My Life So Far

By Jase Jason

Published on Dec 10, 2023



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Part Three.

As I left Master Michael's room, Jack emerged from nowhere and told me I could go and rest in my room until it was time to eat. The routine was that the slaves would eat in their quarters after the family had had dinner and all the cleaning up, etc, had been completed. I was thankful to be able to do that as I had had a long stressful day, the worst of my life to date. After having been caged up at Slaves r Us for some two weeks, the little cot in my room was a welcome relief, although I did have difficulty in not comparing it to my room in my parents' house. As advised by Mr. Smith though I decided to put the past behind me and to concentrate entirely on my present situation. When the food ultimately arrived I was starving and what appeared to be a kind of stew tasted great after the slave chow at Slaves r Us.

I had difficulty in coming to terms with Brad's attitude towards me. We had been close friends for ages and yet here he was joining in with his brother Michael in joking at my expense and ignoring me completely. Michael had always resented me so his attitude was to be expected; this was payback time for him. It was my first lesson, however, in truly understanding the gulf that existed between free people and slaves in society. I found it very sobering and again decided that I would just have to accept it; what option did I have? To Brad I was now just an owned piece of property to be treated as such. To him Adam was now some nebulous entity who had never even existed. It should not have come as too much of a surprise as I had known all along what his attitude towards slaves was. They were on the other side of a huge divide. Nevertheless, as I lay on my cot that night, tears came to my eyes.

I soon established a routine and had Daisy show me exactly what had to be done as far as the cleaning was concerned. I stuck rigorously to the rules that had been outlined for me and in so doing did not experience any problems with Master Michael. In fact he seemed relatively pleased with the way I was performing my duties and it was clear that, like any teenager would, he was reveling in his new-found authority. To find myself in the unimaginable role of a slave was almost impossible to comprehend but I determined that I would accept the situation and try to make my life as bearable as possible.

Jack assured me that the life of a slave in the Smith household was a lot easier than in many other situations slaves found themselves in and I was prepared to accept that as the truth. The monotony of the food and the boredom of the evenings, with absolutely no mental stimulation, was what got to me the most. We were fed twice daily. In the mornings we were given a measure of slave rations (exactly the same stuff we had been given at Slaves r Us) accompanied only by water, and in the evenings we had a type of stew consisting principally of rice and beans and vegetables from the garden, with gravy, and black tea. Twice a week it would contain bits of meat, the type that supermarkets advertised as "slave cuts". I had been an habitual coffee drinker and I missed it terribly. What added to my misery was having to serve Master Michael with breakfasts consisting, variously, of juice, eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, pancakes and syrup, and of course fresh coffee. Occasionally he would leave food on his plate and, when I cleared away the dishes, I would ravenously eat the remains. I found the evenings stiflingly boring and the only respite was an occasional chat with Jack. He, however, had decided to block his previous life out of his mind, as some sort of defense mechanism I guess, and so our conversations were restricted to slave matters. We retired to our rooms at 9pm and Jack secured the front and rear doors and extinguished the lights. We were alone until 6am the following morning when we rose in order once again to render service to our Masters.


Master Michael was a teenager after all and, like all teenagers, was extremely untidy. If he discarded a piece of clothing it was left just where he had taken it off. Sneakers or boots and socks were left lying around the floor just where he had changed into something different. He subscribed to a number of sports and teenage magazines, and these would be left open at the page he had been reading when he moved on to something else. Not along after my arrival I noticed that he had started to read "Slavery Today", a magazine aimed at slave owners and which carried articles on such matters as slave management, training, control, discipline and punishment. The bathroom was always a mess, with water on the floor and wet towels strewn all over. Also, if he took a piss, he never flushed the toilet or put the seat down, and I would find that he always managed to piss on the floor. That it was done intentionally, I had no doubt.

Master Michael decided that, whenever he was at home, I would come to his room on the hour to see if he required anything and to tidy up on an ongoing basis. I would knock, enter on command, kneel in front of him, do a "head to toe", and then rise and tidy up. I soon had his magazines arranged on his desk in order and by type. I would quickly pick up the dirty laundry and place it in the laundry receptacle and hang up any articles of clothing that were lying around. I then went through to the bathroom and flushed and wiped the toilet, picked up any wet towels and replaced them with fresh ones, and wiped the floor completely. Very often there would be cum tissues lying on his bed and I would retrieve those and flush them away. I did all of this as quickly as possible in order not to interfere in any way with what he was doing. He was particularly fastidious, however, about the state of his car and, as soon as he arrived home from school, I would wash the car down, wipe it off, and vacuum the inside. At weekends I would spend three hours polishing it. He asked Master Bradley whether he would like me to take care of his BMW too and he accepted, so I had two cars to look after.

The Mistress became involved in charity work and was out of the house for three afternoons a week. Master Michael soon took advantage of the situation and regularly invited his two close buddies over. They were rich kids too and they knew me from the parties that Brad had thrown in the past and which Mike had insisted he attend with his buds. They would drink a few beers, smoke a little pot, quite often watch a porn video and generally party the afternoon away. On the first occasion this happened, Master Michael summoned me and as I had been instructed I knelt and did a "head to toe" before each of the three of them. His two friends couldn't believe what they were seeing and let out whoops of laughter. "Does the asshole have to do this all the time?" one asked Mike, and when it was confirmed he responded - "Jesus, dude, how fuckin cool is that? And that fuckin haircut and the earrings are just too much Mike!" he laughed. The other one asked Mike "Does he suck cock?" and Mike replied with a laugh "Not yet". Master Michael instructed me to look in on the half-hour to perform my usual routine. The other two boys soon entered into the spirit of things and before the afternoon was out they were ordering me around too. After a week or two the two visiting kids started to bring with them either one or two girls (one was about 18) and what with the beer, dope and porn, they regularly succumbed to being fucked by the boys. At the end of the afternoon I would clean up and air the room which smelled like a brothel on a Sunday morning, and have to dispose of the used condoms which were littered around.

I couldn't explain it to myself but I began to have feelings for and an attachment to Master Michael. Maybe, I thought, being bereft of everything including my freedom and all possessions, I needed to have something permanent to cling on to. He never showed me the least consideration or respect and I was continually humiliated in front of his friends, but I wanted to please him and I took pleasure in caring for his possessions and maintaining his apartment in a spotless condition. Also I felt pride in the fact that my Master always drove a car that, whatever the weather, was always clean and immaculately polished. Looking back on it, I suppose I had already begun to acquire the mindset of a slave, namely to serve without question and to accept the superior status and infallability of one's Master. I no longer thought about the rights and wrongs of my actions; it was sufficient for me to follow to the tee my Master's instructions and to strive for perfection in doing so. Effectively I had blanked out the past and no longer yearned for what had been or might have been.

Sometimes when Master Michael was at school and I was busy cleaning in his apartment, I would open the door to his closet and look at myself in the full-length mirror. What I saw truly shocked me; I was a replica of the wretched and ragged slaves I previously used to see skulking along the streets of the town, trying to appear invisible and not attract attention to themselves in case they should inadvertently incur the wrath of a free person, or worse still, the humiliation which was routinely inflicted upon them by young kids and teenagers out for a laugh.

How had this complete transformation come about I wondered with bewilderment.


After Master Michael had left for school one morning, I went to his room to start my daily chores and discovered, open, on his desk the latest edition of "Slavery Today". He had apparently been reading an article on the "Meissner System", a revolutionary new concept in slave management. I stood at the desk, not daring to sit down in case someone entered the room, and read the article which was authored by Karl Meissner, the originator of this new method. Meissner pointed out that for thousands of years slavery had been applied by conquest and force and right up to the present time punishment had been administered by the application of pain, for example, by torture or whipping. He advanced the argument that in this modern age some new thinking was necessary to cater for the demands that slavery was now having placed upon it. Whereas previously slaves had been utilized principally to perform heavy labor, with a small minority serving in households and brothels, the advent of globalization had created a need for slaves to be used in more demanding ways. For example the latest operating system for small computers released by Bytes Inc. had been written and perfected by an army of some 50 slaves, who had previously been programmers and systems analysts, and who had been forced to work sixteen hours a day for six months in order to meet the target date which had been considered essential to catch the market. Meissner advanced the theory that in the modern age slaves had to be controlled not only by the application of force but by psychological methods also. His radical view was that their social status should be consistently indoctrinated into their minds by such methods as regular whippings so that they would accept psychologically that that was part of their life. Punishment on the other hand should be handed out by means of sensory deprivation, for example, by long-term gagging and blindfolding, or the withholding of sleep and food. Meissner also noted that experience had shown that young men in the age group 18 to 22 years made the most effective slave handlers and overseers, the reason being that they showed natural aggression at that age and did not display any hang-ups regarding the plight of slaves. They had been brought up with slavery and accepted the institution without question. The article contained further mumbo jumbo of this nature. Master Michael had made a notation in the margin "Makes a lot of sense!"

The following evening I went up to Master Michael's room with that days finished laundry and, as I approached the door, realized that the Master was with Master Michael. Naturally I should have withdrawn immediately but I was tempted to eavesdrop.

"Dad", Master Michael was saying, "I want you to know that I really appreciate your having let me have a slave of my own. I think the responsibility of controlling a slave has done me a lot of good and I think every young guy should be faced with taking on such a responsibility to prepare for the future. Now that I don't have to concern myself with silly chores, I really have had time to devote more attention to my studies and so on." I could imagine quite clearly the false look of sincerity on Master Michael's face.

"Well, son," the Master responded, "I have always maintained that a young man enters adulthood on his 16th birthday and I trust my sons to assume certain responsibilities when they reach that age. I am really impressed with the way you have responded to the challenge so far and the way you have managed to incorporate Binky into the family structure. I only wish that Brad had the same resolve as you."

"Dad," Master Michael continued, "I know that you manage your slaves in the traditional way and, since they have been with the family for quite a while, that obviously is the correct way to go. But I have been reading up on some new methods of slave management which are now being recommended and I was wondering if you would be prepared to let me introduce these with Binky particularly since he was made a slave only recently."

"Michael, I told you at the outset I wouldn't interfere and, if you feel that there is some merit in doing what you suggest, I'm prepared to leave it in your hands. What will it entail?"

"Well, what is being recommended these days is that slaves should undergo regular ongoing training with a professional outfit. I've looked into what's available in the county and there's a firm called 'Induction and Orientation Enterprises' in Ravenswood." Ravenswood was a town located about eighty miles from Sunninghill. "I called them yesterday to see how they operate, and apparently the way to go is to sign an annual contract with them for a number of days each month. Binky obviously has daily duties to perform so I would not want to release him every month. However, I thought that maybe I could spare him for say three days periodically. It wouldn't then be too difficult for him to catch up when he returned. Apparently the slave's Master stipulates what aspects of training are to be tackled. Also, Dad, training always looks good on a slave's CV."

"OK, Michael, go for it. Just keep me informed how things are going from time to time."

I got the impression that the Master was about to leave so I hastily withdrew.

To Be continued..........

Next: Chapter 4

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