and I started to entertain the thought that maybe I was a fag. I put that thought immediately out of my mind. He instructed me to turn around and inspected the red welts on my back but made no comment.

He went to take a piss and then climbed in the shower. He had instructed me to go to the kitchen to arrange for his breakfast to be cooked and then to return to take out the clothes he intended to wear that day and to lay out his toiletry stuff, like deodorant, gel, brush and comb, and toothbrush and toothpaste. I quickly flushed and wiped the toilet and floor then laid out a bathmat on the floor on to which he stepped as he exited the shower. I took a large towel and wiped his body down until he was dry. He completed his toilet and we went through to the bedroom where I helped him to dress, holding his t-shirt, shirt, boxers and pants as he put them on. He then sat on the bed as I went on my knees to slip on for him his socks and sneakers. He turned on the TV as I quickly went downstairs to fetch his breakfast. Thus it was that our new daily routine was established.


Life returned pretty much to normal but I was constantly aware that I might once again be sent to the Training Center and did my utmost to serve Master Michael to perfection. He was a typical horny teenager and thus the blow-job sessions were very often repeated in the afternoons. His two young buddies would still visit when the Mistress was out of the house and the partying continued. They invariably brought with them one or two "bimbettes", as they referred to the girls, often older girls, and usually managed to score. I marveled at how these rich young kids were able to use their status to obtain virtually whatever they wanted. One afternoon, when none of the girls was present, I happened to be in the room when Lawrence, the youngest and scrawniest of the three, started to bemoan the fact that he was horny and wasn't going to be able to get off. "How about you let Binky here give you a blow-job." Master Michael offered. "He sucks good dick." Lawrence countered "You serious dude?" "Sure am kiddo." said Master Michael and motioned his head for me to go suck the kid's dick. Previously my humiliation would have known no bounds as these were kids I had known since they were fourteen years of age, but I was now so inured to my slave status that sucking all three of them off, which from then onwards happened regularly, no longer troubled me. My main objective was to placate Master Michael.

One evening the Master and Mistress went out to a concert and reception so Master Michael suggested to his brother that they hang out. Master Bradley was a little surprised I think but agreed. Master Michael rented a couple of porn videos and I was told to join them. I sat at Master Michael's feet, fetching and carrying as necessary, but naturally was not permitted to join in any of the conversation. He then had me push down his shorts and boxers, remove them, and get between his legs. I was instructed to suckle his cock continuously as he watched the porn vids and threatened me that if I made him cum I would be in for the high jump. So it was that for over two hours I had his cock in my mouth, sucking and licking on it gently in such a way that he would be pleasured but would not ejaculate.

The brothers had ordered in beer and pizza which they proceeded to enjoy in front of me and I was given an extra ration of slave biscuits and a bottle of mineral water. Naturally the beer and the porn started to take effect and it was soon pretty obvious that Master Bradley was sporting quite a boner in his jeans. Master Michael commented "Hey, bro, looks like you are in need of a bit of relief there." and laughed at his brothers discomfiture. "I figure Binky here could fix that problem for you. How about you let him blow you?" Master Bradley said nothing, so his brother said "You prefer him to leave then?" Again Master Bradley said nothing. It was clear he wasn't averse to the idea of a blow-job but was uncomfortable with the idea that his former best buddy would be doing the honors. "Jesus, dude," said Master Michael, "don't be such a fuckin prude! Binky! Go suck on Master Bradley's cock." I moved over to Master Bradley and without any further prompting he opened his legs to allow me access to his dick. I sucked him to completion and swallowed his quite copious load. It looked to me as if Master Bradley was getting a lot less pussy than his younger bro. After that evening, if Master Michael was out of the house, Master Bradley would quite frequently summon me to his room, and without a word being exchanged, he would have me suck him off.


About three months before Master Michael's 18th birthday and his graduation from high school, I began to wonder what would happen to me when he went to college. It seemed to me that there were two possibilities; either I would accompany him to college and serve him there or, alternatively, I would remain behind and become Master Bradley's slave, on a temporary basis at least. All colleges in the South had quite extensive facilities for slaves to be housed on campus and, if a student decided to keep his own slave, the only condition laid down was that that student room alone. For those who did not have a personal slave, there was the option, for an increase in fees, to use the dorm slaves. In practice, very few students did not have access to slaves as in most cases that had been their wont at home. It was after all a tradition in the South.

I asked Slave Jack whether he had perhaps overheard the Master make any reference to the matter and he replied rather haughtily that he did not eavesdrop on his Master's conversations. Yeah, right. It would have been unheard of, of course, to expect Master Michael, or any other Master for that matter, to inform his slave what might be in store for him. One evening, Master Michael was out on a date, and Master Bradley summoned me to his room. This was no longer an unusual event as he frequently now required oral service when his younger bro was absent. After I had pleasured him, I was waiting on my knees to be dismissed when he said to me "Dude, you know quite well that slaves are never owed an explanation about anything, and I certainly don't feel any need to do that with you. You have always known my views on slavery, and the day you were collared, you descended to another status which made our previous relationship irrelevant. Your fate was to be enslaved and I accept that just as you have been made to accept it. Our paths diverged the day the judge saw fit to enslave you for your crimes. Having said that, however, I will say this just one time. I was not in favor of your becoming a slave in this house and it was Master Michael who prevailed on our father to purchase you on his behalf. As you know our father is very easily swayed by Master Michael. Ignoring my brother's motives, it was in any case a good move as we knew your background and father was taking very little risk in purchasing you at the price he paid. We think it's been a good investment all around. I know you must be wondering what Master Michael's intentions are when he leaves for college. Well, he has decided that he does not want the baggage of a personal slave and figures he can get by very well using the dorm slaves who apparently are well trained at the college he has chosen. Father has decided therefore that you will be re-sold when the time arrives. I thought it fair to tell you this. Do not mention this conversation to anyone or I personally will have you whipped." I was thunderstruck at the news and could only mutter "Thank you Sir, Master Bradley." He dismissed me and I returned to the slave quarters.

To be continued..........


Next: Chapter 5

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