My Life

By moc.loa@USB12elaM

Published on Apr 20, 2000



"My Life" by: Male21bsu (Matt)


This is my first attempt at writing a story like this one you are about to read! This story is about my life, but instead of starting at the beginning it starts at the present. The names in this story have been altered in order not to expose those not wanting their "secret" found out! :o) .... I hope you enjoy what you read, and please send comments! Thank you... Matt (

-My Life-

Where to start... well how bout with myself. My name is Matthew. I am twenty - three years old ( yeah I know old.) I am currently a senior at a Midwest university in the state of Indiana. I am majoring in business management and entrepreneurship (killer word.) I am also minoring in music performance and currently thinking of adding like an advertising graphics design minor too ( I know why add now.) I am also working full time for a major retail company in the U.S. as a department manager. I have a great family, and two of the best nephews a person could ever ask to have. My parents are absolutely without a doubt wonderful.

I know now your thinking wow.... he must be the happiest person in the world to have all that going for him... you would certainly think so huh? I am happy for the most part, but now I want more. What more could I possibly want? How about love... someone to love, be happy with, share my good times and bad times with. How wonderful that would be... only one thing though... I'm gay. I have told a few friends so far. However there is one more problem... I am already in love with someone.


Yeah that is right I am in love with a guy named Andy. I met him over a year and a half ago and I have been in love with him since I first met him. Okay well we first met online, but then in person. I remember it like it was yesterday. We decided to meet at the theater, and then decided from there as of what to do. We met and it was right then I knew this was the guy I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. Now, even I had trouble believing this could happen to me... love at first sight (yeah right!) Andy and I went for a ride in his car talking for a good hour or so. We went back to my car and said our good nights to each other. We decided that we definitely wanted to stay in touch so we exchanged phone numbers and promised to call each other. As time went on I learned that Andy had a boyfriend which I later met. I t was inevitable that I would not like him, I mean after all he was living with the man of my dreams. Anyway he eventually broke up with him.

-The Night

Andy and I were talking one night online when he asked me to come over and hangout with him. I almost jumped at the opportunity... so I went. Let me just say it was a night to remember. We sat and talked for a long time just getting to know each other. Something struck as weird though he kept getting up and going to the bathroom like every five minutes. I just kind of dismissed it until one time when he came out of the bathroom he looked right at me. He walked across the room never taking his eyes off of my own. He sat down on top of me and leaned in for a kiss. (WOW) What a kiss it was. I thought he was going to suck my tongue right out! We eventually ended up on the floor stripping each other of our clothing until we were both naked rubbing each others smooth naked bodies. It felt so great up against each other. We continued our kissing as we explored each others bodies. We were both in another world. I slowly made my way down Andy's chest lower and lower until I reached his seven inches of manhood. I slowly licked the head of his cock just teasing him to where he would want more. Ever so slowly I took his whole cock into my waiting mouth. He tasted so wonderful so sweet. I could taste his precum as it oozed out of his pulsing cock. I played with his balls as I continued sucking him.. I could tell he was getting close to cumming by the way his balls started to tighten up close to his cock. then with out warning a splash of hot cum in the back of my throat along with several more. Andy's cum tasted so sweet... it was like a forbidden nectar. After all the surges from his orgasm we kissed ever more passionately then before. Andy decided it was his turn to taste the forbidden nectar, and took my entire cock into his mouth not wanting to waste anytime. Andy worked on my cock for what seemed like eternity all while playing with my balls and massaging my ass. I was ready in no time to explode. I came in at least eight shots firing one right after another down my lovers hot throat. After my orgasm subsided we kissed for a long while. Then we lay there just holding one another all night long until we fell asleep in each others arms.

Later that week we decided to have dinner... we had a wonderful time enjoying each others company. After dinner we decided to go back to my place just for a bit. Neither of us had much time so we kept it to kissing and cuddling for about a half hour or so. Unfortunately after that night I never heard from Andy again.... I was devastated... and most of all hurt and heartbroken.

-Always Forgiven

As much as I tried to be mad and upset at Andy I just couldn't. I can never be mad at him, because I love him. To this day I have always forgiven him.

-Out of Mind (Out of Sight)

A year and a half later here I am. All this time I have been trying to get Andy out of my mind, and get over him. always trying to convince myself it was just a crush, but even I can't lie to myself. I thought I finally got him out of my mind for the most part until the call.

-The Call

I was asleep and was awaken by my mobile phone ringing. I answered and the voice said "Hi." Then proceeded to say "Matt this is Andy." I almost hung up the phone... not because I didn't want to talk to him, but because I didn't realize who it was. I spent the next few minutes wondering who this was when I decided to end the call. I hit the end button and that was when I realized who I just hung up on. I quickly got online to see if he was there. A few minutes later I was again talking to Andy through the instant messenger. That was also when everything I tried to forget came flooding back into my mind. We talked for while and decided to call each other again soon. I learned that he had just broken up with his boyfriend only a few hours prior to calling me. I found it odd for him to call me, but then just dismissed the thought.

We have talked quite a bit over the phone and decided we definitely wanted to get togeather again soon. So finally he asked me come over and hangout and talk.

-The Night (Part II)

I drove to Andy's house on Tuesday night. I got there around nine thirty or so. (Oh My God... he looks as cute and as wonderful as he did the first time I met him. That smile... it's enough to melt my heart.) Well he greeted me at the door, and invited me in. We sat and talked for a long time just about everything and nothing. At one point my hand was hanging over the chair I was in, and I felt a touch. It was Andy's hand touching my own. We stayed in that position only touching and feeling each others hand. then he ever so slightly pulled me to him. I crossed the floor and sat kneeling next to him lying on the couch. I leaned in for a kiss, and received even more passion that I ever dreamed of could exist. We kissed for eternity (or so it seemed.) Our hand were all over each other just caressing every inch of each others bodies. Andy slowly stood us both up and led us to the bedroom all while continuing to kiss. Once in the bedroom we layed down still kissing and caressing but now we were going for the clothing also.


I would love to hear what you think so far of the story... please email all your comments to me at I hope to hear from you soon... Part 2 is coming soon! Thanks Matt

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