My Life at Hogwarts

By moc.loa@962ihdaraF

Published on Jun 25, 2002


This story is a work of fiction, and many of its characters are copyrighted by J.K Rowling and Scholastic Books. As for those who are not, I am taking creative liberties. I want to thank all of you who have been following this story and sending me such positive responses. Thank you all very much. It's meant a lot to me, and has made the writing of this so worthwhile.

Fred and George Weasley were very funny, and I got to know the shorter, chunkier (and much more muscular) versions of Ron rather well over the next few days. I did this for several reasons, only one of which was to stay out of Ron's way until he was prepared to speak civilly to me again.

In the meantime, I entered a routine of classes, exercises and studying. At night, while Michael slept, I allowed our minds to merge and I absorbed all the memories of the day, rather than risk their overwhelming me while in class. Through his memories, my list of suitable students grew to a grand total of fifteen, counting Harry and his two friends. Halloween approached steadily. I began to work on my other projects, and with Hermione's help, I managed to translate both of the books of ancient magic. And to be perfectly honest, the book of dark magic scared even me.

I noticed that there were THREE curses of death more powerful than Adava Kedavra. Two spells managed to steal someone's soul straight from their body-basically the same as the Dementor's Kiss. It appears that centuries ago, someone used this book or one like it to create the Dementors, and there was a spell inside it to control them utterly. Spells to summon and control demons, strip the life from a wand, rendering it useless to power your own magicks, and offensive combat spells like I developed on my own.

I decided the best thing would be to keep that particular book with me at all times. I didn't want ANYONE to come across it. Though few wizards of the present had the ability to cast such spells, I didn't want to risk it falling into the wrong hands.

Meanwhile, Harry and Ron rarely slept in separate beds, and though Dean and Seamus rolled their eyes sometimes, I gathered that they were even more than fine with their relationship. By unspoken agreement, none of us had discussed the sleeping arrangements with anyone but Hermione. Even Ron's brothers were kept in the dark. It didn't go beyond sleeping together, though; at least, not in MY hearing. I smiled and let it go, though inside, I was jealous of what they had, and I began to feel a little depressed.

Dumbledore increased the watches held by the teachers, but there was not another attempt by Voldemort or his servants to enter the school. After Harry's storytelling, I asked Michael to keep an eye on Malfoy, Goyle and Crabbe and to make sure that Snape did so as well. Just reviewing that conversation brought a smile to my face as I sat at breakfast.

"Severus, can I talk to you?"

"What do you want, Michael," he snapped.

"You know as well as I do that we must be aware of the Dark Lord."

Snape rolled his eyes. "Get to the point."

"I know you don't like me, and frankly, I don't care. You have several students in your House whose parents are still open supporters of Voldemort." Snape winced. "I expect you to watch them closely and report anything to Dumbledore or myself."

"YOU," he nearly shouted in rage.

"Yes," Michael agreed amiably. He held out his hand and waved it. An illusion of a badge appeared in his hand. "I'm sure you recognize this," he added. Snape glared at the illusion. "You have no proof of this."

"Don't I," Michael grinned. "Need I do more?" Snape backed away.

"So be it," he growled. "Report to you or Dumbledore."


I LOVED that memory. Snape was shut down cold and in his class, I saw him watch Malfoy a little more closely. Yet despite the constant vigilance by faculty and staff, there was little excitement until Halloween. That morning at breakfast, I received an owl with a silver mirror. I examined the mirror and found it to be exquisitely made and quite old. Frowning, I passed my hand over the mirror.

Instantly, it began to glow, and Hermione, sitting next to me, leaned over. Harry and Ron sat together, across from us, and I THOUGHT they were holding hands under the table, but I didn't take notice as a face filled the small surface of the mirror.

A tanned face with wavy blond hair looked out. "Matt," Wills said in his deep voice, "I've been trying to get hold of you for ages!"

I smiled as Hermione gasped. "Th-that's..."

"Shhhh." I told her. "How are you, Wills?"

"We're doing all right. The air here is wonderful, and the queen is treating us like her own children."

"Excellent. So, getting plenty of exercise and sun, I see," I grinned.

"Yes, but, well, we wanted to know when we can come home."

I lost the smile. "Why? Is the king being a tosser? I can always come and smack him."

"No, no, it's just that...well, we miss our father. As much as schooling can grate on you, we rather miss it."

"I see. Well, it's Halloween. I can have safe arrangements made certain by Christmas and you can be back in time for the holidays." I apologized. "That's the best I can do. I'm a little swamped here, to be honest."

"Really? What are you doing?"

I smirked. "That's classified, my friend."

"Classified? To me?"

"Yup. Even to you. Can you manage to hold off for just a few more months? I promise I will have everything ready, although the Palace's defenses won't be complete, but you and Harry can stay at my house until they are."

"We can manage. Harry wants to talk to you."

"Alright. Sorry I didn't contact you, but it slipped my mind."

"Hah! Some friend you are," he chided.

"Hey," I recoiled, hurt.

"I'm only joking. We do appreciate all you've done for us, and we've been in constant contact with grandmother and father."

"Good. Hand over the mirror. I think I hear Harry getting anxious."

He laughed and his face disappeared. Harry's face looked out at me, his now dark skin having a more copperish hue than his brother's thanks to his hair.


"Hi Harry! How are they treating you there?"

"Chiron's teaching Wills and I how to use a sword!"

"Really?" By now we'd drawn a crowd and I had to stand. "Hold on a tic, Harry. We're attracting a little too much attention." I whispered to Hermione, "hold on to the table."

She looked confused but nodded. I looked at the students around me and crossed my arms all the way across my chest. With a grunt, I flung them out in a sweeping circle, throwing everyone back a good fifteen feet. "A little privacy, please? Thank you."

The teachers looked up from their table and I shrugged before looking back into the mirror.

"Sorry 'bout that."

"No problem. Wills says we'll be coming home for..." he trailed off as his eyes moved past the mirror.

"Harry? Harry!"

His face vanished and was replaced by the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. Up close, Titania was more stunning than I could have possibly believed. Her golden hair caught the sunlight and she seemed to outshine the light of the mirror. Her eyes were the gray (grey, if you prefer) of a winter sky and held me in place. I had to blink a few times to shake off the power of her gaze. "Your Majesty," I nodded reverently. "I am honored by your presence."

"It appears you have continued your efforts, Matthew Arico."

"Lady?" There was something in her tone I couldn't puzzle out.

"You do not remember?"

I mutely shook my head.

"You will. There is a reason you could open the gateway. My lord wants to speak with you when you return to pick up your charges."

"Will I be unmolested, Lady?"

"I have seen to it."

"I ask your gracious permission to watch them for another few months."

"Months? It has been a mere few days since you dropped them off."

"I suppose time moves differently there. It would be a not-quite-equal amount of time as they have already been there."

"They are welcome here. They are learning much about themselves." I raised a questioning eyebrow.

She smiled as if to say "none of your business."

"I look forward to re-visiting your beautiful realm."

"I must give you a warning, Matthew. Your time is nearly at an end. You may delay it, but you cannot evade it for long."

"My lady?"

"Your mortal coil will not last long, Matthew Arico. Once again, you draw a great deal of attention to yourself. Your enemies join together against you and you cannot prevail for long. Prepare yourself."

At that, the image faded. I looked over to Hermione who'd heard it all. "What was that about?"

She was too stunned by the event to do more than shake her head in confusion. Her eyes stayed on the mirror.

"Something from the summer holidays, nothing to worry about."

"You KNOW the princes," she hissed in a loud whisper.

"Sure. I met them about a month before school and we hung out for a while."

"How did you manage that?"

"Long story." I grinned. "So, anyway, I invited them to stay the Christmas holidays with me. Want to join me? So long as you don't get all goggle-eyed and star-struck. They wouldn't like that, and it'd make me uncomfortable, too."

"I'd love to," she exclaimed.

"Hey Harry, Ron." The two of them were staring at each other's eyes, oblivious. "How sweet," I muttered to Hermione. "WAKE UP, YOU LOVE-SICK BASTARDS!!!"

They jerked apart in surprise. "I just finished inviting Hermione to my place for the winter holidays. D'you want to come? I've got plenty of bedrooms, not that that's an issue," I added with a grin.

They smiled sheepishly. "Sure," Harry said. "I'd love to. Ron?" Ron looked at me mournfully, split. Harry nudged him in the ribs. "Ron," I added, "now that you're aware of the fact I don't have designs for Harry, you don't have to force yourself to apologize. Just forget it and don't do it again, OK?" He blushed and nodded. "I'd love to come."

"Good." I stowed the mirror and stood. "Oh, Harry, can I ask a favor of you?"

He shrugged. I held out my hand and a small silvery box appeared. "Could you use your Parseltongue and speak into the box, please?"

"What do you want me to say?"

"Open up."

He looked at me quizzically but nodded. "I'll try."

He closed his eyes and concentrated. After a moment, he hissed something into the box. "Thanks, Harry."

"Why," he asked.

"'Cause I don't want to keep asking you, and I want a private place."

"The Chamber?"

"Can you think of anyplace better?"

"I guess not," he said. Hermione and Ron looked confused. I looked at my schedule. "By the way, what do you think of the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?"

"He's really cool," Ron said.

"Yeah," Harry agreed. "He's going to give us all some dueling lessons today."

"I hope they're better than Lockheart's were," Ron muttered under his breath.

I heard him anyway. "I'm sure they will be," I answered with a grin. "I think I'm showing up today to help with that, actually."

"Great! See you there," Ron said as he, Harry and Hermione stood to go.

"Yup," I agreed as I headed off to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

That afternoon, we I stood before an overly large Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Michael sat as his desk behind me and waited until the class quieted. "Now," he began, "I hope we have all been practicing our Shielding Charms?"

Most of the class nodded. "Good. Break into pairs and each of you will cast your best Shielding Charm. I will actually be grading this. Mr. Arico here will cast a minor spell and see if your shield will repel it."

"Hope it's good," I added with a smirk, "'cause if it's not, you're gonna get stung."

First up: Hermione. I grinned and waved my ice-blue wand. "Ready?" She nodded and I flung it forward, causing little needles of ice to fly toward her. They shattered against an invisible shield she'd placed around her. "Nice. Ron?"

He nervously cast his spell at which I then cast a series of more ice needles. The first ones shattered, but then broke through, pricking him in the chest and arms.

"OOWWW!" The others in the class giggled.

"Don't laugh," I advised. "'Cause I'm willing to bet it happens to most of you. Harry, let's try yours." He lifted his wand and cast his Shielding Charm. I once again launched the needles, which vanished as they struck his shield. When the last one hit, however, his shield fluctuated and shattered, striking me with invisible, razor-sharp shards. As if by magic of their own, cuts appeared on my arms as I raised them to shield myself. "Wh-what the hell was THAT?"

Michael looked concerned. "I'm not sure. Until I know, class dismissed."

The class looked shocked but filed out noiselessly. Harry approached me hesitantly. "Matt? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do anything!"

"Don't worry about it Harry. It's my fault for not throwing up a shield when I attacked. A lesson I was supposed to have learned a long time ago. Not your fault." I winced. "Now, I think I'll head to the infirmary. If you'll excuse me."

After the brief visit to Madame Pomfrey, I decided to do some more work on the Chamber until I needed to shower and dress for the Halloween dinner.

That night's Halloween dinner was splendid. Live bats flittered along the enchanted ceiling and the candles littered the Great Hall. Pumpkins large enough for four to sit in were scattered all over, and they too glowed with bright candlelight.

As I entered the hall and looked around with a smile, Hermione rushed over to me holding a paper. "Matt, look! In Witch's Weekly, there's an article you need to see!"

I grabbed the paper from her hands. In large print the headline read:


Today there was a break-in at the Tomb of Merlin in

Wales. Guards claim there was no obvious sign of break-

in, yet when they made their rounds at three o'clock in the

afternoon, the great wizard's body was gone from the tomb.

It is agreed that the only way to pass such defenses unseen

is the work of a powerful Dark wizard and Aurors are now

investigating the theft. Any knowledge of the whereabouts

of Merlin's body should be sent to the Ministry of Magic


"Merlin's body? That's strange. What would somebody want with Merlin's body?"

"I don't know, but I'll bet You-Know-Who is involved."

"Voldemort," I asked. Then I nodded. "I wouldn't be surprised. We should show this to Harry." She nodded and headed off.

I was going to my place at Gryffindor's table when Michael suddenly gasped and slumped into the table. I had the time to look at him and Dumbledore before suddenly felt weak and I collapsed to the ground.

Next: Chapter 10

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