My Life So Far

By Jase Jason

Published on Dec 6, 2023



This is a work of fiction.

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Part Two.

Despite what was to follow in the next five years, the drive from the Court House to Slaves r Us, a distance of some 3 miles, was to me the most humiliating experience of my life. My mind could not comprehend that within the space of one minute and the uttering by the judge of one sentence, it was possible for a normal law-abiding young man, free to conduct his life in any manner he wished and on the threshold of a promising future, to be reduced to the status of some inferior species, to become the chattel of any person willing to pay a price, a creature without any rights, unable to resist any indignity it was called upon to suffer. The whole idea of it seemed monstrous and, although I had accepted the whole concept of slavery previously, the fact that it was happening to me now was incomprehensible. That journey was a nightmare as we were transported on the open truck, restrictively caged in a standing position and nude, through the streets of the town. We were open to the stares of passersby and young kids laughed and threw insults and objects at us. I burst into tears of shame.

Sunninghill was a town of moderate size and therefore some of the functions which would normally have been handled by the county authorities when enslavement orders were handed down, were outsourced to private concerns on a contract basis. Thus it was that we had been handed over to Slaves r Us for initial processing and warehousing. Slaves r Us was situated on the outskirts of the town and was concentrated in a nondescript single-story building. When slavery had been re-introduced, the God-fearing citizens of the town, many of whom were implicated in it up to their necks, did not like the raw edges of it paraded before their eyes, so the original owner of the firm had thought it best to locate the firm as far away from their gaze as possible. On arrival at the site the truck was driven to the side of the building where a loading/unloading bay was situated. We were herded out of the cages and on to the loading bay, being constantly harangued and threatened by handlers, who appeared to be young 18 and 19 year olds. They all carried whips or canes and some of the new slaves who didn't move fast enough for the handlers' liking, had their first taste of a stroke over their backs. We were hustled into a line, one behind the other, and secured to each other by a chain which was attached to our metal collars. We were then chased on the double and under the whips of the young handlers through the entrance of the building past what I later discovered was the processing center, and then through another steel door into the warehousing facility. This was a dank cement block hall with narrow barred windows running the full length on either side just under the roof. On the left side there were a number of holding cages probably capable of housing six slaves each and on the other side a series of small individual cages measuring roughly 6' x 6' x 6'. There were about ten slaves stuffed into these cages and it was clear that they were barely able to move. It was difficult for them to stand up and they were barely able to stretch out. All were naked and, like us, wore metal collars and ankle shackles. Once inside the warehouse, the handlers removed the chain from our collars and, continuously shouting abuse, herded us into one of the holding cells. We were all put in one cell despite the fact that there were numerous empty cells alongside. It was apparent that, due to the lateness of the hour, we would be held there until morning. Just then Kenny Anderson, the owner of the firm, marched in to look us over. He cut an impressive figure with a smart khaki uniform, brown belt to which various devices were attached, and brown boots. His hair was cut in a crew. The other handlers were similarly dressed. He came over to our cage and looked us over with obvious disdain. He then caught sight of me and a little smile played on his lips. Addressing me he said "Welcome to your new home dude!". He then informed us that we would be processed in the usual way in the morning when we would be informed of the rules. "However", he continued, "I am informing you now that the number one rule for slaves is that they maintain silence at all times unless specifically addressed by a free man. Furthermore, the slave's response will be 'Yes Sir' or 'No Sir', nothing else. If any one of you is caught talking, you will be gagged and you will remain gagged permanently." He marched out.

Just then one of the handlers entered pushing a trolley. On it were stacked a large tin of slave rations, looking much like the dog biscuits you see in supermarkets, a garden watering can filled with water, and enamel dishes and cups. Each slave was given a measure of slave chow and a cup of water and we were told to eat. We were informed that, if we did not finish our food, we would be denied food at the next feeding time. When we had finished eating we were herded to the end of the warehouse and told to shit and piss in the two available slave latrines which were basically just holes in the floor. We were then returned to our cage and locked up for the night. "Sleep well, gentlemen" a baby-faced handler intoned as he left the warehouse and switched off the lights, all except for a dim light at the entrance.

The following morning we were woken at 6am by the handlers on duty amid much shouting and hullabaloo. We were again herded to the end of the warehouse and told to shit and piss and thereafter lined up for a "shower". The shower consisted of a hose which was played over our entire bodies. We were then chased back to our cell. The same procedure was carried out with the slaves housed in the individual cages facing us. We were then fed and watered, the same slave rations and water, and left alone.

At that particular moment we were property of the authorities and we would remain housed in the warehouse at Slaves r Us until such time as the next slave auction was held. We would be only partially processed at this point, certain procedures being mandatory, and then the final touches would be applied after we had been sold off, those being at the discretion of the new owner. It was mandatory by law for a slave to be tattooed with his official slave number both on the chest above the left nipple and on the inside of the right wrist. This does not sound too extreme but the numbers were large and unmistakable and the sight of this permanent disfigurement of my body was traumatic for me. After we had been tattooed we were led through to another area where we were given rough crewcuts and finally all the remaining hair on our bodies, except for the eyebrows, was clipped and then shaved. The work was carried out by slaves owned by the firm. When we looked at each other afterwards we were horrified at what we saw. We were then hustled back to the warehouse and forced into the individual cages we had seen the other slaves in. I could hardly believe that we could be subjected to such treatment. One of the slaves was heard to make some remark and he was dragged from his cage, frog-marched through to the punishment area in the processing center and given ten lashes. When he was returned to the warehouse his back was criss-crossed with red welts and he had been fitted with a ball-gag and his hands cuffed behind his back. He was kept that way until the auction took place, the gag only being removed at feeding time. It was a salutary and shocking lesson for the rest of us. We discovered that the young handlers were both dismissive of our very existence (as only teenagers can be) but quite ruthless in their handling of us. The next auction was scheduled for ten days hence and meanwhile we were kept in those tiny cages with two half-hour breaks in the morning and evening when we were able to relieve ourselves and were "showered". If we had to shit or piss in between times, we did it where we were in the cage. During the time we were showered the cages would be hosed down by the firm's slaves and our excretions would be washed away into a trough at the back of the cages and disappear.

On the morning of the auction, after the usual shit, piss and shower routine, and after we had been fed and watered, we were taken through to the processing center and the slaves proceeded to neatly trim our hair and freshly shave the rest of our bodies. Body oil was then applied to our entire bodies, even in the cracks of our asses. We looked each other over and, all things considered, were pleasantly surprised at our appearance. Obviously the authorities were keen that we look our best when paraded before the prospective buyers. On returning to the holding cells, we were split up four to a cell (which was the number of slaves that would be displayed at one time) and each given two capsules to swallow. These turned out to be sex stimulants which would keep us boned while on display. In addition our shackles were removed and replaced by a single shackle on the right ankle.

The auction took place on the premises of Slaves r Us but was conducted by the authorities who were empowered to accept or reject bids. The auction room looked much like a school assembly hall with a raised platform at the front where the slaves were displayed and rows of chairs in front of that for the prospective buyers and the usual bunch of onlookers. The slave handlers were everywhere in attendance to ensure that no untoward incidents took place. I was in the second group of four to be displayed. We were secured to the floor by the ankle shackles we wore and had been told to remain at all times in the display position. I was shocked to see Mr. Smith and Brad sitting in the fourth row in front of me and I must have turned all shades of red in my humiliation. They did not acknowledge my presence in any way. A number of buyers mounted the platform and we were subjected to degrading inspections of every type. Our mouths were forced open and examined, our genitals were pulled and squeezed, our bodies had hands run over them, and we were even forced to bend over so that our anuses might be examined and probed. Mr. Smith thankfully took no part in these examinations. When bids were finally called for for me, there was quite a bit of interest but each time someone made an offer Mr. Smith would outbid him. Ultimately the other bidders dropped out of the race and Mr. Smith's last bid was accepted. We slaves were returned to the processing center while the successful bidders finalized the paperwork and payment with the authorities. Wild thoughts were racing through my head that Brad had perhaps persuaded his father to buy me so that I would not fall into the hands of some harsh Master.

As soon as the purchaser of a slave had finalized the sale with the authorities, he would complete a questionnaire on which he gave instructions as at what modifications should be carried out on the slave by the processing center before delivery was taken. This was included in the purchase price. It wasn't very long before one of the handlers came through from the auction room and my number was called out. The firm's slaves took a piece of paper from the handler with instructions on it and I was led through to the processing center. I was firstly taken to the barbers and they proceeded to shave my head but for the exception of two strips of hair about two inches wide, one running from my forehead to the back of my neck and the other from one ear to the other. The hair was trimmed to about one half inch in length. From there I was hurried through to the ringing station where I was fitted with heavy ring earrings about two inches in diameter. Finally I was taken though to the end of the line where my temporary metal collar was removed and I was fitted with a permanent welded collar which was about an inch wide and made of stainless steel with studs all around it. I think it would be true to say that it was at this point that a slave finally crossed the great divide and realized what he had become. I was then told to don the outfit which had been provided by my new owner and this consisted of thin cotton shorts and a tunic of the same material which didn't quite reach the top of the shorts, and a pair of cheap sandals. The pants and tunic were dark green with purple trimmings. No underwear was provided so that my dick and balls were plainly visible. I was told to sit on my haunches against the wall until my owner arrived to take delivery of me.

Shortly thereafter one of the handlers came over to me and attached a short leash to my collar and led me out on to the loading bay. There in front of me was Brad and his younger bro Mike who both, when they saw me, burst into laughter. "Nice do dude", Brad managed to say while choking with laughter. It was Mike who took the leash from the handler and the horrible realization came over me that I had been bought for Mike in celebration of his 16th birthday which had recently taken place. I was led to the family's SUV which was parked against the loading bay and told to get in the back, to lie down and to shut up. During the drive back to the Smith mansion, Brad expressed surprise to Mike that he had not ordered a few more modifications. Mike replied that he had wanted a large nose ring to be fitted but their father had nixed it since I would be serving indoors and he did not wish to be confronted with such a sight. Mike had also wanted a tattoo across my shoulders stating "Property of Michael Smith" but their father had vetoed that stating that when I was resold it would detract from my selling price.

As we entered the gates of the Smith property, Mike leant over towards me and said "How you doing asshole?" but I knew better than to respond. They both laughed at the witticism.

I was unable to see where the SUV was headed but once it had stopped and Mike had bundled me out of the rear, I was able to see that we were at the back of the house. We were met by a slave who was dressed similarly to me except that he wore in addition a purple pillbox hat. He told me later that Mike had given instructions that I was not to wear the hat as part of my uniform, presumably so that my comical haircut would be visible at all times. The slave bowed to Mike who told him that I was the new slave and that he should take charge of me and prepare me to meet the Master. Mike turned on his heel and he and Brad went into the house. I estimated that the slave was in his 30's and it turned out that he had been bought by Mr. Smith about five years previously after having been enslaved for debt. He informed me that his name was Jack (the Master's choice of name), that he was the head slave and that I should address him as "chief". I was to defer to him at all times. He led me away to an out-building which was an unpainted cement block affair which he informed me was the slave quarters. The building was in stark contrast to the other out-buildings, for example, the garages and servants' accommodation of a previous era, which had been designed and built to appear as part of the house itself. The slave quarters had been built behind the garages and were completely out of sight. At the front of the building there was a normal cheap wooden door fronted by a steel door comprising thick vertical bars. We entered into a small vestibule which had access to two further doors (normal door plus steel door), and Jack informed me that the door on the left led to the female slaves' quarters and the one on the right to the male slaves' quarters. We entered the door on the right and I was led to my room, which was in fact a cell. There were five rooms (duplicated I assume on the other side of the building), and each had the same double door arrangement. The room consisted of rough cemented walls which had been whitewashed and it reminded me a lot of pictures I had seen of monastery cells. There was a window, again barred, about 5' wide and 18" in depth but this was situated just under the ceiling so that one would have to stand on a chair to look out. It was smeared with accumulated grime. The furniture consisted of a narrow metal bed with a thin coir mattress, a small pine dresser and table, and a molded plastic chair. That was it. I was later given a foam pillow and two thin well-worn blankets.

Jack unshackled my ankles and I sighed with relief as I was able to move my legs freely. He informed me that there were now eight slaves, including myself. There were two other male slaves who worked full-time in the grounds of the house under his supervision, and four female slaves, a cook, two "general purpose" house slaves and another who was the Mistress's personal slave. They too reported to him. In addition to his supervisory duties, he was also the Master's personal slave. He informed me that I had been bought as Master Michael's personal slave on his having recently attained his 16th birthday. Master Bradley had two years earlier turned down his father's offer of a personal slave as it seemed he had little patience with slaves and had asked instead for a sports car. Towards the end of the passage there were two further rooms. One turned out to be where two slave latrines were housed and the other contained two cold-water shower heads. A further door led to a bigger room which was accessible by both male and female slaves and was referred to as the recreation room. It contained two tables and there were also about ten chairs, all the furniture being plastic molded. On the one table stood an ancient black and white Zenith TV set on which, Jack informed me, one was able to tune in to the newly-introduced slave channel. A number of magazines were on the other table, but I later discovered that they were all copies of "Slaves' World", a magazine devoted to slaves and containing articles which were designed to improve and perfect the service provided by slaves to their Masters.

Jack instructed me to shower and provided me with a threadbare towel and a cake of soap which was standard issue at slave supplies stores. He informed me that that cake of soap would have to last two weeks. I discovered that the soap was rough and barely lathered and wondered at the fact that in a wealthy household it would be found necessary to economize on such an item as a cake of soap. I realized later that it was part of a deliberate strategy of degradation of the slave. Jack provided me with my second uniform and told me to don it as the Master was a stickler for neatness. Those two uniforms were to serve me for the full two years I remained in the service of the Smith household. Not long after, we were summoned to the presence of the Master and Jack led me through the house to the Master's study. Jack knocked on the door and we were instructed to enter. Standing in front of a huge desk was Mr. Smith flanked on either side by Brad and Mike. As I had been instructed to do by Jack, I prostrated myself on the carpet in front of the Master awaiting the instruction to rise. I then stood, my legs apart, my hands clasped behind my back and my head bowed. I glanced upwards for a split second and noticed a hint of a smile on Brad's lips and an open smirk on Mike's face. Mr. Smith then addressed me. "Young man, circumstances have decreed that you enter this house once more; however your status has irrevocably changed and my advice to you is to accept what fate has decreed for you. You will find that this household is a Christian one and that you have indeed been fortunate in becoming a part of it. Our society has laid down that there shall be free men and slaves and this family as true American patriots accept that dispensation. I repeat that you would be well advised to put your previous life completely behind you and out of your mind and to concentrate solely on serving your new owners to be best of your ability. In this way you will once again be able to target new goals for yourself. Slave Jack, to whom you will defer completely, will acquaint you with details of the rules you will adhere to but I will spell out some basic tenets by which you will abide absolutely. You will refer to me at all times as Master, my wife as Mistress, and my two sons as Master Bradley and Master Michael. You have been designated to be the personal slave of Master Michael and you will therefore devote yourself body and mind entirely to his service. I will not in any way interfere with his control of you but of course it is clearly understood that as your legal owner I have final say in your future. As is customary you will be known in future by a name of your Master's choosing, and Master Michael has decided that you will henceforth be known as Binky." I glanced up for an instant and Mike was having difficulty in keeping a straight face. "Slave Jack will now acquaint you with your basic duties but no doubt Master Michael will want to see you shortly to lay down the ground rules of your servitude. Carry on slave." I bowed deeply, as Jack had instructed me, first to the Master and then to Master Bradley, and finally I went down on my knees in front of Master Michael and kissed his feet. On being told by Michael to rise I followed Jack out of the room.

Jack led me through to the kitchen where he introduced me to the female slaves who had gathered at the end of the day prior to serving dinner to the family. One of the female slaves, whose name was Daisy, signaled me into a pantry and surreptitiously offered me a mug of sweet coffee and a cookie. It was the first act of kindness that had been shown to me since I had been sentenced by the judge. Within a half hour I was summoned to Master Michael's room. Jack led me to the door and then left. I knocked quietly and entered when I was instructed to. Brad was in the room but when I entered he said "Later, Mike" and left without so much as a glance at me. I went down on my knees in front of Mike and kissed his feet. He instructed me to rise but to stay on my knees and I kept my head bowed as was expected of a slave. "OK, asshole," he commenced, "we seem to have got past the preliminaries, so let's understand where exactly the two of us are. I have decided that, in future, I want no further dealings with the household slaves and those bitches will be barred from my room. You will be solely responsible for the cleanliness of this apartment and will carry out cleaning duties on a daily basis. You will see to it that my laundry is attended to each day and be responsible to ensure that it is properly ironed when returned. You will keep my clothes in perfect order and each morning you will lay out for me the items I intend to wear. You will wake me each morning at precisely 7am to ascertain what I require for breakfast and then leave to arrange that. You will serve my breakfast here every morning and I expect the food to be piping hot. If it is not, it will be a matter for punishment. Once I have eaten, I will shower and you will assist me as necessary. I will leave for school at precisely 8am each morning and you will bring my car to the front door in good time so that I may leave promptly. It will be one of your duties to wash my car daily and to polish it weekly. When I am at home I will expect you to be on call at all hours. Whenever you enter the room you will kneel and "head to toe" and the same will apply to Master Bradley or any of my friends if they happen to be in the room. You are to maintain silence at all times and only speak when directly addressed. For the time being your only responses will be 'Yes Sir Master Michael', 'No Sir Master Michael', or 'Thank you Sir Master Michael', as is required. In due course your duties will be increased but we will cross that bridge when we come to it. Do you understand slave?" I responded "Yes Sir Master Michael". "OK then, asshole, get your ass outta my sight until tomorrow morning". I rose, bowed and left the room.

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 3

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