My Life in College

By John Johnson

Published on Jul 25, 2010


As usual, this is all made up. Donуt do anything stupid like not wear a condom, etc. Enjoy.

Part 2:

I woke up with a pretty big hard-on. Stretching my arms over my head, I looked toward the ceiling thinking about my roommate I fucked last night. Damn, that was a lot of fun. I didnуt want to jerk off because I like having a decent sized load just in case I get laid later tonight. I got up went to the bathroom and took a cold shower to get my mind off things.

After getting dressed, I wandered around the house looking for people to get food with. I found a couple of the guys and we went to the nearest cafeteria. We sat down at a table and started to eat. Mid-conversation, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I glanced to the right a little and saw this guy looking at me. He was actually really attractive so I smiled at him but he looked down at his food quickly. It was hard to tell if he was checking me out or not because it was too quick of an interaction. We finished our food and left.

I went back to the house and changed into my gym clothes. On my way to the gym, saw Jake waiting outside. I probably should tell you about Jake. Heуs in another fraternity a couple of houses down from mine and is also gay. I guess you could say heуs my equal if that makes any sense. Actually, it may be better if I start from the beginning.

It was Saturday night during the first week of freshman year. I headed to this fraternity I had never been to before. It was pretty crowded on the porch and after the guys gave of us some shit at the door, they let us inside. I made my way downstairs and saw the dance floor was packed. I walked over to the bar to get a beer. There wasnуt anyone I knew but I didnуt want to leave, so I looked for someone to meet. I saw this one guy, attractive and built. He was just standing there alone looking bored so I decided to say hi.

As a freshman, most people donуt mind if some random guy comes up to them and says hi. Everyone is looking to meet new people. I went up to him, introduced myself, and started bullshitting. We hit it off quickly. It turned out we shared a lot of the same interests. He was also pretty hilarious. He would throw his drink around when he got really excited mid-conversation and have this really cute smile while looking you straight in the eye.

We got into the conversation of lifting and I was complaining how I was going to get lazy in college. He agreed with me and suggested we lift together to keep each other motivated. Of course Iуm going to agree with working out with a good-looking guy, so we traded numbers. I was getting tired so I said I would call him tomorrow and we would get started on this.

We went lifting 4 times a week and had a pretty good routine. I would spend all my time checking him out and I ended up getting so horny from this I started keeping a bottle of lube in my bag so I could jerk-off as soon as I got back. He is just this really sexy looking guy. When he wore a t-shirt and gym shorts, you could see his muscles through the cloth. His ass is tight and perky. His arms filled the sleeves nicely. His body was something I wanted to be physically close to.

I also got to know his personality the more I talked to him. Everything I learned, I liked. In fact, I think I was falling in love with him a bit. But I was in college. I didnуt want to date him. Not at least until my junior year. I just wanted to hook-up with whomever I wanted. I put the thoughts of love out of my mind and decided to see him as a colleague if that makes any sense.

About two weeks into lifting, I noticed the subject of sex never came up. We had been working out for a while so we talked about a lot of things but never that. He didnуt seem like a guy who would care if I was gay so I decided to bring it up.

рHey, do you have girlfriend right now?с

рOh, Iуm gay. I thought you knew that.с Wow, that took me off-guard. And wow, heуs gay. Maybe heуs into me also. Time to test that out.

рHa, Honestly I had no idea.с

рWhat about yourself?с I decided to go with the same audacity he had.

рI donуt want a boyfriend right now. I just want to have fun when I want.с His eyes went wide.

рSo youуre gay too?с

рYeah,с I said smiling. He immediately started eyeing my body. It was pretty obvious but I could tell he was trying hard not to make it seem so. Hoping he would disagree, I suggested we should finish our workout. He paused then said,

рI donуt want to.с

рMe neitherис I needed to think for a moment.

рWe canуt go back to my room. My roommateуs always there. What about yours?с

рSame.с Fuck, where can we goи It hits me. I start looking at his body. Heуs wearing a wife-beater thatуs soaked in sweat; his round shoulders and powerful arms are glistening. His dark hair was wet and messy too. As much as I like a guy covered in sweat, I realized this was our best option.

рYou know, I think we could both use a shower right now.с He smiles and then nods in understanding.

We head back to the dorms. On the way, Iуm killing myself by not grabbing him. We hit the elevators and people come in with us. The elevator gets so full, Jake and I are squeezed in the back corner. My ass is pressed up against his dick. I can feel it through his shorts getting harder. Almost all of the people leave until there is only one other person with us. I have to step away from Jake because it would look weird if I was still pressed up against him with all this room. Jake quickly turns and faces the wall, clearly trying to hide his erection.

We get out on my floor and run into the bathroom. Itуs empty. We go around the corner to the shower area. I push him inside one of the shower stalls then up against the wall. I throw the curtain shut and start kissing him. Our lips lock and our tongues intertwine.

I feel his body pressed up against mine as I wrap one of my arms around his lower back hugging him closer. My free hand moves to the back of his neck holding his face against my face. I feel his hand reach up under my shirt feeling my torso while his other hand holds onto my shoulder. His body radiates warmth as we are pressed up against each other. I start grinding against him without realizing it. My dick got rock hard some time ago and I donуt even remember when.

I pull back and his face follows mine. I had to hold him back against the wall so he wouldnуt jump me. I look him up and down. His short brown hair is all messed up from me ruffling it. His shoulders are up against the wall with his waist sticking out a bit. He has this smile and look in his eye of pure sexual energy.

I grab him by the wrist and raise his arms above his. His armpits are exposed and his biceps are flexing a bit. I lean in and smell his workout at the gym earlier. It has a euphoric effect that takes over me. I lick his pit tasting saltiness then leaving my cheek pressed up against it enjoying being close to it. Meanwhile, Jake nibbles gently on my neck.

I canуt do this forever so I grab the bottom of his wife-beater and lift it up exposing his flat stomach and most of his chest. Heуs one of those guys with strong back muscles making his chest and stomach more pronounced. He isnуt ripped like Christiano Ronaldo but well muscled. If you youуve ever seen Mike Posner without a shirt on, you know what Iуm talking about. His nipples are small and perked up; they look great for sucking. I dive in and work one with all my might, tonguing and nibbling it. I hear him let out a heavy sigh of enjoyment.

I pull my head off him and remove his wife-beater completely. I then pull off my own shirt and pull off my shorts and underwear too. He just stands there looking at my dick.

рIf you want it, you can get on your knees and suck it.с He drops down to his knees shirtless and grabs my dick. I look down my body and watch most of my 7 inches disappear into his mouth. The feeling of his tongue and lips running up and down my shaft causes a shiver to run throughout my body. I place a hand on the back of his head to regain balance.

рMake that dick nice and wet,с I say smiling as I look down at his bobbing head. Place my other hand on his head, I try and fuck his face a bit. He manages to ft more of me into his mouth without gagging. His hands caress my ass cheeks. One hand moves in between the cheeks to message the outside of my hole. Damn, heуs a really good cocksucker. I have to pull my dick out of his mouth so I donуt cum. I bend down put my hands underneath his pits and lift him so he can stand.

I push him against the opposite stall wall and start kissing him again. I feel his naked torso pressed-up against mine while we explore each otherуs bodies with our hands. I pull back when Iуm satisfied and I drop to my knees pulling his shorts and underwear down with me. His dick pops up and hits me in the chin. He laughs a bit. His dick is a circumcised beauty, strong and thick, around 6 inches long. I push his dick flat against his stomach and start licking the underside of his shaft aggressively.

рFuck man. Stop teasing me and just go down on it already.с I take as much as I can into my mouth while gripping the base firmly. My head bobs back and forth trying to give him what he wants. I look up his body to watch him looking down at me with a look of admiration. His stomach is flat, his shoulders and chest broad, and his arms big. I place a hand on his stomach as I continue to suck him.

рThatуs much better,с he says placing a hand on the back of my head. He kicks off his shorts so that heуs completely naked now. He has these really strong quad muscles Iуm holding onto as I suck him. He starts humping my mouth and keeps my head in place. He pushes in a little deep once or twice and I gag a little.

рShit sorry man.с I donуt mind but I decide itуs about time I get in that ass of his. I get up and give him a kiss.

рItуs ok, donуt worry about it.с I go and pick up the clothes, step out of the shower, and place them by the bag. I reach into my bag and take out that bottle of lube. I get up and realize there is someone standing near me. I turn my head and I see this pretty small effeminate gay guy that lives on the floor.

рShit man, Iуm sorry. Didnуt see you standing there,с I say butt-ass naked with an erection. Stuttering a bit he says,

рI didnуtи Iуm sorryис Heуs having trouble ignoring my body.

рDude, itуs ok. I donуt feel weird or anything.с I walk up to him and place my hand on his neck.

рRelax.с I say with a smile. I notice heуs looking at the bottle of lube in my hand.

рThis is for my friend in the shower. Heуs gonna need this for what Iуve got planned for him.с He doesnуt respond. Just stands there, in awe. I remove my hand, turn around, and head back into the shower leaving the kid standing there in silence.

рTurn around,с I say as I step in. Jake turns around sticking his ass out to me.

рWho was that?с

рSomeone whoуs gonna enjoy listening to us for the next little while.с He has these really cute tight cheeks. I walk up behind him and dump some lube onto my fingertips. I put down the bottle and place my free hand on his shoulder and other hand to his ass crack pushing my fingers gentle inward to his hole. Once I reach it I start messaging it. Itуs tight but I am to help relax. I slip in one finger. He shudders a little so I lean and start kissing his neck. I lube up my other fingers and slide two more in. After some time I ask,

рYou ready?с

рFuck me.с

рI donуt have a condom so I need to know if youуre clean.с

рI tested myself before college, you?с

рSame.с I grab the lube off the ground and make sure my dick is covered. I use one hand to aim my dick and kept the other on his shoulder. I start pushing it in as I admire his back muscles. His head is down toward the floor. Heуs tight at first but the more I push the more I get inside of him. He doesnуt moan but I hear his breathing tense up at times. I lean in until Iуm all the way.

рHow you feeling?с I ask.

рGood. Keep going.с I decide Iуm not really going to check in anymore and just enjoy this. I pull almost all the way out then I push back in. I do this slowly at first then I start to build up pace. The faster I get the louder the sound of me slamming into his hole gets. I hear Jake beneath me start grunting so he can take the pain. Whoever is in the bathroom at this point definitely knows whatуs going on. Since we live in an all guys hall thereуs an unspoken code if you hear people fucking you donуt say anything.

I decide itуs about time we actually clean off the sweat that weуre covered in so I turn on the showerhead pointing it away from us at first. Once it warms up, I point it back in our direction. I weave my arms underneath Jakeуs armpits and interlock my hands behind his head. I start fucking him hard slamming my waist into him. I like this position. It lends for a lot of leverage. The water covering us only makes the sound of us fucking louder.

I love feeling the strength of his upper-back against my chest. I love feeling the strength of his shoulders and arms on my biceps, and I love the feeling of muscular neck on my hands. His ass feels tight, wet, and warm. Our bodies are soaked and every muscle glistens. Iуm going all out fucking him as hard as I can in this position. I growl as the aggression overtakes me. He screams fuck as I drill his ass. The water continues to splashes on us. All my aggression flies out of me and I quickly lose my strength coming to a stop. Hugging him close to my body, I grab his dick with one hand and hug his chest with the other.

I jerk him off gently for the next couple of minutes while slowly starting to fuck him again. We are both breathing heavily spent from what just happened. I decide I want to cum soon. I start thinking about his face and how it beautiful it is.

рWhen Iуm ready, I want to cum on your face.с

рYou have to swallow my load.с

рDeal.с I push him down so heуs bent over more than he was before with his hands bracing himself on the wall. I place both my hands at his waist and start fucking him again. I build up speed and it feels like Iуm harnessing that aggression again. I want to push myself over the edge. The view of Jake bent over in front of me is almost too much for me. I move the showerhead so itуs not spraying on us anymore. I donуt want the water to remove my load from his face the moment I shoot.

My arms holding on tight to his waist, I begin to drill him almost as hard as I was before. I canуt take it anymore. I pull out and order,

рGet on your knees.с He turns around drops to his knees with his face looking up at mine. I start jerking myself off. He opens his mouth slightly breathing through it. I grab his hair with my free hand holding his head back. I start shooting one of my larger loads all over his face. My cum flies all over the place with some landing on his face, on his hair, and even some hitting the wall behind him. I look down at my creation. Itуs probably one of the better pieces of art Iуve seen. I smile at him out of breath.

рThanks,с I tell him. He gets up to kiss me and I dive right in. I feel like I owe him this much. He pulls back and puts his face under the showerhead rinsing off my cum. Once heуs more or less clean he comes back and kisses me. I still have to suck him off so I pull away from his lips and get on my knees. I use this method where I go in, kiss the tip of his dick with the back of my throat, keeping my tongue touching the length underneath his shaft, lips closed around his shaft, one hand massaging the base, and one hand massaging his balls. рYou want to taste my cum,с He says as a fact. The look in his eyes is of pure dominance. He starts grunting and I can tell heуs close. A couple of more moments and heуll be blasting his seed into my mouth. His shoulders, chest, and abs all flex.

рFuckис he mutters grabbing the back of my head. I feel warm jizz blasting into my mouth. I swallow every bit of it. I hear him breathing heavily as the orgasm leaves his body. I pull my mouth off his dick with a heavy suction grabbing any last drops of cum. I stand up and he kisses me. The taste was still in my mouth as our tongues touched. After we recover our energies, I say, рLet me get you a towel.с I get out of the shower to grab my shorts and see the same effeminate gay guy two showers down. I pick up my shorts keeping an eye on him then walk over still naked and ask,

рDid you like that?с He stands there like a dear in headlights but mutters something halfway intelligent to let me know heуs a person who can make adult decisions. This was the type of kid I could fuck not introducing myself, and walk away without spending the time to get him off.

рI could have a lot of fun with you. But it will have to be a different time.с I reach my hand up to his chin playfully caressing it with my fingertips. I put on my gym shorts and go retrieve the towels. I enter my room, which is only a door away from the bathroom. My roommate is sitting at his desk and sees me soaking wet. He laughs loud enough to let me know he heard me from his room. I grab two towels and walk them back to Jake. With a quiet satisfaction, we dry ourselves. Right before the moment becomes too long to bear he says,

рYou know, we could practice fucking.с

рKeep lifting to make ourselves look better.с

рTalk about better ways to pick up guys.с

рMake a roster of possible and definite hook-ups on campus.с

рHelp each other get laid and be the most desirable guys on campus.с

рYeah, sounds like fun.с

This is how our relationship began. From then on, Jake and I fucked who we wanted. We made sure we always looked our best by working out. And we helped each other get laid at parties. Jake was actually the only guy I let fuck me. We had a mutual respect based off what we wanted in life. It wasnуt a one-night stand that wasnуt worth respect. It was more.

Itуs current day again and Iуm walking toward Jake who Iуm meeting at the gym. I grab and shake his hand smiling looking into his brown eyes. I found myself wishing to share this joy with people other than just ourselves. I looked down at his shirt and the greatest idea I have ever had hits me with his fraternity letters embossed on his t-shirt inspiring me. A gay fraternity. The kind where we train each other to go after what we want and enjoy it.

We enter the gym and begin our workout. I tell him I need to talk about something with him seriously. Jake nods and listens. I begin by describing everything we have come to enjoy, from our looks, to our skills, to our reputation, to our exhausted sexual energies. He nods listening intently. I tell him how I wish there were more people in the world that could enjoy this and that we could enjoy it with them as equals as we see each other. I described a future where we teach young gay men and make them alpha.

Jake begins to realize where Iуm going with this but doesnуt reveal like nor dislike in his face. He only looks as if heуs thinking. Moments pass in silence. Jake finally says honestly,

рWe should think of a name.с We didnуt talk for the rest of the workout and just thought to ourselves. I went back to my room. After doing research I found out the ancient Greeks had a great respect for the alpha male. I learned that Alexander the Great and Hephaestion were possibly lovers because Alexander compared their publicly close relationship as being like that of the legendary lovers Achilles and Patroclus. I decided I wanted the name to refer to them. In honor of them, seeing them as the ideal.

рI think we should call it Alpha (A) п Gamma (G) п Ehta (H),с I said to Jake when I saw him in the library the next night. I tell him how the letters are the initials of the men we want to honor. I tell them who they are and who they honored. Jake agrees with me and thatуs how AGH was born.

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