My Life in College

By John Johnson

Published on Jun 2, 2010


The following story is pure fiction. I guess it's all just a fantasy of mine but a fun one nonetheless.

My Life In College

Hi, my name is Mitch Weiss. I'm from a suburb close to New York City. I spent my life before college doing things I love. I started Brazilian jiu jitsu when I was 15 and guitar when I was 17. I figured out I was gay in high school and my parents didn't seem to mind. They are a pretty liberal couple. I also lifted weights pretty regularly and in combination with the bjj I was pretty well built. If you ever want to get really good in bed, learn this sport. Nothing shows you how to fuck better than the art of physically making guys do what you want them to do.

I am now a sophomore in college. I joined a fraternity my second semester freshman year. No one cared in the fraternity that I was gay. As long as I was fun to hang out with, that's all that mattered. I lived in a double on the second floor of the house. My roommate spent most his time at his girlfriend's single so it was as if I almost had one.

My fraternity was the one that was pretty open to everything. We had every type of group you could imagine from those who spent all their time lifting to those who spent their entire time smoking weed. Most guys in the fraternity were even a combination of more than one group. Honestly, it's what I like about it. Because of this, we had pretty good parties. All different types of people would show up and we were always welcoming. Occasionally you had some dick wanting to take advantage of this, but other people in the fraternity put a check on them pretty quickly.

My sex life in the house was pretty good. When we had parties I would go downstairs after pre-gaming with some of the guys and survey the basement. I would usually find someone who was eyeing me, approach him, engage in some conversation, invite him up to my room, and then fuck him. Pretty simple. The school itself was small (about 6,000 undergrads), so I ended up having some regular hookups showing up to the house when they wanted.

One night, we were having one of our open parties where there isn't a theme but people just show up and have fun. Another fraternity not to far away was having a big party and we were getting a lot of spill over. I was decently drunk wondering around, hanging out with different groups of people, and having fun. I went downstairs and saw my freshman roommate grinding pretty hard with some girl on the dance floor.

This guy was pretty hot by the way. He was a little shorter than me but really muscled from being on the rugby team and had a really cute boyish face. As freshman, he knew I was gay and would still bring girls back with him when I was sleeping and just fuck them in front of me (on his bed of course). I would wake up and quietly jack off under my cover to his tight ass cheeks pumping up and down. Why the hell would I complain and why shouldn't I jack off if he isn't trying to hide himself? Here he was in front of me, clearly hard, making out and dry humping the shit out of this girl, and well I got hard. Every memory I had just came back. I had to leave. It was too much for me to watch.

I went upstairs and to the main floor and chatted it up with some people. There were none of my regulars around tonight and I didn't see any new guys around that I could hook up with so I gave up after another hour and headed upstairs. I walked on to the second floor and I saw my freshman roommate (forgot to mention his name was Eric) in the hallway. He was alone so I went up to him and said hi. His eyes were pretty glazed over and I could smell a good amount of alcohol. He just lifted his face toward mine with the cutest little smile showing he was pleasantly fucked up. We talked for a little while then he asked me if I had a beer. I invited him in to my room.

We get in there and I throw on my mood lighting because I don't particularly enjoy bright lights late at night. I reach in to the fridge and pull out two natty ices. We sit on my bed and start drinking and talking. I turn on the tv (South park) and we alternate between talking and watching it. After about 10 minutes, I realize we are both wide-awake and less drunk than I thought. I ask him if he wants to smoke a bit and he agrees. I pack a small bowl. And we just relax and smoke it gently.

Being a mix of stoned and drunk, I can't help noticing his body. We're sitting up against my wall on my bed with the tv across from us. I look down and admire his flat stomach outlined by his t-shirt. My eyes move back to Eric's face and looking at me he passes me the bowl. He probably noticed but it didn't seem to bother him. I take another hit and blow it in his direction. Making him take the smoke to his face made me feel like he was mine. I pass it back to him and I stare as he takes a hit. Sometimes it's really hot watching a guy smoke. You noticed all the small movements as his lungs inflate - his chest expands, his arms flex holding the bowl up to his mouth, lips puckered on the piece, and as he exhales he slowly becomes more laid back.

The bowl finishes and we chill watching the rest of the show. One of those infomercials starts with all those girls flashing their tits on spring break. I left it on because I enjoyed knowing he probably was. We started talking about our nights.

"So what happened with you tonight?" Eric says to me.

I smile, "nothing. Just hung out with people. A pretty typical night. You?"

"I was really close to getting laid."

"What happened?"

"I honestly don't know. We were both feeling it and then she just ran out. Left me with the biggest hardon."

"Ha, sorry man. I know how you feel I was looking to get off tonight too but no one really around. Have you ever hooked up with this girl before?"

"Yeah, she's great. It was just such a huge let down. I was so ready to get in that again."

I love it when guys talk like this; it always get's me hard. In fact my dick was already more than halfway there. I notice Eric reach down and tug at his jeans massaging his hardening dick through his pants while watching the girls on tv. I wanted to jump on him there.

"Could I ask you a question just between us and I'm serious when I say that," Eric says hesitantly.

"Yea, sure."

"How are guys at giving head?"

I knew from what I saw all freshman year he wasn't gay but was just so horny he was considering the option. "Real good. Since they know what it feels like, they know what to do to make it feel nice."

"Have you ever given head to a friend who didn't want to give you anything back?"

"No. I need something, even if it's just a handjob." There was no way I was about to suck this guy off for nothing in return. I understand he's straight and really hot, but no. I can't just do that. I don't hate myself like that.

He was quiet for about a minute.


"Ok, what?"

"You get me off the way I want and I'll get you off." I could tell he was weirded out by this and desperate.

"Lie down." I get up off the bed and he takes off his shirt and lies down. I take off mine and then he pulls off his pants until he's in his boxers and I do the same. He's fully hard and so am I. I never noticed but he has a really nice tattoo on the left side of his stomach, one of those cheesy tribal ones but they still look amazing because they exaggerate his core muscles. I straddle his lower legs and admire his body. Every muscle is unbelievable. He had the smoothest skin covered in a light film of sweat. I lower my face to one of his nipples and stick out my tongue.

"Dude, that's not my dick."

"Just relax," I tell him. He shuts up. I swirl my tongue around his left nipple and look up at his face. He's just looking at the ceiling. I suck on it biting gently for a good minute. Feeling his body so close to mines without tearing him apart was the biggest thing I have ever refused myself. I felt his warmth radiating from the thick mass of muscle beneath me. I inhale deeply taking in his scent. It's my favorite smell. The smell of a guy who spends his time at a gym and forgets to shower. Most people find it gross. It gets me hard. Then I move to the next nipple. I really want to spend as much time as possible on this guy and show him how he can enjoy this. I hear small grunts coming from him as I do this. I guess I'm doing a good job.

I decide I want to get to his dick. I kiss my way down his stomach. His arms are still awkwardly at his sides and his stomach tightened like he's prepared for an attack. I pull his boxers down and his dick pops up. It's a little over 5 inches but it's full. He's circumcised and beautiful. I start my tongue at the base of his dick and lick up the bottom of the shaft to the head. He shudders. I do this one more time before taking it into my mouth. He gasps a little when I do this. I can taste precum covering his dick from grinding the girl earlier.

I look up his body seeing the bumps in his abs morphing into his broad chest. This is one of my favorite views watching chest expanding as he takes deep breaths. I slowly bob my head taking in his dick massaging the bottom of his shaft with my tongue. I wrap my left hand around the base and cup his balls with my right hand. He begins to relax. He puts one arm behind his head exposing his armpit and the other on the hand on the back of my head. I can tell he is looking down at me now but I don't want to weird him out by meeting his eyes.

"Fuck, you're good," he whispers. I loosen my grip on his shaft and remove my hand from his balls. I take my mouth off his dick, push it flat against his stomach and place one of his balls in my mouth. I suck on it using my tongue on it ever so gently. It tastes a little salty from sweat. I do this to his other ball for a little while until I decide to push him further. I start licking his taint driving my tongue inward.

"You were definitely right about guys knowing how to make it feel nice," he says out of breath.

"I want to try something. Just relax." I hate the idea of rimming a guy and don't think I will ever do it but I don't mind playing with his asshole still. I get up and grab a bottle of lube and a condom from my drawer. I tuck the condom out of site and put some lube on my finger. I push his legs up and get back to sucking his nuts and I slowly start messaging his hole.

"Dude, I don't know if this is ok."

I say, "trust me." I gently slip in a finger curving it upward just a tiny bit. I start pulling it out and putting it back in to a rhythm. I hear him moan. After about a minute, I go to two fingers making sure there is lube. Then three.

"Fuck. How did you know I would like this?"

"Everyone does... Can I try something bigger?" He nods. I get off the bed and pull my shorts off. Once he realizes what I'm doing his eyes go straight to the ceiling. There is no way he would let me do this if he wasn't as fucked up as he was but I was too so I didn't care. I tear open the condom and roll it over my dick. I cover it in as much lube as possible and pick up the towel that's on the floor and dry my hands off a bit. I get on the bed and lift his legs up. He doesn't say a word and continues avoiding looking at me. I slowly ease my way in and he takes a deep breath holding it as his eyes squeeze shut tight. I'm smiling because I know this is the first time he has down this.

I go as slow as possible because I don't want to scare him off. After what seems like forever, I'm finally deep inside my freshman roommate. This is something I've been dreaming about for over a year now. Every muscle of his is tightened up. His face is a mixture of enjoyment and disgust. I pull out slowly until there's only an inch of me inside him. I continue back in. He's surprisingly loose for a straight guy but tight nonetheless. I pick up a slow rhythm while my breathing starts becoming labored. His eyes are still shut tight but I can tell he's enjoying it from his moaning. He has his hand grabbing the inside of his knees pulling his legs back for me. His biceps, shoulders, and chest are all flexed and glistening.

I decide I don't want to be so controlled anymore. I lean down so my body is more on top of his and I begin pumping. My arms are flexed holding me up onto of him while the inside of his knees are wrapped around my shoulders. All those girls I watched him fuck and now I am fucking him. This is easily one of the hotter moments in my life. My face on top of his while his eyes shut and me pounding away, I had to try my hardest not to cum. Both of our breathing was heavy and loud. I spit into my hand and grabbed his still rock hard dick.

"FUCK," he yells as I jerk him. His ass squeezes and his eyes burst open as he grabs my back. His gaze sent me over the edge.

"I'm cuming," I said out of breath directly to his face with our eyes locked.

"Me too." His cum shot up and covered his chest and abs. I felt my load filling up the condom. I was still staring at his eyes when he began to come down from the orgasm. He started to realize what was going on.

"Get the fuck off me." He pushes me off of him into the wall pretty hard. I laugh a little at how angry he is at me.

"How'd you like your first dick?"

"Fuck you faggot." I get up quickly and throw him into a submission on the floor. His body hits the floor hard enough to cause him some pain. I say with fury into his ear,

"I am bigger, stronger, and faster than you are. Right now I could fuck you again and this time make it hurt. Apologize." He trembles beneath me,

"I'm sorry," he whispers. I pick him up and throw him out my door into the hall covered in his cum. I throw his clothes out after him and slam the door. I love knowing how to do shit like that. People like him never make that mistake in front of me again. Eric didn't come by to the house much after that. I saw him around campus and he generally avoided eye contact with me.

The end.

Next: Chapter 2

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